Growing Global Perspectives in Paris

Lubin School of Business

For Sarah Drayer '24, studying abroad not only means exploring new cultures and destinations, but also making connections with fellow students from all around the world to build out a successful business network. As she works towards her BBA in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications while studying abroad in Paris, Sarah says she's looking forward to seeking out even more international business experience in the future.

view of the Eiffel Tower, trees, and the River Seine in the city of Paris, France
Pace University Lubin student, Sarah Drayer '24

Sarah Drayer

Class of 2024

Currently Studying: BBA in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Studying Abroad At: American Business School of Paris in Paris, France

Pronouns: She/Her

Pace University Lubin student, Sarah Drayer '24

For Sarah Drayer, studying abroad not only means exploring new cultures and destinations, but also making connections with fellow students from all around the world to build out a successful business network. As she works towards her BBA in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications while studying abroad in Paris, Sarah says she's looking forward to seeking out even more international business experience in the future.

What motivated you to study abroad?

I wanted to study abroad to give myself the chance to be exposed to different cultures and to immerse myself in a new place. Living in Europe has always interested me and having the opportunity to study abroad here allows me to get a feel for the European culture and travel to numerous countries during the summer.

How has the Lubin School of Business helped you prepare for your courses abroad?

Within the Lubin School of Business, my academic advisor has been helpful in the planning process of this journey, as well as the classes I have taken so far, which have given me the knowledge that I need to thrive in my classes abroad.

What has been the highlight or most enjoyable aspect of your time abroad so far?

I have really enjoyed being surrounded by people from all around the world. My classes consist of students from the United States, France, Morocco, Lebanon, and so many more countries. I find it fascinating to learn about the differences between our home nations and compare lifestyles.

How has this experience shaped or impacted your career goals?

Being abroad and learning about how business is conducted in different regions has been super interesting and is something that I would enjoy learning more about and working on in the future. Having the opportunity to live abroad has been eye-opening and is something that I would be open to doing later in my career, as I have learned a lot about myself in the process.

How will getting international business school experience impact your next semester at Lubin?

I think I will gain a new appreciation for the many international students within Lubin. Going abroad will hopefully help me to relate to them as they are also experiencing a new culture and city. Being abroad will help me understand different perspectives and how the business world varies based on location.

One piece of knowledge that I have gained here in Paris is how to work and communicate with people from all around the world.... Bringing this knowledge back to Lubin will hopefully make me a better student and see things from multiple perspectives.

What is one skill or piece of knowledge that you learned abroad that you will bring back to Lubin with you?

One piece of knowledge that I have gained here in Paris is how to work and communicate with people from all around the world. From navigating cultural differences to languages, my time abroad has allowed me to improve my understanding of how vastly different areas of the world can be. Bringing this knowledge back to Lubin will hopefully make me a better student and see things from multiple perspectives.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students that are considering studying abroad?

Definitely go for it! It's an amazing experience, even if you are only abroad for a few weeks. You will meet plenty of people from around the world and learn so much—not only in your classes, but from the places you visit. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and do something you wouldn't normally do back home. Studying abroad can lead you to so many valuable experiences and can be great for your future.

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Dean Tresmaine R. Grimes, PhD, is Honored as National Jefferson Award Finalist

Dyson College of Arts and Science

In recognition of her exceptional service to her community, Dean Tresmaine R. Grimes, PhD, has been named a national finalist for the Jefferson Award, an honor referred to as the “Nobel Prize of service.”

Tresmaine Grimes sitting in a chair with books on a shelf behind her
Antonia Gentile

In partnership with the Jefferson Awards Foundation, Pace engages in meaningful public service and celebrates those who improve the quality of life in their communities with Jefferson Awards for Public Service and Multiplying Good. In the 2022-2023 academic year, half of the Bronze Medal Award winners at Pace were from the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences. And this year’s Jefferson Award Finalist, selected by Multiplying Good's board of directors to represent Pace at their national ceremony in October, is Tresmaine R. Grimes, PhD, Dean of the Dyson College of Arts and Science and School of Education. Congratulations to her and all our winners!

We sat down with Dean Grimes to learn more about her volunteer work.

Tresmaine Grimes sitting in a chair with books on a shelf behind her

How is this recognition meaningful to you?

This is a tremendous honor. I lived most of my life with the idea that you are supposed to serve others or do something to give back. And you don't do those things thinking that someone is going to recognize you. That's sort of the whole point; giving back to others in a way that you're not doing it for yourself, but to basically bless someone else's life. So, this means the world to me that someone would think that the things that I do are worth recognizing.

What aspect of your community and public service are you most proud of and why?

Helping young people or children has always been part of my early life. Before I could even work legally, I was helping to take care of younger kids. By the time I got to college, I tutored as part of my work-study, and that felt good to me. About a decade ago, I established a nonprofit that helps the faith community understand and get to the truth of domestic violence. I’m proud of that work and the fact that we have raised money to help people coming out of those situations and have even been recognized for this by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. On the academic side, I’ve enjoyed being a faculty advisor and mentor to my students since my first teaching days. When my students, who are now professionals with their own lives, still keep in touch, that’s a nice reminder that what I did was worth it. My sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, is dedicated to serving the public and community. Whether it is feeding the hungry or raising money for scholarships, those things continue to mean the world to me now and in my own personal life.

As dean of Dyson College and the School of Education, what have your observations been of our community and Pace at large regarding the importance of public service?

One of the nicest things about being at Pace is seeing what people are doing outside of the classroom, and both Dyson and the School of Education (SOE) have tremendous faculty and student involvement in community service. We’re working very hard to make sure that our students have that civic engagement experience outside of the classroom. I see faculty involved in a lot of community work, as well: artists and writers taking their classes into the community, for example, and making an impact there. So, we have a lot of really exciting people in both Dyson and SOE, and I will also say, the Sands College of Performing Arts, because our faculty there are also involved in the larger community. And so, everybody has their niche, and their way to connect. It’s also exciting to see us writing grants to try and connect with our folks in New York City, in our neighborhoods, and in Chinatown. Just a whole lot of exciting things. I’m impressed.

What are the things that you see are missing in the world? Sometimes, we are looking for other people to fill gaps, but maybe you're the only one that sees that.

Who inspired you to volunteer?

I think because I grew up in a faith community, there was always the assumption that you don’t just sit around, that you give. Certainly, my mom and grandmother were always giving. My grandmother was a wonderful cook; my grandparents were immigrants from the Caribbean, and my grandmother would make traditional foods and give them to people at Christmas instead of buying gifts. My mom was a musician and would play in church and for people at their weddings, and my mother's brother was a social worker, helping people make positive changes in their lives. They weren’t looking for anything in return. So, I grew up around that.

You also never know who you are an inspiration to. When I was planning my wedding more than 39 years ago, I asked the mother of a little girl in my faith community if she could be a flower girl. The mother said ‘yes, of course,’ that ‘she looks up to you’ and ‘wants to be like you.’ That was the first time someone had said that to me. If you look at statistics, I wasn't supposed to be anything: where I was raised, divorced parents, my mom was a single mom and not wealthy. But that's not the way it turned out.

Do you have any advice on first steps, for those interested in making a positive impact and improving the life of others?

Follow your heart. What are the things that interest you; what is your passion? Also, what are the things that you see are missing in the world? Sometimes, we are looking for other people to fill gaps, but maybe you're the only one that sees that, right? So, start small with the things that you notice are missing, and you don't have to do this by yourself. Partner with others; they will be happy to have you, and you can learn from them, too. I attended workshops about domestic violence and human trafficking through Not on My Watch, a training program for faith leaders. It was something I was grateful to be a part of, because I learned a lot about human trafficking, areas where girls were at risk, and how to spot this in our own communities. So, begin to think about how you can be a positive impact. There are so many ways you can make a difference.

What are you most excited about in the future?

I think, in general, I’m excited about a lot of things. I'm excited about continuing to make meaningful connections with other community organizations that are focused upon the things that Pace has already had success with. I’m also excited about the Jefferson Awards Ceremony in October and making connections with other people who are doing amazing things in their communities. You know, I want to live long enough to see what happens next and to determine how I can continue to be of help to others.

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Dyson Digital Digest: Summer 2023


The Animal Policy Project, an initiative through the Environmental Studies and Science department, is giving students first-hand opportunities to advocate for legislation surrounding animal issues.

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Driving the Future of Occupational Therapy

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Occupational Therapy faculty and students collaborate with local rehabilitation center to create Pace U Drive driving simulator.

Occupational Therapy driving simulator
Jodi Staller

Pace University’s Occupational Therapy, MS program (MSOT) and Rehabologym are happy to announce a partnership for community-based learning and service. Rehabologym is a unique Neuro-Robotic Outpatient Rehabilitation Center for pediatrics and adults in Tarrytown, NY that utilizes state of the art technologies and comprehensive methodologies for neurological occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT), speech therapy (SLP), and certified personal training (CPT) to restore and maximize health and overall well-being.

Occupational Therapy driving simulator

In 2020, Pace University purchased the STISIM Drive state-of-the-art driving simulator to support the learning of the occupational therapy students. Students from the MSOT 2022 graduating class analyzed the usage of the equipment in various coursework. They established a team of students who worked tirelessly on researching a community-based site that complimented the Pace University MSOT mission and vision and quickly realized how beneficial this piece of rehabilitation assistive technology could be to the Pace, Pleasantville, and surrounding communities. Through their research, they identified Rehabologym as a potential partner.

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The Rehabologym team consists of seasoned and skilled occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists and neurologically trained certified personal trainers who have decades of experience with all diagnostic populations.

Avrielle Peltz, MA, OTR/L, chief operating officer and clinical director of Rehabologym said, “We are thrilled to partner with Pace University. It will be an honor to work collaboratively with the MSOT program to mentor the next generation of competent clinicians and potentially create innovative programs to be able to give back to the community and to individuals in need.”

This partnership creates next-level experiential learning with many benefits, including enhancing the student experience by working with actual patients using state-of-the-art neurorehabilitative technology; providing access to expert community educators who share their expertise with the Pace University MSOT students; and creating opportunities for collaborative research.

“Rehabologym gave us a unique opportunity to connect with our community and provided invaluable, hands-on experience at a neuro-robotic rehabilitation center," said MSOT graduate, Natalie Calianese ’22.

“Our MSOT students will have the privilege of participating in clinical experiences under the supervision of experts in neuro-robotic and driving rehabilitation while at the same time addressing the needs of the local community,” Supawadee Cindy Lee, PhD, MS, MA, OTR/L, SIPT, founding program director, department of Occupational Therapy, Pace University. “We are excited about the future of our Occupational Therapy program.”

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