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Pace Magazine

A return to normal never felt so good! Pace's campuses are buzzing with activity and New York is coming alive after nearly two years of life during a global pandemic.

October 14, 2021
Pace Magazine

Leading the way forward-looking academics, moving up in the rankings, and showing that New York has massive heart, here are our top 10 things to inspire you.

October 14, 2021
In the Media

Dr. Jonathan Hill, dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University, tells ISMG, "This announcement is certainly an incentive to get companies to come forward with information. Sharing real-time experiences of attempted infiltration of computer systems can help protect others from enduring a similar fate."

October 12, 2021
Gov Info Security

When Justin Brandon was a child, he loved to take things apart to figure out how they worked. Now he’s at Pace, completing a degree in computer studies with a focus on cybersecurity and computer forensics.

October 6, 2021
In the Media

The university is getting a $3.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation to mold students into the next generation of cyber defenders.

Computer science professor Li-Chiou Chen says there needs to be cyber defenders in the government to “help them analyze the threats and the risks coming from the internet."

September 24, 2021
In the Media

Pace University's Seidenberg School of CSIS has been awarded a $3.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation to recruit and train cybersecurity professionals, the University today announced.

September 14, 2021
Press Release

Pace University’s Seidenberg School of CSIS has been awarded a $3.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation to recruit and train cybersecurity professionals.

September 8, 2021
In the Media

Pace University is hosting a virtual Gencyber CryptoBot camp to educate high schoolers interested in cybersecurity. The students are attending the two-week summer camp from all over the world. Co-sponsors include the National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation. Pace University's Dr. Pauline Mosley says while the camp is informational, it's also a place to help students de-stress given the past year.

July 20, 2021
In the Media

Echoing the statement, Jonathan Hill, dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University, says: "As the outrage of the recent Colonial Pipeline hacking already fades from memory, it is critical that our elected officials take action to keep the shortage of cybersecurity talent on our national radar screen. The proposal to create an apprenticeship at CISA is important, but it must be matched by similar opportunities at other federal agencies, our big financial institutions as well as other private sector companies that should invest in the development of this next generation of cyber warriors."

July 1, 2021
Gov Info Security

Luisa Morales, an MS in Computer Science student, has cultivated a lengthy list of accomplishments during her time at Pace University’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems. For starters, Luisa has enriched her college experience working as a graduate assistant at Seidenberg. She was also an Engineering Fellow at the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity. When an opportunity presents itself to Luisa, she grabs hold of it—that’s what keeps her ahead of the curve.

July 1, 2021