New York leaders say feds have to intervene in asylum seekers crisis

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Vanessa Merton, who directs the Immigration Justice Clinic at Pace University’s School of Law, said Republicans had spent decades opposing “obvious common-sense and popular moves” such as institutionalizing DACA or expanding the number of work visas for immigrant healthcare workers as well as child- and elder-care providers. “Any move the Biden Administration makes to ameliorate conditions for migrants (and in reality for all of us – our economy would benefit substantially from increased migration and workers at this time) is immediately denounced as ‘open borders’ and supporting ‘the invasion,’” she wrote in an email.

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Business Analytics to Barclays

Lubin School of Business

Before jumping into his final year at the Lubin School of Business, BBA in Business Analytics student Derek Storer spent summer 2022 interning at Barclays. He credits everything he learned in his Lubin classes for landing the internship and for receiving a job offer to work at the institution full time after graduation.

two businessmen shaking hands
Lubin student Derek Storer '23

Derek Storer

Lubin student Derek Storer '23

Class of 2023

Currently Studying: BBA in Business Analytics with a minor in Finance

Member Of: American Marketing Association

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Before jumping into his final year at the Lubin School of Business, BBA in Business Analytics student Derek Storer spent summer 2022 interning at Barclays. He credits everything he learned in his Lubin classes for landing the internship and for receiving a job offer to work at the institution full time after graduation.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

When I was deciding where I wanted to go to college, I knew three things: I wanted to be further from home, I wanted to be in a city, and I wanted to go to a business school. Fortunately, Pace University checked all my boxes. However, when I had applied to Pace, I had never actually visited the campus. My first time at Pace and New York City was in April of 2019 for an accepted student event, where I got to meet professors, students, club representatives, and others, which gave me the opportunity to get acquainted with the university. At that moment, it was clear that Pace University was where I wanted to be.

How have clubs on campus helped enrich your student experience?

Some of my favorite memories at Pace come from the clubs on campus. In my freshman year, I became heavily involved in the American Marketing Association (AMA), one of the many student organizations within the Lubin School of Business. I was introduced to an amazing group of people—many of whom I am still close with—and got hands-on experience in various projects. I carried this love into my sophomore and junior years, serving as the vice president and president, respectively. I always tell people that those positions built my resume. I learned so much about project management, communication, budgeting, and more, which laid the foundation for my future success. In fact, these skills helped me land a peer leader position, a job as a campus tour guide, and then eventually, an internship at Barclays.

What has been your favorite opportunity at Pace?

Being at Pace allowed me to figure out who I am and what I want to do. If you met me in high school and placed him next to "current me," I do not think they would recognize each other. Pace has a super accepting environment, which is fueled by being in New York City. You can truly be whoever you want to be here, so I spent a lot of time professionally and personally crafting an identity I could be proud of.

Over the summer, you interned at Barclays. How did the Lubin School of Business help you prepare for that internship?

The Lubin School of Business has granted me access to all the best that New York City has to offer. From exciting classes to wonderful faculty, there is a plethora of knowledge at my disposal, which helped me form a path that I could be excited about. In fact, my business analytics classes came full circle during my summer internship, where I got to use my Structured Query Language (SQL), Excel, project management, and finance knowledge to navigate the banking space. My classes at Lubin gave me real world skills, which allowed me to thrive during my time at Barclays!

How did your internship shape or impact your career goals?

Interning allowed me to use my classroom knowledge in the real world. I now have a better understanding of what I want to do in my career. I was fortunate to work for such a wonderful company where they spent a lot of time with interns to spotlight potential career paths both inside and outside of the company. Specifically, I spent a lot of time having one-on-one meetings with workers from across the firm to hear their stories, day-to-day life, and general advice. Fortunately, I received a return offer, so I can officially say that my professional career will begin at Barclays upon my graduation from Pace University!

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students?

Say "yes" to everything! I know the struggle of not knowing what you want to do, or questioning if you are making the right choices, so just say "yes." No matter what the experience is, even if you absolutely hate it, you will take something away from it that can help you find what you really want to do. For example, I had no intention of joining the e-board of AMA, but they told me I should apply. Fast forward to now, those experiences helped me land other opportunities and gather technical skills that I use every day.

When I hear #LubinLife, I think of welcoming, driven, and passionate students that are making the most of their time here. There is no shortage of opportunity, and you can always find something to help you reach the next level. Whether it is in the classroom, a club, or an internship, Lubin will help you land these opportunities and transform you into an established professional.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

When I hear #LubinLife, I think of welcoming, driven, and passionate students that are making the most of their time here. There is no shortage of opportunity, and you can always find something to help you reach the next level. Whether it is in the classroom, a club, or an internship, Lubin will help you land these opportunities and transform you into an established professional.

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Dyson Students Prepare, Deliver Statement for United Nations

Dyson College of Arts and Science

On Thursday, October 13, 2022, Molly Rosaaen ’22, Political Science delivered a statement, drafted by Dyson College students, to the United Nations General Assembly First Committee.

young woman in glasses sitting at desk
young woman in glasses sitting at desk

On Thursday, October 13, Molly Rosaaen ’22, Political Science delivered a statement to the United Nations General Assembly First Committee (Disarmament and International Security), calling for “new momentum for disarmament” and “meaningful inclusion of youth—particularly from marginalized communities.”

The statement—written on behalf of 62 supporting organizations including the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize co-laureate, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines—was drafted by Dyson College students Nora Bajor ’26, Political Science, Antje Hipkins ’25, Peace and Justice Studies, Joey Gottlieb ’25, English, Arnold Okyere ’25, Political Science, and Julia Morrison ’26, Political Science, with support from Professor of Political Science, Matthew Bolton, PhD and Associate Professor of Peace and Justice Studies Emily Welty, PhD, the directors of Dyson’s Disarmament Institute. Producing the statement has become an annual Civic Engagement assignment for the Political Science department’s Global Politics of Disarmament and Arms Control class.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the UN World Disarmament Campaign and the 20th anniversary of the Secretary General’s study of disarmament education. The statement urged stakeholders to consider matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion in disarmament education and facilitate youth access to multilateral forums.

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Brazilian Environmentalist Professor Paulo de Bessa Antunes Named Recipient of the 2022 Elisabeth Haub Award for Environmental Law and Diplomacy

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University has announced that the 2022 Elisabeth Haub Award for Environmental Law and Diplomacy will be awarded to Professor Paulo de Bessa Antunes, an environmental scholar and leading professor of environmental law at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, and head of the Environmental Practice of Campos Mello Advogados (Brazil). Professor de Bessa Antunes was also a Haub Visiting Scholar at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law in the spring of 2019.

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Android Leaks Some Traffic Even When 'Always-On VPN' Is Enabled

Lubin School of Business

"Not all impressions are created equal," said Larry Chiagouris, a marketing professor at Pace University. "I'm not saying [this tactic is] not ethical or illegal, but it raises issues. If someone is trying to play a game and that's the purpose of this interaction, they may just be eager to play the game and are not that interested in the information being shared."

mobile phone in front of a map of the world
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preLaw magazine Back to School 2022

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University was featured among its “Leaders in Technology” for its innovative Access to Justice Project (A2J).

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Inspired by a Lifelong Connection to Nature

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

"Every summer, my parents sent me to Nature Camp and let me play outside to my heart’s content. It was through these experiences that I felt a calling to try to mend the disconnect I saw between man and nature."

headshot of law student Megan Gaddy '23

This past summer, Megan Gaddy ’23, worked as a law clerk with the Department of Justice in the Environment and Natural Resources Division, specifically in the Environmental Enforcement Section. For Megan, this was an ideal opportunity as she finishes her studies at Haub Law, pursuing the Advanced Certificate in Environmental Law. Megan notes that, “Through my experience this past summer, I was able to witness a truly collaborative work environment. Significantly, I also got a glimpse into the breadth of issues involved in litigating environmental cases from start to finish.”

Megan applied to Haub Law with a laser focus on the environmental law program. With an eye towards nature from a young age, Megan knew her passions were with the environment. “Every summer, my parents sent me to Nature Camp and let me play outside to my heart’s content. It was through these experiences that I felt a calling to try to mend the disconnect I saw between man and nature. Over time, I witnessed the small patches of prairie lands and forests that I once played in as a child in Illinois being swallowed up by massive cornfields. Every day on my way to school, I passed the chemical processing plant where my dad worked fill the sky with grey, sulfur fumes. I knew that I wanted to work to change this and I felt Haub Law was a place that could set me on that path.”

“Every summer, my parents sent me to Nature Camp and let me play outside to my heart’s content. It was through these experiences that I felt a calling to try to mend the disconnect I saw between man and nature."

The summer after Megan’s 1L year, she participated in the DC Summer Externship Program. Due to the pandemic, she was remote and was able to be placed outside of the DC area. “I worked for a wonderful non-profit organization on the Navajo Nation called Indian Country Grassroots Support.” During her 2L year, Megan had the opportunity to work in the Honorable Cathy Seibel's chambers in the SDNY through the Federal Judicial Honors Program. Now, a 3L Megan is capping off her Haub Law experience as a student intern with Pace's Environmental Litigation Clinic.

“I have loved my time at Haub Law. I love the small, tight-knit culture of the School, especially within the environmental law community. Having come from a massive university with over 40,000 students, I love signing up for a class and being able to recognize almost every name on the roster. I hope that my career path leads me to a position that aligns with the protective, justice-centered values I developed as a child. Whether that is a position in government or at a non-profit, I am open to wherever that path leads me and feel Haub Law has prepared me well.”

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Faculty and Staff

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement during 2020 forever shaped communities around our nation. Capturing first-hand experiences of how these events impacted people is a critical part of providing primary sources for future researchers, and that’s what Assistant Provost and Clinical Associate Professor of History Maria Iacullo-Bird, PhD, set out to achieve with her Oral History Project.

Catherine Gonzalez: An Advocate for Immigrant Rights

Diversity and Equity
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Return on Investment

"I really wake up every day with that same goal I envisioned years ago – unapologetically committed to ensuring that people's most basic rights are protected."

Headshot of law alumna Catherine Gonzalez
Headshot of law alumna Catherine Gonzalez

Catherine Gonzalez (née Peña ) '15 began navigating the immigration system from an early age as an immigrant child. Born in San Jose de las Matas, a small town in the Dominican Republic, Catherine remained there until she was nine. Catherine recalls, “It was all I knew, and once I immigrated I was separated from my mother and from the only family I knew. I found myself in a big, strange world in New York City, with a new and strange language to match. Despite those struggles, immigrating offered me invaluable opportunities. This early exposure to immigration introduced me to the bureaucracies of the American immigration system—from consulates to individual immigration officers. As I pursued higher education, I decided I wanted to become a lawyer because I wanted to help the people of my community. I am proud to say I am now the first and only lawyer in my family.”

Once she was in college, Catherine pursued internships with lawyers and sought to learn all she could to forge a path for herself in the law. “I gravitated towards immigrant rights issues. I volunteered at an Immigrant Rights Law Clinic in college and worked with a criminal defense attorney who worked as assigned counsel on state and federal cases.” Once she was at Haub Law, Catherine volunteered anywhere she could to gain additional experience with immigration law and in trial advocacy, having several impactful experiences along the way. “One of the most impactful professors I had the privilege of meeting and working with at Pace was Professor Louis Fasulo. Professor Fasulo and The Advocacy Program – its academic curriculum as well as the moot court and mock trial competitions – were integral to helping me hone the skills I now use daily as a public defender. I am eternally grateful to Loretta Musial, Professor Fasulo, and The Advocacy Program at Pace for teaching, guiding, and supporting me. It is in large part thanks to all of them that I wake up every day to do work I love and am passionate about,” noted Catherine.

“I gravitated towards immigrant rights issues. I volunteered at an Immigrant Rights Law Clinic in college and worked with a criminal defense attorney who worked as assigned counsel on state and federal cases.”

After she graduated from Haub Law, Catherine began her legal career in the Criminal Defense Practice at Brooklyn Defender Services (BDS), representing clients against criminal charges. It was there she found herself gravitating towards cases that resonated with her, often those that involved immigration-related issues. Today, Catherine is a Supervising Immigration Attorney & Policy Counsel in the Criminal Defense Practice at Brooklyn Defender Services. “I witnessed how the criminal legal system funnels people into the immigration deportation system, which led me to join BDS’s Padilla Team where I advise clients and attorneys about the immigration consequences of criminal and family court cases and represent non-citizens fighting to remain in the US.”

Recently, Haub Law’s Trial Advocacy Program at the 2022 Gavel Gala honored Catherine with the Rising Star Award. “I feel so honored to have been selected to receive the Rising Star Award. When I was a little girl, newly arrived in the United States, I began to dream of becoming a lawyer. Based on what I saw on television, I imagined myself standing in a courtroom, vehemently defending the rights of people during some of the most challenging times in their lives. Years later, working at Brooklyn Defender Services I feel incredibly privileged. There, as a public defender, I have been able to work towards accomplishing this dream of being an advocate for the people in my community. I really wake up every day with that same goal I envisioned years ago – unapologetically committed to ensuring that people's most basic rights are protected. Receiving the Rising Star Award serves as an affirmation for all of the hard work and sacrifices that were integral to achieving my goals and dreams.”

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More from Pace

Faculty and Staff

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement during 2020 forever shaped communities around our nation. Capturing first-hand experiences of how these events impacted people is a critical part of providing primary sources for future researchers, and that’s what Assistant Provost and Clinical Associate Professor of History Maria Iacullo-Bird, PhD, set out to achieve with her Oral History Project.

Professor Jonathan Brown Recognized with 2022 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Professor Jonathan Brown has been named the recipient of the 2022 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement. The Richard Ottinger Faculty Achievement Award is awarded annually by the Faculty Development Committee, in consultation with the Dean, in recognition of a full-time professor’s outstanding service to the law school, the legal profession, or both. The award generally is based on the faculty member’s outstanding service during the previous academic year.

Professor Jonathan Brown Recognized with 2022 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement
Professor Jonathan Brown Recognized with 2022 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement

Professor Jonathan Brown has been named the recipient of the 2022 Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement. The Richard Ottinger Faculty Achievement Award is awarded annually by the Faculty Development Committee, in consultation with the Dean, in recognition of a full-time professor’s outstanding service to the law school, the legal profession, or both. The award generally is based on the faculty member’s outstanding service during the previous academic year.

In announcing the award to Professor Brown, Professor Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer, as chair of the Faculty Development Committee, remarked:

“This past year, Jonathan Brown has done incredible work bringing new funding for our Food and Farm Business Law Clinic. Through this hard work and lobbying, he secured significant additional funding for the Clinic. His work and this funding raised the profile of the clinic across the state, allowed the clinic to retain a staff attorney that we hired last year and to make an additional hire to assist with the administrative and programmatic work of the clinic, freeing up Professor Brown and the staff attorney to have more time for students and clients, and further expanding the reach of the clinic by allowing for a broader capacity for intake and referrals. Professor Brown’s work is good for current students, for clinic clients, for the food system across New York state, and as the clinic’s reputation grows, it is good for attracting new students to Pace. Thank you, Professor Brown!”

The Ottinger Award for Faculty Achievement is named in honor of Richard L. Ottinger, who served in the United States House of Representatives for eight terms, from 1965 to 1971 and from 1975 to 1985. Ottinger was Dean of the Law School from 1994 to 1999 and is the founder of the Pace Energy Project, now known as the Pace Energy and Climate Center.

Jonathan Brown has been a member of the Pace faculty since 2016. He is the founder and director of the school’s Food and Farm Business Law Clinic (formerly the Food and Beverage Law Clinic), which launched in January 2017. The Food and Farm Business Law Clinic provides pro bono transactional legal services to small farm businesses, artisan food manufacturers, craft beverage entrepreneurs, and related nonprofit organizations. Through this work, the Clinic seeks to facilitate the development of a more just and sustainable regional food system and economy. Prior to joining the Pace faculty, Professor Brown was a Clinical Lecturer in Law and Eugene Ludwig/Robert M. Cover Fellow in Law at Yale Law School, where he co-taught the Community and Economic Development Clinic. Previously, Brown was a senior associate at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, in New York. Professor Brown serves on the board of the Northeastern Organic Farming Association of New York (NOFA-NY), New York’s leading non‐profit organization providing programs and services to promote sustainable, local organic food and farming.

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Elisabeth Haub School of Law Professor Bennett L. Gershman Honored with New York Law Journal's Lifetime Achievement Award

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Pace University Distinguished Professor Bennett L. Gershman was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the New York Law Journal’s 2022 New York Legal Awards on Thursday, October 6. The New York Legal Awards honor attorneys who have made an impact on the legal community and the practice of law over an entire career. Professor Gershman is one of 10 distinguished honorees to receive the 2022 Lifetime Achievement accolade in recognition of his decades of service in the field of law and his record of extensive, extraordinary research, scholarship and teaching.

Professor Bennett L. Gershman Honored with New York Law Journal's Lifetime Achievement Award
Professor Bennett L. Gershman Honored with New York Law Journal's Lifetime Achievement Award

Pace University Distinguished Professor Bennett L. Gershman was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the New York Law Journal’s 2022 New York Legal Awards on Thursday, October 6. The New York Legal Awards honor attorneys who have made an impact on the legal community and the practice of law over an entire career. Professor Gershman is one of 10 distinguished honorees to receive the 2022 Lifetime Achievement accolade in recognition of his decades of service in the field of law and his record of extensive, extraordinary research, scholarship and teaching.

Professor Gershman has led a remarkable career as prosecutor, scholar and teacher. His pioneering work in prosecutorial ethics has influenced reform in our criminal justice system,” said Horace E. Anderson Jr., Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law. “As an exceptional educator for the past 48 years, his knowledge and passion have helped to shape the future of our profession.

Professor Gershman has been a professor of law at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law since its founding as the Pace Law School in 1976. Prior to coming to Pace, he was a prosecutor in the New York State Anti-Corruption Office, where he argued cases in state and federal courts involving public and political officials charged with corruption.

Professor Gershman has written four books, over 100 articles in law journals, and hundreds of book reviews, essays, and op-ed pieces. His treatise, Prosecutorial Misconduct, initially published in 1985 and now in its 2nd edition, has become a preeminent resource for scholars and practitioners seeking guidance on wrongful convictions.

As a leading authority in the country on prosecutorial misconduct, Gershman is continuously called upon by the news media for his expertise. He has served as an expert witness on prosecutorial misconduct in numerous criminal cases and devoted much of his time to training prosecutors and judges.

Professor Gershman was named a Pace University Distinguished Professor in 2020, the highest honor the University bestows upon faculty. He has been a recipient of the Law School’s Outstanding Professor of the Year award eight times in the past 20 years. In addition, his lifetime work was recognized in a special edition of the Ohio State Journal of Criminal law dedicated to and “In Honor of Prof. Bennett L. Gershman” in 2019.

Thomas Hoffman, a lawyer who has spent his career devoted to the exoneration of innocent people, outlined Professor Gershman’s successful career in an article for the New York Law Journal, reflecting on his extraordinary expertise as a leading resource for scholars, practitioners and judges regarding the proper and ethical role of a prosecutor. He writes, “Professor Bennett L. Gershman has devoted his career to the ideal of equal justice for all. His body of work and accomplishments are revolutionary. Yet he is humble and unpretentious. When asked to name his greatest accomplishment, he replied, ‘I was able to retain my integrity.’”

Read the full article in the New York Law Journal.

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