December 2023: A Message from President Krislov

College of Health Professions
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Lubin School of Business
Pace President
Sands College of Performing Arts
School of Education
Seidenberg School of CSIS

As the year concludes amidst shorter days and final exams, President Krislov reflects on a momentous 2023, marked by the opening of a 26-story campus center in New York City, athletic achievements, accolades for the law school, and the establishment of the Sands College of Performing Arts.

Pace student jumping in mid-air as she exits the front of One Pace Plaza
Marvin Krislov, Pace University President

As the days get shorter and final exams ramp up, it’s time to reflect on the year that’s wrapping up.

It’s no exaggeration to say that 2023 has been a momentous one at Pace University. This year, we opened our brand-new 26-story campus center at 15 Beekman in New York City—and we started work on the renovation of the east side of One Pace Plaza that will bring us a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center, an updated residence hall, and new classrooms and gathering spaces for the full Pace Community. In Pleasantville, our women’s lacrosse team became the first national championship squad not only in Pace history but in all of Westchester County history. The Elisabeth Haub School of Law was named the top environmental law program in the nation for the third consecutive year and the fourth time in five years. And in the biggest news of the year, in the spring Board Chair Rob Sands, JD ’84, and his wife, Pamela, made the transformation contribution that we recognized by creating the seventh independent school within Pace University, the new Sands College of Performing Arts.

As this issue of Pace Now demonstrates, there are exciting things happening all across our campuses. You can read about our Esports program, which launched only two years ago as Pace’s 15th varsity sport but is already well on its way to becoming a powerhouse. You’ll meet students who are up to remarkable things, from video game maker Michael Falco to environmental scientist and conservation expert Madelyn Garcia to international student Hitasha Nagdeo, who’s earning a master’s in social media and mobile marketing while holding down two different student assistant roles to Lucie Belle Flagg, who is raising awareness for people with hidden disabilities.

We’re also learned this year just how generous the people of Pace can be. The fiscal year that wrapped up in July set a record for contributions to Pace, with $43 million raised. That’s all money to support crucial efforts to support our important mission of Opportunitas—from donations for scholarships to capital investment to pay for construction and repairs to funding for critical student support initiatives. Just last week, the Pace Community surpassed our goal for Giving Tuesday, making 2,430 gifts totaling more than $800,000.

I’m grateful for that generosity, I’m grateful for our community, and I’m grateful for all that we’ve accomplished together this year. Have a wonderful and relaxing break and happy holiday season. I’m looking forward to the great things we’ll do together in 2024.

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More from Pace


When Michael Falco took new course Game Development for Everyone, he never expected to end up building and coding his own arcade game—which you can play at its home on the Pleasantville Campus!


Pace student and UN Millennium Fellow Lucie Belle Flagg ’24 channeled both her frustrations and her energy into bringing greater awareness of hidden disabilities to the Pace Community. Through her collaborative work, she’s helped make Pace the first university in New York to officially launch the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program.


Madelyn Garcia '23, '24, has already made a considerable impact at Pace. She spent the summer interning at Defenders of Wildlife, an organization that embraces an intersectional approach to conservation, as she prepares to graduate with a combined degree focused on environmental science, conservation, and policy.

Flower Power: Shining a Light on Hidden Disabilities

Diversity and Equity
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Pace student and UN Millennium Fellow Lucie Belle Flagg ’24 channeled both her frustrations and her energy into bringing greater awareness of hidden disabilities to the Pace Community. Through her collaborative work, she’s helped make Pace the first university in New York to officially launch the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program.

field of sunflowers
Pace University student, Lucie Belle Flagg wearing her sunflower lanyard
Alyssa Cressotti

“When I first came to Pace, I had a very difficult time getting the accommodations I needed because my disabilities weren’t visible to the human eye,” recalls Film and Screen Studies student Lucie Belle Flagg ’24. “So many of my peers with hidden disabilities had also been turned down for accommodations and I realized that this was a serious issue at Pace. With such emphasis on Opportunitas at Pace, we needed to find a way to offer equitable access to such opportunities.”

So, Lucie got to work.

In March of 2022, she visited her sister who lives overseas in St Andrews, Scotland. There, Lucie was introduced to the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower and how it works worldwide to support individuals with hidden disabilities and help raise awareness. The sunflower is a globally recognized symbol for hidden disabilities and wearing one helps wearers to discreetly signal to people around them that they may need additional support or help in public areas.

Pace University student, Lucie Flagg wearing her sunflower lanyard
Lucie Belle Flagg '24 tabling with information about Hidden Disabilities at Pace.

Hidden disabilities include, but are certainly not limited to, ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, depression, epilepsy, food allergies, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, PoTS, multiple sclerosis, and so much more.

“Understanding the power of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower project, I applied for the Millennium Fellowship—a fellowship program presented by the United Nations Academic Impact and the Millennium Campus Network,” she says. “My project proposal aimed to provide support to Pace students, staff, and faculty with hidden disabilities by participating in the Sunflower Lanyard Scheme.”

That summer, Lucie was accepted into the fellowship program and began her fundraising efforts for her project, Hidden Disabilities at Pace, with the aim of providing support for students, staff, and faculty on campus with hidden disabilities. Nearly 30 people from Pace and beyond backed her project, and she was able to collect almost $1,300 to purchase sunflower-themed lanyards which would be shared with the Pace Community.

“With the support of Dr. Sue Maxam, we were able to purchase a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower membership and hundreds of lanyards,” Lucie says. “Dr. Maxam and I largely rode solo throughout this process, so seeing people on campus getting involved makes all of the hard work worth it.”

“It’s key to spread awareness and advocate for inclusivity. You have the power to contribute to a more inclusive and accommodating community.”

Through her tireless efforts, Pace University has become the first university in New York to officially launch the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program, empowering those with hidden disabilities to take up the sunflower icon as a means of representation and self-advocacy. “Anyone that self-identifies as having a hidden disability should consider getting involved by representing the sunflower on campus and educating their peers about hidden disabilities,” she says.

So, what can you do if you see someone in our community with a sunflower lanyard?

“The most important piece of advice for supporting people wearing a Sunflower lanyard is to be understanding and patient. Everyone’s disability is different, so you can’t make assumptions

Samara Durgadin posing with her sunflower lanyard.
Samara Durgadin '25 was the first Pace student to pick up a lanyard.

about their needs. It can be tricky to navigate a conversation about the Sunflower in a way that respects one’s privacy, but doing so can make a huge difference,” explains Lucie. “If you notice someone wearing the lanyard who appears to be struggling you can absolutely offer assistance. However, it’s essential to not insist. Respect their choice to decline help, as some people choose to manage challenges independently.”

"Being the first person to receive a sunflower lanyard at Pace is a privilege that I am so grateful for!" says Behavioral Neuroscience student Samara Durgadin '25. "As for my fellow lanyard wearers, I hope wearing the sunflower lanyard helps you feel less alone in your struggles and reminds you that your conditions are real and matter greatly, even if they don’t show outwardly."

“Personally, if someone asks me why I wear my lanyard, I am beyond happy to explain my disabilities. But that’s not the case for everyone. Don’t request details unless they choose to share them,” Lucie says, adding that it’s also very important to be aware of environmental factors. Avoiding crowds, loud noise, or bright lights can help people feel more comfortable and communicate better. “Lastly,” she says “It’s key to spread awareness and advocate for inclusivity. You have the power to contribute to a more inclusive and accommodating community.”

"To be able to receive a sunflower lanyard and then see my peers wearing them warms my heart and lets me know I’m not alone," adds Samara.

Want to pick up a sunflower lanyard of your own? Head to the main security desk at One Pace Plaza. Unlike the process for formal accommodations, picking up a lanyard requires no proof of diagnosis or documentation. You can simply ask a security guard for a lanyard, and they will happily give you one with no questions asked.

If you’re ready to learn more about Lucie’s project, follow @hiddendisabilitiesatpace on Instagram. To learn more about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, check out their official website.

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More from Pace


When Michael Falco took new course Game Development for Everyone, he never expected to end up building and coding his own arcade game—which you can play at its home on the Pleasantville Campus!

Faculty and Staff

A firsthand witness to its ascent from a nascent club to a veritable powerhouse in competitive gaming, Julia Cardillo ’22, Assistant Director of Esports, shares her insights on the evolution of Pace's Esports program.


The Pace Community's incredible generosity on Giving Tuesday surpassed our goal, resulting in 2,430 gifts and over $823,901 raised for student success.

Q&A with First Generation Student Amber Brouwer '24

Diversity and Equity

Amber Brouwer '24 shares her insights on the unique challenges and surprising strengths she's realized on her journey as a first generation student at Pace, highlighting the importance of community and resourcefulness in shaping her college experience.

Pace student Amber Brouwer stands in front of the NBCUniversal sign

Amber Brouwer '24 is navigating her Pace University journey with a blend of independence and curiosity that are trademarks of first generation students. While pursuing her bachelor’s in Applied Psychology and Human Relations, she's also balancing her roles as an honors resident assistant, peer leader, and student aide, while taking on career-building opportunities like an internship at NBC Universal.

Amber is making the most of her time at Pace, creating a multifaceted college experience that is tailored to her ambitions. She took the time to share a bit about her experience as a first generation student, and the unique challenges and unexpected benefits that comes from tackling college as the first in her family to do so.

What does it mean to you to be a first generation student?

Being a first-gen student means that I have had to figure a lot of logistics out myself. This could be challenging but it also means that there was no one to tell me that there were things I had to do or things I couldn't do. This allowed me to really be able to create the Pace path I wanted and to create new opportunities for myself and others around me.

What are some of the challenges of being a first generation student?

My family members don’t always understand the stories I tell them about my college experience. It used to worry them when I said I was taking classes that seemed unrelated to my major or when I decided to switch my major completely. I had to explain the system to them and learn how to navigate those conversations differently, which is why finding community has been so important. They understand the struggles you’re going through and remind you that you aren’t alone.

What are some of the secret ‘superpowers’ first-gen students possess?

“Being a first generation student has affected me in such a positive way. Yes, things were harder at first, because figuring out all of the right paperwork and financial aid on your own can be hard. But I also wanted to take every opportunity I had. I saw these four years as the time for me to try every club, job, and opportunity that I found interesting.

Being a first generation student has made me extremely resourceful and able to figure things out no matter how hard they are, which are skills I use in jobs and interviews all the time. “

Why is it important to be part of a first generation student community?

Finding community with other first generation students is important because they understand the struggles that you are going through. It reminds you that you are not alone. Even though I enrolled during the pandemic, I was able to create a very tight knit group of people that were, just like me, on campus every day, as well as get to know the faculty and staff so much better.

During my first year, I especially got to know our first generation mentor/mentee group pretty well. My first generation mentor was amazing, and we still talk. She helped me with getting resources, gave tips and tricks about financing college, and told me about her time at Pace and how she achieved her goals. I loved her so much and am so grateful for this program.

Why did you choose Pace?

The main reason I chose Pace was the proximity to NYC and how easy it was to commute back and forth if I wanted to find an internship there. Over time, I learned more about the amazing connections Career Services has and all of the other amazing opportunities.

What’s been the best part of your Pace experience?

The best part of my Pace career is meeting all of the amazing people I have gotten to know. Both students and professors have made this experience so great and even though I am excited to graduate, I will also miss everyone. Pace has so many opportunities and I am glad that I chose this school four years ago.

What would you tell fellow first-gen students thinking about coming to Pace?

My experience at Pace has been great. I have taken the opportunity to explore so many things here. Pace makes it so easy to get involved, I would really encourage everyone to just show up to club meetings, events, or even the student engagement office, and get to know your fellow students.

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Meet D'Andrè Butler and follow along with his inspiring journey as a first generation student at Pace, balancing academics, work, and club leadership with an unwavering quest for independence. Read on to explore his unique challenges and triumphs, and how he's shaping his future at Pace.


Get to know Valentina Rojas Abreu '24, a first-gen student and President of the First Generation Program at Pace, as she shares her journey of independence and community, and offers insights into the challenges and strengths faced by first-gen students.

A Globetrotting Go-Getter

Pace Path/Student Success

From India to the Middle East and now to the heart of New York, Hitasha Nagdeo’s ’23 journey is one marked by resilience and ambition. Follow along as she reflects on her passion for giving back and her relentless pursuit of progress.

Pace student Hitasha Nagdeo stands in front of a holiday display in New York City
Pace student Hitasha Nagdeo stands in front of a holiday display in New York City
Hitasha Nagdeo ’23

My name is Hitasha Nagdeo. I am graduating in December 2023 with my MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing degree.

I consider myself a global person. I was born in India and spent the initial years of my life there. Then, at the age of 5, I moved to the Middle East, specifically Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, and completed middle school there, before returning to India.

Now I’m in my third country, the United States—my newfound home and the place I aspire to call home for the rest of my life.

I appreciate Pace, not just for its academic profile, but also for the comprehensive support that it provides which is especially important for me as an international student.

I fell in love with New York before I fell in love with Pace. Having said that, Pace has its own merits to fall in love with. I appreciate Pace, not just for its academic profile, but also for the comprehensive support that it provides, which is especially important for me as an international student. I was also really drawn to my program because, unlike at other schools, it’s a STEM-designated program, which is an important distinction for international students like me who can get a longer visa duration if we’re enrolled in a STEM program.

Transitioning to a new country was challenging, even for someone who had experienced it before. Fortunately, Pace offered unwavering support whenever I needed it. From professors guiding me through academic uncertainties to friends facing similar challenges, the support system was robust. Not to mention the wealth of resources available on campus. The International Students and Scholar’s department has been a pillar of support since before my arrival in the US, and Career Services has played a vital role in helping me secure an on-campus position and preparing me for life after graduation.

I really love being able to talk to international students and give back all the support I was given.

Currently, I have two student assistant roles. One is as a graduate assistant in the Lubin School of Business for the director of my program and Associate Dean of the undergraduate program, Randi Priluck, PhD, where I help keep her materials updated with current market trends and assist students. The other student assistantship is with Campus Planning and Facilities, which I’ve been doing since the summer of 2022. I do whatever they need me to do, offering any administrative support I can provide.

I also volunteer off-campus with Kaplan Pathways India, a company that Pace partners with. I’ve actually been a student speaker for them as well and spoke about my experience to other international students. I was so glad to be able to speak with them and clear up their doubts, I even had some one-on-one sessions with students. (Apparently most of them enrolled!) Now, I’m working on creating content for Kaplan, everything from covering Pace career fairs, recommending how to pack when moving to the US, and creating Christmas themed content. I really love being able to talk to international students and give back all the support I was given.

As I get closer to graduation, I'm getting ready and manifesting good things.

I’ll be honest, it’s really difficult working two jobs, volunteering, staying involved in clubs, and keeping up with my schoolwork. Sometimes it can take a toll, but the fact is, especially as an international student, I've put in a lot of effort and money also to be here. I'm at a stage where I want to make sure everything that I do is in order and meeting the quality of that is required.

That brings us to now. Commencement is coming and I’ve been working with Career Services to find a job. As I get closer to graduation, I'm getting ready and manifesting good things. I try to remember that all this work is building to what I want to do. Pace has had such a positive impact on me, and I want to just pass that on.

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More from Pace

Faculty and Staff

A firsthand witness to its ascent from a nascent club to a veritable powerhouse in competitive gaming, Julia Cardillo ’22, Assistant Director of Esports, shares her insights on the evolution of Pace's Esports program.


From mentee, to mentor, to president of the First Generation Student program, Valentina Rojas Abreu ’24 knows the importance of community. Looking forward to National First Generation Student Day on November 8, Valentina reflects on the evolution of the first-gen program and what makes the first-gen community at Pace so special.


We could tell you to start by organizing your study materials and creating a study schedule to break your subjects into manageable portions, but you already know that. Here are some not-so-obvious tips to help YOU make it through exam season.

Related Profiles

Improving the Human Experience with Technology: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Seidenberg School of CSIS

Youngsoo Shin, PhD, joined the Seidenberg School faculty this fall. As a new professor in the information technology department, Dr. Shin is applying his unique background to teaching students the value of a multidisciplinary approach to technology.

Pace University professor, Dr. Shin in front of a navy blue background
Pace University professor, Dr. Shin in front of a navy blue background
Katie Todd

Youngsoo Shin, PhD, joined the Seidenberg School faculty this fall. As a new professor in the information technology department, Dr. Shin is applying his unique background to teaching students the value of a multidisciplinary approach to technology.

We asked Youngsoo a few questions so the Pace community can get to know him a little better.

What is your background in terms of research, interests, academic pursuits?

I have a diverse background, having a B.A. in psychology, a B.S. in interaction design, and a M.S. in cognitive science and engineering from Yonsei University, South Korea, and a Ph.D. in human behavior and design from Cornell University. My professional journey extends across various domains, including user experience (UX) and data science, with experience garnered from well-known companies such as AMOREPACIFIC, Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, LG Electronics, and McKinsey & Company. I've taught at Yonsei University, Kookmin University, and FASTCAMPUS, a prominent provider of on/offline practical education services in South Korea.

I developed my expertise in the areas of cognitive science, human-computer interaction (HCI), and data science. My research centers around three interconnected themes: (1) research in design contexts for investigating the mechanism of human experience with computing systems; (2) practice-based research for developing a framework for hyper-personalized UX design with data-driven approaches; and (3) research aimed at creating human-centered artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance human experience and wellbeing (i.e., addressing sustainable energy issues, fostering users’ prosocial behaviors, and supporting human health and digital wellbeing). My overarching research objective is to address pressing challenges in people’s daily lives by investigating the compelling questions surrounding human interactions with computing systems and AI technologies.

What brought you to Pace University?

Part of what excited me about Pace University is the opportunity to contribute to Seidenberg’s cross-disciplinary opportunities for improving human experience in technologically mediated contexts. I believe that Seidenberg is the perfect place for me to explore my multi-faceted view of human experience and AI with the outstanding faculty. As a catalyst to explore creative and innovative problem-solving approaches, I also believe that I can teach, study, and apply innovative HCI and data science research to solve critical challenges in science, technology, engineering, and society.

How are you finding working at Seidenberg so far? What classes are you teaching and how are they going?

As a new assistant professor at Seidenberg, I'm finding the experience to be both challenging and rewarding. The department and university have been welcoming, and I'm excited to be part of the academic community here. This semester, I'm teaching two graduate-level courses:

Information Systems Principles (IS-617): In this course, we explore the fundamental principles of information systems from a end-user perspective. Students learn to analyze and design information systems with a strong focus on enhancing the user experience.

Programming User Interfaces (IS-629): This course is dedicated to programming user interfaces for software applications with a deep commitment to human-centered design. We go beyond traditional programming by emphasizing the significance of UX

Overall, the semester is off to a positive start, and I'm looking forward to helping my students develop their skills and knowledge in these important areas of computer science and information systems.

Who should take your classes, what should their interest areas be?

My primary teaching goal is to help students be a jack-of-all trades and master of some in a rapidly changing world. During my multidisciplinary journey at the intersection between cognitive science, data science, and UX design, I have witnessed that the versatility of perspectives and approaches has become more important than the focus of the domain- or field-oriented mindset. I invite students who want to learn the value of how to think as a generalist, instead of merely what to think as a specialist, in the field of HCI/UX.

Is there anything you’re planning to do in the coming months or years?

I plan to re-envision the future of HCI/UX and data science to create more highly human-centered AI technologies. At Seidenberg, I would like to test the generalizability and feasibility of my approach to human experience and AI by exploring new implementation areas and consolidating emerging approaches. Given that a wide range of AI technologies can be developed and tested to support users’ daily behavioral decision-making experiences, I expect that developing and testing additional design solutions will allow me to advance findings from previous studies iteratively. Specifically, I will identify new types of psychological and behavioral UX constructs and user profiling methods by focusing on the possibility of varying data collection sources and types in various AI technology usage contexts. Also, I will contribute to research about privacy-enhancing technologies, and transparency and fairness in digital privacy, as my previous research can be utilized as a foundation to better understand how to discuss this specific ethical and data-related issue raised by the development, deployment, and use of AI technologies.

Any final words?

To strengthen bridges across a range of fields regarding human experience and interactive systems requires a continuously wider and deeper learning process with a strong belief in growth.

There are no clear sets of rules or definite directions for investigating human experience with computing systems. Thus, the journey of becoming a transdisciplinary problem solver across relevant fields leads us off the well-worn path.

However, I hope to connect the dots of my previous professional and academic experiences to inspire Pace University students to bring innovations in the world. Thank you.

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The Results are In: Giving Tuesday 2023

College of Health Professions
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Lubin School of Business
Sands College of Performing Arts
School of Education
Seidenberg School of CSIS

The Pace Community's incredible generosity on Giving Tuesday surpassed our goal, resulting in 2,430 gifts and over $823,901 raised for student success.

pace students standing in a classroom
two people in pace university sweatshirts posing on the brooklyn bridge.

The incredible spirit of the Pace Community has triumphed on this year's Giving Tuesday. Your overwhelming generosity is paving the way for students to thrive on their Pace Path, ensuring they have the essential resources for success.

Pace University has not only met but soared past our ambitious goal of 2,310 gifts, reaching an impressive 2,430 donors from 41 states and 6 countries. Thanks to your unwavering support, we've raised a staggering $823,901, and the momentum is still building! If you haven't joined in yet, there's still an opportunity to make a difference—contribute today and be part of this extraordinary journey empowering our students.

Looking to make an impact on student success? On April 17–18, 2024 the Setter community will come together for the Pace University 1906 Challenge to support Pace students.

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Get to know Valentina Rojas Abreu '24, a first-gen student and President of the First Generation Program at Pace, as she shares her journey of independence and community, and offers insights into the challenges and strengths faced by first-gen students.

Faculty and Staff

A firsthand witness to its ascent from a nascent club to a veritable powerhouse in competitive gaming, Julia Cardillo ’22, Assistant Director of Esports, shares her insights on the evolution of Pace's Esports program.

Guiding Pace’s Esports Evolution


A firsthand witness to its ascent from a nascent club to a veritable powerhouse in competitive gaming, Julia Cardillo ’22, Assistant Director of Esports, shares her insights on the evolution of Pace's Esports program.

Pace University student, Julia Cardillo and Jesse Bodony stand in the NYC Esports Facility
Pace University student, Julia Cardillo gives the thumbs up next to a Pace Esports athlete
Johnni Medina

There are few people more qualified than Julia Cardillo ’22 to offer an insider perspective on the journey of Pace’s Esports program.

Julia’s involvement with collegiate Esports began in 2019, back when Esports was a student-run club. In 2021, Pace Esports was formalized into an official program, and Pace’s 15th varsity sport. Now, as the Assistant Director of the program, Julia’s helping guide the program into its bright future.

Considering her unique experience with the program from its roots as a club to her involvement in supporting it as a varsity sport, Julia shares her insights on how Esports at Pace has transformed while maintaining a dedicated commitment to community and inclusivity.

First things first, tell us a bit about your background.

I graduated from Pace in 2022, and I studied computer science and economics. I joined the Esports program back when it was a club in 2019 and was the Vice President of the club’s executive board until my senior year. Now, I’m the assistant director for the Esports program.

We’ve grown so much—not just from last year, our first full year as a program—but since we became a sport.

What role do you play in the program now?

I wear a lot of different hats. Our Director Jesse Bodony (who was just named Esports Director of the Year!) and I tend to tag-team the week-to-week, which is constantly changing. At a baseline, we’re handling leagues and making sure matches run smoothly, and those run Monday through Friday from 7:00 p.m. on, sometimes until midnight. I also do a lot of social media marketing across all of our different channels, spotlighting players and celebrating wins, and other community management.

A big portion of the job is interfacing with and helping handle all our students, from the student helpers, team captains, players, e-boards across two clubs, and so on. We have a lot of different events in addition to our leagues, and I do much of the interfacing on those.

We want to win, at the same time, gaming is for everyone.

You’ve been with the Esports program since it was a club and have seen it become an official sport. How has the program evolved?

It’s honestly wild. We’ve grown so much—not just from last year, our first full year as a program—but since we became a sport. When we first established the Esports team, we had 40 students across 8 teams. During the 2022–2023 academic year, that grew to over 90 students across 18 competitive teams, and now we’re at 130 students and 24 teams! There are over 900 students currently in both our casual and competitive gamer community, we have facilities on both the Westchester and New York City campuses. We’ve had a lot of wins and have been Conference Champions four times to date.

One thing actually that I'm especially proud of is the number of women and nonbinary students that have joined the program. A student from Columbia actually ran the numbers and the percentage of female and nonbinary players has increased from 19% last year to 28% now. We have two all-women and nonbinary teams called our Lavender teams, with even more women and nonbinary students who are on other teams and part of our community.

When we last spoke in 2022, you mentioned that there was a strong community element to Pace Esports and that not everyone in the program was a competitive gamer. Has that changed?

Competitively, we've grown in many different ways since we last spoke. But as we continue to evolve, we still promote the idea that while, yes, we want to be competitive and we want to win, at the same time, gaming is for everyone. And if you want to play and you want to be a part of our program, we want you.

Establishing our two campus facilities has been momentous in how we've evolved. Our community was almost solely online, but now there's this really big in-person community. There are students that classes will just sit and play between classes, even sometimes remotely with students who aren’t even in the program! It's really cool having that place for our student gamers. It's just so important to have a place that they can call home.

When the facility was first opened, one of our students said to us, “I finally have a place to truly call home.” That speaks to how the students are just fully into it. I think that core part of us that says “yes, we want to include you” is why the program has grown so much.

That's one of the best things you could ask for, students that care so much.

What are some of your favorite accomplishments since Esports became an official sport at Pace?

Obviously, I'm extremely proud of our competitive accomplishments, and our growth, but I’m more so proud of the work and dedication that the students are putting in. That's one of the best things you could ask for, students that care so much.

Something else I love is how much we’ve poured into the outside community, especially the next generation of gamers. We’ve worked with a lot of local high schools through the organization EZ Esports. We partnered with them to help with their tournaments, let them use our facilities, stream their matches, and so on. We also hosted a summer camp for ages 13 to 18. Only a few of those students were even from New York, we had students coming from all over the country, Canada, even Taiwan! And it was so great bringing them in to learn about Pace and our program, to give them the chance to play in our facilities, and just see their faces light up. I think it’s so important to give back and we’ve been able to do that.

I’m excited to see that momentum build and to see what we can do.

What does the future of Pace Esports look like to you?

It’s funny because right now it's just Jesse and I, with a bunch of student leaders. So, there’s that question, you know, how much more can we handle? Especially considering how fast we’ve been growing! We’ve had to work out a lot of things systematically, especially on the people management side. We also transitioned from one conference to the National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC) so that was a big adjustment.

This year was a lot of learning. Not just from getting the program started, and the growth, but also switching conferences, which always has a learning curve. I think I'm just excited to see where we go without all the noise of these new changes, and seeing what we can do now that we’re established. I’m excited to see that momentum build and to see what we can do.

Join the Pace Esports Discord Server and check out the Esports site to keep up to date with everything Esports. Show your support for the teams and catch a match on their Twitch channel.

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Interning with Defenders of Wildlife: Madelyn Garcia '24

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Madelyn Garcia '23, '24, has already made a considerable impact at Pace. She spent the summer interning at Defenders of Wildlife, an organization that embraces an intersectional approach to conservation, as she prepares to graduate with a combined degree focused on environmental science, conservation, and policy.

Pace student Madelyn Garcia in a lavender field
Pace student Madelyn Garcia in a lavender field
Lance Pauker

Name: Madelyn Garcia
Pronouns: She/They
Anticipated Year of Graduation: 2024
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Degree/Major: Environmental Science and Conservation, BS + Environmental Science and Policy, MS (Combined Degree)

Internship role and employer: Landscape Conservation Intern with Defenders of Wildlife, Center for Conservation Innovation Team

Tell us a bit about what you did during your internship. Walk us through what an average day looks like for you.

During my internship, I was under the guidance of Aimee Delach, a Senior Policy Analyst with a specialization in Climate Adaptation. Beyond team meetings, my role revolved around extensive research, particularly centered on reviewing documentation related to imperiled species. A significant part of my responsibilities also involved navigating the USFWS Service Catalog to delve into Comprehensive Conservation Plans. These comprehensive plans serve as crucial long-term documents ensuring the effective management of each refuge in alignment with their intended purpose.

The nature of my projects demanded keen attention to detail, and they were presented during a symposium held at the conclusion of the internship period. Additionally, interns had the opportunity to attend virtual and in-person events that engaged and educated wildlife lovers across the nation.

I'm truly thankful to both the Pritchard Foundation and Defenders for such a great opportunity!

What made you gravitate to this role? Was it the organization, the responsibilities, or something else?

I've been incredibly fortunate to work with Defenders of Wildlife, an organization that embraces an intersectional approach to conservation. Beyond its reputation, my attraction to this role was amplified by the presence of The Center for Conservation Innovation, a dynamic team at the forefront of pioneering strategies to create the next generation of wildlife policies and practices.

Moreover, my decision to pursue this position was significantly influenced by my participation in the Animal Advocacy Clinic during the Spring of 2023.

Did you work on any projects or complete any special tasks that brought you a sense of self-satisfaction?

Working alongside the climate team, I helped update and develop reports on species affected by climate change for the Defenders Climate Change guide. Crafting these informative fact sheets allowed me to offer precise and easily understandable insights into the subject. Furthermore, I actively participated in the evaluation of how Comprehensive Conservation Plans for National Wildlife Refuges were integrating climate change considerations into their strategic frameworks.

Have you interned anywhere else prior to this?

Prior to this, I had the privilege of interning in various roles that have greatly contributed to my skill set and research exposure. The opportunities afforded by the ESS Department have been particularly instrumental in honing my abilities. Apart from my current position, I've also held other notable roles, including:

Did you get this internship with assistance from Career Services or did you snag this one independently?

Although my resume has been crafted with the assistance of Career Services, I actually discovered this through both Handshake and the Green Jobs Board. These platforms have proven to be valuable resources in my job search journey.

Do you have any advice for people who are considering taking on their first internship?

Apply! My advice is to take the leap and apply, even if you feel your qualifications or skill-set might be lacking, or if self-confidence is holding you back. Oftentimes, your unique experiences beyond the stated requirements can actually position you as an excellent candidate. Additionally, you might possess strengths in areas that the company hasn't even identified as crucial until they engage with you during the interview process. Embracing a growth-oriented mindset is key to unlocking potential opportunities that you might otherwise miss. Remember, the worst outcome is simply hearing a 'no' at the end of the day.

You can also see these two articles that were posted for National Intern Day/Week:

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Record-Breaking Success for Haub Law in the National Trial League Competition

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Haub Law’s team for the National Trial League Competition broke a record this year as they were the only school to ever remain undefeated in the National Trial League’s regular season, with a solid finish of seven wins and zero losses.

Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University student competitors for National Trial League Competition
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University student competitors for National Trial League Competition

Haub Law’s team for the National Trial League Competition broke a record this year as they were the only school to ever remain undefeated in the National Trial League’s regular season, with a solid finish of seven wins and zero losses. The regular season of the competition ran every two weeks beginning in August and commencing in November. Haub Law is one of four teams that will now move on to playoffs in spring 2024. In addition to Haub Law’s undefeated record, this is the first year since Haub Law started participating in the competition that they have made the playoffs. The Haub Law team was coached by Samantha Tighe ’20 and Hilary Quinn. Haub Law students Joseph Demonte, Liam Rattigan, Chloe Devanny, Matthew Mattesi, Stephanie Areford, Victoria Buzzanca, Alexandra Stata, Arianna Cruickshank, Sabrina Rehfeld, and Katerine Balukas were amongst the students who participated over the course of the seven competitions.

Throughout the Competition, Haub Law students Joseph Demonte, Chloe Devanny, and Alexandra Stata were awarded best advocate awards as well. Student competitor Joe Demonte notes that, “Every time I compete, I feel like I get better, and I really enjoy the competitive aspect of mock trials. This specific competition was really enjoyable because of the short turnaround time. Every two weeks there's a competition so you do not have much time to get ready. I enjoy this challenge because it really tests your ability to think on your feet. This competition is also really a team effort, we would not be as successful as we have been without everyone’s efforts and our coaches.”

During the playoffs this upcoming spring, Joseph Demonte, Liam Rattigan, and Chloe Devanny will compete on behalf of Haub Law. Student competitor Chloe Devanny also notes that hard work that went into the seven rounds of the competition. “If it wasn’t for every single student advocate working their hardest, we would not have the amazing opportunity to compete in the upcoming finals,” said Chloe. Professor Lou Fasulo, Director of Haub Law’s Advocacy Programs and Professor of Practice in Advocacy, added, “I have had the opportunity to work with dozens of great law student advocates, this group of advocates rose to the highest level of expectation and defeated some of the top Trial schools in the country,” said Professor Fasulo. “Their dedication, work ethic, and talent was outstanding and the results prove it. The team’s undefeated status caps a terrific fall competition schedule. Haub Law is proud and our reputation is enhanced by their success.”

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Sands College: Where You've Seen Us

Arts and Entertainment
New York City
Pace Path/Student Success
Sands College of Performing Arts

Sands College of Performing Arts students learn to navigate the industry from day one. In addition to designing, choreographing, stage managing, directing, and forming theater ensembles around the world, here’s where you’ve recently seen us.

ensemble cast performing on stage at Pace University
ensemble cast performing on stage at Pace University

Sands College of Performing Arts students learn to navigate the industry from day one. In addition to designing, choreographing, stage managing, directing, and forming theater ensembles around the world, here’s where you’ve recently seen us.


  • & Juliet
  • A Beautiful Noise, The Neil Diamond Musical
  • After Midnight
  • Ain’t Too Proud
  • Aladdin
  • Almost Famous
  • American Psycho
  • Back to the Future The Musical
  • Be More Chill
  • Bridges of Madison County
  • Bring It On
  • Bye Bye Birdie
  • Caroline, Or Change
  • Carousel
  • Cats
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes
  • Cirque du Soleil’s Paramour
  • Dear Evan Hanson
  • Diana
  • Disney’s Frozen on Broadway
  • Escape to Margaritaville
  • Gettin’ the Band Back Together
  • Hadestown
  • Hair
  • Hamilton
  • Head Over Heels
  • Hello, Dolly!
  • Here Lies Love
  • How To Dance In Ohio
  • Ink
  • Jagged Little Pill
  • Kimberly Akimbo
  • Merrily We Roll Along
  • Miss Saigon
  • MJ The Musical
  • Motown the Musical
  • Moulin Rouge! The Musical
  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
  • Newsies
  • On the Town
  • Once On This Island
  • Once Upon a One More Time
  • Parade
  • Pretty Woman
  • Shuffle Along
  • Some Like It Hot
  • Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
  • Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Ferryman
  • The Prom
  • The Tina Turner Musical
  • Waitress
  • West Side Story
  • Wicked

Selected TV

  • 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox)
  • Big Sky (ABC)
  • Blue Bloods (CBS)
  • Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
  • Bull (CBS)
  • Chicago Fire (NBC)
  • Chicago Justice (NBC)
  • Combat Hospital (ABC)
  • Criminal Minds (CBS)
  • Daisy Jones & The Six (Amazon Prime)
  • Deadbeat (Hulu)
  • Difficult People (Hulu)
  • Gossip Girl (MAX)
  • Gotham (FOX)
  • Grease LIVE (Fox)
  • Hawaii Five-0 (CBS)
  • Homeland (Showtime)
  • Instinct (CBS)
  • Law & Order: SVU (NBC)
  • Less Than Zero (Hulu)
  • Madam Secretary (CBS)
  • Mildred Pierce (HBO)
  • Modern Love (Amazon Prime)
  • Mr. Robot (USA)
  • Murder in the First (TNT)
  • NOS4A2 (AMC)
  • Orange Is the New Black (Netflix)
  • Pose (FX)
  • Royal Pains (USA)
  • Saturday Night Live (NBC)
  • Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll (FX)
  • Shameless (Showtime)
  • Show Me a Hero (HBO)
  • Swarm (Amazon Prime)
  • The Americans (FX)
  • The Blacklist (NBC)
  • The Deuce (HBO)
  • The Get Down (Netflix)
  • The Good Fight (CBS)
  • The Knick (Cinemax)
  • The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey (Amazon Prime)
  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime)
  • The Mayor (ABC)
  • The Mysteries of Laura (NBC)
  • The Path (Hulu)
  • The Sound of Music LIVE (NBC)
  • The Summer I Turned Pretty (Amazon Prime)
  • The Voice (NBC)
  • Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
  • Younger (TV Land)

Selected Film

  • Adam
  • Black Panther
  • Judas and the Black Messiah
  • Life Itself
  • Love is Love (short)
  • Mapplethorpe
  • Miller & Son
  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • My Friend Dahmer
  • Night Comes On
  • Rebel in the Rye
  • Ruta Vita
  • Satanic Panic
  • Swallowed
  • Tangerine
  • The Hate U Give
  • The Immigrant
  • The Subject
  • They/Them
  • Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
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