The Next Era of the Society of Fellows

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

In her first year as chair of the Society of Fellows, Judi Pajo, PhD, shares her vision for the future of Dyson’s premier honors organization, while the five students selected to present at the 41st Annual Meeting give a glimpse into their research.

Society of Fellows Pin in Box
Judi Pajo standing at podium
Amanda Ghysel

For four decades, the Society of Fellows has been a cornerstone of student scholarship and research as the premier honors organization in the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences. In the 41st year of the Society of Fellows, and her first year as chair, Associate Professor of Anthropology Judi Pajo, PhD, has begun to bring her vision for the Society’s future to life, building on long-standing traditions while incorporating discoveries and innovations made during the pandemic and evolving the Society’s interdisciplinary approach to research.

Judi Pajo at podium
Judi Pajo, PhD

“I’ve been involved with the Fellows basically since I arrived at Pace,” said Pajo, who has been a faculty member on the New York City Campus for 13 years and co-led the Weekend Seminar in her first year at Pace in 2009. “It’s been such an important part of my time here, and I’ve had a great mentor in former chair of the society, Maria Iacullo-Bird.”

Boasting more than 700 members made up of current students, alumni, and faculty, the Society of Fellows initiates new students from Pace University each year who wish to be challenged academically. Students applying to be Fellows must carry at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA, present their research at the Annual Meeting, and participate in other events sponsored by the Fellows. Aspiring Fellows are also asked to submit an original piece of research or creative work, as well as a letter of recommendation from their faculty sponsor for the organization’s board to review. Faculty who sponsor students or contribute to the Society in other ways may also become Fellows.

At the Society’s two signature events, the Weekend Seminar held each fall semester and the full-day Annual Meeting held each spring semester, Fellows and aspiring student and faculty Fellows gather to present research, lead workshops, engage in thoughtful discussion, and learn from each other. Students conduct their own research with the guidance of a faculty mentor, providing a unique opportunity to forge long-lasting connections and engage firsthand in the full process of proposing, designing, conducting, and presenting scholarly work – skills that will translate into any profession student Fellows choose to pursue.

A cultural anthropologist by trade, Pajo is focused on breaking down the inherent barriers between the four distinct academic “cultures” housed within Dyson—the social sciences, mathematics and the natural sciences, the humanities, and the fine and performing arts—as well as across the schools at Pace. Her hope is that Fellows can all communicate, collaborate, and learn from one another without feeling boxed in by their field of study.

“We want to help students develop fluency in their own field’s language and culture, their own academic background,” said Pajo, “but we also want them to learn tools from others, because combining things in unique ways, that's when the research and creative process leads to new insights.”

Five plenary speakers at the 2022 Society of Fellows
From left to right: Tyler Burenbadrakh ’21, Alanis Howard ’22, Molly Rosaaen ’22, Alanis Howard ’22, Casey Cloutier ’22

After last year’s events were all held virtually, Pajo is grateful that the Weekend Seminar in the fall and the 41st Annual Meeting in March were both in person this year. At this year’s Annual Meeting, 60 students presented their studies, with five serving on the plenary panel selected for their excellence by the Society’s 12 board members.

The plenary presenters shared more about their research experiences.

Tyler Burenbadrakh ’21, Chemistry

tyler burenbadrakh

Research Topic

Sustainable Development and Water Security: Increasing Global Water Conflict in Developing Countries and their Potential Solutions

About the research

It’s so easy to take water for granted in our environment. Before I decided to do this research, I wondered: Why do some of us have fresh and reliable sources of water and others don’t? Is it because of geography or economy? Do some countries prosper more because they have an abundance of water? Or did they build their wealth first and then start taking advantage of advanced technologies to address their hydrological challenges in their regions? I wanted to investigate how water plays a central role in many major decisions that governments around the world must make.

What was the most interesting or surprising thing you learned from your research?

It was really surprising to learn that US government intelligence services estimated that there were at least 10 places in the world where war could break out over dwindling shared water resources, and historically, attacking one country’s water system in any shape or form, symbolized an act of war.

Alanis Howard ’22, Film and Screen Studies

alanis howard

Research Topic

Evolution of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Gaspar Noé

About the research

The concept and prevalence of the ‘manic pixie dream girl’—a stock character in film whose own story is undeveloped and whose only role is to provide important lessons for the protagonist—is very contemporary. Within a couple of my film courses the term had popped up in conversation, and I realized that there was a tremendous amount of overlap not only in the instances of this trope, but in the research and theory surrounding it. In some ways, the manic pixie dream girl felt like the most relevant figure to study through commentary and film theory-based texts that could identify and examine a trend of evolution and development of the trope. Even though the term manic pixie dream girl didn’t technically emerge until Elizabethtown (2005) by Cameron Crowe, it can be seen as far back as Katharine Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby (1938). Hepburn’s character, Susan, a quirky socialite whose seeming purpose in the film is to make the male lead, David (Cary Grant), happy, is often considered the earliest example of a manic pixie dream girl, though the film was released long before the trope was defined.

What do you hope others take away from your research?

First, I hope others can leave with some confidence in new critical language surrounding the manic pixie dream girl, because there is a specific vernacular involved in diving more deeply into the trope. More importantly, I hope that others feel illuminated in the functions of cinema as a visual medium, so that they may understand and apply the knowledge of how, not simply why, film is constructed as it is to maintain narrative tools like the ancillary female character. I also hope others can understand the immense influence of auteur theory—the viewing of the filmmaker as the “author of the film”—on the proliferation of these narrative tools.

Molly Rosaaen ’22, Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies

Molly Rosaaen

Research Topic

An anthropological look at the connections between Generation Z’s intake of books/media during early teenage years and how it has affected their outlook on the government, political issues, and activism

About the research

I wanted to explore the topic of young activism and how it may have been uniquely influenced by popular dystopian media, such as books and movies, because I had felt there was a connection between this theme and what our generation has been seeing in recent years. I did this research one year ago, and there were different influences in the US and the world than there are today. The previous presidential administration still had influence in hot topic issues and the decisions they made had a very polarizing effect. I was seeing a lot of people compare Trump and other controversial leaders to characters in dystopian stories many were familiar with. From there, I wanted to see what specifically about those stories they made connections to and if, in any way, it influenced actions young people take when they encounter social injustice.

What do you hope others take away from your research?

I hope to convey the idea that young people are being influenced by the world around them, especially in a time when social media is so influential in how we interpret information. Generation Z is unique in that social media has taken a very integral role in this. I want others to take away from my research that people are always interpreting information that they see around them. By asking participants questions about what specifically influenced their understanding of the world around them, we can better understand how views are formed.

Kailey Liddell ’23, English

Kailey Liddell

Research Topic

“He is Our Bard as Well as Yours”: Recovering the Lost Black Involvement in Early American Theatre

About the research

My research focuses on The African Company, an all-Black acting company which performed in New York City in the early 1820s. My mentor Dr. Sid Ray first introduced William Alexander Brown and The African Company to me this summer. I felt really tied to this research because of my positionality as a biracial woman. Social justice work and theater are my main two passions/purposes in life, and this research is such a beautiful combination of them both!

What challenges did you face in your research and how did you overcome them?

The main challenges in my research center around the lack of care surrounding Black history. A lot of the research is speculative, because the limited primary sources I'm working with were written with a racist, bigoted point of view. It is frustrating that we know so much about theater in Ancient Greece, but don't even know the first name of The African Company's leading lady S. Welsh. In order to overcome this, I'm committed to searching in the small spaces, trying to find as much as I can in order to paint a fuller, brighter picture than historians who have tackled the histography before me.

Casey Cloutier ’22, Economics and Modern Languages and Cultures

casey cloutier

Research Topic

COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Labor Market

About the research

I chose this topic because it is extremely important to study the role vaccinations play in the economic recovery from COVID-19. This knowledge can help guide policymakers to make decisions regarding vaccine rollout and other preventative measures against COVID.

What is the most interesting or surprising thing you learned in your research?

The most interesting thing I learned in my research is that COVID-19 vaccines actually do cause a decrease (albeit small) in the unemployment rate for each county in the US. This gives us a good idea as to how vaccines are playing their part to decrease the severity of COVID-19, but to also aid in the economic recovery.

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Assemblymember Tom Abinanti Joins Pace University to Discuss Solutions to Educating Neurodiverse Students

School of Education

Pace University on Wednesday hosted Assemblymember Tom Abinanti for a discussion about ways of educating and preparing neurodiverse students for life during and after college.

group photo in front of a university white board.
group photo in front of a university white board.

Conversation Part of Autism Acceptance Month

PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. (April 20, 2022) – Pace University on Wednesday hosted Assemblymember Tom Abinanti for a discussion about ways of educating and preparing neurodiverse students for life during and after college.

The conversation, led by President Marvin Krislov, was held as part of Autism Acceptance Month: it brought together academic experts from Pace University and its School of Education; leaders from Pace’s OASIS program; parents of neurodiverse students; and Assemblymember Abinanti, chair of the New York State Assembly’s Disability Committee.

In kicking-off the discussion, President Krislov spoke of the unique challenges that many students face and how Pace was addressing them. He highlighted Pace’s OASIS Program, a growing area serving neurodiverse students that this year expanded to Pace’s Pleasantville campus where its students are excelling. He also touted how Pace’s new ESports program effectively integrates students across campuses, includes neurodiverse students, and is a model for inclusion.

“We are gathered here to make the world a better place for neurodiverse people,” Krislov said. “We have reached autism awareness, but we still have a long way to go before we reach acceptance and inclusion. Those affected by autism still face challenges that include limited job opportunities, bullying and prejudice. At Pace, we are trying to make a difference and continue or mission of opportunity for everyone.”

Assemblymember Tom Abinanti and Pace University President Marvin Krislov speaking to a group of people
Assemblymember Tom Abinanti, chair of New York State Assembly’s Disability Committee, with Pace President Marvin Krislov during roundtable discussion at Pace University.

Assemblymember Abinanti, a longtime advocate for people with disabilities, said that people who are far too often overlooked, can excel when given the opportunity and in the right environment. He shared examples of how many young people succeeding when given the opportunity.

“It’s important to convey to people how they fit into the world,” said Abinanti. “They are a resource. They are people who want to be part of everything, and I commend Pace for helping them make it through college … Higher education can make a real difference.”

About 1 in 44 children have been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and more than 2% of adults in the U.S. are estimated to have ASD, the CDC estimates.

Educational and social programs are vital to improving the opportunities of those with autism. Pace University’s Special Education program provides students with enhanced knowledge of learning disabilities and differences, as well as the methods and strategies to increase your effectiveness in the classroom. Students develop their skills and expertise in implementing inclusionary practices and differentiated instruction techniques to help students with special learning needs and abilities become successful and lifelong learners.

During the more than one hour discussion, experts discussed a variety of ways that higher education can make a difference, from establishing an inclusive environment for all learners to educating people on how to interact with people with disabilities to offering alternative career certifications and degrees.

“We are well positioned to develop opportunities for students with autism and for training teachers in programs and models that are inclusive,” said Professor Shobana Musti, chair, School of Education. “We are literally an oasis for students.”

For Laura Scott Schaefer, a small business owner who employs people with disabilities and an OASIS parent, the program has changed her 19-year-old son’s life.

“In the last three months, my son has made more progress at Pace than he has in the previous three years (elsewhere),” said Schaefer. “They are helping him. He’s becoming an adult. He can be in the world, not as a disabled person, but as a person. Little by little he is coming into his own here. For the first time he is thinking ahead.”

About Pace University

Since 1906, Pace University has educated thinking professionals by providing high quality education for the professions on a firm base of liberal learning amid the advantages of the New York metropolitan area. A private university, Pace has campuses in New York City and Westchester County, New York, enrolling nearly 13,000 students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in its Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Lubin School of Business, College of Health Professions, School of Education, School of Law, and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems.

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Alongside student scientists, Dyson Professor of Biology Bill Eaton is conducting invaluable research in Costa Rica—helping the world better understand how soil ecology impacts short- and long-term environmental health.

Faculty and Staff

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When Justin Brandon was a child, he loved to take things apart to figure out how they worked. Now he’s at Pace, completing a degree in computer studies with a focus on cybersecurity and computer forensics.

Four Haub Land Use Scholars Accepted for Publication in National Journals

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The Land Use Scholar program, run by Professors John and Jennie Nolon, recently turned its focus to promoting student scholarship. Through the program, 1Ls learn research and writing, while 2Ls learn how to write and publish legal academic pieces. LLMs are also eligible for the Land Use Scholar Program. The scholar program incorporates mentorship too. Recently, alumni who worked with the Land Use Law Center as students came back to speak to the newest group of Land Use Scholars. The alumni are now attorneys at Cuddy & Feder. The alumni spoke about their experiences as Land Use Scholars - which ranged from working on low carbon land use, form-based zoning codes, anti-displacement measures and more

Land Use Law Center alumni Allison Fausner, Maximillian Mahalek, and Jonathon Duffy recently came back to the Haub Law campus to speak to the newest group of Land Use Scholars.
Land Use Law Center alumni Allison Fausner, Maximillian Mahalek, and Jonathon Duffy recently came back to the Haub Law campus to speak to the newest group of Land Use Scholars.
Land Use Law Center alumni Allison Fausner, Maximillian Mahalek, and Jonathon Duffy recently came back to the Haub Law campus to speak to the newest group of Land Use Scholars.

The Land Use Scholar program, run by Professors John and Jennie Nolon, recently turned its focus to promoting student scholarship. Through the program, 1Ls learn research and writing, while 2Ls learn how to write and publish legal academic pieces. LLMs are also eligible for the Land Use Scholar Program. The scholar program incorporates mentorship too. Recently, alumni who worked with the Land Use Law Center as students came back to speak to the newest group of Land Use Scholars. The alumni are now attorneys at Cuddy & Feder. The alumni spoke about their experiences as Land Use Scholars - which ranged from working on low carbon land use, form-based zoning codes, anti-displacement measures and more.

Over the past two years, the Land Use Law Center’s students developed the Land Use, Human Health, and Equity project. The initiative involves strategies for mitigating the public health impacts of four critical pandemics – inequity, viral disease, housing insecurity, and climate change. These strategies can contribute to communities’ healthy and resilient futures while also reinvigorating cities’ climate change management capabilities. Through a team of two dozen student researchers led by Professor Nolon and managed by his research assistant, Bailey Andree, this project addresses climate change and COVID-19 by discovering local solutions. The 1Ls in the program spent their first year volunteering time to research and write blogs on their research. The team produced 40 blogs for the Haub Environmental Law Program’s GreenLaw Blog. This year students were also published in several national law reviews and professional journals.

Motivated 1Ls and interested LLMs are invited to apply to become and use scholars in their final two years of law school. This year, four Land Use Scholars published work originally developed as part of the Land Use, Human Health, and Equity project in national law reviews and journals.

Land Use Scholar National Publications

Racial Impact Assessments in Land Use and Zoning
William West presented his paper at the ABA mid-year meeting of the Section of State and Local Government where he compared local land use racial impact assessments with RIAs in criminal law, federal administration, and not-for-profit advocacy. The article ends by raising issues for future implementation in land use policy and regulation. It will be published this summer in Thomson Reuters’ Zoning and Planning Law Report.

Equity-Based Comprehensive Plans (eCPs) – The First Generation
Rhea Mallet wrote on local government acknowledgments of racist land use practices contributing to current inequities. She notes that these governments are promoting land use policies to help redress this discrimination by adopting eCPs, comprehensive plans that center goals and objectives on equity principles. Her article was published in the spring issue of Zoning and Planning Law Report.

The Aerial View of Land Use: Preempting the Locals for Improved Housing Access
Bailey Andree co-authored with Professor Shelby Green an article on state housing policy, arguing that states should use preemption to require localities to take action on affordable housing development. It is accepted for publication by the ABA Journal of Probate and Property.

Gentrification and The Cycle of (In)Equity – Using Land Use Authority to Combat Displacement
Gabriella Mickel wrote on land use strategies for preventing displacement as municipalities attempt to address historical inequities. Her article will be published by the ABA’s Urban Lawyer, the law review of the Section on State and Local Government.

Low-Carbon Land-Use Laws
A fifth article was produced by Meg Byerly Williams, a former land use scholar and Haub Law graduate, on low-carbon land use strategies that were developed by the Land Use Law Center. It was published in this month’s issue of APA’s Zoning Practice as part of the project.

The Land Use Law Center has just announced its new Land Use Scholar team members and begun its new project on Climate Resilient Development, which is the focus of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report on climate change resilience, adaptation, and mitigation. The Pace Environmental Law Review will publish an article during the next academic year written by these students who will also be encouraged to publish their work in other national journals and advocacy and local government media. Read the blog post introducing the topic.

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Savvy Sales Leader Jumpstarts a Career

Lubin School of Business

Meet Lubin student Leah Gaffney '22, a sales star whose leadership roles with the Brand Marketing Team, Sales Team, and American Marketing Association helped jumpstart her career.

Lubin student Leah Gaffney '22
Lubin student Leah Gaffney '22

Leah Gaffney

Associate, Kantar

Class of 2022
BBA in Marketing - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications with minors in Arts and Entertainment Management and Digital Marketing

Pronouns: She/Her

From being president of the Brand Marketing Team to Sales Team captain to vice president of the American Marketing Association, Leah Gaffney is a leader in the Lubin School of Business. Thanks to her self-motivation, she's graduating after just three years, with a post-graduation job already lined up.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I chose Pace University because you get the best return on investment for your education in the perfect location. Upon visiting Pace, I was immensely excited for the numerous opportunities that students have within the university, especially at the Lubin School of Business. There are - and have been - so many opportunities for me to build my resume and professional network, as well as collaborate with my peers. The faculty at Pace have numerous connections with companies who readily turn to Pace students for internships and full-time positions. Lubin also has supportive staff and students; everyone is encouraged to work together for success.

How have clubs on campus helped enrich your student experience?

Lubin student organizations have been the highlight of my time at Pace. In my first year, I joined Pace's Chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA). This organization is a part of the larger International AMA, where students come together each year to network and compete in a collegiate conference. With AMA, I was able to travel to New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and win multiple awards. These experiences have brought me so many friends and professional connections, as well as real-world marketing experience. I have also been part of the Lubin Interscholastic Sales Team for the past year, where I have been able to travel throughout the East Coast and compete in national sales competitions. Through this experience, I was able to obtain new skills in sales, connect with sponsors and recruiters, and win monetary awards. These competitions were immensely fun and gave me hands-on experience in sales.

You have been very involved on campus. What have you learned from those experiences so far?

I have learned so much about communication and collaboration. As a professional entering the business world, so much of the work that I am going to do will be with others. Having that experience all throughout college has been incredibly beneficial because I have not only learned how to be a leader, but also how to work in tandem with others. Working on so many teams has given me the opportunity to explore my communication skills and learn the best way to work with others, even in a virtual setting. These are skills that I will carry with me throughout the entirety of my professional journey.

"Working on so many teams has given me the opportunity to explore my communication skills and learn the best way to work with others, even in a virtual setting. These are skills that I will carry with me throughout the entirety of my professional journey."

You recently led the Lubin Sales Team to victories at the Bloomsburg University Keystone Sales Challenge and at Robert Morris University. What motivates you to work hard?

I have numerous motivators for myself when it comes to working hard, but I am especially motivated by my need to grow. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for and sought-out growth experiences. I believe that it is always best to surround yourself with people who challenge you, which is definitely something I have experienced at these sales competitions.

How has the Pforzheimer Honors College benefitted you?

The Pforzheimer Honors College has been a great help in terms of planning out my Pace Path. I entered Pace with a plethora of college credits I earned in high school, but was unsure how to go about using these credits. My honors advisor sat down with me and planned out my entire schedule based on the credits I already had, and all the classes I was interested in. Because of this planning, I am now able to graduate a year early. My advisor was a great support system who helped me maximize my Pace experience. I am also completing my senior thesis in the Honors College, giving me the opportunity to conduct field research and work with professionals within the Broadway and theatrical community.

What has been your favorite opportunity at Pace?

My favorite opportunity at Pace was working on the Brand Marketing Team. This is both a class and an organization outside of the classroom where I worked with 18 other students on a year-long marketing campaign for our product sponsor, Tinder. With this opportunity, I was nominated president and as the presenter for the campaign. This was the most hands-on experience I received because I worked in all aspects of marketing – campaign planning, creative strategy and execution, and media planning. After presenting the campaign to judges from the National Student Advertising Competition, our team placed 3rd overall and won a special award for Outstanding Sonic Branding.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students?

I would recommend taking the initiative and exploring areas outside of your comfort zone because that is what college is all about. There are so many things that Lubin, Pace, and NYC offer, so really take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you because if you don’t, someone else will.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife isn’t just a hashtag, but a perspective on life professionally and personally. It is a growth-focused mindset used by both student and faculty professionals in the Lubin School of Business. We are all individuals who take the initiative and constantly work to optimize our future. Though New York City can be an overwhelming place, Lubin takes it on with full force.

Do you have any post-graduation plans that you would like to share?

I am excited to share that I will be staying in the Financial District working as a Brand Strategy Analyst at the research firm Kantar.

Connect with Leah:

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CSD Student Offered a Placement at Private Pediatric Clinic Prior to Graduation

College of Health Professions

After looking for a master’s program that could provide her with the certification to become a speech-language pathologist, Wilmarie gravitated toward Pace University due to the vast number of opportunities available in the program.

Olivia Fratta

Wilmarie Vazquez Milian, senior communication sciences disorders major, is a dedicated and hardworking student with a passion for helping children.

The choice to enter the dynamic field of communication sciences and disorders was a path she always knew she would take from a young age. Wilmarie was inspired by the fact that this profession allowed her to work with children and help make a difference in their lives while giving her the opportunity to focus her education on medicine.

Wilmarie Vazquez Milian

Once she received her undergraduate degree, Wilmarie started her career as a speech language-pathologist assistant in Florida. After looking for a master’s program that could provide her with the certification to become a speech-language pathologist, Wilmarie gravitated toward Pace University due to the vast number of opportunities available in the program. CHP's exceptional externship experiences drew Wilmarie all the way from Florida to study at Pace.

This competitive and rigorous program has given her the chance to advance her education and career. Wilmarie landed an externship at a private pediatric clinic in Astoria, Queens and prior to her May 2022 graduation date, she was offered a placement with the practice to complete her clinical fellowship.

Wilmarie recommends working at this facility due to the blend of different populations and disorders; she also appreciates the chance to gain a different point of view from learning outside of a school environment. “My hopes after graduation are to continue to soak up as much information as I can to better expand my network and career opportunities, be that in New York, Florida, or anywhere else across the state."

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Alexa Slack’s resume speaks for herself—an exceptional GPA and a steadfast commitment to community service has enabled Alexa to graduate Pace intent on becoming a future leader in the public health space.


Peruvian and first-generation graduate Lauren Cordova, PA-S, ’22, is making a place at the table for herself and other students in underserved populations. She chose the Physician Assistant (PA) Pleasantville program in the College of Health Professions (CHP) because of the emphasis on cultural sensitivity, community service, and diversity and that it teaches the importance of representation in healthcare.


"You have to find that passion every day," says College of Health Professions alumna Tyra Prophete, RN. "I always knew I wanted to advocate for people."

How To Speak (and Comprehend) the ‘Words of Affirmation’ Love Language

Dyson College of Arts and Science

“A primary human need in any meaningful personal relationship is to feel “affirmed,” i.e., seen, valued, and validated by the other person,” says Aditi Paul, Ph.D., a professor and relationship researcher at Pace University in New York.

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In The Media

CE Latimer Celebrated Spring Pride at Pace University in Pleasantville


CE Latimer celebrated Spring Pride at Pace University in Pleasantville with students and members of the Westchester County LGBTQ Advisory Board and Westchester County Human Rights Commission.

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In The Media

Moving to Clean Energy—Will It Take a War?

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Despite the urgency coming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a transition from fossil fuels to clean energy cannot happen without first having acceptable alternatives, says Richard Ottinger, dean emeritus of Elizabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University. Solar and wind installations must be built first, and transmission lines. No country would accept the economic disruption of premature action on abandoning fossil fuels, he says.

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In The Media

What You Need To Know: How The Courts Define Emojis

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

In this episode, I speak with Leslie Garfield Tenzer, a professor at Pace University School of Law. Professor Tenzer discusses how she decided to get into legal academia and the twists and turns of her career that have led her to this point. She talks about why she decided to write the Legal Emoji Dictionary and speaks about how emojis have been used in legal cases.

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In The Media

Law School's Robert S. Tucker Prize

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University in White Plains will bestow the 2022 Robert S. Tucker Prize for Prosecutorial Excellence on Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark and the Bronx District Attorney’s Office, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of criminal prosecution and excellence in prosecutorial practice.

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