GreenPace serves as an incubator of ideas where Pace University students, staff, faculty and administrators can develop sustainability proposals, create research projects, and implement various green practices while involving the Pace and outside community in its efforts.

In 2008, a university-wide committee was started at Pace University with intentions of researching, discussing, prioritizing, communicating, and implementing green initiatives on our campuses. Since its inception, GreenPace has engaged the university community to implement sustainability projects on the Pleasantville, New York City and White Plains campuses.
The formal definition of sustainability is to "[meet] the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Given the breadth and depth of expertise throughout an institution of higher learning, sustainable considerations should be incorporated into all facets of operations and academics. We have a responsibility to lessen our footprint and negative impact on the environment to the greatest extent feasible. In doing so, we hope to help secure a healthy and productive planet for future generations.
Committees and Members
The GreenPace Sustainability Committee is comprised of diverse representatives throughout the University including faculty, associate deans, students, alumni, senior administration, service and facility managers. The committee shares its recommendations with the Vice President of Campus Planning and Facilities, Ibi Yolas. As priorities and initiatives range from campus to campus, representatives from all three campuses attend regular meetings to discuss issues and projects specific to their respective campus.
Achinthi Vithanage
Associate Director of Environmental Law Programs
White Plains campus
Email: avithanage2@law.pace.edu
Michelle Land
Director of Academics and Programs
Pleasantville campus
Email: mland@pace.edu
Anne Toomey
Assistant Professor
New York City campus
Email: atoomey@pace.edu
Contact Us
We welcome new members! If you have any questions about Pace University’s sustainability and environmental initiatives on the Pleasantville, New York City and/or White Plains campuses and throughout the local community, email any of the above co-chairs or GreenPace at greenpace@pace.edu.