University Distinguished Professor, 2021
The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is committed to advancing innovative scholarship, teaching, and service that has a real world impact. Haub Law is proud to encourage and recognize faculty achievement and leadership in these areas and beyond through a variety of appointments and awards. Our Law School’s reputation for excellence is demonstrated in part through the prestigious appointments and awards listed here.
The Barbara C. Salken Outstanding Professor of the Year Award is presented every year at the commencement ceremony to a faculty member selected by vote of the graduating class. In some years, two faculty members are chosen: a full-time professor and an adjunct professor.
The Barbara C. Salken Outstanding Professor of the Year Award honors the memory of Professor Barbara C. Salken, who served at the Law School for 13 years teaching criminal law and procedure. Professor Salken was voted as outstanding professor of the year by the graduating classes of 1989, 1991, and 1996; she received this last award just months before her tragic death on October 17, 1996, at the age of 49. The Barbara C. Salken Criminal Justice Clinic, under the auspices of John Jay Legal Services, is also named in her honor.
Prior Recipients:
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professors Jared Hatcliffe and Anton Pribysh2022–2023
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Robin Frankel2021–2022
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Jared Hatcliffe2019–2021
No prize awarded2018–2019
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Carol Barry2017–2018
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Carol Barry2016–2017
Professor Bennett L. Gershman
Adjunct Professor Carol Barry2015–2016
Professor Bennett L. Gershman
Adjunct Professor Louis Fasulo2014–2015
Professor John R. Nolon
Adjunct Professor Eylan Schulman2013–2014
Professor Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer
Adjunct Professor Louis V. Fasulo2012–2013
Professor Jay C. Carlisle II2011–2012
Professor Bridget J. Crawford2010–2011
Professor Bridget J. Crawford2009–2010
Professor Don Doernberg2008–2009
Professor Horace E. Anderson, Jr.2007–2008
Professor Steven H. Goldberg
Adjunct Professor Louis V. Fasulo2006–2007
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Joel Seidemann2005–2006
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Kathy N. Rosenthal2004–2005
Professor Bridget J. Crawford
Adjunct Professor Kathy N. Rosenthal2003–2004
Professor Bennett L. Gershman
Adjunct Professor Kathy N. Rosenthal2002–2003
Professor Bennett L. Gershman
Adjunct Professor Kathy N. Rosenthal2001–2002
Professor Bennett L. Gershman
Adjunct Professor Kathy N. Rosenthal2000–2001
Professor Bennett L. Gershman
Adjunct Professor Louis V. Fasulo1999–2000
Professor Bennett L. Gershman1998–1999
Professor Joseph Olivenbaum1997–1998
Professor Bennett L. Gershman1996–1997
Professor Jay C. Carlisle II1995–1996
Professor Barbara C. Salken1994–1995
Professor Vanessa H. Merton1993–1994
Professor Michael B. Mushlin1992–1993
Professor Jeffrey G. Miller1991–1992
Professor Randolph M. McLaughlin1990–1991
Professor Barbara C. Salken and Professor Irene D. Johnson1989–1990
Professor Jay C. Carlisle II1988–1989
Professor Barbara C. Salken1987–1988
Professor Norman B. Lichtenstein1986–1987
Professor Blaine Sloan -
The Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching recognizes that outstanding pedagogy occurs in a variety of settings at the Law School—it can be found in courses of all sizes and types, in teachers with diverse styles, and across subject matters.
Each spring, the Faculty Development Committee selects as a recipient of the award a member of the tenured or tenure-track faculty or a visiting professor with a contract longer than one year in duration. The award typically is based on the faculty member’s teaching during the current academic year.
Prior Recipients:
Smita Narula2021
Karl S. Coplan2018
Jill I. Gross2017
(no recipient)2015
Jason Parkin2013
(no recipient)2012
Vanessa H. Merton -
The Goettel Prize was established in 2004 to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship by members of the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University. Each year, members of the faculty are invited to submit their work for consideration (on an anonymous basis) by a committee chosen by the Dean of the School of Law or the Dean’s representative (typically, the Associate Dean for Faculty Development).
The winner of the Goettel Prize is selected by a committee of external reviewers, who evaluate the submissions anonymously. The work chosen to receive the Goettel Prize should make a substantial contribution to legal literature and reflect original research or major developments in previously reported research.
Selection Committee
The selection committee is comprised of at least two members of the full-time faculty at an ABA- accredited law school, and one other faculty member, judge or practitioner as shall be appointed by the Dean. The Dean of the School of Law or the Dean’s representative serves as an ex officio member of the selection committee, to provide advice and guidance as necessary.
Prior Recipients
Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
"With Intent to Destroy, in Whole or in Part’: Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and A Lost History,” Wisconsin Law Review, 2024 Wis. L. Rev. 933 (2024)2023
James Toomey
“Property’s Boundaries,” Virginia Law Review, 109 Va. L. Rev. 131 (2023)2022
Margot J. Pollans
"Eaters, Powerless by Design," Michigan Law Review, 120 Mich. L. Rev. 643 (2022)2021
Noa Ben-Asher
"Trauma-Centered Social Justice,” Tulane Law Review, 95 Tul. L. Rev. 95 (2020)2020
Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer
"Social Media, Venue, and the Right to a Fair Trial," 71 Baylor L. Rev. 420 (2019)2019
Darren Rosenblum
"When Does Board Diversity Benefit Firms?,"20 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 429 (2017)2018
Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
"Targeted Capture," 59 Harv. Int’l L. J. 1 (2018)2017
Noa Ben-Asher
"The Two Laws of Sex Stereotyping," 57 B. C. L. Rev. 1187 (2016)2016
Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
"Foreign Assistance Complicity," 54 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 531 (2016)2015
Jason Parkin
"Due Process Disaggregation," 90 Notre Dame L. Rev. 283 (2014)2014
Andrew C.W. Lund
"Pay as Risk Regulation," 41 Fla. Sta. U. L. Rev. 609 (2014)2013
Noa Ben-Asher
"The Lawmaking Family," 90 Wash U. L. Rev. 363 (2012)2012
Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer
"The Death of Slander," 35 Colum. J. L. & Arts 17 (2012)2011
John A. Humbach
"'Sexting' and the First Amendment," 37 Hastings Const. L. Q. 433 (2010)2010
Bridget J. Crawford
"Taxation, Pregnancy and Privacy," 16 Wm. & Mary J. of Women & the Law 327 (2010)2009
Luís E. Chiesa
"Why is it a Crime to Stomp on a Goldfish? - Harm, Victimhood and the Structure of Anti-Cruelty Offenses," 78 Miss. L.J. 1 (2008)2008
Emily Gold Waldman
"Returning to Hazelwood's Core: A New Approach to Restrictions on School-Sponsored Speech," 60 Fla. L. Rev. 63 (2008)2007
Bridget J. Crawford
"Toward a Third-Wave Feminist Legal Theory: Young Women, Pornography and the Praxis of Pleasure," 14 Mich. J. of Gender & L. 99 (2007)2006
John R. Nolon
"Champions of Change: Reinventing Democracy Through Land Law Reform," 30 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. (2006)2005
Donald L. Doernberg
Sovereign Immunity or the Rule of Law: The New Federalism’s Choice (2005)Previous Judges
The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University has been honored to have the following judges, lawyers and academics serve as judges for the Goettel Prize:
- Professor Miriam Baer, Brooklyn Law School
- Professor Richard Bales, Ohio Northern University Law School
- Professor Vera Bergelson, Rutgers-Newark School of Law
- Professor Anita Bernstein, Brooklyn Law School
- Professor Brooke Coleman, Seattle University School of Law
- Professor Ronald Colombo, Hofstra Law School
- Professor Michele DeStefano, University of Miami School of Law
- Professor A. Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law
- Professor Michael Herz, Cardozo Law School
- Professor Michael Higdon, University of Tennessee College of Law
- Professor Joan W. Howarth, University of Las Vegas-Nevada William S. Boyd College of Law (formerly Dean, Michigan State College of Law)
- Professor Linda Jellum, Mercer Law
- Professor Laura T. Kessler, S. J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah
- Professor Lili Levi, University of Miami School of Law
- Professor Tom Lininger, University of Oregon School of Law
- Professor Jacqueline D. Lipton, University of Pittsburgh College of Law (formerly Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law)
- Professor Orly Lobel, University of San Diego School of Law
- Professor William V. Luneberg, Jr., University of Pittsburgh School of Law
- Professor Serena Mayeri, University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Professor Bill McGeveran, University of Minnesota Law School
- Professor Troy McKenzie, New York University School of Law
- Professor Colin Miller, University of South Carolina School of Law
- The Honorable Sondra M. Miller, McCarthy Fingar LLP (White Plains, NY)
- Professor Emily Morris, Akron School of Law
- John T. O’Connor, Esq., White Plains, NY
- Professor Mary-Rose Papandrea, University of North Carolina School of Law
- Professor John Parry, Lewis & Clark Law School
- Professor Eloise Pasachoff, Georgetown Law School
- Professor Frank Pasquale, Seton Hall University School of Law
- Professor Nancy D. Polikoff, American University Washington College of Law
- Professor Lisa R. Pruitt, University of California, Davis
- Professor Nancy B. Rapoport, University of Las Vegas-Nevada William S. Boyd College of Law
- Professor D. Theodore Rave, University of Texas at Austin School of Law
- Dean Laura Rosenbury, University of Florida Levin College of Law (formerly Professor, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
- Professor Jim Rossi, Vanderbilt Law School
- Professor Michael Sant’Ambrogio, Michigan State University College of Law
- Professor Andrea Schneider, Cardozo Law
- Professor Jeremy Sheff, St. John’s University School of Law
- Professor Michael R. Siebecker, University of Denver Sturm College of Law
- Professor Judd Sneirson, Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law
- Professor Ed Snow, University of South Carolina School of Law
- Professor Sandra Sperino, University of Cincinnati College of Law
- Professor Carla Spivak, Oklahoma City University School of Law
- The Honorable Alex Stein, Supreme Court of Israel (formerly Professor, Brooklyn Law School)
- C. Evan Stewart, Esq., Zuckerman Spaeder LLP (New York, NY)
- Professor Kerri Stone, Florida International University College of Law
- Professor John Taylor, West Virginia University College of Law
- Professor Lee-ford Tritt, University of Florida Levin College of Law
- Professor Deborah A. Widiss, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
About Judge Goettel
Gerard L. Goettel (August 5, 1928 – December 19, 2011) served as a United States Magistrate Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York from 1971 to 1976. Beginning in 1976, he was a Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. He took senior status starting in 1993 and served in that capacity until his death. Goettel held a variety of positions in the private and public sectors before taking the bench. Goettel was an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1955 to 1958 and deputy chief of the United States Attorney General's Special Group on Organized Crime from 1958 to 1959. He proudly served his country in the United States Coast Guard from 1951 to 1953.
One of the most well-known jury trials over which Judge Goettel presided resulted in the 1982 conviction of Reverend Sun Myung Moon for conspiracy and willfully filing false income tax returns. The convictions were upheld. See United States v. Moon, 718 F.2d 1210 (2d Cir. 1983), cert. denied, 466. U.S. 971 (1984). In arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the government was represented by Assistant United States Attorney Jo Ann Harris, later affiliated with Pace Law School.
The Richard Ottinger Faculty Achievement Award is awarded annually by the Faculty Development Committee, in consultation with the Dean, in recognition of a full-time professor’s outstanding service to the law school, the legal profession, or both. The award generally is based on the faculty member’s outstanding service during the previous academic year.
The award is named in honor of Richard L. Ottinger, who served in the United States House of Representatives for eight terms, from 1965 to 1971 and from 1975 to 1985. Ottinger was Dean of the Law School from 1994 to 1999 and is the founder of the Pace Energy Project, now known as the Pace Energy and Climate Center.
Prior Recipients:
Jonathan Brown2019
Margaret M. Flint2018
John R. Nolon, Michelle S. Simon, Jason J. Czarnezki, Horace E. Anderson & Emily Gold Waldman2016
Jay Carlisle & Nicholas A. Robinson2014
Michelle S. Simon & Jill I. Gross2013
Karl S. Coplan2011
Gary A. Munneke2010
Darren Rosenblum & Adele Bernhard2009
Andrew C.W. Lund2008
Audrey Rogers2005
Gayl S. Westerman2004
Vanessa H. Merton2002
John A. Humbach1999
John R. Nolon -
The title of James D. Hopkins Professor of Law is awarded to a member of the faculty for a two-year term in recognition of outstanding scholarship and teaching. The designation is considered to be among the Law School’s most significant faculty honors. The Hopkins Professor is selected by the Dean in consultation with the former holders of the Hopkins Chair. During the holder’s term, the James D. Hopkins Professor delivers a lecture that is open to the entire law school community and members of the public.
This endowed chair was established with contributions from alumni/ae of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University and members of the legal community in honor of Judge James D. Hopkins, Interim Dean of the Law School in 1982–1983.
Current Hopkins Professor
August 1, 2023–July 31, 2025
Margot J. PollansPrevious Hopkins Professors and Their Lecture Titles
August 1, 2021–July 31, 2023
Noa Ben-Asher
"Gender Identity, the New Legal Sex"
Lecture Video: Gender Identity, the New Legal SexAugust 1, 2019–July 31, 2021
Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer
"Social Media and The Common Law"
Lecture Video: Social Media and The Common LawAugust 1, 2017–July 31, 2019
Bridget J. Crawford
"Democracy, Termites and Trust(s)"August 1, 2015–July 31, 2017
Lissa Griffin
"Wrongful Convictions: A Comparative Perspective"August 1, 2013–July 31, 2015
Jill I. Gross
"Setting the Record Straight: The Supreme Court and 21st Century Arbitration"August 1, 2011–July 31, 2013
Linda C. Fentiman
"Are Mothers Hazardous to their Children’s Health: Law, Culture, and the Framing of Risk"August 1, 2009–July 31, 2011
John R. Nolon
"Sustainable Development Law: Keeping Pace"August 1, 2007–July 31, 2009
Bennett L. Gershman
"The Most Dangerous Power of the Prosecutor"August 1, 2005–July 31, 2007
Michael B. Mushlin
"The Prison Crucible: Race and the American Penal System"August 1, 2003–July 31, 2005
Barbara Black
"Is Securities Arbitration Fair to Investors?"August 1, 2001–July 31, 2003
Donald L. Doernberg
"The New Federalism: Sovereign Immunity or the Rule of Law."August 1, 1999–July 31, 2001
Jeffrey G. Miller
"Evolutionary Statutory Interpretation or Mr. Justice Scalia Meets Darwin, Dean Ottinger, and Various Theories of Memes, Ecology, Complexity, and the Common Law"August 1, 1997–July 31, 1999
James J. Fishman
"Tenure and Its Discontents"August 1, 1995–July 31, 1997
M. Stuart Madden
"The Vital Common Law: Its Role in a Statutory Age"August 1, 1993–July 31, 1995
John A. Humbach
"Property Rights, Takings and Justice in a Democracy"August 1, 1991–July 31, 1993
Nicholas A. Robinson
"Emerging Earth Law"August 1, 1989–July 31, 1991
Maurice RosenbergJustice James D. Hopkins
Interim Dean (1982–1983),
Pace Law SchoolAbout James D. Hopkins
Judge James D. Hopkins was the interim Dean of the Law School in 1982–1983. Judge Hopkins' service to society and to the legal community was a shining example of the life one should live in the law. At the time of his retirement from the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court in December, 1981, he had served with distinction at the highest level of all three branches of the Westchester County Government: legislative, executive and judicial.
A lifelong resident of Westchester County, Judge Hopkins began his legal career as an associate with Strang & Taylor and later became partner of Bleakley, Platt and Walker, now known as Bleakley Platt & Schmidt LLP. In 1954, Hopkins became County Executive of Westchester County, after a one-year term as majority leader of the Westchester County Board of Supervisors, of which he also served as Chairman from 1952–1953. Judge Hopkins was Councilman and later Town Supervisor of the Town of North Castle. On appointment by Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Judge Hopkins served on the New York State Supreme Court, 9th Judicial District, a post to which he was subsequently elected, in 1960, for a 14-year term. He joined the Appellate Division, Second Department, in 1962.
Judge Hopkins passed away at the age of 84 in 1996. The Law School owes a special debt to Judge Hopkins. He served as Interim Dean at a critical time in its development, from 1982–1983, and served as Honorary Chair of its Board of Visitors. The school is honored to have its first endowed chair bear his name.
The title of Distinguished Professor is the highest honor Pace University bestows upon a faculty member. The professor must demonstrate a sustained record of extensive, extraordinary contributions in research, teaching, and service. An appointment to the rank of Distinguished Professor is made only when it is clearly established that the individual is committed to sustaining a record of exemplary intellectual/creative accomplishments.
Appointment as University Distinguished Professor is made by the Trustees of Pace University, upon the recommendation of the University’s President, Provost, the University Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee, and the faculty member’s dean, taking into account multiple factors, including letters of support from Pace faculty, the professor’s scholarly publications, student course evaluations, and reports from external referees who are experts in the faculty member’s disciplinary area and who can evaluate scholarly impact.
Haub Law is proud to have among its ranks three professors who have received the University’s highest honor:
- Bridget J. Crawford (named in 2021)
- Bennett L. Gershman (named in 2020)
- John R. Nolon (named in 2014)
University Distinguished Professors
University Distinguished Professor, 2020
University Distinguished Professor, 2014
Faculty Scholar Designations
The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Faculty Scholar designations are appointments that recognize achievement in scholarship by members of the tenured or tenure-track faculty. The below designations are effective from February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2026.
Kerman Family Faculty Scholar

The Kerman Family Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from Jeffrey Kerman, a 2005 graduate of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law. He is currently a Senior Managing Director, Certified Wealth Strategist,® and Investment Advisor Representative at Wealth Partners Advisors LLC.
The inaugural Kerman Family Faculty Scholar is David Cassuto.
International Law Faculty Scholar

The International Law Faculty Scholar is made possible by a gift from Courtney Lotfi, JD ’06. Currently Of Counsel at Jones Day in Frankfurt, Germany. Courtney is an experienced international arbitration practitioner with broad-based experience in energy, M&A, construction and industrial engineering, life sciences, automotive, and aviation-related disputes under most major institutional and ad hoc arbitration rules. Courtney is an enthusiastic supporter of developing young legal talent, including Pace students and alumni. She has developed bespoke training programs on arbitration and lectures on trial advocacy, rules of evidence, and civil procedure at the University of Bonn and co-teaches a skills-focused legal writing class at Humboldt University of Berlin.
The inaugural International Law Faculty Scholar is Jason Czarnezki.
Joseph P. D’Alessandro Faculty Scholar

The Joseph P. D’Alessandro Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from Joshua B. Brachfeld ’23 in honor of his grandfather. Mr. Brachfeld is a law clerk (pending admission) at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP.
The inaugural Joseph P. D’Alessandro Faculty Scholar is Margot Pollans.
Ian J. Yankwitt Faculty Scholar

The Ian J. Yankwitt Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from an anonymous donor. This position is named in memory of Ian J. Yankwitt (1968–2020). Mr. Yankwitt was a graduate of Yale University and Cornell Law School. Mr. Yankwitt had a varied legal career, serving as a clerk on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, practicing law at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP (where he was known for his pro bono work and where he met his wife of 23 years, Rochelle), and as an attorney with the Federal Defenders of New York. The drive for social justice he expressed as a public defender remained a passion throughout Mr. Yankwitt’s life; he served on the Advisory Board of Gideon's Promise, a nonprofit public defender organization. Mr. Yankwitt went on to establish Tortoise Investment Management, LLC in White Plains, New York. He was a long-time resident of White Plains and an active member of the Westchester business community.
The Ian J. Yankwitt Faculty Scholar is Emily Gold Waldman.
Class of 2003 Faculty Scholar
The Class of 2003 Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from an anonymous donor who received a JD from Pace University School of Law in 2003 and now working in private practice. This is the alumnus’s first gift to the school in twenty years.
The inaugural Class of 2003 Faculty Scholar is Shelby Green.
Class of 2013 Faculty Scholar
The Class of 2013 Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from an anonymous donor who received a JD from Pace University School of Law in 2013 and is now working in private practice.
The inaugural Class of 2013 Faculty Scholar is Katrina Fischer Kuh.
Ad Honorem Faculty Scholar
The Ad Honorem Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from an anonymous donor. This position is designed by the donor with flexibility to allow the recipient of the designation to choose a former faculty member, alumnus, or alumna of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University to honor through the designation, with the consent of the faculty member, alumnus or alumna. For the duration of the two-year period, the recipient will thereafter be known as the “[First Name, Last Name] Faculty Scholar.” For example, if the person designated the Ad Honorem Faculty Scholar chose to honor alumna Mary Smith ’88 and Ms. Smith agreed to the use of her name, then the Ad Honorem Faculty Scholar will be known as the Mary Smith ’88 Faculty Scholar for the period February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2026.
The inaugural Ad Honorem Faculty Scholar is Michelle Simon.
Semicentennial Faculty Scholar
The Semicentennial Faculty Scholar designation is made possible by a gift from an anonymous donor. The gift is made in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law.
The inaugural Semicentennial Faculty Scholar is Leslie Garfield Tenzer.