Student in lecture hall

Immigration Law

Immigration Law at Haub Law

Located just outside of New York City with its vast immigrant population, Haub Law offers both academic and experiential learning opportunities in the field of immigration, asylum, and citizenship law. Students have the opportunity to gain practical experience in our Immigration Justice Clinic, one of Haub Law’s flagship clinical programs, which enables student attorneys to provide free representation to immigrants and collaborate with immigrants’ rights organizations. The Immigration Justice Clinic has successfully prepared more than 130 students for careers in immigration law, private firms, independent law offices, and nonprofit agencies. Students can also join the Pace Immigration Law Society, an organization dedicated to promoting a dialogue about legal rights of refugees and immigrants in the U.S. and globally.

A Career in Immigration Law

If you are thinking about a career in Immigration Law, you may have the opportunity to practice in any of the following settings and participate in a variety of legal activities and roles during your career as listed below.

    • Small or midsize law firm
    • Nonprofit organization focused on issues of immigration, asylum, and the needs of foreign nationals living in the U.S.
    • Government agency focused on administering claims and proceedings under immigration law
    • Immigration Court (as a clerk or a judge)
    • Board of Immigration Appeals
    • Represent individuals seeking visas, refugee status, asylum, or naturalization
    • Litigate removal proceedings on behalf of individuals or the government

Path to Practice Overview

To complete the Immigration Law Path to Practice, students should complete the recommended courses in immigration law related subject matter. Students should also work at developing or enhancing foreign language skills in connection with pursuing a practice in immigration law. The courses listed below are guidelines, not requirements, based on our faculty’s advice on how best to prepare for potential careers in immigration Law.

Featured Faculty

Assistant Professor of Law
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
White Plains
Professor of Law
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
White Plains
Assistant Professor of Law and Director of the Immigration Justice Clinic
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
White Plains


For more information regarding this Path to Practice, contact Amelia Wilson at