The Business Executive

Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

International Management major Nicole Ojeda ’21 is the first in her family to go to college, and she’s risen the ranks on the NYC Campus. From executive secretary of Sabor Latino to executive president for SGA to vice president of Urban Sound, nothing can stop her!

Nicole Ojeda ’21 grew up with a mind for business. As early as 14 years of age, she was working in a local eatery in her small town on Long Island. “I had many responsibilities and through them, I learned to appreciate the strategic management of a successful business.” Picking her major, then, was an easy decision. It was just a question of where she would lend her developing business talents.

The first in her family to go to college, Ojeda chose Pace for Lubin’s location at the heart of the business world and their “methods of merging business theories with business practices,” in her words. But she also chose Pace for the people. “The students, faculty and staff here [...] have a true desire to help one another pursue their true passions by collaborating with each other, leaving their comfort zones, and also motivating one another along the way,” she told us.

In keeping with her major of international management, Ojeda has secured an incredible amount of experience in high-level positions on the NYC Campus. She’s the executive secretary of Sabor Latino, executive president for the Student Government Association, vice president of Urban Sound, former intern at She’s the First, student leader at Bank of America, and she’s learned a lot. “When it comes to leadership, it is incredibly important to be self-aware, let go of any facades or hidden agendas, portray confidence, have good intentions, appreciate people’s differences, and create a safe and trusting space that will enthuse those one works with,” Ojeda explained.

“These methods end up building a two-way trust system that has proven to be successful in my experience,” she said, noting that identifying and building the strengths of her individual team members on any given project as another important factor in how she approaches managing her peers.

Ojeda’s eye for unique opportunities began early in her academic career at Pace. She auditioned for Urban Sound, the first-ever dance team on the NYC Campus to incorporate all cultures, when she was just a first-year student. “I was nervous yet excited. I’m glad I put my worries [aside] because I made the team.” It was only after a few weeks into that first semester on the team that Urban Sound needed a new Vice President, and Ojeda eagerly stepped up to fill the role. “Not only did I click with the members instantly, but the team became my creative outlet, my happy place, and eventually, my family.”

After joining the executive board, Urban Sound’s membership jumped from a minimum of five to a staggering 35 students. “Dance has always been a part of who I am,” Ojeda said. “My family has always embedded music and dance into all aspects of our life. Being of Afro-Colombian decent, naturally, our history is rich with dance.”

Her family is truly rich with history—she’s half-Mexican, half-Colombian, and the first in her family to be born in the US. Ojeda is fluent in English and Spanish, speaks French, and even knows conversational Italian. It’s no wonder that she was selected for a coveted spot at Bank of America as one of their student leaders where, at one point, they flew her and 220 other students to a summit in Washington, DC.

“It was an amazing experience because I realized that this program was not based on GPA, it was based on the quality of the people we were and who we were about to become in our future,” Ojeda said. “I can honestly say I wouldn’t be the leader I am today had I not attended this conference and met all those amazing students.”

We look forward to hearing about Ojeda’s many accomplishments to come.

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The Risk Analyst

Career Services/Internships
Lubin School of Business
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

John Carlo Bautista ’21 rose up the ranks working at Pace Mart, Pleasantville’s student-run business, to become HR Manager. As an aspiring risk analyst with professional experience across several industries, he’s got his future planned out.

John Carlo Bautista ’21 has cultivated an impressive set of skills in his time at Pace. He’s worked in compliance at Morgan Stanley, offered technical support at Apple, interned at the Westchester County Board of Legislators, and much more. That’s three different industries! Not to mention his work with Pace Mart, the student-run grab-and-go store on the Pleasantville Campus.

He knew about Pace well before he began making his mark here, though. Bautista’s mother attended, having studied on both the New York City and Pleasantville campuses, so he had a unique perspective when deciding where to apply. “I chose the Pleasantville campus since I was from New York City, and [I] wanted a change of scenery,” he explained. What made him stay, however, were two crucial things: the scholarships that were available, and the “many different people from different backgrounds [I met] through Pace organizations.”

Finance seemed like a natural fit as well when choosing a major. “I have always enjoyed working with numbers and data,” Bautista told us. But it was the Great Recession that swept the US in 2008 that inspired him to pursue finance as a career. “If I can, I would love to work to help prevent as large of a recession as the one we saw 10 years ago.” Not one to stop there, he took on a minor in information technology, having chosen it “as a result of my interest in electronics from childhood and in how computers function.”

Utilizing his skills across several disciplines, Bautista began working both as a Lubin student ambassador as well as an associate at Pace Mart. He’s now the HR Manager, having risen the ranks to his current role where he works directly with many of his peers. “I am passionate about mentorship,” Bautista said. “There are many Lubin students who have a lot of potential, but do not know about the many opportunities Pace offers or how to go about pursuing them.” That’s why he goes out of his way to help others, just like others have helped him. They “[help] each other out [...] finding internships and jobs, and selecting the correct courses.”

It should come as no surprise, then, that Bautista has exercised his civic duty and pursued internships in the political sphere. He’s managed two campaigns for city council as well as a school board, and even worked for the Westchester County Board of Legislators. That experience in particular changed his perspective when the chairman offered some sage advice: “‘You have no permanent friends. No permanent enemies. Only permanent interests.’” Bautista agrees. “Many people who, in the beginning, I would have never aligned myself with, I ended up working with later in politics. I also learned that it is important to ensure you always surround yourself with good people.”

Bautista has big plans for the future. He’s interested in working on Wall Street after graduation in compliance or risk management. “I am interested in looking at what kind of mechanisms financial institutions have in place to ensure that business conducted is not too risky [or] compromising of the financial security of individuals,” he told us, going on to explain, “Once mastering that, I plan to work full-time in politics either consulting or running for office myself to [ensure] individuals looking to run for office are successful.”

There is no doubt in our minds that Bautista will achieve everything he wants and more. We can’t wait to see where his achievements take him next!

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The Skilled Cinematographer

Career Services/Internships
Dyson College of Arts and Science
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

Communication Studies major Connor Morgan ’21 has some serious Setter spirit. He’s the cinematographer behind many of the Pace-branded videos you’ve seen on social media. Did you know he’s also a wedding videographer, too?

You’ve probably seen Connor Morgan ’21 around the NYC Campus. As a communication studies major, he’s eagerly immersed himself in student life by taking on a wide variety of jobs, most notably as a cinematographer for Pace’s University Relations (UR) department. He was even named the Student Spirit Award Winner for 2019—and he has some serious Setter pride. Initially, though, he wasn’t so certain about applying to Pace. That changed pretty quickly.

“It wasn’t the spaces, the residence halls, or my major that [...] attracted me to it. It was the people I met,” Morgan said, having attended a PaceBound event when he was still in high school. “Every professor I spoke to, member of staff I passed by, and every student I had any kind of interaction with truly seemed so happy to be here. For me, Pace was the only place I saw myself truly succeeding.”

He nearly left mid-semester in his first year, however, when his small business began to take off. Morgan is an exceptionally gifted cinematographer, having launched 18 Mile Media when he was still in high school. But one last-minute decision “would literally change my life,” he told us, explaining that he applied to be an Orientation Leader—ten minutes before the deadline. Needless to say, Morgan was accepted. “It has opened up an incredible amount of doors for me, [and] it’s how UR found me and how I got so involved on campus,” he said.

Since then, Morgan has held numerous positions on the NYC Campus. He’s been a Pace Abroad Leader (PAL) tour guide, an Educational Media technician, and most recently, as a cinematographer for UR. “They had been working to introduce President Krislov, who was entering his second year here, to the Pace Community in a fun and light way. That’s where I came in.” Morgan worked on several videos since, including an ongoing five-part Pace Path campaign highlighting the program’s many unique opportunities. The internships portion was published just last spring.

“It’s my first time taking the lead on a large-scale project like this,” he enthused. Morgan is not only the cinematographer on the Pace Path campaign, but also a producer. Of all his projects with the University, he noted the Convocation 2019 video as one of his favorites to make. “It was so much fun to make, and really got the Class of 2023 ready for a fun two days. It was exciting to see how many parents and students spoke about it after it debuted.”

These days, Morgan is incredibly busy. His wedding videography business is booming, and it’s quite different compared to the work he does for Pace. “Weddings fall into a category [that] I like to call ‘event coverage,’” he explained. “You [can] have an idea of what you want to make in the editing room, but all you can really do is shoot the best you can and nail everything on the first try. There are no retakes on the wedding day.” He spends time crafting the narrative after he works a wedding, whereas for Pace, “it’s a little more lax. We can make our talent feel comfortable, and we have a pretty solid idea of what the final product will look like before we even start shooting.”

We’re certain Morgan’s diverse skill set and inspiring enthusiasm will lead him to endless opportunities in the future. He’s even giving back by awarding scholarships to other students, something he’s passionate about because “I wanted to give back to my high school by sharing just a little bit of my success, and to let them know that no matter how big they get, the community will always support them.”

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The Vice President

Career Services/Internships
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Gabriela Wojcik ’21 is a first-gen American who transferred to Pace eager to explore all the opportunities her Communication Studies major offered. She’s the current vice president of Tau Sigma, and she hopes to guide other transfer students, too.

Ever since Gabriela Wojcik ’21 transferred to Pace in her junior year, she’s seized every opportunity of interest to her on the NYC Campus. From Welcome Center tour guide to Tau Sigma National Honor Society vice president to her internship at a talent agency to her supervisor job in the Six Flags entertainment department, Wojcik sees her Communication Studies major and Arts and Entertainment Management minor as the perfect marriage of all her experiences. “I would love to work in the creative field [in] any capacity. Having as much knowledge as possible and as many opportunities and options as possible [...] once I graduate has always been incredibly important to me,” she told us.

That’s part of what drew her to Pace. “Looking back [on] the entire situation now, I learned an insane amount of important life lessons by making the decision to attend my previous school,” Wojcik explained.

It was during an internship in her sophomore year that she started considering a transfer to Pace, especially since a few of her fellow interns were also current students. “Right off the bat, I loved the fact that Pace’s [NYC Campus] consisted of one main building and a few surrounding ones in the area,” she told us, noting that the prime location in the heart of the Financial District also helped. So she applied, got in, and the rest is history. “I couldn’t stop smiling and was constantly being told that I was ‘glowing.’ It was at that point that I realized I had finally made the right decision for myself and my future,” Wojcik said.

She got involved the moment she moved on-campus, but then, that wasn’t unusual for her. Wojcik has worked in several different capacities: food service, performance, management, human resources—you name it, she’s probably had that job. “I am somebody who wants to try and do everything all at once,” she enthused. “I rarely ever say no to an opportunity [...] because I truly believe that life experience and knowledge are irreplaceable.”

As the vice president of the Tau Sigma National Honor Society, Wojcik is a representative for other transfer students who come to Pace looking for a new venture. “I would say that the most rewarding part about being a member of Tau Sigma is not only being able to feel included in the Pace Community, but also being able to help new members feel included and welcome as well,” she explained. To be clear, it wasn’t always easy for Wojcik. She acknowledged that, “It can sometimes be frustrating and difficult to find your place in a new school as a transfer student,” but joining Tau Sigma provided opportunities to meet others “who have been in your shoes and can guide you through life as a transfer student at Pace.”

Wojcik is also a first-generation American who grew up in an entirely Polish family, something that is incredibly important to her. “My first language was actually Polish and I speak it fluently,” she told us. “I wouldn’t trade my background and heritage for the world. It is a huge part of who I am today.”

Currently, she is considering quite the list of potential careers: film, talent management and casting, fitness, or even social media. “If I am being 100% honest, no matter how much it may seem like I have everything figured out, I do not have an ideal career in mind,” Wojcik said. Her advice to fellow students, though, and particularly other transfer students, is to “try everything and see what suits you, brings you joy, and lights your soul on fire.” Those are some wise words.

Join us for National Transfer Student Appreciation week as we celebrate incredible transfer students like Wojcik who are continuously pushing the envelope and helping to guide others, too. We’re so excited to see what career she lands in. They’re sure to appreciate her skills and experience, not to mention enthusiasm!

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The Web Developer

Seidenberg School of CSIS
Pace Path/Student Success
New York City
Career Services/Internships

Coding wiz Vivian Ng ’20 is a computer science major on the NYC Campus who knows all the ins and outs of Seidenberg as a student assistant. What first got her into coding? Tumblr.

Vivian Ng ’20 is a computer science major on the NYC Campus. She’s worked as a student assistant for Seidenberg for more than two years, was an intern at the New York Road Runners nonprofit, and even received a grant for her research into augmented reality and its positive uses for high school students with autism. With all the incredible work that she’s doing at Pace, choosing a college must have been a walk in the park.

Not exactly.

“After multiple unsuccessful open houses and campus tours, Pace was actually my last stop,” Ng explained to us. “Right away, I could tell that Seidenberg was different than the other schools. It was much smaller and the community was tight knit, just the way I liked it.” There, she got the chance to meet Dean Jonathan Hill, DPS, and Assistant Dean of Recruitment and Retention Stephanie Elson.

“I was so nervous that I couldn’t even make my way over to some of the faculty lingering around, but Dean Hill walked right up to me with a warm smile and introduced himself. He handed me one of his business cards and the nervousness I was feeling dissipated.” She took that opportunity to ask questions about Seidenberg; what on-campus jobs they offered, the student-teacher ratio, and more. “He personally took the time to answer them all. Everything about Pace was screaming out to me and I knew I had to attend the school.”

So what convinced her to pursue a major in computer science? Social media, of course!

“Funnily enough, Tumblr brought me into the world of computer science and web development, which is what I would like to pursue as a career after I graduate,” Ng said. “When the social media platform was still at its peak [in] popularity, I experimented with editing theme codes and found that a few lines of code easily changed what I was looking at.” And when she showed up to take her first class in computer science, it became clear pretty quickly that she’d made the right choice.

That class was called “Mathematical Structures for Computer Science” taught by Francis Parisi, PhD, and it left a profound impact on Ng. “A big part of why it left such a large impact on me was because Dr. Parisi went above and beyond to help my peers and I understand a subject that at times was difficult to grasp.” She explained that taking advantage of a professor’s office hours was also key in understanding of the course material.

“I think of Seidenberg as a second home because everyone is like family,” Ng went on. She has attributed her work as a Seidenberg student assistant as the most rewarding experience she’s had at Pace thanks to those strong relationships. But it wasn’t always this easy. “One of the biggest challenges that I had to overcome when I first started was working in such a fast-paced environment. I remember being so overwhelmed with the tasks that were assigned to me, but everyone was very welcoming and helped me adjust quickly.”

Just recently, Ng took on the impressive task of applying for—and ultimately being awarded—funding for the esteemed Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Program, along with Professor Jim Lawler, DPS. “Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would get the opportunity to conduct research with a professor during my time here as a student,” she said. The two worked closely with a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing advanced technological resources to students with learning differences.

“Virtual reality has yet to make its mark on education, especially for students with learning differences. It hasn’t even scratched the surface yet.” This often made gathering evidence very difficult, Ng explained. “After I completed my research, I realized that there were people out there who did what I had to do for an entire year, on a day-to-day basis as a career. It was one of the most educational and humbling experiences that I got to be a part of.”

With all her accomplishments here at Pace, Ng had very straightforward advice for anyone looking to do the same: “Take risks, be proactive, and don’t be afraid of what may lie ahead.”

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The Visionary Filmmaker

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Blake Rozelle ’20 has worn many hats: DJ and President of WPAW, YouTuber, PaceDocs filmmaker, small business owner, and much more. What got him started? Making videos with his grandmother.

Blake Rozelle ’20 has always had an artist’s eye for detail. He first fell in love with filmmaking when he was still in middle school thanks to his grandmother. “We made a lot of fun videos together, and it was like a side activity,” he told us. It’s when Rozelle got to high school that he started getting serious about filmmaking. “Teachers began to compliment my work, and I started going to film summer camps. I learned more with experience, and starting doing my own side projects and movies.”

Now, Rozelle has his own YouTube account filled with videos like a behind-the-scenes look into what it’s like on the set of his many projects. (Spoilers: it takes a lot of work and patience.) He’s also the president of WPAW, Pleasantville’s official radio station, an assistant in Pace’s Media Lab, and owner of BR Productions, a self-run business offering Rozelle’s filmmaking skills for a variety of events.

“I like the process of watching an idea turn into production, which eventually turns into a final product,” he said. “Film allows any story to [come] true. I like that it is a combination of the arts and technology, which have always been my favorite fields.”

It was only natural that he would pursue a digital cinema and filmmaking degree—but how did he choose Pace? “I felt like I would get more of a personal experience coming to this school versus other ones,” Rozelle explained. “I was also impressed by the film department’s [...] space and equipment. I still think those same thoughts today; I don’t feel like just another student at a school. I really get to know my professors and peers.”

Of all the classes he took, we weren’t surprised to hear Rozelle’s favorite was the one taught by Professor Maria Luskay, EdD. It’s called “Making the Documentary,” where students get to be involved in creating an actual documentary film. They’re part of every step of the process, even getting to travel abroad. “It was the most involved class I had ever been part of,” Rozelle said, having worked on Puerto Rico: Hope in the Dark last year in the wake of Hurricane Maria. “There was a lot of dedication [necessary] to pull everything off, and it was certainly worth it.”

Although his official roles were camera/gimbal operator and assistant editor, Rozelle—and his entire class—wore many, if not all hats during production. “We literally created a story in front of our eyes,” he said, and went on to detail a particularly impactful moment while on location.

“My group and I were filming an interview, and the man we were interviewing took us on a trip. After a long drive, the man showed us a house that had completely toppled over. It was upside down, near the bottom of the mountain. That was the most impactful thing that I personally saw while there—seeing all of a person’s belongings just destroyed. We passed so many signs from people asking for help [who] hadn’t had electricity for literally six months.”

Rozelle is currently very busy as WPAW’s newly elected president, a role he’s slowly worked his way up the ranks to obtain. He started out as a general member, eventually became treasurer, and then received a promotion as DJ manager. “I really care about WPAW, and wish that more people knew about it,” he told us. “Having a radio station on campus is wonderful and should be used more. Everyone learns from the people that did the job before them. I was taught how to DJ from the original manager, and now I am here a year later teaching others how to do it.”

And he could certainly teach a whole lot of people what he knows. Rozelle also runs his own business, having taken on a variety of commissioned work over the years; from shooting a wedding to music videos to commercials to—yes, this is real—a rave. “I find that you won’t get work unless you are looking for it,” he advised. “By just reaching out, I got a few projects [booked] and planned more for the future.”

In the meantime, Rozelle is keeping up with his hobbies outside of making movies. His mother runs a dance studio, and he’s taken dance lessons since he was just two years old. Also? “I played piano, saxophone, drums, sang, acted, and did karate all for more than 10 years,” he told us. With as many new projects as he takes on, it makes sense that he’s always on the go!

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The Award-Winning Filmmaker

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Filmmaking runs in the family for Rachel Skopp-Cardillo ’20. She’s a third generation Pace student on the Pleasantville Campus who just wrapped up working on PaceDocs’ Hope in the Dark last year.

If Rachel Skopp-Cardillo ’20 had an IMDb profile (and she should), her list of credits would be long. She’s a digital cinema and filmmaking major on the Pleasantville Campus, former assistant director for PaceDocs, recent associate producer at Fusilli Films, and even an intern at PBS Kids, among many other roles. She’s also an event director and staff writer for Her Campus and attended the Women’s Convention on behalf of CCAR last year. This rising filmmaker is one busy student!

She was still in high school when she started interning for Linda Simensky, the senior director of programming at PBS Kids. “I thought it was interesting to see people creating and producing educational children’s shows [without] an education degree or background [in] working with children,” Skopp-Cardillo told us, explaining that many of the people she worked with had graduated with communications or film degrees. That unique experience inspired her current aspiration: to one day work in the same capacity—with a graduate degree in education to boot. “I hope to one day make children’s educational television programming for kids with learning differences like me.”

That was a huge factor when it came down to what college Skopp-Cardillo chose. “Out of all the universities I toured at, Pace didn’t make me feel like a number. They made me feel like I was a person and not just a statistic.” She met with the Office of Student Accessibility Services to make sure they could accommodate what she calls her superpowers. “I have learning differences like ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, mixed receptive-expressive language disorder, auditory processing, and short-term memory processing.”

Eager to make her mark at Pace, she jumped in with both feet by taking Producing the Documentary, a class taught by Professor Maria Luskay, EdD. They traveled to Puerto Rico last year to document the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, an experience that left a lasting impact on Skopp-Cardillo. “The news wasn’t really paying attention to this topic,” she told us. “We reported a power outage in San Juan before NBC News sent out an alert. You constantly had to be on top of your game.” These were all lessons she said couldn’t be learned in the classroom, as unpredictable and ever-changing as they were.

Despite how challenging the job was, Skopp-Cardillo persevered. “For me, being the first assistant director meant sleeping was just a suggestion—but having ADHD helped me juggle and multitask my responsibilities.”

Filmmaking also runs in her family. Her mother, Lauren Cardillo ’80, is an award-winning filmmaker too. For the past five years, they’ve been working together on Learning to Fly, a documentary about a swimmer based in their hometown of Alexandria, VA. “Her name is Cassidy Bayer, and we’ve been documenting her journey to try making the 2020 Summer Olympics for the past five years.” The mother-daughter duo will be launching a Kickstarter soon!

“I love film so much because it’s a visual story,” Skopp-Cardillo told us. “Writing a story is hard for me to do, and I sometimes have a hard time processing when reading a story. Film has a way of connecting with the audience that no book or article can. Film brings stories to life—and I love being a part of that.”

She does write, however—and exceptionally well. Skopp-Cardillo signed up as a contributor for Her Campus after seeing their panel at the 2017 Women’s Convention that she attended thanks to CCAR. “The panel was about how women both should not be afraid to write and should create a safe place for [other] women to feel confident in writing,” she said. Her articles cover topics from women in film, women film history, society awakenings, and women history stories. Check them out!

Did you know she’s a third generation Pace student, too? Her grandmother, Irene Maruzzella Cardillo, graduated from Good Counsel College in 1951 with a degree in chemistry. For those who don’t know, Good Counsel is now Pace’s Law School. As for her mom? “She gave the Commencement speech at the 1980 graduation ceremony. She was also [the] Editor-in-Chief of New Morning,” Skopp-Cardillo said, which was Pace’s then-student newspaper. Talk about awesome legacies!

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The Criminal Attorney

Career Services/Internships
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Pace Path/Student Success

Precious Hose ’20 is a first-gen student who’s passionate about a lot of things at Pace: her on-campus work (like at the Environmental Center!), criminal justice, and inspiring the next class to dream big and get involved.

Precious Hose
Pace student, Precious Hose

Precious Hose ’20 is all about campus involvement. She’s a student assistant at the Environmental Center (who got to introduce President Krislov to the animals on an exclusive tour), peer educator for Pace FIRE (Fighting Ignorance, Racism, and Rape Through Education), peer leader for UNV 101, student representative for the Middle States Accreditation Study, and much more. With all those titles under her belt, you’d think Hose had her sights set on Pace from the get-go. That wasn’t the case.

“Even though Pace wasn’t my first choice, it became one of the most important choices I’ve made,” Hose said, describing how she was initially drawn by the Criminal Justice program and ideal location of the Pleasantville Campus: a small town feel close to major cities. It was the Pace Community, however, that really solidified the decision for her. “[Everyone] is so welcoming and the diversity of our student body made me feel unique, but connected. There’s always an event happening on campus and I love that the faculty and staff always have their office doors open.”

It was her major (you guessed it: criminal justice) that Hose already felt very strongly about. “I was always fascinated by crime from a young age,” she told us. “I believe [everyone] has rights even if a person commits a criminal act. Most people don’t commit an act of crime because they have a desire to do so.” Wise words. She hopes to one day become an attorney specializing in criminal law.

Several of the faculty members in the Criminal Justice Department have since left a huge impact on her; namely, Professor Robert Matarazzo, Associate Professor Margaret Fitzgerald, and Lecturer Maryellen Martirano. “Their lectures are not really lectures,” Hose explained. “They engage the students by turning the lesson plan into a life lesson for us to think beyond what was taught in class. One day, I hope I can lead by example as they do for me.”

Hose is certainly leading by example for her peers. She’s taken advantage of almost every leadership opportunity at Pace since she arrived. From Orientation Leader to Pace FIRE educator to president of the Freshman Honor Society to senator for the Criminal Justice Society, the list goes on! What motivates her to get so involved on campus? Hose answered with a question of her own. “There are so many people that have helped me get to where I am today. Why not pay it forward and help other students like the first-year version of me find their way around Pace?”

Why not indeed.

She had a chance to do just that when she addressed the incoming class of 2021 last year. Hose was chosen as the student speaker for Convocation. “To me, speaking in front of over a thousand people felt like an honor,” Hose said, who shared her story with all of them in hopes of inspiring her audience. “I have a lot of weight on my back as a first-generation student,” she continued, explaining how it was challenging to adapt to an entirely new culture and environment in New York. “[But] I found amazing friends, got involved on and off-campus, and valued the support my professors gave me.”

In her free time, Hose expresses her creativity by making jewelry and—get this—actual stained-glass lamps. Talk about art deco! She also collects shells at the beach. Sounds like a great way to unwind after a long day for this soon-to-be criminal attorney. We can’t wait to see where Hose goes next!

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The Music Industry Activist

Arts and Entertainment
Pace Path/Student Success
New York City
Lubin School of Business
Career Services/Internships

Mariah Simpson ’20 hopes to one day work for a major record label and advocate for women in the music industry. But for now, she’s interning at Viacom and working on shows like the VMAs, Catfish, and Are You the One?

Mariah Simpson ’20 is part of the Business Honors Program, serves on the executive board for the Pace University Marketing Association (PUMA), is currently a Resident Assistant (RA) two years running, and even finds time to mentor young women at her church, Hillsong NYC. She’s also a major fan of the music industry—all the way back to her time attending numerous concerts during middle and high school.

That was when her friends began pointing out to Simpson that she frequently focused less on the performers and more on the goings-on backstage. “[I had] a fascination with the marketing of artists,” Simpson said. She wondered about everything from the production of a concert to how much money an artist made from a hit single.

When it came to researching colleges, she thought she had it all planned out. “I was obsessed with the city, and out of ignorance, I thought NYU was the only university that I would like. My mom ended up convincing me to tour Pace, and I fell in love the second I stepped on campus.” Simpson explained that her passion for the music industry and desire to break into that business perfectly aligned with the courses offered for arts and entertainment majors. “Pace gave me the incredible opportunity to do just that with a strong business background of core classes.”

As harmonious as Simpson’s interests are with her major, it’s her double minor in marketing and women’s and gender studies that really elevates her work to new heights. “I’m so passionate about intersectional feminism,” she told us. “I think it’s really cool to be an ally for others in the world of business. I hope to be able to write my senior thesis about gender inequality in the music industry and to highlight the alarming statistics about women being paid less than men for the same work.”

That passion to help her peers motivated her to pursue becoming an RA, not to mention her work as a mentor for PUMA and Hillsong NYC. Being a positive role model—particularly to first-year students—is very important to Simpson. “College can be extremely hard at times, and I Iove getting to serve as a resource to my peers,” she explained.

Currently, Simpson is interning at Viacom in the music licensing department, which means she mainly gets to work on shows at MTV such as the VMA’s, Catfish, and Are You the One? She’s also been involved with a few Nickelodeon shows as well; namely, everyone’s favorite SpongeBob SquarePants. “The company culture at Viacom is so fun,” Simpson enthused. This past Halloween, the entire office was transformed with spooky decorations and everyone dressed up. Talk about a fun place to work!

She’s also interned for Sony Music in retail marketing, noting that her favorite moment was getting to see the President of RCA Records present on the future of the music industry. “I’m a huge music industry nerd, so getting to listen to someone so important in the business talk about revenues, predictions, and statistics was the absolute best!” Simpson said.

When she graduates next year, she has high hopes of working at a major record label while volunteering her free time to help other women in the industry. We look forward to watching her take the industry by storm!

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The Fashion Influencer

Arts and Entertainment
Career Services/Internships
Lubin School of Business
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success

YouTuber and fashion expert Roxana Saravia ’20 has been using her platform to inspire the next generation of Pace students. She also works on The Wendy Williams Show as a wardrobe intern. Talk about #influencer.

Roxana Saravia ’20—also known as “x0roxy” or just “Roxy” to her followers—always knew she wanted to attend college in New York City. Pace’s Lubin School of Business seemed a natural fit, especially since she’s been running her own personal brand for several years now. It’s no wonder she chose business management as a major. “I think management is so vital in any field you are in. If you can’t manage yourself, how can you manage others?” She said, going on to explain that, “I feel like I’ll be able to use what I learned in my business management courses [in] almost any field I go into.”

Saravia certainly has already. With a minor in fashion marketing, her skills in the industry are on full display over at her YouTube channel. One of her videos even inspired high schools to check out and ultimately apply to Pace. “It’s taken me some time to reach this level of confidence,” Saravia said, explaining that she was timid when she first launched her brand. “One of the biggest tips I can give someone else is to be confident in whatever you’re doing (even if you don’t know what you’re doing). Work as hard as you can because although you might not see growth right away, it will eventually pay off.”

Not only is Saravia adept at creating all kinds of digital content, having published a number of articles on The Odyssey in addition to her YouTube channel, she also makes a point to boost the work of other creators in several collab videos. “As someone who is always looking forward to the next project, it’s hard for me to take a step back and see how far I’ve come,” she explained.

That kind of motivation can be difficult to keep up for some people, but not for Saravia. “I feel like living in NYC is truly what motivates me,” she told us. “Every person I meet here is trying to accomplish their goals, and everyone is so driven. It’s a blessing and a curse; it definitely helps me stay motivated, but [it can] sometimes become overwhelming.”

Setting up lights, putting together a tripod, filming and editing videos—Saravia does it all and much more, which is something the team working on The Wendy Williams Show saw instantly. She’s a wardrobe intern now, an experience she calls “surreal.” In particular: “Attending the grand opening of the Daniel Wellington store in Rockefeller Center was definitely one of the best experiences of my life,” Saravia enthused. “So far, working at the show has been everything I’ve ever wanted.”

As for the future? Saravia is hoping to one day launch her own business venture. But in the short term, she’d like to pick up sailing lessons again—something not many people know she’s actually quite experienced in. “I took a sailing summer camp for two years and I miss it a lot,” Saravia told us. “I would definitely love to do it again sometime.” We’re sure she’ll continue to be at the helm of a successful brand, just as she is now.

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