Matthew Morey
Professor Matthew R. Morey, Ph.D. I am full professor of finance and NYSE Research Scholar at Pace University. My research is in mutual funds, behavioral finance and emerging markets. I have been a professor at Pace since 2000. Before coming to Pace I taught at the University of California, Irvine, Fordham University and Smith College (all in economics). I have a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Irvine and a B.A. in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I was a Fulbright Scholar to Bangladesh in 1993-1994 and worked for the U.S. State Department in Kuwait in 1989. My research has been published in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Omega, and the Journal of Financial Research (among many others) and has been cited in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CNBC and many other outlets. I have done consulting with TIAA-CREF and Alliance Bernstein. I primarily teach Introduction to Finance and Behavioral Finance and Economics.
Publications and Presentations
Morey, M. (2003). Should You Carry the Load?: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Out-of-Sample Performance of Load and No-Load Mutual Funds'. Journal of Banking & Finance. 27(7), 1245-1271.
Gottesman, A., Morey, M. (2006). Manager Education and Mutual Fund Performance. Journal of Empirical Finance. 13(2), 145-182. Read More >>
Morey, M., Gottesman, A., Baker, E., Godridge, B. (2009). Does Better Corporate Governance Result in Higher Market Valuations in Emerging Markets? Another Examination Using a New Data Set. Journal of Banking & Finance. 33(2), 254-262. Read More >>
Braga-Alves, M., Morey, M. (2012). Predicting Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets. Journal of International Money and Finance. 311414-1439.
Morey, M. (2015). Predicting Mutual Fund Performance. In Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck, and Halil Kiymaz (Ed.), Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded funds: Building Blocks to Wealth. (pp. 349-363). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Read More >>
Morey, M. (2015). Have Leading Textbooks Incorporated Recent Events?. Journal of Financial Education. Fall(2015), 11-30.
Gottesman, A., Morey, M. (2016). Getting What You Paid For: Using Mutual Fund Governance to Predict the Activeness of Mutual Funds. Journal of Investing. 25(1), 25-36. Read More >>
Gottesman, A., Morey, M. (2017). Active Share and Emerging Market Equity Funds. Journal of Investment Consulting. 18(1).
Morey, M., Yadav, S. (2018). Documentation of the File Drawer Problem In Academic Finance Journals. Journal of Investing. 27(1 (Spring)), 143-147. Read More >>
Sazhin, D., Morey, M.R. (2018). How We Contradict Ourselves: The Case of John Cochrane—Gliding and Behavioral Economics. American Economist. 63(1), 31-40. Read More >>
Blake, C.R., Morey, M. (2000). Morningstar Ratings and Mutual fund Performance. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 35(3), 451-481.
Morey, M. (2002). Mutual Fund Age and Morningstar Ratings. Financial Analysts Journal. 58(2), 56-63.
Morey, M., Morey, R.C. (1999). Mutual fund Performance Appraisals: A Multi-Horizon Perspective with Endogenous Benchmarking. Omega. 241-258.