Pace University’s Lubin School of Business Maintains Prestigious Dual AACSB Accreditation

Lubin School of Business

Fewer than 2 percent of business schools have dual accreditation for business and accounting.

Pace University’s Lubin School of Business Maintains Prestigious Dual AACSB Accreditation
Pace University’s Lubin School of Business Maintains Prestigious Dual AACSB Accreditation

Fewer than 2 percent of business schools have dual accreditation for business and accounting

NEW YORK, N.Y. (Feb. 4, 2021)—The Lubin School of Business at Pace University has successfully maintained its dual accreditation for both business and accounting by AACSB International, the University today announced.

Lubin's dual accreditation by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is an elite distinction shared by fewer than 2 percent of business schools in the world offering business degree programs.

"Pace University has a steadfast commitment to providing our students with the tools they'll need to succeed in their careers after graduation," said Pace President Marvin Krislov. "I'm proud that the Lubin School of Business will maintain its dual AACSB accreditation, and I know we'll continue our long tradition of creating opportunities for ambitious, hard-working business and accounting students.”

Founded in 1916, AACSB International is the longest serving global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in business and accounting. AACSB accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in business and accounting education. There are currently 882 business institutions in 57 countries and territories that have earned AACSB Accreditation. Similarly, 189 institutions hold a supplemental, specialized AACSB Accreditation for their accounting programs.

“Earning the distinction of dual AACSB accreditation reflects a business institution’s commitment to the highest standards of excellence,” said Lawrence G. Singleton, dean of the Lubin School of Business. “We thoroughly enjoyed working with our strong peer review team and appreciate the helpful feedback they provided throughout the process. Lubin's focus on student success, career preparation, and innovative programs and practices were important components for re-accreditation success.”

Achieving accreditation is a multi-year process of rigorous internal review and peer review. These standards require excellence in areas relating to strategic management and innovation; student, faculty, and staff as active participants; learning and teaching; and academic and professional engagement.

“AACSB congratulates Pace University's Lubin School of Business and Dean Lawrence G. Singleton on extending accreditation in business and accounting," said Stephanie M. Bryant, executive vice president and chief accreditation officer of AACSB International. “The intense peer-review process confirms a school’s continued focus on excellence in all areas, including teaching, research, curriculum development, and student learning. The Lubin School of Business’ dedication to delivering high quality business education will create the next generation of great leaders.”

Pace University Provost Vanya Quiñones added: “The Lubin School of Business has a long and distinguished history of success. It is a key part of Pace University’s fundamental mission of creating opportunities for students and educating professionals for success in their chosen fields. This dual accreditation by AACSB International affirms our commitment to excellence and educating leaders across all spectrums of business.”

Pace University has a rich history of excellence in business education and was founded as a school of accountancy in 1906. With a strong focus on experiential learning and one of the largest internship placement programs in the New York metropolitan area, Lubin’s combined job placement rate is more than 93 percent. Furthermore, the Accounting Department successfully launched a new MS in Accounting Data Analytics and Technologies (MSADAT) program, which teaches students cutting-edge STEM skills while preparing them for CPA licensure examinations. Lubin also recently launched an online MBA program that is convenient, flexible and affordable.

For Jackie Lee-Martinez, a freshman from Miami, Fla. majoring in marketing, the accreditation, the curriculum and the University’s successful rate of job placement reaffirms her decision to attend Pace.

"Upon receiving the news that Pace University’s Lubin School of Business successfully maintained its dual accreditation for both business and accounting by AACSB, I felt a great sense of gratitude and pride in being a Pace business student,” said Lee-Martinez. “Lubin is ranked among the best of business schools and is consistently distinguishing itself, which is evident through the substantial opportunities in the classroom and beyond. Being a Lubin student is incredibly rewarding, and I am confident that our school will continue to receive many more prestigious accolades."

About Pace University

Pace University has a proud history of preparing its diverse student body for a lifetime of professional success as a result of its unique program that combines rigorous academics and real-world experiences. Pace is ranked the #1 private, four-year college in the nation for upward economic mobility by Harvard University’s Opportunity Insights, evidence of the transformative education the University provides. From its beginnings as an accounting school in 1906, Pace has grown to three campuses, enrolling 13,000 students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in more than 150 majors and programs, across a range of disciplines: arts, sciences, business, health care, technology, law, education, and more. The university also has one of the most competitive performing arts programs in the country. Pace has a signature, newly renovated campus in New York City, located in the heart of vibrant Lower Manhattan, next to Wall Street and City Hall, and two campuses in Westchester County, New York: a 200-acre picturesque Pleasantville Campus and the Elisabeth Haub School of Law in White Plains. Follow us on Twitter or on the Pace News website.

About the Lubin School of Business at Pace University

Globally recognized and prestigiously accredited, the Lubin School of Business integrates New York City’s business world into the experienced-based education of its students at Pace’s suburban and downtown campuses, implemented by one of the region’s largest co-op programs, team-based learning, and customized career guidance. Its programs are designed to launch success-oriented graduates toward upwardly mobile careers.

About AACSB International

Established in 1916, AACSB is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With a presence in more than 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB is transforming business education for a better society.

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Finding a Place in Marketing World

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Victoria Figlia is a first-generation, non-traditional student who found her way to Pace University in 2018 after taking some years off before resuming her education. Eight years after graduating high-school, Victoria followed her passion for various artistic mediums and earned an Honors Associate's degree in Liberal Art at Suffolk County Community College. Now, at Lubin, she is paving a path to becoming a successful business leader in the world of marketing. We talked to Victoria about her time at Lubin, including being a part of the Brand Marketing Team, and she provided priceless responses.

infographic with the words Marketing Plan in the middle
Victoria Figlia
Victoria Figlia

Victoria Figlia

Social Media and Brand Consultant (self-employed)

Class of 2021
BBA in Marketing - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Digital Marketing

Member Of: Advertising Club, American Marketing Association, Residence Hall Association, Japanese Language and Culture Club

Victoria Figlia is a first-generation, non-traditional student who found her way to Pace University in 2018 after taking some years off before resuming her education. Eight years after graduating high-school, Victoria followed her passion for various artistic mediums and earned an Honors Associate's degree in Liberal Art at Suffolk County Community College. Now, at Lubin, she is paving a path to becoming a successful business leader in the world of marketing. We talked to Victoria about her time at Lubin, including being a part of the Brand Marketing Team, and she provided priceless responses.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I chose the Lubin School of Business at Pace University because of its location and the potential I saw for the number of opportunities I would be able to take advantage of. I knew I wanted to attend a university in Manhattan, and Pace has a reputation for having a well-connected business school. Lubin has provided me with a plethora of opportunities for upward economic mobility post-graduation.

What resources available at Pace University have you been taking advantage of so far?

I visited the Tutoring Center frequently during my first year at Pace. It definitely helped me keep my GPA afloat while I was still adjusting to the workload. During my second year, I got very involved with Career Services and got a lot of help towards fine-tuning my resume and interview skills. However, I'd have to say that the resource that's been the most valuable to me thus far has been building a rapport with my professors and meeting regularly with my advisor each semester.

I look forward to hopefully returning to some normalcy on campus before I graduate, but either way it's a learning experience. We, collectively as a student body, will adapt and come out better for it. I am most looking forward to our Brand Marketing Team competition in April, though. It will be great to see two semesters of hard work finally come together to be presented.

What is your advice for other first-generation, non-traditional students?

This is tough, because everyone's experience looks so different. The best advice I could give is this: it's important to remember that in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter how long it takes to get your degree or how old you are when you graduate. What matters is that you did it. Every single student here has the same goal: to better themselves. Remember to be kind to yourself! It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but treat yourself with the same compassion you'd offer your peers. Try your best to stay organized! Take each semester one week at a time and it'll be time for final exams before you know it!

What has been the most impactful experience you've had so far while being a student at Lubin?

This may be a little premature, as I'm still going through this experience, but I'm going to say that the most impactful experience I've had is being part of the Brand Marketing Team. Getting placed on the team alone took over a year of really just putting my nose to the grindstone. Now that I'm here it's been really great working with students that are equally as driven as I am. I work best under pressure and with tight deadlines, so being in this environment with my teammates makes me want to work even harder. I'm excited to see what this year holds for us.

What does the rest of this academic year look like for you? What are you looking forward to the most?

Currently this academic year looks like my backyard because that's the view I have from my window while attending classes remotely. In all honesty, it's a lot of time on Zoom between classes and meetings for group projects and clubs. I look forward to hopefully returning to some normalcy on campus before I graduate, but either way it's a learning experience. We, collectively as a student body, will adapt and come out better for it. I am most looking forward to our Brand Marketing Team competition in April, though. It will be great to see two semesters of hard work finally come together to be presented.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife to me is a community of students and faculty who are as invested in your success as you are. After graduation, these students and faculty, along with all Lubin alumni, will become your network and a support system as you navigate the stages of starting your career and developing as a profesisonal.

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Two Industries, One School

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Kyle Igarta, an honors student and double major in arts and entertainment management and business analytics. Kyle used to be a competitive dancer and soccer player for almost 15 years. These activities repeatedly brought him into the city, so he was already very familiar with New York City before his freshman year. We talked to him about his decision behind becoming a double major and his internships spanning from Broadway Music Inc. to American Express. Kyle had some amazing advice to share with other students looking for internships.

split image of a pen and paper on the left, and a person tying their shoe on the right
Kyle Igarta
Kyle Igarta

Kyle Igarta

Senior Financial Analyst, American Express

Class of 2021
BBA in Management - Arts and Entertainment Management / Business Analytics (double major)

Member Of: Pforzheimer's Honors College

Meet Kyle Igarta, an honors student and double major in arts and entertainment management and business analytics. Kyle used to be a competitive dancer and soccer player for almost 15 years. These activities repeatedly brought him into the city, so he was already very familiar with New York City before his freshman year. We talked to him about his decision behind becoming a double major and his internships spanning from Broadway Music Inc. to American Express. Kyle had some amazing advice to share with other students looking for internships.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I chose Pace University because of its prime location in the Financial District of Manhattan. I grew up as a competitive dancer and spent many of my summers training in New York City, so I was no stranger to the area. I always knew that I wanted to go to school in a city because of its untraditional campus and the freedom that going to school in a city offers. I decided to enroll at Pace/Lubin because I felt that this business school was the most personable to me. From the very first time I toured the school, I knew that Lubin was going to do whatever it takes to make sure that their students succeed and are set up for great careers.

Tell us a bit about your internships. How will you apply what you learned on them to the rest of your career? What comes next?

I secured my first internship the summer going into my freshman year. I interned with a performance rights organization called Broadcast Music Inc. as an intern in their Musical Theater and Jazz department. I spent my summer looking at how royalties affect the theater industry and how artists are paid if their music is used in various productions ranging from off-Broadway to Broadway shows. I also had the chance to work on a project with all of the other interns from different departments, which allowed me to see how the company's various areas come together to work as one. I felt that it was a solid first internship experience that allowed me to get a little glimpse of the industry. I had my second internship this past summer at American Express as a Financial Analyst Intern in the Global Services Group. This internship was completely different from my first one in all aspects. My role on this team was to look at the financial side of various projects that improved workplace experience. This included, but was not limited to, conducting Cost-Benefit Analyses, assisting in Long Range Planning, and forming models that portrayed the overview of the projects. I was also given the opportunity to speak with senior leaders within the organization. I feel that the knowledge I gained through these two internships will help the rest of my college experience immensely, as well as serve as a building block to my future endeavors. I plan on returning to American Express next summer for another internship in Finance.

The fact that I have the opportunity to learn and grow in two different industries under the same roof will be extremely beneficial to me in my future endeavors and will allow me to see things from various viewpoints!

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

My advice for other Lubin students is to not be discouraged by the "no's." Use them to motivate you to keep working and bettering yourself in all aspects because that "no" doesn't mean a no forever; it is a "no" for now. There are endless opportunities out there, you just have to apply yourself and work to reach your goals. Also, networking will be a vital asset in your career. It will help your social skills, as well as help you make quality connections in the industry that you hope to work in.

What motivates you to work hard?

I feel that my knowledge of where I want to end up and my determination to get there motivates me to work hard. I know that the only thing stopping me from reaching my goals is me, so I think it is necessary to keep working hard in everything I do; eventually, my dreams will become a reality.

You are a dual major in Business Analytics and Arts and Entertainment Management. Tell us a bit about the idea behind combining these two disciplines and what value you are currently finding in their combination.

As I mentioned earlier, I grew up as a dancer and I always dreamed about working in the performing arts industry. As I grew up, I developed a passion for business and numbers, but still wanted to be in the entertainment industry. The Arts and Entertainment Management major was a perfect fit to satisfy my interests. When my sophomore year came around and I began to start my major specific courses, I felt that I was still missing something. That's when I picked up Business Analytics as my second major and it was a great addition because it allowed me to work with large amounts of data and make a story of it all, which is awesome. The fact that I have the opportunity to learn and grow in two different industries under the same roof will be extremely beneficial to me in my future endeavors and will allow me to see things from various viewpoints!

What does #LubinLife mean to you? (i.e. the Lubin culture)

To me, #LubinLife means that you are able to find the best version of yourself, whether it is professionally or personally, all in the same place, with the help of advisors and like-minded peers. The culture of Lubin is one that provides a nurturing environment that allows you to grow, as well as one that pushes you to reach your potential. Lubin provides all of its students with the tools to succeed, but it is up to them to put those tools to use in the ways that benefit them the most.

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Pace University Partners with Global IT Company Saberpoint to Upgrade Workforce Experience and Skills for Students

Seidenberg School of CSIS

Partnership Offers Professional Development, Salesforce Training

Pace University Partners with Global IT Company Saberpoint to Upgrade Workforce Experience and Skills for Students

Partnership Offers Professional Development, Salesforce Training

NEW YORK and PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. (Feb. 2, 2021) — Pace University is partnering with Saberpoint, a leading IT consulting and digital solutions company with offices in the US, India and Israel, to provide specialized software, technology and skills training for students that will provide them with critical workplace experience and fast-track their careers.

In establishing the Saberpoint Technology Professional Development Fund at Pace, Saberpoint President and CEO Ajay Bhumitra intends to complement and augment academic learning by funding valuable hands-on internships, mentorship, and training programs. The initiative will also create a pipeline of professionals that have the skills that companies are looking for.

“As a Pace graduate, I am thrilled to establish the Saberpoint Technology Professional Development Fund in collaboration with the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University,” Bhumitra said. “With our shared goals of advancing a diverse and innovative workforce, I am committed to working with my alma mater to empower Pace students with the business and technology skills needed to succeed in the evolving global economy.”

The partnership started out in 2020 as a pilot program with 18 students, and was such a success that it continues to grow and evolve. Now, it’s expected to become a more formal part of the curriculum. A key aspect of its initial success was a 10-week program aimed at teaching students how to effectively use Salesforce, a leading software program widely used in industry to increase sales, maximize return on investment (ROI) and optimize communications with clients. The goal is also to help students gain potentially career-advancing certifications from the popular, yet complex sales tool, and award scholarships to cover exam costs.

“Partnerships like this are such a benefit to our students’ educational experience,” said Dr. Jonathan Hill, Dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University. “Saberpoint, in particular, offers an excellent hands-on training process that allows students to gain in-demand skills in Salesforce, and to put what they’ve been learning in the classroom into practice directly. When they graduate from Pace, they will be even more prepared to enter the workforce and land great jobs where they can offer their skills in impactful ways.”

The partnership with Pace has been remarkably successful for Pawan Tilwani, a computer science major who graduated in May 2020. While at Pace, Tilwani worked as a graduate assistant to Dr. Anthony Joseph, professor and co-chair of the Computer Science Department, and received guidance from Pace’s Department of Career Services on resume writing, coaching, communications, and career advisement. He later completed a six-month internship with Saberpoint. Under the company’s tutelage and guidance, Tilwani earned several Salesforce certifications that he estimates would have taken up to five years on his own. He is now a 4X certified Salesforce consultant and works at Saberpoint full-time.

“They were invested in my success,” said Tilwani, of India, noting that everyone from the CEO to sales associates were helpful and eager for him to succeed. “They really cared for my professional growth. It’s a family environment. Everyone is there for you.”

About Pace University

Pace University has a proud history of preparing its diverse student body for a lifetime of professional success as a result of its unique program that combines rigorous academics and real-world experiences. Pace is ranked the #1 private, four-year college in the nation for upward economic mobility by Harvard University’s Opportunity Insights, evidence of the transformative education the University provides. From its beginnings as an accounting school in 1906, Pace has grown to three campuses, enrolling 13,000 students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in more than 150 majors and programs, across a range of disciplines: arts, sciences, business, health care, technology, law, education, and more. The university also has one of the most competitive performing arts programs in the country. Pace has a signature, newly renovated campus in New York City, located in the heart of vibrant Lower Manhattan, next to Wall Street and City Hall, and two campuses in Westchester County, New York: a 200-acre picturesque Pleasantville Campus and the Elisabeth Haub School of Law in White Plains. Follow us on Twitter or on the Pace News website.

About the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University

At Pace University’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, students experience a best-of-breed technology education at one of the first comprehensive schools of computing in the nation. Strategically located in the heart of NYC’s tech scene, the Seidenberg School places students on the doorstep of New York’s most promising companies, whether they are established tech giants or exciting new start-ups. Through partnerships with leading corporations, banks, federal agencies, and global entities, the School's curricula and programs are designed to give students the latest in computer science theory and invaluable hands-on practice to ground it. The faculty includes numerous cybersecurity experts who operate labs and centers providing students with practical experience and connections that lead to impressive internships and jobs.

About Saberpoint

Saberpoint is an IT Consulting company that provides technology and business transformation services to small, medium and large enterprises in the US, India and Israel. The company enables its customers to get a 360 degree view into their business, and their customers, by leveraging technology to promote efficiencies, revenue and profitability. Saberpoint has strategically partnered with market leaders in the technology industry, including Salesforce, SAP, Tableau, Shopify and Magento to provide CRM, ERP, Analytics, eCommerce and Marketing Solutions. In addition, Saberpoint has unique partnerships with companies that provide next generation solutions for Contract Lifecycle Management, Cyber Security, Customer Experience Analytics, digitalization and AI, to provide a well-rounded solution portfolio to its customers. Follow us on Linkedin and Twitter.

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