Group of Pace University students sitting on a wall in Manhattan and hanging out.

About Days of Origin

What is Days of Origin?

Days of ORIGIN: a university-wide initiative offering the Pace Community, surrounding community members, and institutional partners an opportunity to engage in conversation about systems that divide. Inspired by Isabel Wilkerson's New York Times best-seller, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents —the basis for the film ORIGIN—this multi-day and multifaceted event will examine the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and show how our lives today are still defined by a hierarchy of human divisions. Wilkerson’s exploration of casteism impacting Black folks in America, Jews during the Holocaust, and the Dalits in India paves the way for in-depth discussion, self-reflection, and call to action.

Prepare, Engage, Reflect, and Connect

While Days of ORIGIN will span throughout the Spring, we can breakdown the semester-long program into three categories of action:

  • In January and February, select faculty will participate in localized departmental professional development workshops to discuss and plan how they will incorporate ORIGIN and Caste themes into one or more lesson plans during the Spring semester.

    Our February programs will kick off Days of ORIGIN and set the stage for a series of events that will continue our conversations related to ORIGIN and Caste themes: Law, History, International Affairs, Mental Health, Advocacy and Activism, Social and Racial Justice, etc.

  • In the second to third weeks of March, main programming for all of Pace University and invited community organization members will take place. These programs will include film screenings, speaker events, classroom implementation, and more.

  • Towards the end of March through the end of the semester, all campus members are invited to participate in a debrief and discourse to review what we’ve learned and how to continue these discussions.

Who is hosting this event and why?

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) envisions Days of ORIGIN as a catalyst for personal reflection, scholarly exploration, and community action. Inspired by Isabel Wilkerson’s transformative journey of tragedy and triumph, which led to one of the defining books of our time, this event embodies the principles of equity and inclusion.

Days of ORIGIN is expected to engage a campus and community audience of 3,000. Through partnership and sponsorship with our campus community, community organizations, and institutional partners, the DEI team is honored to present the collaborative and invaluable experience that is Days of ORIGIN.

Where will these events happen?

Days of ORIGIN will be hybrid with programs held virtually and/or in-person on our NYC, Pleasantville, and White Plains campuses. The movie screening in Pleasantville will be at the Jacob Burns Film Center.

Questions? Contact Us!
