Sotirios Skevoulis
Personal Quote
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Faculty Bio
I hold a PhD degree in Computer Science from DePaul University, an MS degree in Computer Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and a BS degree in Mathematics from University of Patras in Greece. I have conducted extensive research in the fields of computers and software, including software development, object-oriented technology and languages, methods of computer education, Java programming, databases, software security and other topics. I have delivered papers and presentations at many technical conferences. I am a member of the ACM, IEEE, European Accreditation Board for Colleges & Universities and International Association of Engineers, Formal Methods Europe.
Awards and Honors
- Pace University, School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Excellent In Research Award 2001
- Amity University, 2017, Keynote Speaker
- DePaul University, 1997, Award of Excellence
PhD, DePaul University, 1999
Computer Science
MS, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1993
Computer Science
BS, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, 1988
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Formal Methods; Software Development; Object-Oriented Technology and Languages; Software Engineering;
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
CSIS School
Skevoulis, S. Pace University, CSIS School, Pace University. Funded. Awarded a summer research grant by the CSIS School to develop promote a Formal Methods website and lead a worldwide research effort hosted on Pace servers
National Science Foundation Grant
Skevoulis, S. September 2002 - August 2005. National Science Foundation, Other. Funded. Awarded for work on "Integrating Formal Methods Tools into the Undergraduate Curriculum". Award # DUE-0126991
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CIS 101: Downtown New York
CIS 101: Forensic Computing
CIS 101: Introduction to Computing
CIT 314: Introduction to Programming II
CS 113: Mathematical Structures for CS
CS 121: Computer Programming I
CS 122: Computer Programming II
CS 199: Tpc:Formal Discrete Structures
CS 396: Topic: Formal Software Dvlpmnt
CS 397: Topic: Software Design
CS 490: Ind Study in Computer Science
CS 502: Fund Comp Sci I using Java
CS 502: Fundamentals of Programming
CS 600: Indpndnt Study in Grad CS
CS 602: Fndmntl Cmptr Sci I with Java
CS 616: Softwre Engineering Seminar II
CS 630: Intelligent Agents
CS 653: Cryptography & Comp Sec
CS 691: Computer Science Project I
CS 691: Computer Science Projects
CS 692: Computer Science Project II
CS 693: Thesis I
CS 694: Thesis II
CS 699: Field Study
CS 773: Software Design Methodologies
CS 775: System Requirement Engineering
CS 777: Sftwre Rlabilty & Qlty Assrnce
CS 785: Software Development Studio I
CS 786: Software Development Studio II
CS 802: Research Seminar
CS 825: Cmpnnt Arch Entrprs App Dev
CS 831: Math Mdlng of Sftwr Artifacts
CS 851: Sftwr Validation & Verifcation
CS 890: Sftwre Dvlpmnt/HCI/Sftwre Mgt
CS 896: Software Research Seminar
DCS 801: Software Design & Implntn I
IT 607: System Dvlpmnt & Prjct Mgmnt
IT 668: Building Secure Software I
IT 669: Building Secure Software II
IT 690: Building Secure Software I
IT 690: Special Tpcs in Internet Tech
IT 691: Capstone Project
SE 602: Fundmntl Cmptr Sci I with Java
SE 616: Intro to Software Engineering
SE 673: Software Design Methodologies
SE 675: Requirements Engineering
SE 677: Software Reliability & Quality
SE 679: Contemp Software Engineering
SE 700: Independent Study
SE 700: Independent Study in SE
SE 701: Software Development Thesis I
SE 702: Software Development Thesis II
SE 725: Component Architectures
SE 741: Formal Software Development
SE 751: Software Validation
SE 765: Distributed Software Develop
SE 770: Software Risk Management
SE 785: Software Engineering Studio
SE 790: Topics in Software Development
SE 796: Software Research Seminar
Publications and Presentations
Skevoulis, S. Breaking New Ground in Information Assurance. Pace Annual Report Roundtable on Software Security,
Skevoulis, S. (2001). Diversity Across the Curriculum. .
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- Association for Computing Machinery [Member]
- CSEE&T [Member, Organizing Committee for CSEE&T]
- Formal Methods Europe [FMEurope Member]
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [Member]
- International Association of Engineers [Senior Member]