Using her MBA for Good

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Sarah Ackerman ’21, an entrepreneurial graduate student whose degree concentrations are in Business and Marketing Management. She is able to pursue both concentrations through Lubin’s new 39-credit MBA program. Sarah decided to attend business school when she started dedicating her time to working for a cause near and dear to her heart: food allergy education and awareness.

Lubin student sara ackerman '21
Lubin alumna Sarah Ackerman '21
Lubin alumna Sarah Ackerman '21

Sarah Ackerman

Program Manager, ANA Educational Foundation

Class of 2021
Dual MBA in Business / Marketing Management

Member Of: Wilson Fund Internship Appropriations Committee, Graduate Assistant, Lubin Media and Entertainment Association

Meet Sarah Ackerman ’21, an entrepreneurial graduate student whose degree concentrations are in Business and Marketing Management. She is able to pursue both concentrations through Lubin’s new 39-credit MBA program. Sarah decided to attend business school when she started dedicating her time to working for a cause near and dear to her heart: food allergy education and awareness. Her resources blog, “Girl Behind the Hive,” landed her a video appearance with Allure magazine that now has over 400,000 views! We talked to Sarah about the journey that brought her to Lubin and her future goals.

You earned your BA in psychology and theater arts. Why did you decide to enroll in business school and why did you choose Pace University for your MBA?

I grew up acting professionally in New York, which is what led me to major in theater arts during my time as an undergraduate. It wasn’t until after graduating that I started to think about pursuing one of my other passions: food allergy education and awareness. After interacting with a number of food allergy families around the country, I realized that is where my true passion lies. Enrolling in an MBA program seemed to be the logical next step as I started to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. The Lubin School of Business offers everything that I was looking for in a program. I wanted to attend a school in the heart of New York that could provide me with networking opportunities and individualized attention. The small class sizes in the graduate program allow MBA students to forge meaningful relationships with professors. I realized that Pace checked every box in what I wanted from a university so it stood out, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision!

As I explore my future options surrounding my entrepreneurial endeavors, I have found the faculty at Pace to be both receptive and helpful. I have had long conversations with different Deans, Professors, and Career Services Counselors. Each one has taken the time to meet with me to discuss different paths, resources, and potential networking opportunities to help me fulfill my goals.

Tell us a about your experiences at Lubin; what resources have you been taking advantage of?

I am honored to have received a graduate assistantship this semester. I have been working with Dean Eisner, helping him prepare his work for publication. I also served on the Wilson Fund Internships Appropriations Committee, where I reviewed and helped to select host organizations (Pace students have the opportunity to participate in paid internship programs). I found this experience extremely rewarding, as I learned about non-profit organizations throughout the five boroughs that are doing incredibly meaningful work to give back to the community. I also started the Lubin Media and Entertainment Association, but it is currently on hold since campus is closed! As I explore my future options surrounding my entrepreneurial endeavors, I have found the faculty at Pace to be both receptive and helpful. I have had long conversations with different Deans, Professors, and Career Services Counselors. Each one has taken the time to meet with me to discuss different paths, resources, and potential networking opportunities to help me fulfill my goals.

We just launched our new 39-credit MBA program that you were able to transfer into recently. What does this transition mean to you?

The new 39-credit MBA program has allowed me to pursue concentrations in Business and Marketing, and complete my respective programs in two years! Switching into this new program enables me to maintain the traditional two-year timeline of an MBA, even though I did not major in business in my undergraduate studies. I am thrilled by this opportunity and the classes that are being offered in this program. The flexibility of being able to choose from a multitude of concentration courses allows for an extreme personalization of my MBA track. I am able to enroll in classes that specifically align with my future plans, and as an added benefit, I can pick the brains of the amazing professors teaching these courses!

Tell us about the idea behind “Girl Behind the Hive” and your future goals for this initiative.

After meeting a number of food allergy families struggling to adapt to their restrictions, I was inspired to start something. I started “Girl Behind the Hive” a little over a year ago as a blog resource for parents, caregivers, teens, and anyone dealing with food allergies on a daily basis. Since then, the venture has grown exponentially. In the past year, I have been named one of the “Top 100 Women in Food Allergies”; I have participated in panels and corporate focus groups; I have partnered with national organizations: FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) and EAT (End Allergies Together): and I worked with Allure magazine to propel food allergy awareness and understanding. I found that parents of food allergic children yearn for more information and a “growing up with allergies” resource in the mainstream world. And this is a big population, since one in thirteen children in each classroom has a food allergy. Adults with food allergies continue to navigate uncharted territory as the first generation blindly managing their day-to-day challenges. Ultimately, I would like to reach a broader audience and continue to be the voice to help those with allergies navigate their daily obstacles. I hope to share my passion and energy for normalizing life with food allergies through showing how I have adapted and maintained a positive attitude!

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

To me, #LubinLife means being ready to absorb everything. I remember being overwhelmed by the opportunities presented at graduate orientation. One after another different department Chairs and Deans stated how their doors were always open and that they love to meet with students. I am SO glad I believed them. I have met with numerous faculty members and students already, and have learned so much by listening to other perspectives and ideas. Taking advantage of every opportunity is important in order to make the most of your time at Lubin!

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A Sales and Advertising Expert

Lubin School of Business
New York City

As the first-ever Account Management Intern at ViacomCBS, Nina has had some unforgettable experiences that are setting her up for success in her career. Nina is a transfer student who has gotten to know Lubin’s Marketing Department like the back of her hand and she has made sure she does not leave any opportunities on the table

Lubin student nina conticello '21
Lubin student nina conticello '21

Nina Conticello

Solution Specialist, Effectv

Class of 2021
BBA in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Professional Selling and Sales Management

Member Of: Brand Marketing Team, Lubin Sales Team, Advertising Club

As the first-ever Account Management Intern at ViacomCBS, Nina has had some unforgettable experiences that are setting her up for success in her career. Nina is a transfer student who has gotten to know Lubin’s Marketing Department like the back of her hand and she has made sure she does not leave any opportunities on the table. She has taken on leadership positions in the Advertising Club, brought home awards as part of the Lubin Sales Team, and is getting ready to represent Pace University at the National Student Advertising Competition as a member of the Brand Marketing Team.

Congratulations on your big win in this year’s Steel City Sales Challenge! Can you tell us what it is like to be a part of the Lubin Sales Team and your experiences in the sales competition?

Thank you so much! The Lubin Sales Team is truthfully Lubin’s hidden gem. Being on the Sales Team will teach you skills you will not learn elsewhere in your college experience; overall, being part of the team is very fun. I had been on the team for less than a month when I flew down to Tampa, Florida to compete in my first competition. At the Duquesne University Competition, which happened over Zoom, I roleplayed against sales teams from universities across the country, and my scoresheet placed in the finalist group awarding me a cash prize of $500. I wish more people knew about the opportunities you have access to by being on the team and participating in competitions. If you are a go-getter who likes to find solutions to problems, I urge you to check out the Sales Team.

What will your final semester at Pace look like? What are you looking forward to the most?

If I had to compare my final semester at Pace to a manicure, it would be the time where you just applied your top coat and now your nails are drying. I have done and achieved so much within the past three years at Pace. I will continue to participate in competitions representing the Lubin Sales Team and finish off my classes. I would say I am most looking forward to the National Student Advertising Competition that I will be participating in as part of the Brand Marketing Team at the end of April for the campaign we are currently working on. Lastly, I am very excited about planning for my future career after graduation and I have set high expectations for myself to have a job lined up when that time comes.

What I have learned in the past six months ranges from the basics of email etiquette all the way to booking ad space for both presidential candidates (Donald Trump and Joe Biden). I had my internship, where I currently help out on deals throughout ViacomCBS and all of its subsidiaries, extended into the Fall. It is very exciting!

You have some great marketing internships on your resume. What were those experiences like and how do you think they’ll impact your career?

I am very grateful for all of the internships I’ve had. My first internship at Crestron Electronics helped me develop skills that I was able to transfer into my current internship at ViacomCBS. I was a Digital Marketing Intern at Creston. I liked what I did, but I felt that I needed a more client-facing role because I like talking to people. That is when I found out what Account Management is and started seeking out opportunities in that field. This past summer I interned for ViacomCBS as an Account Management intern, where I mainly worked with an advertising agency to help reach their clients’ goals. What I have learned in the past six months ranges from the basics of email etiquette all the way to booking ad space for both presidential candidates (Donald Trump and Joe Biden). I had my internship, where I currently help out on deals throughout the company and all of its subsidiaries, extended into the Fall. It is very exciting! I am truly blessed to be given the opportunity to intern during a time like this. As a guiding star, I always make sure that networking is a priority while at my internship; I am very proud of the network that I am building.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking to get involved on campus?

Go to the career fairs. Go to class. Do the extracurricular and academic things that you might not want to do or your friends aren’t doing because the little things are what make the difference. Make it known to professors that you care about learning and talk to other students who are on the same page. For me, when I first transferred to Pace, I made it a priority to get on the Brand Marketing Team because I knew it would help me become a better student and help me get a job. I joined the Advertising Club, went to every meeting, expressed interest, and became a part of the executive board. That is how I got to work with Dr. Chiagouris and Prof. Nankin, who run the Brand Marketing Team; they got to see my personality. Now, as an active member of the team, I have a better understanding of the industry and feel more prepared for the real world than I did two years ago.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

I recently got a t-shirt from Pace that says “it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.” I find this to be very relatable, especially to Lubin students. It’s very easy to cruise along in college and not do much to help yourself in becoming a professional. Lubin offers opportunities for you to become successful. Take a chance and become a part of it to find out!

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Impacting Her Community

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Nicole Ojeda '21, the 2019-2020 President of the Student Government Association and a Business Management major who is passionate about the communities that she is a part of. Nicole is the first in her family to be born in the United States and she speaks Spanish, English, French, and Italian fluently.

Lubin student nicole ojeda '21
Lubin student nicole ojeda '21

Nicole Ojeda

Alumni Relations Officer, Pace University

Class of 2021
BBA in Business Management with minors in Economics and Political Science

Member Of: Student Government Association

Meet Nicole Ojeda, the 2019-2020 President of the Student Government Association and a Business Management major who is passionate about the communities that she is a part of. Nicole is the first in her family to be born in the United States and she speaks Spanish, English, French, and Italian fluently. This unique ability to communicate with different groups of people is reflected in the things that she is accomplishing as a student at Pace University. This summer, Nicole is working as a Summit Production Intern for She’s the First, her second internship in the not-for-profit world. Her internship falls under the auspices of the Wilson Center.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business to advance your business education?

I chose to attend Pace because in addition to falling in love with the location, I fell in love with the people. The students, faculty, and staff here at Pace have a true desire to help one another pursue their true passions. In the Lubin School of Business I see that many achieve greatness by collaborating with one other, leaving their comfort zones, and motivating one another along the way. For me, Pace’s Lubin School of Business offered three things I looked for the most in my college experience: a quality education, real-world involvement, and most importantly the love and support I need in order to excel.

Where are you currently interning? Have you had any other internships previously

This summer I am interning at a non-profit called She’s the First. This organization helps fight gender inequality throughout the world and supports girls worldwide through education, mentoring, and movement building. The Wilson Center made me aware of this internship. After applying I got the call that I would be She’s the First’s Summer Events Production intern. In the past I interned at another non-profit organization --the Boys and Girls Club of America-- through Bank of America’s Student Leadership program.

#LubinLife is much more than recognizing the opportunities circulating around us; #LubinLife is the undying willingness to take advantage of them.

What have you been working on at your internship?

So far, I have been involved with general event production, which is different from my previous event planning experiences. I’ve worked on many aspects of event planning with a heavy emphasis on research. I have gotten very familiar with the organization, their different events, campaigns, and social media outreach strategies. I have also learned about communicating effectively in an office setting.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

For students looking for internships, I highly recommend using all available resources. This entails speaking with professors, networking with other students, employers, and alumni. Definitely take advantage of the incredible Career Services office that we have on campus. Another great source for finding internships would be online platforms such as Handshake and LinkedIn.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

To me, #LubinLife represents the insatiable thirst to achieve success as a young business student. Given the resources available within Lubin, in addition to Pace University as a whole, opportunities can seem endless. Sometimes they may not be so clear or easy to obtain, but because we are Lubin students, we are quick to think of ways to thrive in such a unique environment. #LubinLife is much more than recognizing the opportunities circulating around us; #LubinLife is the undying willingness to take advantage of them. Through networking, relationship building, and professional and personal development, we Lubin students can succeed here in New York City and the world beyond.

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Kickstarting a Career in Finance

Lubin School of Business

Meet Mathew Martinez '21, Lubin’s Student Ambassador for Pleasantville’s Student Government Association, who is very dedicated to keeping #LubinLife vibrant on campus. As a finance major with a minor in mathematics, Matthew has been growing the Investment Club on campus.

Lubin student matthew martinez '21
Lubin student matthew martinez '21

Matthew Martinez

Client Associate, Rockefeller Capital Management

Class of 2021
BBA in Finance with a minor in Mathematics

Member Of: Student Government Association, Investment Club, Delta Sigma Pi

Meet Mathew Martinez, Lubin’s Student Ambassador for Pleasantville’s Student Government Association, who is very dedicated to keeping #LubinLife vibrant on campus. As a finance major with a minor in mathematics, Matthew has been growing the Investment Club on campus. He has also been taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Career Service, and he even landed an internship through the on-campus Job and Internship Fair! We talked to Matthew about what his life as a Lubin student is like.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I transferred to Pace University’s Lubin School of Business after my freshman year at University at Albany. One reason I transferred to Pace was for the smaller class sizes, I learned quickly when I first started college that it was difficult for me to learn with 400 other people in the class. I also love how the teachers here are very accessible. I know if I need one on one help, I can get it. I also chose Lubin because of the hands-on experience-based education model they have. Before coming to Pace, I already had the belief that it is essential, especially in the business field, to get hands-on experience before you graduate from college. Pace offers precisely that with the Career Services office, internship fairs, and multiple companies they bring on campus to talk to students.

You are the Lubin Student Ambassador for the Student Government Association. Tell us what this position entails and what motivated you to take on this role.

The position of Lubin Student Ambassador entails advocating for the students in the Lubin School during our bi-weekly senate meetings. I also strengthen the connection of individuals in the business school by holding a community meeting where all students, teachers, and faculty can meet and discuss common business topics each semester. I have always loved networking and meeting new people, so when I found out that this role offered the opportunity to connect students with faculty in the business school, I immediately set my sights on it.

You had a finance-focused internship last Spring. Tell us about your experience at this internship and what you have learned.

I interned at Foresters Financial Services, now known as Cetera, during my Sophomore year. Throughout this internship, I learned how to professionally conduct meetings with potential clients and what product a financial services company can offer to help individuals reach their monetary goals in the future. Through their internship program, I was able to sit in team meetings and attend client pitches, which was probably my favorite part of the internship.

I highly recommend attending the Job and Internship Fair because that is where I got my internship. Make sure to research the companies that you are most interested in before attending the job fair so that when you engage with the representatives, they can see that you have a high level of interest in their company.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships

It is essential that you meet with a Career Services counselor at the start of every semester so you can update your resume and LinkedIn profile in the most effective way. I also highly recommend attending the Job and Internship Fair because that is where I got my internship. Make sure to research the companies that you are most interested in before attending the job fair so that when you engage with the representatives, they can see that you have a high level of interest in their company. My last piece of advice is to apply to as many different types of internships as possible. Before you graduate, you need to try different kinds of jobs to figure out what you really want to do in your career.

You are the President of the Investment Club. Tell us a little bit about this role.

As President of the Investment Club, I try to connect students with similar interests in the stock market and investing in general. I put together our bi-weekly meetings and implemented an online platform to constantly communicate about the fantasy portfolio we manage and changes occurring in the market.

What motivates you to work hard?

What motivates me to work hard is the idea that the business industry is a very competitive place. I am not only competing against the other well-educated business students at Pace but all the other business students around the country looking for similar jobs. To differentiate yourself from other business students, you need to make the most out of your college experience, especially with all the things Lubin has to offer.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife, to me, is all about hands-on experience. That is what made me choose Pace over other schools. They prepare you for the real world with hands-on internship experience before you graduate. They understand it is just as essential to get experience in the business world before you graduate as it is to get your academic degree.

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