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Long before Angela Bonsol was a Seidenberg Student, she grew up in the Philippines until the age of nine. She grew up speaking Tagalog and learned English at school. When Angela migrated to the United States, it was a while before she felt like she belonged. Now, she finds pride in her identity and abilities as someone who speaks three languages! (The third is Spanish).

January 1, 2022

As a junior working towards a degree in computer science, Project Manager of the Seidenberg Creative Labs, and President of the Pace Computing Society, Allan Krasner has his hands—and brain—full. Allan’s story starts when he became the president for PCS at the end of his freshman year. Becoming president of a club as a freshman is almost never heard of, but he worked hard to reach the coveted role and earned it. That day he began a long and successful career in the Seidenberg School, where he made his new home.

January 1, 2022

When Mackenzie first arrived at Pace University Pleasantville campus in the fall of 2016, there is no question that she hit the ground running. With a major in computer science and a minor in mathematics, Mackenzie has quite the workload – an 18-credit schedule and extra-curricular on-campus activities.

January 1, 2022

A good researcher sheds light on a probing question. Shayna Rosado, a senior studying Computer Science at Pace University and the Spring 2020 Virginia Letourneau Intern at Seidenberg’s Blue CoLab asked, “Why don’t we know the quality of our water before we drink it?”

The answer: Real-time detection of contaminants in drinking water is not a national policy; therefore, technology that can immediately analyze the quality of water before it reaches the tap is not a national priority.

January 1, 2022

I took front end development courses at Pace University so I could understand what comes next – after I've designed something. Those classes helped me think about how a website or app will actually be built, and enabled me to design with development in mind. Knowing all of that makes the development cycle simpler for everyone, which is a great thing to bring to a team in the workplace.

January 1, 2022

Andrew Iadevaia, ’23 (BS Computer Science) loves working with computer systems. When he first arrived at Pace University’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, he only knew one programming language: Java. Knowing that, to succeed, he needed to expand his knowledge and experience, he started joining student teams.

January 1, 2022
Press Release

“Improving outcomes for patients and reducing healthcare costs increasingly depend on employees who understand the interface of healthcare and data analytics, information technology and evidence-based clinical improvements,” said Marcus Tye, dean of the College of Health Professions. “Pace’s online MSHI, as a joint program of the College of Health Professions and the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Studies, uniquely addresses this need with shared expertise in health professions and computer science.”

November 16, 2021
Faculty and Staff

Seidenberg Professor Zhan Zhang recently made Pace history by earning grants from both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). In his ongoing NSF project, Zhan focused on enabling hands-free data collection and documentation in the field by emergency medical services (EMS) providers with an easy-to-use smart glass application.

November 10, 2021

On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University hosted an alumni panel dedicated to the topic of the month, cybersecurity. The panel comprised of four alumni who came together over Zoom to share their wisdom and expertise with current students.

November 8, 2021
Pace Magazine

Creativity. Know-how. Entrepreneurial spirit. That's what it takes launch your own startup. Just ask the founders of Wepptek.

October 15, 2021