Dyson News

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Jeremiah Williams ‘23 has always been a talker. From his high school debate team to addressing the United Nations First Committee, Jeremiah recognizes the power of speaking up when it counts.

November 22, 2021
In the Media

“Sanitation Celebration” is a Pace University Gallery exhibit of painting, video, sculpture, and photography by 21 Department of Sanitation (DSNY) workers, plus the department’s artists-in-residence, Mierle Laderman Ukeles and sTo Len. The show opened on Nov. 14 and continues to Jan. 28.

November 19, 2021
The Tribeca Trib
In the Media

Instructors from Pace University’s Dyson College of Arts and Sciences recently received a $499,354 grant from the National Science Foundation that will allow them to expand the teaching of data science skills into introductory biology and environmental science courses.

November 19, 2021
Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals

Dyson students took their coursework beyond the classroom walls, tackling real-world issues and presenting to global policymakers.

November 18, 2021

After a long hiatus, and with precautions still in place, live performances have returned to New York – and Pace Performing Arts students and alumni involved in ground-breaking on-campus productions and “spectacular” off-campus shows are rejoicing.

November 18, 2021

“Pace allowed me the space and grace to form my own distinct value system, while expanding my knowledge of scholarly political theories and feminist texts to prepare me for my career.”

November 18, 2021
In the Media

“Sanitation Celebration" opens on November 14th and runs through January 28 at Pace University Gallery in Manhattan. There are photography, video, sculptures, paintings, and more mediums represented, from minimalist self-portraits to large-scale abstract paintings to custom-made sneakers on display.

November 16, 2021
Press Release

Pace University has named Jennifer M. Holmes, PhD, an internationally recognized leader in arts education, as its new executive director of the Pace School of Performing Arts (PPA).

November 16, 2021
Press Release

“Sanitation Celebration,” an exhibit featuring art created by New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) employees, opened with a public reception on November 14. Together, the Sanitation Foundation, the official nonprofit of DSNY, and Pace University Art Gallery are pleased to present this in-person art exhibit sponsored by Mack Trucks.

November 11, 2021

Through a hands-on internship, Coast Guard veteran and Master’s of Environmental Policy student Maddie Feaster ’21 took her environmental advocacy skills from the classroom to the state capitol.

November 11, 2021