Building the Ladders of AV Success

Industry stalwarts from Pace University and Crestron explain how AV-focused education programs can inspire and prepare the next generation of AV Pros.

Educational Media Director George Chacko and Instructional Technology Director Richard Miller III recently hosted the inaugural A/V Talent Summit at Pace University, where partner organizations presented education sessions and panel discussions to appeal to students interested in AV careers.

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“Unusual And Irresponsible”: Expert Says Judge Cannon Seems To Be “Willfully Aiding” Trump Strategy

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Professor Bennett Gershman speaks with Salon about U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon agreeing to let Trump and his lawyers view classified documents privately, with her but without prosecutor’s present.

“Judge Cannon’s agreeing to let Trump and his lawyers view these documents privately, with her but without prosecutors present, is highly unusual and irresponsible,” Bennett Gershman, a former New York prosecutor and law professor at Pace University, told Salon.

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Take the Lead: How to Help Your Direct Reports Succeed

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Assistant Director of Law School Admissions Lisa Bertrand provides expert insight to Diversity Woman on how to help your direct reports succeed.

“I recommend creating open space where you don’t have an agenda going in, especially for one-on-one meetings,” says Lisa Nicole Bertrand, assistant director of admissions at Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University in New York City. “The person may have a question they are dying to ask, and sometimes not having an agenda can help conversation.”

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"Freezing" Trump's Jan. 6 Trial Is "Alarming," Says Expert, Could Lead To "Dire Consequences"

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

“The Supreme Court is not blind to Trump’s strategy to delay his trial as long as he can," said Bennett Gershman, a former New York prosecutor and law professor at Pace University, in an interview with Salon. "My sense is the court appears to want to move this case quickly. A one-week timeline for Smith’s response is not unreasonable, although Smith probably will file his response within days.”

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How Small Businesses Can Offer Freebies Without Big Losses

Lubin School of Business

Professor Chiagouris provided expert insight to Inc. Magazine about how small businesses can offer freebies without big losses.

A freebie can win you new customers, reinvigorate existing ones, or introduce the market to a new product offering, said Dr. Larry Chiagouris, a marketing professor at Pace University.

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Miami Climate Gentrification | Razing Liberty Square | Full Documentary

Dyson College of Arts and Science

Dyson Professor Corinna Sager produced the feature documentary “Razing Liberty Square” — it aired on PBS Independent Lens two weeks ago and is now available on the app or PBS YouTube.

The Razing Liberty Square poster, featuring the title, a house, the beach, and an excavator
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Supreme Court Watchlist: Agency Power, Air Rules, Water Rights

Diversity and Equity

Professor Katrina Kuh speaks to Governors' Wind Energy Coalition about the Supreme Court appearing to be on the verge of erasing a tool for federal agencies to defend their environmental regulations against legal attack.

“It’s just so unfortunate that we are entering a moment where we are starting to have to respond to the real-world, on-the-ground impacts of climate change,” said Katrina Fischer Kuh, an environmental law professor at Pace University. “It would be great to have a network of expert scientists to help us in this moment, and it feels like we are in the exact opposite place.”

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Super Bowl. Prices, Stars, Leo Messi, Scarlett Johansson… Everything You Need To Know About The Ads Broadcast At Half-Time


Lubin Professor Larry Chiagouris speaks with DayFR Euro about commercials broadcasts during the Super Bowl.

“You’re going to see a lot of celebrities, because the idea is that someone famous is going to appeal to as many people as possible,” says Larry Chiagouris, a marketing professor at Pace University.

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‘Celebrate The Victory’: Five Chattanooga Women Who Fought KKK In Landmark Case Honored At Documentary Premiere

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Times Free Press reports Elisabeth Haub School of Law Professors Randy McLaughlin and Betty Lewis were featured in the premiere of “How to Sue the Klan,” a documentary inspired by a historic civil case that they won in 1982 which set a legal precedent against organized hate.

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The 15 Colleges Producing The Most Homegrown Entrepreneurs

New York City

University Business ranks Pace University as one of the top 15 institutions producing the most homegrown entrepreneurs. In fact, 38% of Pace graduates launched their own business.

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