The Equality Advocate

Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

Maria Escobar ’22 is the co-founder of the World Without Exploitation National Youth Coalition—a network of young people dedicated to ending human trafficking—and she’s also set to present at the upcoming United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Maria Escobar
Pace University student Maria Escobar

Maria Escobar ’22 is a women’s and gender studies and psychology double major with a minor in peace and justice studies. If that sounds like a lot, it is! But Maria is dedicated to the causes she has always felt passionate about. “Ever since I was young, I have felt a strong responsibility towards ensuring justice, especially in terms of gender equality,” she told us. And it would seem she made the right call to take on so many different subjects. “Three years later, I can say that every course I take for my major reaffirms the fact that I made the right decision.”

Initially, there were several colleges that Maria was considering. But it was a visit to the campus on accepted students day as an early decision applicant that really solidified her choice. “I had this feeling that Pace was the right college for me,” she said, noting that the location in particular had a lot to do with her decision, too. “If you take advantage of this, you can make so many connections for your future career and land internships as early as your freshman year.”

She landed her own internship during her sophomore year with Sanctuary for Families, which is a leading nonprofit service provider for survivors of sex trafficking, domestic violence, and gender-based violence in New York. “The main aspect of my internship revolved around doing research on the Nordic Model, a legal framework to partially decriminalize prostitution. I had never heard of it before and it remains one of the lesser known frameworks despite being adopted in seven countries around the world,” Maria explained. “[It was] my dream internship. It inspired me to pursue a career in law working with survivors of gender-based violence.”

Maria’s interest and potential in this area was definitely noticed. Her manager from Sanctuary For Families suggested she attend the World Without Exploitation annual youth summit, which took place over the summer. “[It’s a] two-day event that focused on educating youth on commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking,” Maria explained.

Along with ten of her cohorts, she went on to help form the World Without Exploitation National Youth Coalition, a network of young people who are dedicated to ending exploitation through advocacy, awareness, and education. Their mission statement is a powerful one, and admirable from passionate students:

“The fight to create a world where no one is bought, sold, or exploited is a fight for the future—and creating an exploitation-free future is what the World Without Exploitation Youth Coalition is all about. Our new, national, youth-led network—made up of young people, ages 15 to 28—is using advocacy, educational, and awareness raising initiatives to create change while supporting a culture of inclusion and diversity. Young survivor leaders, students, professionals, activists, artists and allies are all encouraged to be a part of our efforts.”

“I am very proud of this venture and [I’m] so happy I am part of its development as its director of social media,” she went on to explain. Check out Maria’s work on Instagram!

Of course, the important work is never finished. Maria is currently presenting at the 2021 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women along with two other council members of the coalition. “[We will] discuss our movement as part of an event called ‘Girls Fighting Human Trafficking,’” Maria told us. We wish her luck on another incredible endeavor!

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The Dance Counselor

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Jaeda Blackman ’22 is an incoming first-year Psychology student who made her mark on the Pleasantville Campus before classes even started. Thanks to a dance routine she choreographed herself, she grabbed the attention of College Board—and all of us here at Pace!

Jaeda Blackman
Jaeda Blackman

It all started when Jaeda Blackman ’22 spotted an ad for College Board’s “Pledge Your Collegiance” competition, which promised a $5,000 scholarship to the best college reveal post of any incoming first-year student. “I wanted to do something a little different to represent my transition from Hewlett High School to Pace,” she said. And College Board took notice.

Shortly after Blackman posted her now Insta-famous video, College Board tweeted: “Even if your ‘I’m going to #college’ dance isn’t quite on this level, you can still pledge your #Collegiance and be entered to win $$$.” She was named a finalist and even took home a cash prize for her hard work.

The routine was actually a family affair—literally. Her mom, two aunts, and close family friends all got involved when she needed backup. “We all love to dance. It’s in our blood,” Blackman explained. She’s been assisting her mom who teaches dance at a local fitness center for a while now, and she even runs a class herself. “When I turn 18, I plan to get certified to teach dance. I am sometimes booked to perform at events, and I teach dance to elementary students every Thursday.”

Pace’s School of Education would seem like the perfect fit, then, considering her background. Blackman admitted that, “My passion for helping people first led me to wanting to become a teacher,” but after careful consideration of all her skills (of which there are many), she decided on a slightly different career path: school guidance counselor. “I believe counseling fits me better because as a school counselor, I can connect with students on a deeper and more effective level. Therefore, I want to begin studying the foundations of human behavior.”

That doesn’t mean Blackman plans to give up dance altogether. With an extensive background in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and African dance, she’s had her sights set on joining all the dance-related clubs Pace has to offer. Not only that, she plans to start her own team, too! “[It’s] inspired by my Caribbean culture,” Blackman told us. “The class would be called ‘Afro Soca’ dance, and based on all the feedback I received from current Pace students on my ‘Pledge Your Collegiance’ video, I think everyone would enjoy it!” She’s been dancing in the Labor Day Carnival Parade (also known as the West Indian Day Parade) that lights up Brooklyn every year, and she’s eager to bring that energy to Pace.

It’s obvious that Blackman is one seriously ambitious individual. But just what, exactly, keeps her motivated? “I always remind myself that to get where I want to be, I have to work hard and not give up,” she said, citing her mom in particular as a strong, positive influence. “She’s there every step of the way to keep me on track.”

We’re so excited to see where Blackman’s time at Pace will take her! Join us in welcoming her to the Pleasantville Campus this fall.

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The Impactful Accountant

Career Services/Internships
Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Public accounting major Angelina Prevete ’22 has planned conferences, launched a volunteer opportunity that won her an award, and even interned at Estée Lauder—twice! Look out, world. Prevete is making a serious impact.

Angelina Prevete ’22 is a student who defines campus involvement. She’s currently pursuing the BBA/MBA Public Accounting combined degree program, works as an associate for the student-run business Pace Fit, and has helped launch and run a number of conferences and volunteer opportunities, all while participating in programs at Deloitte and Marks Paneth, and most recently, interning at Estée Lauder. Talk about ambition!

Initially, though, Prevete had her mind set on one day becoming a pediatrics doctor. “I loved helping children and science had been something that I really had a passion all throughout high school,” she explained. However, as graduation loomed, Prevete realized science had always been more of a hobby for her, not a career path. “The other thing that I really enjoyed was numbers—specifically math.” She proceeded to research all the majors that fell into this subject area, and discovered accounting. “I knew that I wanted to get the most of my time here at Pace, and the five-year program seemed like a sure way to do that.”

And she certainly has. For the past two years, Prevete has been planning conferences at Pace including the Women’s Leadership Conference to the Fall Leadership Conference—two very popular events on the Pleasantville Campus. “I have always loved seeing the looks on students’ faces when they attend a conference and walk out with knowledge that will help them succeed,” Prevete explained. “The leadership conferences have shown me how important it is to foster the leader within ourselves and others, and [...] to also listen to those around us.”

It was no surprise, then, that Prevete became involved with the Setters Leadership Program. For one of her involvement projects, she coordinated with the Pace Dance Team and the JCCA Cottage House, a residential treatment center for underprivileged children. A representative had contacted Prevete’s mentor saying that a few girls were interested in learning how to dance. “I jumped at the chance to make it happen,” she told us. “I had danced for the first few years of my childhood, and it was one of the first activities that I truly fell in love with.”

She acted as a liaison between JCCA and the Pace Dance Team, working on the logistics of securing a space and ensuring a timely set-up for the lessons. “It was such a successful event that Setters Leadership Initiatives and the Center for Community Action and Research (CCAR) picked it up as something that they would like to have as a recurring event.” Prevete won the Impact Award at the Setters Leadership Program last year for her efforts.

Prevete was also involved in helping to coordinate Estée Lauder’s Influencer Workshop where they brought together different departments, brand representatives, and influencers. “I was able to sit in and take notes during the entire day of the workshop, [and] I even got to voice my opinions and ask questions,” she said. It changed her perspective. “This event showed me that not only as people, but as corporations, we are continuously trying to improve our processes and trying to be the best version possible.”

Her advice for getting involved? “Say hello to everyone! You never know which hello will turn into a conversation and which conversation will turn into an amazing opportunity. Also: go to events that excite you and talk to the faculty and staff who are running the event.” She insists there is always something to learn if you continue to put yourself out there and ask questions.

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The Globe-Trotting Leader

Upcoming Opportunities
Pace Path/Student Success
Dyson College of Arts and Science

First-gen student Chloe Mayhew ’22 is a born leader. She’s held positions in the Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Model UN team, and she was even named a 2020 Millennium Fellow. But what she really loves is traveling.

Field hockey stick and ball laying on a turf field
field hockey stick and ball laying on a turf field
Chloe Mayhew ’22 is pretty much unstoppable. From vice president of the Lambda Sigma Honor Society to representative on the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee to delegate for the Model United Nations team, she’s always looking ahead—and she says it comes from her parents. “I am a first-generation student within my immediate family, and every day I wake up thankful for the fact that I am attending an incredible four-year university, studying a field that I am very passionate about,” Chloe told us.  Initially

Chloe Mayhew ’22 is pretty much unstoppable. From vice president of the Lambda Sigma Honor Society to representative on the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee to delegate for the Model United Nations team, she’s always looking ahead—and she says it comes from her parents. “I am a first-generation student within my immediate family, and every day I wake up thankful for the fact that I am attending an incredible four-year university, studying a field that I am very passionate about,” Chloe told us.

Initially, she was recruited by Kayte Kinsley, assistant athletics director and head field hockey coach, to play field hockey for Pace. It was her “commitment to the team” that inspired Chloe to attend, not to mention the location. “Pleasantville is just a short train ride away from New York City,” Chloe explained to us. “[It’s] a land of opportunity for professions in international relations.”

Joining the Pace field hockey team ended up being a perfect fit. “I have never before been a part of such a unique group of talented young women who share a passion for hard work, dedication, and loyalty to the team’s success,” Chloe said. “Our program is very young, as Pace Field Hockey played their very first season just 2015, and we have already achieved so much in such a short period of time, including a trip to the 2018 DII National Championships Festival during my freshman season.”

And travel is something Chloe has been doing long before she came to Pace. In high school, she participated in the People to People Student Ambassador Program, which offers one-of-a-kind travel opportunities to students. “From living with an Italian family in La Spezia, to making paella with professional chefs in Barcelona, this experience opened my eyes to this amazing world around me,” Chloe told us. It was what ultimately inspired her to major in global studies. “I became obsessed with learning about and comparing the different regions of the world, understanding the values of individual cultures, and comparing them to my own.”

That determination and deep respect for global affairs caught the eye of the Millennium Fellow committee last year, a prestigious honor of which Chloe was recognized. “It is truly a privilege to work alongside such motivated, like-minded, and kind-hearted intellectuals from across the globe that make up our Class of 2020,” she enthused. “I have every intention to make the most of this wonderful opportunity before me.”

We’re excited to hear more about Chloe’s many future successes as she completes her degree here at Pace. And she’s certainly keeping busy! Chloe recounted her 2020 New Years with us, which she celebrated on another continent. “I was visiting one of my teammates, Grace Henderson, who is a goalie on the Pace Field Hockey team,” she explained. “Over winter break, a few of my teammates and I took a trip to Australia where we met up with Grace and some of her local friends, and together we rented a 12-seater van and did the Great Ocean Road trip across Southern Australia.”

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The Aspiring Vet

Career Services/Internships
College of Health Professions
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

As the founder and president of the Pre-Veterinary Club, Lara Ellentuck ’22 has been hard at work creating a space for animal lovers all across the Pace Community. She’s interned at animal shelters and hospitals, and she’s excited to share her expertise with others.

Lara Ellentuck
Pace University student, Lara Ellentuck

Biology and health science major Lara Ellentuck ’22 has been an animal lover from a very young age. “Growing up, I always had at least two pets by my side,” she told us. “This led me to discover a deep connection and motivation toward helping all animal species.”

It seemed only natural that she would come to launch the Pre-Veterinary Club at Pace, an organization dedicated to promoting veterinary medicine and creating a space where students can share their love of animals. “[We] provide members with opportunities in the veterinary medical profession,” she went on to explain. Most recently, they rolled out all new ways to get involved like discussions, workshops, trivia, and more.

Lara’s definitely qualified for this work, too. She’s interned at a local animal hospital as a veterinary assistant, an experience that left a profound effect on her. “[It] allowed me to get a glimpse of my future career,” she explained. “One day, I hope to teach students as my mentors taught me—with an open heart and an open mind to learning respect for every animal.” She’s looking forward to gaining even more clinical experience by volunteering and interning at local animal shelters and hospitals as well, even if COVID-19 put a brief hold on her plans.

“Since the pandemic started at the end of my sophomore year, all of my internship plans fell through,” Lara said. But she’s keeping her options open. “Currently, I am still searching for opportunities to gain experience with animals.” We know that she’ll land exactly what she wants!

In the meantime, Lara is working in the Pace mailroom as an assistant. Before that, she was a research assistant for the College of Health Professions—all big jobs when you’re also juggling classes and assignments, not to mention running a brand new student organization. It’s a lot of work for one person, but Lara is nothing if not incredibly driven and positive when it comes to what she wants.

After completing her undergraduate degree next year, Lara told us she plans on taking a gap year before heading off to attain the veterinary school requirement of 500 hours. “I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason,” she told us. “I hope that this gap year will allow me to work in the veterinary industry and grow to love my passion even more.”

We’re excited to follow Lara’s career and work in advocating for animal welfare! Be sure to check out all the latest events and opportunities from the Pre-Veterinary Club this month. All majors are welcome—the only requirement is that you have a love and respect for animals. The team is also on Instagram, Facebook, SetterSync, and their very own website. Give them a follow!

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More from Pace

The Lawful Advocate

Diversity and Equity
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Pace Path/Student Success

As an ambassador for students with disabilities, Daniella Harris ’21 helps to promote a more inclusive campus through her work with Hillel. She even wrote an incredibly moving article opening up about her experience with hearing loss.

Daniella Harris
Marble columns

Content warning: brief mention of domestic violence and child abuse in the context of law.

Daniella Harris ’21 has made it her life’s work to advocate for others. She’s considered becoming everything from a doctor to a veterinarian to even a singer—all ambitious jobs that serve others in some way. Her plans really solidified, though, when she neared the end of her high school career.

“I knew that I wanted to be a lawyer from the moment I started the college application process,” Harris explained. “When Pace offered me an opportunity to complete my bachelor’s degree and my juris doctorate in six years instead of seven, I jumped at the opportunity—and here I am.” Harris is talking about Pace’s Criminal Justice BS/Juris Doctorate JD combined degree program, an opportunity to immerse oneself in criminal justice while applying that expertise to law.

What inspired her to pursue law in the first place? “My father, who is my hero and role model, had dreams to be a lawyer. He never graduated high school, [so he] went back years later to get his GED, and then obtained his college degree.” Due to health reasons, his plan of continuing on to law school didn’t pan out. He encouraged Harris to look into researching whether the field was right for her, and the rest is history. “Being a lawyer would give me the opportunity to stand up for others and let their voice be heard,” she said. A noble pursuit indeed.

Harris found plenty of opportunities to get exposed to what working as a lawyer might entail. In particular, Lecturer Maryellen Martirano’s class, “System Response to Domestic Violence and Child Abuse,” was like stepping into an episode of Law and Order: SVU. “Professor Martirano was a special victims prosecutor for almost 20 years, and she incorporated her [...] experience into the class.”

Through audio and digital recordings, actual crime scene photos, and guest visits from experts in the field, Harris was inspired to consider becoming a special victims unit prosecutor herself someday. “I am still unsure of the type of law that I want to pursue,” Harris admitted. “However, because of this class, I am planning to intern at the Domestic Violence unit at the Westchester County’s District Attorney’s office.”

She recently started interning for the Hillels of Westchester, which is part of the largest Jewish campus organization in the world. There, Harris has been working with the Ruderman Inclusion Program helping to promote disability inclusion on the Pleasantville Campus. “I like to think of Pace as a melting pot of different people and cultures, and so it is important that we include everyone,” she said.

This is a subject that’s very close to home for Harris, who recently wrote an incredibly moving feature published in The Forward about her experience as a woman with hearing loss. “I think it is extremely important to recognize that everyone, whether they have a disability or not, is a human person.”

When she approaches students and faculty members as a Ruderman Ambassador, Harris said she asks if they know anyone who has a disability. The common response? They do. “It is essential to [realize] that 20% of the population has a disability, and this statistic doesn’t [just] include people with a physical or visible disability. In other words: more people than you think can have a disability.”

If there’s one thing Harris would like more people to understand, it’s this: “A disability is not a disability, but rather an ability because it gives you the opportunity to prove people wrong.”

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The Future Educator

Pace Path/Student Success
School of Education

Vice President of the Future Educators Association Cristina Fonte ’21 knows how difficult teaching can be. She has some advice for when parent-teacher conferences go bad—and it’s applicable to everyone.

Cristina Fonte

Cristina Fonte ’21 started teaching long before she ever set foot on the Pleasantville Campus. “I forced my family to play ‘school’ every afternoon with me,” she explained, having corralled her brother and parents to sit at imaginary desks just so she could assign them homework when she was just a child.

As Fonte grew up, her passion for teaching only grew stronger—as did her interest in pursuing leadership roles. She became an assistant at her dance studio helping to teach classes and, in her senior year of high school, she interned at an elementary school. That experience was what convinced her to consider childhood education as a major, which ultimately led her to Pace.

Pace students who pursue a major in education get the chance to start teaching in their third year. That’s not the case at many other universities, where students start teaching in their fourth year. Fonte says that was a big reason why she ultimately chose to attend. “Getting into the field a year earlier makes all the difference when I am applying for jobs,” she told us. “Knowing that I am going to have more experience working in classrooms is what will make me a better candidate for jobs in the future.”

Continuing on that same path, Fonte joined the Future Educators Association (FEA) upon arriving at Pace, and as of this year, she was named vice president. “I wanted to take on a greater role in inspiring future educators,” Fonte explained. They hold meetings to discuss current events, invite guest speakers, and play games—all to create a tight-knit support system. “Becoming a teacher, especially in today’s world, is a very scary thing. Having this club as a support system is a great way [for us] to talk each other through our fears and overcome obstacles.”

It was that sense of camaraderie that inspired Fonte to volunteer her time for Pace 4 Kids (P4K), an all-day dance marathon benefitting children treated at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Her brother was recently a patient there, and the experience had a profound effect on her. “He had blood work and testing done, medication, surgeries, and therapy—and with this care came great expenses,” Fonte said. “My family and I know what it is like to have the burden of medical bills on our shoulders, and I wanted to do everything in my power to help other people who are in that same situation.”

She’s done that and more by not only continuing to volunteer for P4K, but also becoming its president as of this year. Fonte welcomed guest speakers and patients from the hospital who shared their stories, which she said “gave everyone a perspective as to who is directly impacted by the money we work so hard to raise.”

What’s her advice to aspiring educators? “Remember why you decided to become a teacher in the first place. There are going to be days that seem impossible to get through. Maybe you will have a parent-teacher conference that didn’t go so well, or a bad observation. Don’t let those obstacles cloud your view of what your goal is: to educate and better the lives of your students.”

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The Global Educator

Career Services/Internships
Pace Path/Student Success
School of Education

Danielle Gehrlein ’21 is a student affairs representative for SOE with a passion for teaching that started when she was just 10 years old. She volunteered with kids that age in Ghana last summer, teaching subjects like English and math.

If you know Danielle Gehrlein ’21, you know she’s always had a passion for teaching. She’s a representative of student affairs for Pace’s School of Education (SOE), a consultant at the Writing Center, and she even volunteered in Ghana through the Play and Learn Foundation last summer to teach English and math. But her love for education began when she first started working with children—as a child herself.

“I began working with kids when I was ten years old by helping out a teacher in a preschool classroom. From there, my love for working with young children was born,” Gehrlein told us. Talk about a vocation! Eventually, she earned teaching assistant positions at two daycare facilities while in high school, working her way up to the upper elementary and middle school bracket. “I immediately found myself connecting with [my students] on a whole new level,” she enthused, and from that moment on, Gehrlein shifted her focus to teaching older students.

While she knew early on that she wanted to pursue childhood education as a major, it took Gehrlein some time before she found a college that felt right to her. “When I was touring colleges as a prospective student, my older friends always told me that when I found the school for me, I would feel it.  However, I didn’t believe them because after touring what seemed like hundreds of institutions, none of them stuck out to me.” Until she visited the Pleasantville Campus, that is. “There was something about its welcoming atmosphere that drew me in, [and] I fell more in love with what the school had to offer.”

Gehrlein has taken advantage of every opportunity available to her while at Pace, becoming an incredibly active representative of SOE. She’s also been lending her skills to the Writing Center since her second year, a position she was all too happy to talk about. “I have always loved writing, and tutoring students at Pace’s Writing Center is a way to help them improve and for me to put my passion to use,” Gehrlein explained.

Utilizing her passion for a higher purpose is something she’s been committed to since she was very young. “I began doing volunteer outreach projects [in] impoverished areas in Africa when I was in middle school,” she told us. “This is how I learned that the education children in Ghana receive is severely lacking. Knowing this, I felt I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing about it, so I made the decision right then that I would one day make it there to help.” And she absolutely did.

Through the Play and Learn Foundation, Gehrlein got the chance to volunteer in Ghana, tutoring young children English and mathematics and even helping the foundation operate their Mobile Library to improve literacy. She wrote about the experience on SOE’s blog, and we strongly encourage the read. Gehrlein's work truly exemplifies her passion for going above and beyond as an educator.

She’s also looking to continue traveling—a fact not many people know about her. “I have the travel bug now, and really [want] to go backpacking through Europe!” We can’t wait to see where Gehrlein’s passion for teaching takes her next.

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The Brand Manager

Career Services/Internships
Lubin School of Business
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

Volleyball player Nicole Pivetti ’21 knows how to serve the looks. She’s interned twice for Max Mara, bringing her business savvy to the world of fashion, as well as her broad perspective as an international student from Italy.

Nicole Pivetti ’21 is always on the move. She’s a student-athlete and member of Pace’s volleyball team, training more than 20 hours per week on top of her part-time job—all while maintaining a 3.62 GPA. “My biggest motivation are my parents,” she explained. “I see how hard-working they are and I try to be as independent as I can [by] earning my own money. I use my planner a lot and I try not to procrastinate.”

That attention to detail and exceptional skill in organization has certainly paid off. Pivetti is majoring in international management at the Lubin School of Business, a subject she took a step further by pursuing higher education in another country. She grew up in Italy, and knew early on that she wanted to study in the US. “I wanted to [meet] new people, make new experiences, and have more opportunities for my future,” she told us about the decision.

Pivetti is an avid sports enthusiast, having played volleyball since middle school. When it came time to choose a university, she knew she wanted to continue her involvement in the world of athletics. “I decided to send videos of me playing volleyball to some coaches around the US,” she said. “My coach liked me and asked me to be part of the volleyball team so, here I am!” Karrin Moore is that coach, having just celebrated her 10-year anniversary at the helm of Pace’s volleyball team. She was also recently profiled by Pace Magazine.

“My favorite thing about volleyball is that it is not an individual sport,” Pivetti continued. “In order to win, the team has to play together. Our motto is ‘Do it for your teammates!’” And her dedication to Pace Athletics doesn’t stop there. Pivetti has also worked as a facilities assistant at the Goldstein Fitness Center, helping to organize and host special events, provide timely customer service at the front desk, and much more.

Currently, she’s interning a second time for international fashion company Max Mara, working out of their headquarters right here in NYC. Pivetti started out as a showroom sales assistant last year, and landed yet another position this year as a wholesale sales assistant supporting the brand manager. “I absolutely love interning at Max Mara,” she enthuses. “In [the] future, I hope to be a brand manager for a fashion luxury brand and be able to travel back and forth between the US and Italy.”

With her background in business, fluency in multiple languages, and keen eye for fashion, we know Pivetti has a bright future ahead of her. We can’t wait to see where she ends up next!

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More from Pace

The Founding Editor

Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Pretty Smart magazine, Brianna Adkins ’21 is always looking for ways to use her platform to uplift the voices of women and girls. But did you know she’s also a killer coder, too? Writing and tech are kind of her thing.

Brianna Adkins
Brianna Adkins

Brianna Adkins ’21 is at the intersection of two disciplines: communications and technology, and she’s paving the way for others with her fresh take on harnessing the power of media to make the world a better place. It comes as no surprise, then, that she’s taken advantage of everything Pace has to offer since coming here.

“My education at this University has opened doors for numerous encounters, job opportunities, and internships, and I can’t wait to see what I accomplish in the future,” Adkins told us. But it wasn’t all a walk in the park. “I have the opportunities to succeed, but they won’t fall in my lap. I have to fight and hustle for every chance to be a better student, editor, and communicator.” And she certainly has. Adkin’s list of accomplishments are extensive; from founding Pretty Smart magazine to being interviewed by Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls to attending and teaching at Kode with Klossy camp, her schedule is jam-packed. She even finds time to write for The Pace Press (and intern for them!) as well as Seidenberg’s blog, two well-known publications right here at Pace.

But despite her impressive writing credentials, Adkins ultimately didn’t focus on that particular subject when choosing a major. “I knew I wanted to explore options other than writing,” she told us, having started out as a Digital Journalism major on the Pleasantville Campus before settling on Communication Studies—on the New York City Campus. “[It] was definitely a transition, because I felt like it was freshman year all over again, but [...] my new major has opened up a brighter chapter for me. I’ve been studying media theories, how media impacts society, and so much more.”

Adkins is no stranger to using media as a tool to advocate for positive change. She launched Pretty Smartmagazine in high school as a means to promote body positivity through featuring women and girls of all different shapes and sizes. “I have the opportunity to highlight individuals who give others the guidance and encouragement to be better people,” Adkins enthused. “Whether it’s women who are leaders in STEM, journalists who cover positive or groundbreaking news, or activists who activate social change, I have the platform to give them a voice.”

It was through the work of another platform, Kode with Klossy, that Adkins was able to amplify her own voice. She’s worked for supermodel and entrepreneur Karlie Kloss as a teaching assistant at her coding camp, where she also attended. There, Adkins was featured alongside other Kode with Klossy scholars in a Wix commercial, went to a runway show in St. Louis, and met former Teen Vogue Chief Content Editor and current Out Editor-in-Chief Phillip Picardi. “I will always be grateful to Karlie and the Kode with Klossy community for the opportunities they’ve opened up to me,” she said.

Through her involvement at Seidenberg writing for their blog, Adkins continues to hone her tech savvy skills—and engage with others in the field. “I’ve interviewed students who are at the forefront of innovation through their positions at Pace’s Design Factory, those who are presidents of Seidenberg organizations, and others who are building incredible applications on their own or within groups,” she told us.

Perhaps all of this might seem strange for someone so talented with the written word, and yet, the two subjects aren’t so different to Adkins. “I love code because it’s the language of technology,” she explained. “With knowledge of coding, you have the opportunity to build applications and websites that can do so much good. I’ve used coding in jobs, for the Pretty Smart website, and [for] other occasions.” We foresee an incredibly bright future for Adkins, not to mention all the people she will continue to inspire throughout her career.

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