Shamita Dutta Gupta

Shamita Dutta Gupta

Associate Chair
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Mathematics NY
41 Park Row


Faculty Bio

Shamita Dutta Gupta is a Professor of Mathematics and the Associate Chair of the Department of Mathematics at Pace University. She graduated with a Ph.D. from Brown University in 1995. She joined The Pennsylvania State University at State College thereafter for a fixed term research Assistant Professor position, next moving to a tenure track Assistant Professor position at the Florida International University in 1996. Professor Dutta Gupta then moved to Pace University as a tenure track Assistant Professor in 2000. At Pace University, she was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in 2002 and rose to the rank of Professor in 2006.

Awards and Honors

  • Pace University, 2024, Kenan Teaching Award for Outstanding Teaching
  • MAA NY Metro Section, 2023, Distinguished Teaching Award
  • Florida International University, 2000, Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
  • 1997, Outstanding Young Woman in America


PhD, Brown University, 1995

MS, Brown University, 1992

Integrated MSc, Indian Institute of Technology, 1990

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Professor Dutta Gupta has four main research areas, Number Theory, Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics and Mathematics Education. In Number Theory, her work involves application of Rankin-Selberg methods to modular forms associated to Elliptic Curves over function fields. In Actuarial Science, her work focuses on risk return profile of Life Settlement as an investment. Her work also covers Property Insurance reserving, Social Security modeling, valuation of variable annuity guarantees. In Financial Mathematics, her work covers capital requirement for banks, Asset Backed Securitization, and application of Simulation methods and sampling methods in finance and insurance. In Mathematics Education, her work includes retention and success rate in mathematics courses and ways to model courses with student centric tools that result in student success. She develops and tests models for student success in pivotal mathematics courses that are indicators for STEM success and those for Business school. She has successfully won Pace University internal grants. She has 30 publications.

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Breaking the mold: the AMC contest is for me
Dutta Gupta, S. AMC4all, Mathematical Association of America, MAA, Private. Funded. The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) are a series of competitions in middle and high school mathematics and administered by the Mathematical Association of America. The aim is to strengthen the skills of the next generation of mathematicians, thinkers, and analysts using classroom resources that culminate in a friendly competition. Pace University partnered with Pace HS, Ryan MS and Marie Curie MS in the Pathways to AMC contests where the students trained rigorously to find the deeper connections between mathematical topics and started connecting the dots improving their skills to tackle challenging problems. We are now at the thresh hold of breaking the mold, and making AMCs an enjoyable and satisfying endeavor for each one of us.

Pathways to AMC contests
Dutta Gupta, S. Neff Outreach Funds from Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Private. Funded. The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) are a series of competitions in middle and high school mathematics and administered by the Mathematical Association of America. The aim is to strengthen the skills of the next generation of mathematicians, thinkers, and analysts using classroom resources that culminate in a friendly competition. Pace University will work with Pace High School to offer an after-school AMC training program which will help students develop proficiency for mathematics and analytical thinking beyond classroom mathematics. We will make deep dives into topics of mathematics, through multi-tiered problems. With this approach the students will make deeper connections between topics and start connecting the dots improving their skills enough to find the AMCs, though challenging, an enjoyable and satisfying endeavor. Thus, they will become lifelong learners of mathematics. The program will also be open to other area high schools.

Embedded Boot Camps: A Path to Success
Dutta Gupta, S. Bridge Funds, Office of Sponsored Research, Pace University. Funded.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

MAT 102: Mathematics for Life
MAT 102: Mathematics for Life - LC
MAT 103: Algebra
MAT 104: Finite Mathematics
MAT 111: Elementary Calculus I
MAT 117: Elementary Statistics
MAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 132: Calculus II
MAT 134: Intro to Prbablty & Statistics
MAT 236: Multivariable Calculus
MAT 253: Differential Equations
MAT 395: Independent Study in Math

Publications and Presentations


Interpolation of the Option Portfolio Valuation
Dutta Gupta, S. (2024). American Review of Mathematics and Statistics. Vol 12 (Issue 1)

Embedded Boot Camps: A Path to Success
Dutta Gupta, S. (2023). International Journal of Education and Social Science. Vol 10 (Issue 2)

General Linear Regression for Ordinal Analysis
Dutta Gupta, S. (2023). American Review of Mathematics and Statistics. Vol 11 (Issue 1)

On theOn the Representative Scenario Method
Dutta Gupta, S. (2023). American Review of Mathematics and Statistics. Vol 11 (Issue 1)

Reconciliation of Two Approaches of Basel Capital Formula for Credit Risk
Dutta Gupta, S. (2019). J. of Ningxia University (Natural Science Edition). (Issue 4)

Calendar Year Effect and Chain Ladder Method
Dutta Gupta, S. (2018). J. of Ningxia University (Natural Science Edition). (Issue 3)

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • Kappa Mu Epsilon [Corresponding Secretary, Pace University]
  • Mathematical Association of America [Vice-Chair for Four Year Colleges]
  • Mathematical Association of America [Secretary Gold Coast Region, FL]

Department Service

  • Curriculum Committee [Committee Chair]
  • Hiring Committee [Affirmative Action Officer]
  • Kappa Mu Epsilon [Faculty Advisor]

University Service

  • Admission and Retention [Attendee, Meeting]

Public Service

  • AMC 10/12 [Program Organizer]
  • Middle School Visits to Pace University [Program Organizer]

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