Dyson News

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In the Media

Toomey, a conservation scientist at Pace University’s Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, tells me why this happens: It’s human psychology.

“Knowledge is formed by our experiences, not just by reading facts in a textbook,” she says. “Scientists believe ‘if only people knew what I know, they’d think differently from how they think now.’ But that’s not how it works. We don’t just need to give people information. We need to start understanding how that information can be brought into a process of change-making.”

July 17, 2023
The Revelator
In the Media

Since its creation in 2014, the Pace School of Performing Arts (PPA) has been a leader in producing top talent, with its graduates widely represented in the film, TV, theater, and dance industries.

When the program launched within Pace’s Dyson College of Arts and Sciences nearly two decades ago, it was Manhattan’s first new performing arts school in almost half a century. Today, in keeping with its long tradition of innovation and in recognition of the rapidly evolving industry, PPA is getting its own stand-alone identity: The Sands College of Performing Arts.

July 17, 2023
Pace Magazine

Cables, coffee, curveballs, and now–curriculum. Read all about how George Chacko and Rich Miller, two Pace staff members, used their podcast to build out an audiovisual minor here at Pace that might just lead the charge to revolutionizing how AV professionals are trained.

July 12, 2023
Pace Magazine

During the semester of production, which included filming across France and New York, Pace student filmmakers spoke with farmers, chefs, and restaurateurs who have dedicated their lives to making slow food a reality in a fast-paced world. Their film, For the Love of Food, premiered this May to a worldwide audience.

July 12, 2023
Pace Magazine

The launch of the new Sands College of Performing Arts, another year in the #1 slot for environmental law, a ton of awards and research, plus so much more. Here are your Summer 2023 top 10 Things to Inspire.

July 12, 2023

Dyson graduates working in the publishing industry are actively engaged in the field’s evolution in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

July 7, 2023
In the Media

“How to Power a City” is a documentary directed by award-winning filmmaker and Pace University professor Melanie LaRosa, was shot in several locations around the U.S. including the Southeast Michigan city, which is located within Detroit’s corporate boundary. The film documents similar resilient, grassroots efforts in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, New York and Puerto Rico.

July 7, 2023
Michigan Advance
In the Media

“Given the alarming decline in biodiversity globally and statewide, New York has a special duty to end this indiscriminate killing of wild animals that masquerades as wildlife conservation.” said Michelle Land, Pace University professor of environmental law and policy, and chief faculty of its Animal Advocacy Clinic. “Ending the senseless slaughter from wildlife killing contests is the priority of our clinic students, who will be pressing Governor Hochul to sign the bill into law and, we hope, personally deliver their 550 signature petition in support of the bill.”

July 7, 2023
Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly
Press Release

Liani Frederick, a third-year student majoring in Psychology, has earned a scholarship from the federal government to take her studies on the road, Pace University today announced.

In winning the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, Frederick ’25 is among 2,100 undergraduate students from across the country who will be studying abroad with the support through the U.S. Department of the State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which aims to expand access to international education opportunities to Americans across the socioeconomic spectrum.

June 27, 2023

The Animal Policy Project, an initiative through the Environmental Studies and Science department, is giving students first-hand opportunities to advocate for legislation surrounding animal issues.

June 26, 2023