Tiffany Henley

Tiffany Henley

Associate Professor
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences


Faculty Bio

Dr. Tiffany Henley received a PhD in Public Administration in Public Administration and Urban Policy from Old Dominion University in 2016. Her research interests include health policy, public policy, collaboration, and nonprofit management.


PhD, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 2016
Public Administration

MA, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, 2011

BA, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 2006

Research and Creative Works

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Stakeholder Perspectives of the Needed and Actual Competencies, Values, and Attitudes of City and County Government Procurement Officials
Henley, T. J. National Institute of Governmental Purchasings: The Institute for Public Procurement, Private. Funded.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

PAA 601: Public Admin & its Environment
PAA 602: Organization Theory & Mgmt
PAA 606: Research Methods for PAA
PAA 644: Seminar in Gvrnmnt MGT Topics
PAA 650: The U.S. Health Care System
PAA 651: Community Health Assessment
PAA 652: Health Policy Studies
PAA 661: Hospital/Health Services Admin
PAA 665: Seminar in Health Services Mgt
PAA 695: Intrnshp:NnPrf,Gvrnmnt,HlthCre
PAA 699: Capstone Project Seminar

Publications and Presentations


Older adults’ perceptions of community-based telehealth wellness programs: A qualitative study
Zhang, Z., Henley, T. J., Schiaffino, M., Wiese, J., Sachs, D. & Migliaccio, J. (2021). Journal of Informatics for Health and Social Care.

The Spread of COVID-19 among Blacks: How does it impact Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs)?
Gregory, K., Henley, T. J. & Amaya, A. (2020). Journal of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing. Vol 15 (Issue 2)


How Do State Innovation and Diffusion Factors Affect State Decisions on Medicaid Expansion? A State Comparative Analysis
Henley, T. J. (2020). American Society for Public Administration. Online.

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