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Women, Gender and the Law

Women, Gender, and the Law at Haub Law

This Path to Practice equips students with practice skills and strategies for effective representation and advocacy for gender justice across a broad range of practice areas, including family law, trusts and estates, criminal justice, and immigration. Students may participate in educational and experiential opportunities with the Pace Women’s Justice Center, which provides free legal services to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse, and the Immigration Justice Clinic, which enables student attorneys to provide free representation to immigrants and force federal authorities to obey their own law. Haub Law boasts several renowned faculty who are prolific scholars in the area of Women, Gender and Law and recognizes outstanding scholarship on a national level with the Haub Law Emerging Scholar Award in Women, Gender & Law. The Law School’s faculty and students participate in a variety of Gender Justice initiatives, including the annual WALS Pioneer of Justice and Equality Award. Students can also join Women’s Association of Law Students (WALS) for enriching career opportunities including educational and networking events.

A Career in Women, Gender, and the Law

If you are thinking about a career in Women, Gender and the Law, you may have the opportunity to practice in any of the following settings and participate in a variety of legal activities and roles during your career as listed below.

    • Small, midsize, or large law firm
    • Federal, state, or local government agency
    • Nonprofit advocacy group
    • Advocating for gender justice
    • Advising clients on issues of family law and children’s rights
    • Advising clients on trusts and estates issues
    • Advising clients on criminal justice issues
    • Advising clients on immigration issues
      • Develop public policy and strategize on legislative reform

Path to Practice Overview

15 total credits are recommended to complete the Women, Gender and the Law Path to Practice. The courses listed below are guidelines, not requirements, based on our faculty’s advice on how best to prepare for potential careers in Women, Gender and the Law.

Featured Faculty

University Distinguished Professor
Professor of Law
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
White Plains
Professor of Law
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Ian J. Yankwitt Faculty Scholar
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
White Plains

View all Haub Law Faculty

Qualification Requirements

All candidates must maintain an average grade of B or better in the Path to Practice courses and may have no grade below C in any of the Path to Practice courses. In addition, all candidates must maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or better.


For more information regarding this Path to Practice, contact Professor Bridget Crawford.