Lubin News

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Kayla Kleinman '18 took advantage of the flexibility of the MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing degree program, and now she has a successful career as a social media coach.

January 28, 2018

Brandon Markowitz '18 graduated with an MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing and ended up with an exciting career in digital marketing for a non-profit.

January 28, 2018

Meet Ashley Southard London '18, a graduate of the MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing program who learned the skills to launch her digital marketing career.

January 28, 2018

Lubin student Brianna Dunkers-Brown '17 from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania was a marketing major on our New York City Campus. Brianna interned at NBCUniversal for two semesters and discovered her calling: a rewarding career in market intelligence.

June 8, 2017

Meet Shahzaib Khan '17, who says his internships and membership in student organizations while a BBA/MBA in Public Accounting major on our New York City Campus helped launch his career.

February 9, 2017

Meet Choenyi Gangshar from Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey (by way of Kathmandu, Nepal!). Choenyi is a Business Honors Program student on our NYC campus, a member of Beta Alpha Psi (Chairman of Performance Management, PwC Case Competition winner, 1st place Best Practice Competition Regional), and Lambda Sigma.

February 2, 2017

Miki Carver '17 from Oceanside, California is a general business major (with a pre-law minor) on our Pleasantville campus. In addition to her internships at Fox News Channel and the Republican National Committee, she is also on the Pace Volleyball team! Miki’s advice to other students looking for internships? “Be open to anything!”

February 2, 2017

Meet Samantha Jeroloman '17 from Monroe, New York. Samantha was a student on our Pleasantville campus, an accounting major, a member of the Accounting Society and Lubin Business Association, and a former player on the Pace women's soccer team.

February 2, 2017

Minh Bui '17 learned in-demand technical skills while earning his MS in Marketing Analytics degree, and his hard work paid off with an exciting data science career.

January 28, 2017

Elina Nesterova '17 jumpstarted her career in digital marketing with the skills she learned in the MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing degree program.

January 28, 2017

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