Emeritus Professor Jeffrey G. Miller was honored with the 2021 American Bar Association Section on Environment Energy & Resources (SEER) Lifetime Achievement Award at a virtual event on November 18, 2021.

Emeritus Professor Jeffrey Miller began his legal career in the late 1960s as an associate in a Boston law firm, practicing business and finance law. In the early 1970s he joined the new Environmental Protection Agency in its Boston regional office as an enforcement official, later moving to EPA's headquarters in Washington, D.C., to head its water pollution permitting and enforcement program, to begin its hazardous waste enforcement program, and ultimately to head its national enforcement program.
After a decade at EPA, he became a partner in a Washington, D.C., law firm, practicing environmental law and representing corporate, non-profit, and governmental clients. Professor Miller joined the Pace Law School faculty in 1987, teaching torts, constitutional law, criminal law/legal writing, and over a dozen environmental law courses. He has lectured, taught, and consulted on environmental law throughout the country and in half a dozen foreign countries. Professor Miller served as James D. Hopkins Chair in Law during the 1999–2001 academic years. He retired from the Haub Law faculty in 2013.
- BA, Princeton University
- LLB, Harvard Law School
Selected Publications
View all of Professor Miller’s publications on SSRN, Digital Commons or download his CV (PDF).
- Introduction to Environmental Law: Cases and Materials on Water Pollution Control (2008) (with Ann Powers and Nancy Long Elder)
- Law of Hazardous Waste Disposal and Remediation, (2d ed. 2005) (with Craig Johnston)
- The Law of Hazardous Waste Disposal and Remediation: Cases, Legislation, Regulations, Policies (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1996) (with Craig N. Johnston)
- Fundamentals of Negotiation: A Guide For Environmental Professionals (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Law Institute, 1989) (with Thomas R. Colosi)
- Citizen Suits: Private Enforcement of Federal Pollution Control Laws (Wiley Law Publications, 1987)
- Theme and Variations in Statutory Preclusions against Successive Environmental Enforcement Actions by EPA and Citizens, Part Two: Statutory Preclusions on EPA Enforcement, 29 Harvard Environmental Law Review 1 (2005)
- Theme and Variations in Statutory Preclusions against Successive Environmental Enforcement Actions by EPA and Citizens, Part One: Bars in Citizen Suit Provisions, 28 Harvard Environmental Law Review 401 (2004)
- Overlooked Issues in the ‘Diligent Prosecution’ Citizen Suit Preclusion, 10 Widener Law Symposium 63 (2003)
- A Generational History of Environmental Law and Its Grand Themes: A Near Decade of Garrison Lectures, 19 Pace Environmental Law Review 501 (2002)
- United States Pollution Control Laws, Seminar on the Law of Sustainable Development - United States, 13 Pace Environmental Law Review 513 (1996)