Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15 to October 15, honors Hispanic and Latino Americans’ history, culture and contributions. As part of Westchester County’s ongoing efforts to support the Hispanic/Latino community, a comprehensive survey is currently being conducted in collaboration with Pace University. The survey aims to gather essential data to help the County better address the evolving needs of its Hispanic/Latino residents in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, housing and social services.

Rebecca Tekula
Executive Director
Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Faculty Bio
Rebecca Tekula, Ph.D. is Chair and Professor of Public Administration at Pace University, and serves as Executive Director of the Helene and Grant Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship. She was recently appointed as Interim Associate Provost of External Engagement and Faculty Opportunity. Her research focuses on impact investing, social enterprise, social finance and governance. She specializes in community-engaged research that informs and improves the delivery of social and healthcare services, with the people and organizations impacted by these issues participating as equal partners in the research.
Awards and Honors
- 2022, Faculty of the Year Award (Student-Selected, Department of Public Administration)
- 2021, Bronze Medal Jefferson Award for Public Service
PhD, University of Lugano, Switzerland: Department of Public Management and Economics, Lugano, Switzerland, 2009
Economics / Public Management and Finance
MPA, Pace University, New York, NY, 2009
Nonprofit Management
MBA, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2006
Social Entrepreneurship, Finance and Strategy
BA, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 2000
English Literature
Research and Creative Works
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
Hispanic Population Community Needs Assessment
Tekula, R. & Scutelnicu Todoran, G. September 2024 - April 2025. Westchester County Hispanic Advisory Board to the County Executive, Local. Funded.
Council of Family and Childcare Agencies Financial Health Status
Scutelnicu-Todoran, G. & Tekula, R. February 2024 - December 2024. Council of Family and Child Care Agencies, NY, Other. Funded. Dr. Gina Scutelnicu-Todoran, Professor of Public Administration and Dr. Rebecca Tekula, Professor of Public Administration and Executive Director of the Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship were awarded an external grant award of nearly $30,000 by the Council of Family and Child Care Agencies (COFCCA), a nonprofit organization in New York City to assess the financial status of approximately 75 agencies under its umbrella. These agencies include those providing child welfare services –foster care, preventive services, and juvenile justice services. Dr. Scutelnicu-Todoran and Dr. Tekula will be working in collaboration with two graduate students to conduct a financial analysis of cumulative organizational revenue and expenditure, endowment, and other investments among other things. The researchers at Pace will prepare a final report and will deliver several presentations to executive and legislative leadership and staff at the New York state and New York City level.
The City and the Sea: A planning grant for a NYC undergraduate fellowship in civics and public service
Tekula, R., Scutelnicu, G., Bolton, M. & Kolenda, R. February 2024 - December 2024. The Teagle Foundation, Private. Funded. To develop an undergraduate fellowship program in public service, a two course sequence and summer placement, with the aim to support and empower Pace University’s diverse trove of first generation students to become the future civic leaders of New York City. https://www.teaglefoundation.org/Newsroom/News/Articles/Teagle-in-the-News/Pace-University-Receives-$25,000-Teagle-Foundation
Westchester County Opioid Response and Overdose Prevention Initiative
Tekula, R. & Scutelnicu, G. July 2023 - December 2024. Partnership to End Addiction and the Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health, NY, Local. Funded. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a pilot curriculum program about Co-Occurring Disorders (COD). The proposed COD curriculum is being pilot-tested in selected school districts in Westchester County. A survey instrument will be administered before and after three class sessions that will be delivered to high-school-aged teenagers, their adult supports, and school staff. Results from the surveys will help inform the development of a research-based COD curriculum to be implemented throughout the county, state and nationally.
Community Needs Assessment of Bronxville, Tuckahoe and Eastchester, NY
Tekula, R. & Scutelnicu, G. November 2022 - April 2023. The Community Fund of Bronxville, Tuckahoe and Eastchester & The Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Other. Funded.
Westchester County Nonprofit Compensation and Benefits Study
Tekula, R. & Scutelnicu, G. February 2022 - December 2022. NonprofitWestchester, Other. Funded.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
GEP 050: Social Entrepreneurship
PAA 601: Public Admin & its Environment
PAA 644: Seminar in Gvrnmnt MGT Topics
PAA 670: The Not-for-Profit Sector
PAA 673: Fncl Rsrce Dvlpmnt for Nonpft
PAA 681: Adv Smnr for Nonprft Mgt Iss
PAA 695: Intrnshp-HlthCre,Gvrnmnt,NnPrf
Publications and Presentations
An interesting year: The strength and adaptability of a community foundation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Tekula, R., Scutelnicu, G. & Rutter Korb, A. (2025). Cheltenham: UK , UK:Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/case-studies-on-nonprofit-resilience-management-9781035328567.html?srsltid=AfmBOoofySqRg9vz1FM1qwFr_3hBzlrdfv_zKeJ9scx09Jad7A_CltPu
Values, value and valuation: The marketization of charitable foundation impact investing.
Andersen, K. & Tekula, R. (2022). Journal of Business Ethics. (Issue 179) , pages 1033–1052.
The slippery slope: Struggling for equity in the academy in the era of #MeToo
Knepper, H., Scutelnicu, G. & Tekula, R. (2020). Public Administration Review. Vol 80 (Issue 6) , pages 1111-1117. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15406210
Why Gender and Research Productivity Matters in Academia: Exploring Evidence from NASPAA-accredited Schools
Knepper, H., Scutelnicu, G. & Tekula, R. (2020). Journal of Public Affairs Education. Vol 26 (Issue 1) , pages 51-72. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/upae20/current
The Economic Impact of Pace University Athletics
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/44/
The Economic Impact of Pace University Construction
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/48/
The Economic Impact of Pace University Elizabeth Haub School of Law
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/43/
The Economic Impact of Pace University New York City
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/49/
The Economic Impact of Pace University Performing Arts
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/42/
The Economic Impact of Pace University Pleasantville
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/46/
The Economic Impact of Pace University.
Tekula, R. & Rivero, A. (2019). https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/wilson/45/
Consistency is key in online learning: Evaluating student and instructor perceptions of a collaborative online-course template.
Scutelnicu, G., Tekula, R., Gordon, B. & Knepper, H. (2019). Teaching Public Administration. Vol 73 (Issue 3) , pages 274-292. https://journals.sagepub.com/home/tpa
Clustering social enterprises: A taxonomy based on self-perceptions of social entrepreneurs
Erpf, P., Tekula, R. & Neuenschwander, J. (2019). Social Enterprise Journal. Vol 15 (Issue 3) , pages 397-420. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SEJ-12-2018-0081/full/html
The role of government, nonprofit and private facilitation of the impact investing marketplace
Tekula, R. & Andersen, K. (2019). Public Performance & Management Review. Vol 42 (Issue 1) , pages 142-161.
Clustering Social Enterprises: A Taxonomy Based on Self-perceptions of Social Entrepreneurs
Erpf, P. & Tekula, R. (2018).
The state of women in public administration scholarship: Where we are, why we are here and why it matters
Scutelnicu, G., Knepper, H. & Tekula, R. (2018). PA Times. Vol 4 (Issue 2) , pages 32-33.
The State of the Impact Investing Marketplace: What is the Role of the Public and Nonprofit Sector, and Why?
Tekula, R. (2018). PA Times. https://patimes.org/the-state-of-the-impact-investing-marketplace-what-is-the-role-of-the-public-and-nonprofit-sector-and-why/
Impact Investing: Funding Social Innovation and Related Actors. (Forthcoming 2015) Ed. O.M. Lehner. Routledge Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance. Routeledge, Oxford, UK.
Tekula, R. M. (2016). Othmar M. Lehner (Eds.), Oxford , UK:Routledge. https://www.acrn-journals.eu/publications/publications/handbookssfii.html
Impact Investing: Actors, Metrics and Interactions.
Tekula, R. & Shah, A. (2016).
Universities as Intermediaries: Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship
Tekula, R., Shah, A. & Jhamb, J. (2015). Metropolitan Universities Journal. Vol 26 (Issue 1) , pages 35-51.
Social Entrepreneurship in the United States: Impact and Resilience in Crisis. Eds. Parra, C. and F. y Porta. Social Entrepreneurship: Sustainable Alternatives for a New Economy. J.M. Bosch, Barcelona, Spain
Tekula, R., Morreale, J. & Jhamb, J. (2014). Parra, C. and F. y Porta (Eds.), Barcelona , Spain:J.M. Bosch.
A Replicable Evaluation Method of Social Entrepreneurship Centers and Programs. Eds. Pate, L and C. Wankel. Emerging Research Directions in Social Entrepreneurship. Springer, Dordrecht, UK.
Rahman, N. & Tekula, R. M. (2014). Pate, Larry; Wankel, Charles (Eds.), Dordrecht , UK:Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789400778955
Responding to Challenge: Comparing Nonprofit Programmes and Pedagogy at Universities in the United Kingdom, Spain, and the United States
Murdock, A., Tekula, R. & Parra, C. (2014). The NISPAcee Journal of PublicAdministration and Policy. Vol VI (Issue 2) https://www.nispa.org/journal.php?sid=1134
Researching Artificial Intelligence, Organizations, and Management (Innovating for the Future)
LePere-Schloop, M., Rahman, N. & Tekula, R. (2024). Academy of Management. Public and Non-Profit (PNP) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM),
Researching Artificial Intelligence, Organizations, and Management
LePere-Schloop, M., Rahman, N. & Tekula, R. (2023). Academy of Management. Public and Non-Profit (PNP) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM),
Perceptions of gender equity in the academy: Explaining the research productivity gap in public administration scholarship
Scutelnicu, G. & Tekula, R. (2022). American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) National Conference. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA),
). Building, Scaling and Maintaining Innovative Cross-Sectoral Learning Programs
Grimm, R., Tekula, R., Ashcraft, R. & Brown, W. (2020). Network of Schools for Public Policy, Affairs, & Administration (NASPAA) Annual Conference. Network of Schools for Public Policy, Affairs, & Administration (NASPAA),
Impact Investing: Funding Social Innovation
Tekula, R. & Shah, A. (2014). Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) Conference 2014. Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU),
Characteristics of Pay-for-Performance Behavior in Nonprofit Organizations
Tekula, R. (2012). Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference . Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA),
Responding to Challenge: Comparing and Contrasting Selected University Nonprofit Programmes and Pedagogy in the USA and Europe
Tekula, R., Murdock, A. & Parra, C. (2012). Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference . Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA),
Unrelated Business Income in Nonprofits: Does this Earned Income Sustain Programs?”
Tekula, R. (2012). Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference . Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA),
Responding to Challenge: Comparing and Contrasting Selected University Nonprofit Programmes and Pedagogy in the USA and Europe
Tekula, R. & Murdock, A. (2012). NYU Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship 2012. NYU,
The Relationship Between Governance and Performance in Nonprofits: A Quantitative Analysis
Tekula, R. (2011). Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting 2011. Academy of Management (AOM),
Back to Square One: An Examination of Social Enterprise Centers and Programs,”
Tekula, R. & Rahman, N. (2010). NYU Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship 2010. NYU,
Social Enterprise: Innovation or Mission Distraction?
Tekula, R. (2010). NYU Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship 2010. NYU,
Inefficient Cross-Subsidies in the Diversification of Nonprofit Revenue Streams: How do Financial Gains from Unrelated Business Activities Relate to Program Expenditure?
Tekula, R. (2009). IDHEAP Academic Conference. IDHEAP,
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [Co-Chair, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Track]
- Academy of Management [Communications Officer, Public and Nonprofit Management Division]
- Academy of Management [Executive Committee Member, Public and Nonprofit Division]
- Pi Alpha Alpha, the National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration
- Academy of Management [Membership Chair]
Related News and Stories
As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, Westchester County officials are inviting all residents of Hispanic or Latino descent to fill out a community needs assessment form by October 7. The comprehensive survey is currently being conducted in collaboration with Professor Rebecca Tekula and her team. The survey aims to gather essential data to help the County better address the evolving needs of its Hispanic/Latino residents in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, housing and social services.
The Helene and Grant Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Pace University leads and supports Community-Engaged Research across its many partnerships with local communities and organizations. Community-engaged research is a collaborative process that incorporates the input of individuals and organizations affected by research outcomes as equal partners in the research process.