Timothy Waligore
Global Studies Major Coordinator
Faculty Bio
Timothy Waligore is currently Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of International Relations and Global Studies at Pace University in New York. His research interests include Indigenous peoples, Immanuel Kant, reparations, liberalism and critical race theory, climate justice, and global justice. He is also a frequent Guest Professor during the summer at the University of Graz in Austria, where he previously co-led (with Professor Lukas Meyer) a project on the rectification and supersession of historical injustice, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University in 2008, writing his dissertation on "Cosmopolitan Right and Historical Wrong: Kantian Theory and Reparations for Indigenous Peoples." Prior to coming to Pace, he was an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellow and a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Research Group on Constitutional Studies and Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique at McGill University. He has also been the Democracy and Diversity postdoctoral fellow at Queen’s University, as well as a postdoctoral fellow at the Justitia Amplificata ("Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global") Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Frankfurt in Germany. He has previously taught at McGill University, Queen's University in Ontario, Smith College, Columbia University, and York College in the City University of New York.
He has published in 'Journal of Social Philosophy'; 'Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy,' 'Politics, Philosophy & Economics,' 'Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric,' 'Moral Philosophy and Politics,' 'Public Reason: Journal of Moral and Political Philosophy,' 'Analyze & Kritik,' 'The Nation,' and 'The New Republic' and 'The Palgrave Handbook on International Political Theory'. His edited books include Domination and Global Political Justice (Routledge, 2005)(co-edited with Barbara Buckinx and Jonathan Trejo-Mathys), and Rectifying Historical Injustice: Debating the Supersession Thesis (Routledge, 2023)(co-edited with Lukas H. Meyer).
BA, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
PhD, Columbia University, New York, New York
Political Theory
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Global Justice, Reparations for Historical Injustice, Indigenous Peoples, Immanuel Kant, Climate Justice, Rights
Courses Taught
Past Courses
POL 102: Public Myth & Ideologies
POL 114: Intro to Intrntl Relations
POL 120: Crimes Against Humanity
POL 196: Crimes Against Humanity
POL 196: Immigration, Pol & Justice
POL 196: Twelve Big Ideas in Politics
POL 218: Pol Science/Economic Thought
POL 225: Global Justice
POL 241: Classical Political Thought
POL 242: Medieval Political Theory
POL 243: Modern Political Theory
POL 247: Intrntl Law & Hmn Rghts
POL 297: Topic: Global Justice
POL 393: Internship in Government
POL 499: Senior Year Experience/Politic
Publications and Presentations
Rawls, Self-Respect, and Assurance: How Past Injustice Changes What Counts As Justice
Waligore, T. P. (2016). Politics, Philosophy & Economics. Vol 15 (Issue 1) , pages 27-56.
Domination Across Borders
Waligore, T. P. (2015). New York , USA & UK:Routledge.
Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical, and Institutional Perspectives
Waligore, T. P. (2015). Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical, and Institutional Perspectives.Barbara Buckinx, Jonathan Trejo-Mathys, and Timothy Waligore (Eds.), New York , USA : Routledge. , pages 360 pages.
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- Global Justice Network
- Association for Political Theory
- Western Political Science Association
- American Political Science Association