Seidenberg News

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In the Media

Echoing the statement, Jonathan Hill, dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University, says: "As the outrage of the recent Colonial Pipeline hacking already fades from memory, it is critical that our elected officials take action to keep the shortage of cybersecurity talent on our national radar screen. The proposal to create an apprenticeship at CISA is important, but it must be matched by similar opportunities at other federal agencies, our big financial institutions as well as other private sector companies that should invest in the development of this next generation of cyber warriors."

June 30, 2021
Gov Info Security

For many Pace students, learning doesn’t stop once one leaves the classroom for the day; or even, once one acquires their degree. Kevin McGovern ’83, ’21, who earned his bachelor’s in business administration and CPA designation thirty-eight years ago, epitomizes this ethos of persistence and the continual ability to evolve and grow with the times—which in fact, is one of the reasons he decided to return to Pace and pursue a master’s in cybersecurity.

June 2, 2021
Pace Magazine

The leaders of tomorrow are right here at Pace—something that the business and technology today have duly recognized.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

With the inaugural class of Teaching Fellows, Pace University’s Faculty Center is building upon its strong foundation to become a major hub for interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation at Pace.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

In a year unlike any other, the transformative power of Pace has the ability to uplift and hearten. Here are just a few of our most inspiring Pace moments.

June 1, 2021
Pace Magazine

What is a hackathon? It’s a timed, team-based problem-solving day of strategy and execution where tech is used to save the day. Teams, of all different skills and abilities, come together to design software or mobile apps to solve real world issues and problems.

June 1, 2021
Faculty and Staff

Programmers won’t look like they used to. Not if⁠ Professor Pauline Mosley has her way. She’s opening the⁠ door to computer science for women and minority⁠ communities and teaching her students how to use⁠ their tech skills for the greater good. Her efforts⁠ extend from high school students in the GenCyber⁠ program she runs to advocacy and mentorship for⁠ women in tech.

May 26, 2021

Computer science major Mackenzie Dolishny ’20 had no coding experience when she first came to Pace. She worked hard to catch up, landing internships at the likes of IBM and American Express, and even a full-time job at Microsoft.

April 22, 2021

Coding wiz Vivian Ng ’20 is a computer science major on the NYC Campus who knows all the ins and outs of Seidenberg as a student assistant. What first got her into coding? Tumblr.

March 24, 2021