In previous years, your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, we will report in Box 1 the amount of payments towards QTRE during the year.
The 1098-T form is available to all Pace University students who had qualifying account transactions during calendar year 2024 to comply with the American Opportunity Credit, formerly the Hope Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit. For specific instructions, refer to the IRS publication 970: Tax Benefits for Higher Ed (PDF) or the IRS website for all IRS forms.
You can view and print your 1098-T form online through Pace Portal. See the instructions below.
By law, Pace University is required to furnish form 1098-T each tax year to enrolled students who are US citizens or permanent residents. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (TRA97) established education tax credits for taxpayers. The 1098-T form may assist you in determining eligibility for education tax credits or deductions. More information regarding these credits and deductions is available at the IRS website or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM. IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education and IRS Form 8863, Education Credits are particularly helpful.
Pace University cannot provide tax advice. Please refer to relevant IRS forms and publications or consult a tax advisor, not Pace University, for explanations regarding eligibility for and calculations of any allowable tax credits or deductions.
The information that universities are required to provide on Form 1098-T does not necessarily correspond to the information you may need to calculate any education tax credits or deductions for which you may be eligible. Universities are required to report payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses in the calendar year (Box 1).
The IRS requires universities to report on a calendar year, rather than academic year. Therefore, the amount reported in Box 1 includes any amounts billed in calendar year 2024 for January Intersession 2025 or Spring Semester 2025.
The IRS requires universities to reduce the amount of billed charges by any tuition waiver proceeds. If you received any type of tuition waiver during the calendar year, you will see a reduction in the amount reported in Box 1.
1098-T forms for 2024 will be available to view and print via your Pace Portal account by January 31, 2025. Students will not be mailed a copy of their 2024 1098-T form.
The 1098-T form will only be available through Pace Portal. If you have specific questions regarding filing your 2024 federal tax return and eligibility to claim an educational tax credit, the IRS Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Education (PDF) may be of assistance or you may visit the IRS website, or contact your tax professional. For questions regarding receipt of your 2024 1098-T, contact Student Accounts Office at (914) 773-3966 during normal business hours or email
Pace University cannot provide tax advice. Please refer to relevant IRS forms and publications or consult a tax advisor, not Pace University, for explanations regarding eligibility for and calculations of any allowable tax credits or deductions.
To view your 1098-T form:
- Log into Pace Portal
- Select Student Dashboard
- Select Tax Notification
- Enter the tax year to view and click Submit
- The supplemental 1098-T form for the selected tax year will display. Detailed information can be viewed by scrolling down the page or clicking the amounts in the 1098-T form. You may print the form from your web browser to assist you in your tax preparation.
To reset your Pace Portal password visit or contact ITS Helpdesk
By law, you are required to provide your correct Taxpayer Identification Number [Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)] to persons who are required to file information returns with the IRS. If you fail to furnish your correct SSN or ITIN to Pace University, you are subject to a penalty of $50 imposed by the IRS unless your failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect. Periodic reviews will be done by the University to check for students without SSNs on file. Those students will be sent requests to submit SSN information by completing Pace Substitute W-9S Form, Request for Student's or Borrower's Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
To correct and, or provide your SSN number, complete the Pace substitute W-9S Form (Electronic) using your Pace Portal username and password. You will need to upload a copy of your signed SSN/TIN card.
If you do not have access to the Pace Portal, please complete Pace substitute W-9S Form (Electronic)-Non-active users and upload a copy of your signed SSN/TIN card.
Instructions for Students
An eligible educational institution, such as a college or university in which you are enrolled, and an insurer who makes reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses to you must furnish this statement to you. You, or the person who can claim you as a dependent, may be able to claim an education credit on Form 1040 or 1040A for the qualified tuition and related expenses that were actually paid in 2024. To see if you qualify for the credit, see Pub. 970, Tax Benefits for Education; Form 8863, Education Credits; and the Form 1040 or 1040A instructions. Your institution must include its name, address, and information contact telephone number on this statement. It may also include contact information for a service provider. Although the service provider may be able to answer certain questions about the statement, do not contact them or the filer for explanations of the requirements for (and how to figure) any education credit that you may claim.
Box 1. The amount reported in Box 1 is the total amount of payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses from all sources during calendar year 2024. The IRS rules define qualified tuition and related expenses as tuition and fees required for enrollment. Qualified expenses do not include room and board, health insurance, medical expenses, or other personal expenses. Additionally, if you received any type of tuition waiver during the calendar year, the amount of charges reported in Box 1 will be reduced by the amount of tuition waiver proceeds.
Box 2. reserved for future use by the IRS; there are no current reporting requirements to be completed in Box 2.
Box 3. reserved for future use by the IRS; there are no current reporting requirements to be completed in Box 2.
Box 4. The amount reported in Box 4 includes adjustments during the calendar year for tuition and related expenses that were reported in prior calendar years.
Box 5. The amount reported in Box 5 includes all grants, scholarships administered and processed by Pace University's Financial Aid Office, as well as waivers and payments received by the university from governmental agencies for VA, ROTC, or other similar benefits in the calendar year. In addition, the scholarship and grant amounts reported in Box 5 may include scholarship amounts for room and board, which may not need to be considered when calculating education tax credits or deductions..
Box 6. The amount reported in Box 6 includes adjustments during the calendar year for scholarships and grants that were reported in prior calendar years.
Box 7. Shows whether the amount in box 1 includes payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses for an academic period beginning January-March 2024. See Pub. 970 for how to report these amounts.
Box 8. Shows whether you are considered to be carrying at least one-half the normal full-time workload for your course of study at the reporting institution. If you are at least a half-time student for at least one academic period that begins during the year, you meet one of the requirements for the American Opportunity credit. You do not have to meet the workload requirement to qualify for the lifetime learning credit.
Box 9. Shows whether you are considered to be enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree, graduate-level certificate, or other recognized graduate-level educational credential.
Box 10. Shows the total amount of reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses made by an insurer. The amount of reimbursements or refunds for the calendar year may reduce the amount of any education credit you can claim for the year.