At Haub Law, each student is assigned a Faculty member as an advisor. Learn more about graduation requirements and find helpful resources.

Academic Support
Helping Students Succeed
The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is committed to the success of every student and provides a continuum of academic and bar support from their admission to law school through their admission to the bar.
It is never too early to start preparing for the Bar Exam. Haub Law offers a wide range of information and support to help students succeed.
Dean’s Scholars provide peer-to-peer mentoring and academic support to 1L students through weekly study group sessions for each of the substantive law classes.

Office of Academic Success
The Office of Academic Success offers individual skills development, academic counseling, legal writing assistance, as well as a variety of other programs to help students succeed in their journey to becoming lawyers.
Student Resources
From exam and study guides to tips on managing your stress, we offer a variety of resources for students at every stage of law school.

Helping You Succeed
From our Office of Academic Success to our Center for Career and Professional Development, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is committed to helping our students succeed in law school and beyond. Hear faculty and student testimonial about the support services and opportunities available to students at Haub Law.