Peter Knopf
PhD, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1977
MS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1976
BS, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland , OH, 1971
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Approximately 15 research publications in the areas of Harmonic Analysis Rational Difference Equations and Several Complex Variables
Courses Taught
Past Courses
MAT 104: Finite Mathematics
MAT 111: Elementary Calculus I
MAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 132: Calculus II
MAT 137: Intro to Discrete Mathematics
MAT 236: Multivariable Calculus
MAT 253: Differential Equations
MAT 256: Math Structures for CS
MAT 296: Math Rsch Cap W/Real Anal
MAT 296: Topics in Mathematics
MAT 301: Algebraic Structures
MAT 395: Independent Study in Math
MAT 400: Math: Cnnctns, Cmmnctns, Rsrch
Publications and Presentations
Referee of research article published 2015 in the Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
Knopf, P. M.
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- American Mathematical Society