Patricia Gloster-Coates
Personal Quote
My major, primary research goal is to uncover ancient historical data about the great medieval Islamic empires in North and West Africa.
Faculty Bio
I have gained administrative experience as a Director of Education for churches and museums. At local universities, I have taught African-American and African History and art history courses. Now I am Chair, History Department, New York.
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Economic and social factors that stall development in Third World countries;changing employment roles of women in northern African and West African societies.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
HIS 112: US Civilization Since 1877
HIS 114: Erpn Exprnc: The Ancient World
HIS 132: Africa: A Historical Survey
HIS 196: His of Ancnt / Medieval Africa
HIS 198: Ancient & Medieval African His
HIS 270: History of Modern South Africa
HIS 271: Culture/History -Black America
HIS 274: Histry of N. Africa After 1800
HIS 302: African-American History 1910
HIS 380: Seminar on Historiography
HIS 391: History Internship
HIS 395: Independent Study in History
INT 296: Third World? Two-Thirds World!
INT 296: Third World? Two-thirds World!
INT 297: World Role of S.Hemisphere