Rachmaninoff Art Songs Arranged For Solo Piano
Lee Evans, Edd
Professor Of Music, Pace Performing Arts

What is the central theme of your book?
Rachmaninoff Art Songs Arranged for Solo Piano is a unique book in the sense that it is an amalgam of the vocal and piano accompaniment parts of the original Rachmaninoff songs upon which my volume is based. Such a presentation enables pianists to play these selected Rachmaninoff songs without them having to be sung, just as any George Gershwin or Cole Porter song may be played as a solo composition without being sung.
What inspired you to write this book?
Mostly, the gorgeous music of Rachmaninoff, my all-time favorite composer.
Why is this book important in your field? What does it contribute to the current body of knowledge on this topic?
Such a presentation of Rachmaninoff songs as piano solos did not previously exist; thus, I saw my book as a unique opportunity to expand the piano solo literature with eleven fantastically beautiful pieces, mostly previously unknown to pianists.
What other books have you published?
I am the author of close to 110 published books. My music publishers have included Hal Leonard Corporation, FJH Music Company, Piano Plus, Inc., and most recently, SuperScore Music App. On my website, in the News section, one can also listen to me playing this book's contents in their entirety, as well as hearing me play the contents of several other very recent books of mine published by SuperScore Music App.