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Pace Magazine

Though disrupted by the global pandemic, the students of PaceDocs got to explore the future of filmmaking through their most recent documentary, Bee Aware.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

When her summer internship plans fell through as a result of COVID-19, Isabelle Labianco '22 was able to rebound quickly. She spent the next several months researching the intersection between behavioral economics and media messaging; particularly, how they combined in a rather unique fashion during the early months of the pandemic.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

Pace has spent the past several years taking undergraduate research to the next level. Read about how the newly formed Center for Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) is empowering Pace students to make impressive strides in student research.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

With the inaugural class of Teaching Fellows, Pace University’s Faculty Center is building upon its strong foundation to become a major hub for interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation at Pace.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

In a year unlike any other, the transformative power of Pace has the ability to uplift and hearten. Here are just a few of our most inspiring Pace moments.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

In year where stage lights all across the world went dark, Pace’s School of Performing Arts found creative ways to keep the show going. Through virtual industry showcases, the actors, directors, and future show-business stars of tomorrow were able to showcase their talent to representatives from film, theater, and television through original performances that announced the Class of 2021 to the professional world.

May 27, 2021
Faculty and Staff

Associate Professor of Media, Communications, and Visual Arts Allen Oren highlights the beauty of quiet and  “meaningful silences” in our world in his latest documentary, “A Day in the Life of Silence,” which premiered in New York City on March 9 on WNYE and will continue to be shown on public television nationally throughout the spring and summer." The film guides viewers around the globe with beautiful images and quotes related to the importance of silence, and, appropriately, it consists of little to no audio.

May 26, 2021
Faculty and Staff

We sat down with Professor Matthew Bolton and learned a little bit about international treaty research, Amy Winehouse, the International Disarmament Institute, and surfing history.

May 1, 2021