Meet Tasha Darbes, PhD, a Pace School of Education professor with a passion for the transformative power of education.

Tasha Darbes
Research and Creative Works
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
STARTALK 2015 Program Grant
Darbes, T. . . Awarded $90,000 to fund an Urdu-language program for a community-based organization that works with Pakistani-American youth in Brooklyn. This program will train teachers and students to become “Citizen folklorists” and collect and digitally preserve and disseminate cultural practices in the community.
Literacy, Gender and Education Fellowship
Darbes, T. Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families. . Literacy, Gender and Education Fellowship
Responsible for designing curriculum supports for African-origin immigrant high school students who are designated as SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education). Collected ethnographic, participant observer data and provided instructional support to students.
The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF)
Darbes, T. . . Doctoral Dissertation Grant
Courses Taught
Past Courses
ED 551: Foundation of Bilingual Edu
ED 555: Tchng & Lrnng to Write
ED 556: Curriculum Mthd & Assessment I
ED 556: Curriculum Mthd & Assessmnt II
ED 557: Lngstcs & Grmmr for Lng Tchrs
ED 559: Student Tchng/Practica TESOL
EDG 609: Lang, Ltrcy, and Glbl Prspctvs
EDG 615: Wrld Lngs Instrctn and Assmnt
EDU 696: Ecuador With a Cause
TCH 296: Ecuador with a Cause
TCH 351: Foundations of Bilingual Edu
TCH 427: Tchng Wld Lang to Adolescent
TCH 452: CPD Experience
TCH 452: Language Acqstn & Englsh Lrng
TCH 452: Undrstndng Lngg, Cltr, & Edctn
TCH 453: Mthds & Matrls: Tchng Bi-Ling
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Meet Tasha Darbes, PhD, a Pace School of Education professor with a passion for the transformative power of education.