Q&A with Rudra Persaud ‘19

Dyson College of Arts and Science

Rudra is a PhD student at the University of Southern California studying synthetic organic chemistry in the lab of Valery Fokin. Using a click chemistry approach, he works on synthesizing covalent inhibitors which can be used to spy on biological systems, as well as improve drug discovery, drug development, and drug efficiency. Prior to starting his PhD, he obtained his BS in Biochemistry from Pace University.

Five students at night looking at the NYC skyline over the water
Portrait of Rudra Persuad, young chemistry major alum at Pace University wearing a dark zippered cardigan
Portrait of Rudra Persuad, young chemistry major alum at Pace University wearing a dark zippered cardigan

Rudra is a PhD student at the University of Southern California studying synthetic organic chemistry in the lab of Valery Fokin. Using a click chemistry approach, he works on synthesizing covalent inhibitors which can be used to spy on biological systems, as well as improve drug discovery, drug development, and drug efficiency. Prior to starting his PhD, he obtained his BS in Biochemistry from Pace University.

In addition to being a PhD student at USC, Rudra is also a leading member of Biotech Connections Los Angeles (BCLA), an organization aiming to inspire, educate and connect emerging scientists and entrepreneurs through initiatives that focus on growth, development, and diversification of biotech in LA.

Rudra’s goal through his graduate studies and extracurricular work is to highlight translational science within the public and private sectors of STEM with hopes of contributing to the growth of innovation within the LA biotech ecosystem and to promote diversity within these fields.

Why did you choose to attend Pace, and to pursue a major in Biochemistry?

I choose to study Biochemistry because, although I took biology and chemistry classes in high school and enjoyed them, I was naive and didn’t really understand the difference between them, so when I saw biochemistry as an offering for a major, I knew the decision was right for me. It seemed like the path of least resistance, which in retrospect, worked out for me, because Pace gave me a good flavor of both chemistry and biology, which I can implement in the convergent research I participate in for my PhD.

At the time of making college enrollment decisions, I chose Pace because it was in the heart of a global metropolis, which offered me an opportunity to tap into resources in New York City and in the surrounding biotech-rich Tri-state area closer to the Pleasantville campus. Additionally, they offered me a competitive financial aid package.

Tell us about your background, and what motivates you.

One of my main drives is to better understand human health and to uncover what makes the human body so resilient, and with this understanding, push our modern approach to medicine to improve health outcomes. My passion in this sense was solidified during my second year at Pace while taking organic chemistry with Professor Rizzo, who is a fitness enthusiast and health guru. In taking inspiration from her, I learned a lot about natural remedies and ways to treat diseases with the tools that mother nature gave us. Following this, I was fortunate to cross paths with Professor Chang, who introduced me to a biochemical approach to study the body through enzyme activities and visualizing how enzyme morphologies play a role in different species.

Did you have any internships/research opportunities or were you engaged in any activities on campus?

As a student in New York City, you really get to experience what the rest of the world refers to as the “New York Minute” because time really does move very fast in the city. At Pace, I have had the opportunity to participate in various undergraduate research projects since my sophomore year. Working with Professor Rizzo in synthesizing natural antibacterial and antifungal surfaces opened my curiosity to how chemistry affects the body, and, thereafter, working with Professor Chang to identify morphological changes among lactate dehydrogenase enzymes in different species.

One of my main drives is to better understand human health and to uncover what makes the human body so resilient, and with this understanding, push our modern approach to medicine to improve health outcomes.

In addition to all of the nerdy things I did as a student, there was also a lot of opportunity to explore my creative side. Some of my fondest memories at Pace came from being a campus tour guide/welcome center representative, mentoring other students as a peer leader for general chemistry, participating in clubs and organizations like the Chemistry Club and Tri-Beta, and working at a nonprofit organization called Breakthrough New York to support the underprivileged across all five boroughs.

What did you do upon graduation and what are your career goals?

After graduation, I knew I wanted to pursue higher education, and I had a lot of support for this decision from my family and Pace faculty, but I was not exactly sure of what to do. After reflecting over the summer, I realized I had the drive for STEM and STEM education from my exposure to the sciences at Pace, research opportunities, and attending conferences, so I decided to pursue a PhD in Chemistry during my gap year.

What advice would you like to give our current students?

One of the guiding principles that is tried and true in my life is learning to take advantage of your surroundings! As a student in New York City, there is so much opportunity around; if you have a calling to do something, no matter how small, pursue that thought. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into fitting a specific karyotype.

As a student in STEM, I obviously spent a lot of time within the walls of a lab setting and spent many hours studying, but New York City gave me a chance to sometimes step away

from the academic environment to explore myself and other interests which taught me how to be a multifaceted person.

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Coping and Caring on Campus - Radical Health at Pace University

Pace Path/Student Success

Pace University’s RADical Health Program — a skill-based wellness experience that equips young adults to cope before they reach a crisis point --was featured on the TODAY Show.

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In The Media

Making Moves in the Music Industry

Lubin School of Business

Lubin student Latoya Robinson '23 is making a name for herself in the music industry and on-campus. As she pursues her BBA in Arts and Entertainment Management, she's also interning at Sony Music as an A+R intern, discovering new talent and helping them launch into stardom. Meanwhile, on the New York City Campus, Latoya is on the e-board for the Residence Hall Association and a member of the Black Student Union and P.A.C.E. Board, where she has the opportunity to curate and be part of major events.

Lubin student Latoya Robinson '23

Latoya Robinson

Ticketing Assistant, Live Nation Entertainment

Class of 2023
BBA in Arts and Entertainment Management

Member Of: Residence Hall Association (Vice President), Black Student Union, P.A.C.E. Board

Pronouns: She/Her

Lubin student Latoya Robinson '23

Latoya Robinson is making a name for herself in the music industry and on-campus. As she pursues her BBA in Arts and Entertainment Management, she's also interning at Sony Music as an A+R intern, discovering new talent and helping them launch into stardom. Meanwhile, on the New York City Campus, Latoya is on the e-board for the Residence Hall Association and a member of the Black Student Union and P.A.C.E. Board, where she has the opportunity to curate and be part of major events.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I chose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business because of the excellent business program and location in the heart of New York City. The opportunities that come with being in one of the biggest cities in the world were a big part of my decision to attend Pace. The city offers numerous internship and networking opportunities, as well as exposure to diverse industries and cultures. Additionally, the Lubin School of Business has a strong reputation and a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for careers in various fields. My decision to attend Pace has provided me with the education and experiences necessary for a successful future in the business world.

How have clubs on campus helped enrich your student experience?

Joining clubs on campus has greatly enriched my student experience by allowing me to connect with individuals who share similar interests, expand my skills and knowledge, and take on leadership roles. Through club activities and events, I have had the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds and form lasting friendships. Participating in clubs has also helped me grow professionally by providing hands-on experience and helping me develop transferable skills, such as communication and problem-solving. Being part of clubs has definitely added a dynamic and fulfilling aspect to my college journey.

You are spending your semester with Sony Music Entertainment as an A&R intern with AWAL. How have your classes at Lubin helped prepare you for this position?

Classes at Lubin have helped me prepare for internships in the music industry by providing relevant coursework and resources through the Arts and Entertainment Management program. Lubin classes have equipped me with the skills to analyze data and understand consumer behavior, which is crucial in today's rapidly evolving music industry. I have also gained hands-on experience through various projects and case studies, which have given me the confidence to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. I'm so thankful for the opportunities and experiences that Lubin has offered me, and I am eager to utilize my knowledge during my internship at Sony Music Entertainment.

Where did your interest in the music industry stem from?

As a lifelong music fan, my interest in the music industry stems from a deep appreciation for the artists and their work, as well as a curiosity about the behind-the-scenes aspects of the industry. From a young age, I was drawn to the creativity and emotion conveyed through music, and I was constantly seeking out new artists and styles to explore. Over time, I became more involved in the music community by participating in fan activations and connecting with others through social media, where I gained a deeper understanding of the hard work and dedication that goes into an artist's success. I realized that the music industry was much more than just the artists and their music, and I became fascinated by the business and management side of things. This led me to pursue a degree in Arts and Entertainment Management and a career in the music industry, where I can combine my passion for music with my interest in business and management. In particular, I am pursuing a career in artists and repertoire (A&R) because of my love for artist discovery and development. I find great satisfaction in being a part of the process that helps talented artists reach their full potential and bring their music to the world. I am excited to use my knowledge and skills to support the growth and success of artists and their careers, and to be a part of an industry that brings so much joy and inspiration to people's lives. I am so grateful to be able to work in this field and be a part of the industry that has had such a profound impact on my life.

How do you hope to combine your business skills from Lubin and your love for the music industry in your future career post-graduation?

I hope to leverage my business skills from Lubin to work in the music industry, where I can use my passion for music to make strategic decisions that drive growth and success for artists, labels, or live music events. I envision being able to apply my knowledge of management, marketing, and operations to create and execute innovative solutions that address the challenges facing the industry. Ultimately, I hope to bridge the gap between business and creative aspects of the industry, creating mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties involved.

You also serve as the Social Justice Council Chair for the Black Student Union on the New York City Campus. What motivated you to take on this position?

I took on a role on the Black Student Union's Social Justice Council because I strongly believe in the power of activism and community organizing to bring about positive change. As a Black person, I have a personal stake in advocating for issues that affect the Black community, such as racial justice, equality, and representation. The Black Student Union provides a platform for Black students to come together and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society, and being on the Social Justice Council allows me to play a leadership role in this important work. My goal is to use my position to mobilize the Black student body and make our collective voices heard on the issues that matter most to us and to create meaningful, lasting change through advocacy and action.

What has been your favorite opportunity at Pace?

My favorite opportunity at Pace has been being a general member of P.A.C.E. Board. As a superfan with a passion for the music industry, being a part of this club has allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals who share my interests and aspirations. Through P.A.C.E. Board, I have had the opportunity to volunteer at major events such as the Unleashed concert series and their behind-the-scenes events, which have been incredibly rewarding experiences.

I'm grateful for the resources and opportunities that P.A.C.E. Board has provided me, and I feel that it has been a crucial part of my college experience. Not only have I had the chance to meet and work with talented and inspiring individuals, but I have also gained valuable hands-on experience in the music industry, which I believe will serve me well as I continue to pursue my career goals. I am truly thankful for the support and guidance that P.A.C.E. Board has provided me, and I believe that my involvement with this club will have a lasting impact on my life.

Always be willing to learn, be proactive, and take advantage of the resources available to you at Pace and in New York City. Attend events, join clubs, and network with alumni and professionals in your field. This will not only enhance your learning experience, but it will also give you the opportunity to build relationships, gain practical experience, and develop skills that will serve you well in your future career.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students?

My advice for other Lubin students would be to prioritize being a good team member in all aspects of your life, whether that be academically, professionally, or socially. It's important to be someone who maintains positive relationships, who doesn't burn bridges, and who is a good person to work with. Remember that the people you meet in your classes now could become your future bosses and colleagues, so it's crucial to make a positive impression.

Another word of advice is to not be discouraged if you face rejection during your internship search. I applied for my dream internship nine times before finally being accepted, and that experience taught me the value of perseverance. Keep applying and learning from your experiences, and never give up on your dreams.

It's also important to always be willing to learn, be proactive, and take advantage of the resources available to you at Pace and in New York City. Attend events, join clubs, and network with alumni and professionals in your field. This will not only enhance your learning experience, but it will also give you the opportunity to build relationships, gain practical experience, and develop skills that will serve you well in your future career.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife represents a dynamic and challenging environment where I can actively engage in various opportunities to enhance my academic, professional, and personal development. It represents a supportive community of peers, faculty, and alumni who share the same passion for excellence and drive to succeed. To me, #LubinLife is a symbol of hard work, determination, and the pursuit of knowledge and growth.

Connect with Latoya:

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The Bernard H. Mendik Lifetime Leadership in Real Estate Award

Crain's New York Business reports Pace University Trustee Barry M. Gosin to receive the Bernard H. Mendik Lifetime Leadership in Real Estate award.

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After epic failure, Billy McFarland says he's planning another Fyre Festival. Why some can't wait.

Dyson College of Arts and Science

"Love it or hate it, Americans and global audiences alike love to witness celebrity scandals, epic failures and potential resurgences in the media," says Melvin Williams, associate professor of communication and media studies at Pace University. "McFarland’s attempt to revive the Fyre Festival entices enduring public fascination with watching cringeworthy moments unfold for entertainment."

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85. Jason J. Czarnezki

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Pace University Partners with The Community Fund to Identify Community Service Needs


Mental health, counseling, substance abuse, and suicide prevention services are among growing needs in lower Westchester that were identified by a team of Pace University faculty researchers during a survey of community residents. The study, commissioned by The Community Fund of Bronxville, Eastchester, and Tuckahoe was conducted by the Helene T. and Grant M. Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Pace University over an 18 month period that included interviews with area not-for-profits, service providers, and stakeholders.

Two preschool children reading a book.
two preschool aged children reading a book.

Researchers Identify Gaps in Services

Mental health, counseling, substance abuse, and suicide prevention services are among growing needs in lower Westchester that were identified by a team of Pace University faculty researchers during a survey of community residents.

The study, commissioned by The Community Fund of Bronxville, Eastchester, and Tuckahoe was conducted by the Helene T. and Grant M. Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Pace University over an 18 month period that included interviews with area not-for-profits, service providers, and stakeholders.

“Taking a thorough look at community resources and comparing them to current needs goes a long way to ensuring that no person or group is overlooked, and that The Community Fund is maximizing its reach, impact and resources,” said Rebecca Tekula, executive director of the Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship, and professor of public administration at Pace. “We are looking forward to continuing to work with The Community Fund to improve the lives of area residents.”

The assessment identifies gaps or inadequacies in areas such as human services, health care, housing, public safety, day care, and recreation, among other vital community needs. Findings were presented on March 29, 2023 at The Bronxville Public Library by Pace University faculty who identified ways to use the results to inform the important work of The Community Fund as well as nonprofit agencies, community programs, and local school administrations.

Overall, survey results (PDF) show that while the three communities differ in priorities based on service categories, mental and physical health emerged as the biggest service gap area overall. Findings emerging from the interviews largely confirm the survey results. The most identified theme among all the interview participants refers to mental and emotional health, followed by diversity, equity and inclusion, and youth social and emotional programs.

“The Community Fund is committed to supporting critical social, health and well-being programs that dramatically improve the lives of the people in our Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe Community,” said Amy Rutter Korb, executive director, The Community Fund. “We are proud to have employed the expertise of Pace researchers to inform our work as well as the efforts of our community partners.”

In 2021, The Community Fund selected experts at the Helene T. and Grant M. Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Pace University to conduct a survey of community members and analyze results.

During this 18-month partnership between The Community Fund and Pace University, Pace Public Administration and Wilson Center faculty and researchers developed an in-depth community survey and held interviews with select community members and leaders in the areas of public health, human services, business, nonprofits, and government. All responses were treated as confidential to ensure the greatest possible degree of candor.

“The interviews and analysis help us understand the ongoing needs of residents, and project where program development and funding will have the greatest impact,” said Gina Scutelnicu Todoran, department chair of public administration at Pace. “It is particularly rewarding to work with an organization like The Community Fund to translate research into practice as we share assessment results with community leaders."

Wilson Center and Public Administration faculty and graduate students have completed a variety of in-depth research projects and reports for local governments and community organizations across a variety of areas, including an assessment of K-12 learning programs for the Westchester Children’s Association; the economic impact of the nonprofit sector in Westchester County; a community assessment of performance for the Port Chester Police Department; and Pace University’s overall economic impact in New York State.

About The Community Fund

The Community Fund, which was founded in 1919, currently supports 26 social service agencies and community programs that provide critical services to Bronxville, Eastchester, Tuckahoe, and the area within the Bronxville 10708 zip code – often at no cost to people who cannot afford to pay. Additionally, The Community Fund provides administrative support to the agencies it supports through on-going site visits, consultations, workshops, and forums.

About The Helene T. and Grant M. Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship

The Wilson Center promotes social change through entrepreneurship. The Center furthers this mission by serving Pace students across all disciplines, social enterprises and nonprofit organizations with education, research, communication, and advisory service.

About Pace University

Since 1906, Pace University has been transforming the lives of its diverse students—academically, professionally, and socioeconomically. With campuses in New York City and Westchester County, New York, Pace offers bachelor, master, and doctoral degree programs to 13,600 students in its College of Health Professions, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Lubin School of Business, School of Education, and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems.

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Q+A with Publishing Student Katie Schwab

Career Services/Internships
Diversity and Equity
Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success
Return on Investment

After studying acting during her undergrad years, Katie Schwab ’23 switched tracks during the height of the pandemic, allowing her to pursue a future in an industry she hadn’t thought much about previously: publishing.

katie schwab walking out of a bookstore
katie schwab posing for the camera

After studying acting during her undergrad years, Katie Schwab ’23 switched tracks during the height of the pandemic, allowing her to pursue a future in an industry she hadn’t thought much about previously: publishing. Read what she has to say about Pace’s MS in Publishing program.

The nature of publishing has changed so much in the last decade. What excites you about the future of publishing?

I am so excited about the future of publishing! Especially regarding the continuing dedication toward diversity and inclusion, not only through the types of stories being published, but by also providing more opportunities for authors from marginalized communities to tell those stories. I am currently writing my graduate thesis on the histories of queer adult and YA fiction, and the different treatments of these markets from a publishing perspective given our context of time. It has been amazing to track the linear progression of acceptance of queer writers and narratives, especially within this last decade. It’s a truly wonderful feeling to walk into a bookstore and see designated tables featuring queer literature. I am really excited to see how much more space we are given in publishing in the future.

What drew you to Pace’s MS in Publishing program? Does it tie in at all to your undergraduate studies or professional experience?

During the first lock-down of 2020, I was in a pivotal place in my life career-wise; I’d studied acting during undergrad. I fell in love with reading again and realized there is this whole industry out here that I’d never thought about before. I did some research on graduate programs, and it became very clear to me that the MS in Publishing program at Pace was the right one for me. Not only did it bring me to New York City, the center of the publishing world, but it is clear how much Professor Soares and the rest of the faculty care about providing students with every opportunity to learn, network, and, ultimately, get hired in publishing.

What was your favorite class within the program and why?

I enjoyed so many of my classes! I’d have to say my favorite class was Copyediting/Proofreading with Professor Holt. It takes a certain group of people to get genuinely excited to learn about commas for three hours! I also liked Professor Samedi’s Introduction to Production and Design class. I’m no designer, but I loved being able to learn about the elements that go into designing a book cover, and the materials that bring them to life.

What is something you've learned while in the program that you didn't expect to learn?

I have never been great at math or numbers, but Financial Aspects of Publishing was probably one of the most important and beneficial classes I took during the program. Publishers have a unique way of creating budgets and allocating royalties for books and authors. I might not end up in finance but knowing these systems and how to read P&Ls are very important skills that I’ve been able to put on my resume.

Mentoring, internships, and exposure to the New York publishing scene are part in parcel with the program. Can you describe your personal experience with some of those program aspects?

Yes! It was actually the One-to-One Mentorship program that sealed the deal with me for Pace. I’ve had the opportunity to learn directly from real working professionals in publishing—you can’t get that kind of industry education from anywhere else. My mentors have all been editors from Big Five imprints—LBYR, Crown, Viking—who have given me invaluable advice for starting a career in editing. I was even invited inside the offices of Penguin Random House!

What is one piece of advice that you have for future MS in Publishing students?

Be involved! Each semester there are several events offered, including Speed Mentoring, guest lectures, and even donut parties before class. Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you and keep in touch where you can—especially with your classmates, because you never know which connection might be the one to get you a job.

In what ways has the program inspired you to reach higher in regard to your future career goals?

I went into the program knowing very little about the publishing industry, or where I fit into it, but I loved stories and wanted to work within the world of books. Now, I have my sights set on becoming an acquisitions editor someday, making a career out of discovering and creating dream books for readers and dream publications for authors. I would do Pace’s publishing program again in a heartbeat.

Learn more about the MS in Publishing program.

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