Mayor Adams to Honor 140th Anniversary of Brooklyn Bridge with Revitalized Public Space in Chinatown Under Bridge

Pace President

“At Pace University, we know that New York City is a vital extension of our campus, and we recognize the incredible value that community spaces provide,” said Marvin Krislov, president, Pace University. “This commitment by Mayor Adams to grow and invest in our downtown public space will be a boon to the Pace community, our neighbors, and the entire city. We’re proud to have been a part of this project and are excited to continue that work. I want to thank Mayor Adams, Governor Hochul, and the amazing community leaders like Rosa Chang who made this possible.”

Pace University President Marvin Krislov
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In The Media

Why Graduation Season Is Making Me Optimistic For The Class Of 2023—and America’s Future

Pace President

Roughly 3 million students across the country will earn college degrees this spring. Just under another million will complete master’s degrees. At Pace University, where I’m president, we’re awarding about 3,700 associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, and on Monday we put on a truly wonderful series of commencement ceremonies celebrating our Class of 2023 at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, the home of the U.S. Open.

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In The Media

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren Delivers Inspiring Commencement Address at Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) delivered Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University’s 45th commencement ceremony address to graduates at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, New York. Together with Harvard Professor Bruce H. Mann, a legal scholar and historian, she received the Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, the highest honor conferred by the Law School, recognizing their lifelong contributions to public service and the legal profession.

Senator Elizabeth Warren delivering Haub Law Commencement Speech 2023
Senator Elizabeth Warren delivering Haub Law Commencement Speech 2023

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) delivered Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University’s 45th commencement ceremony address to graduates at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, New York. Together with Harvard Professor Bruce H. Mann, a legal scholar and historian, she received the Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, the highest honor conferred by the Law School, recognizing their lifelong contributions to public service and the legal profession.

Sen. Warren encouraged graduates to “be courageous” and to take chances just as she has during her remarkable career in public office, calling upon them to consider using their law degrees where the need is great.

“That means trust yourself. That means don’t sell yourself short. Don’t settle for work that you don’t believe in. Don’t assume that you can’t make a difference,” she said.

Sen. Warren told students further that the world “desperately needs” them.

“We are living in a time of great uncertainty and instability. Multiple pandemics have made clear that humanity is fragile. The wealth gap continues to grow, while greedy corporations pump filth into our air and pour poison into our water. If that reality wasn’t enough, right now, an army of corrupt legal minds are conspiring with hateful politicians across America to silence our voices, steal our votes, and deny us our freedoms. They want to attack transpeople, give comfort to white supremacists, and declare themselves the ones to judge a woman’s personal medical decisions,” she said. “I say no!”

Sen. Warren was a Harvard Law professor and consumer advocate when she was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012. She is widely credited for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Obama. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Sen. Warren served as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Horace E. Anderson Jr., Dean of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, presided over the commencement ceremony. Delivering the opening address was Pace University President Marvin Krislov, who asked students to “remember to use your unique privileges and responsibilities as lawyers in good and fair ways.”

He said further: “You must remain dedicated to understanding other people, even your adversaries. You must uphold fundamental rights for everyone. No principle is more important to our legal system than the idea that every single person deserves representation — the poor and underserved as much as the rich and the powerful. You must make sure you fight for the rights of the powerless — whether in your daily practice or through volunteer, pro bono work. And whatever you do in your careers, please remember that lawyers are instrumental to the working of our democracy.”

For some of the law school graduates, this was their first in-person graduation since high school, many having celebrated their undergraduate commencements virtually in 2020.

In his speech, Dean Anderson focused on the ways that the Class of 2023, who began their law school journeys in the face of an unprecedented global pandemic, helped Haub Law thrive. He said students made significant contributions toward the Law School’s number one national ranking in environmental law, its top rankings in trial advocacy and among the best law schools for women, the launching of new programs, and the development of new initiatives.

“This past year has been a very special time for Haub Law. We have created new programs, partnerships, and opportunities for our students, providing them with an even richer learning experience, and connecting that experience even more deeply with the work of our private and public sector partners,” Dean Anderson said. “The Law School has become, once again, the epicenter for important programs, public forums, and policy debates in the region, in partnership with public officials, community organizations, alumni and law leaders who share our vision regarding the role that law students and faculty can play in their work,” he said.

Pace University Trustee Liliane A. Haub and University Distinguished Professor of Law Bridget J. Crawford joined Dean Anderson to present the honorary degrees to Sen. Warren and Professor Mann, recognizing the recipients’ dedication to the law, commitment to public service, and their inspiring example to others within and outside the legal profession.

This year’s 2023 graduating class from Haub Law included 253 Juris Doctor degrees, eight Master of Laws degrees in Comparative Legal Studies, 12 Master of Law degrees in Environmental Law, and one Doctor of Juridical Science degree. Included were 30 part-time graduates, 23 of whom represented the Law School’s first full graduating class of students from its Part-Time Flex JD Program, which was expanded in 2019 to ensure more access for working professionals and others to pursue a career in law.

Remarkably, this year, four outstanding students tied at the top of their class, which is unprecedented in the Law School’s history. The students, Sabrina Bellantoni, Francine Michel, Christina Avery, and Kaitlin Campanini shared joint remarks acknowledging the strong support and mentoring of their Haub Law professors, and the help of their families and friends in graduating.

“And, my parting piece of advice: Remember that a napkin at a bar can be a binding contract, so please be careful what you assent to tonight,” Campanini said.

SJD and LLM graduates were hooded by Associate Dean and Professor of Law Jason Czarnezki. JD graduates were hooded by Professor Crawford and Adjunct Professor Robin Frankel, who were selected by the Class of 2023 as recipients of this year’s Barbara C. Salken Outstanding Professor of the Year Award.

Two exceptional members of the Class of 2023 also received the prestigious Dean’s Award: Kaitlin Flores, a JD graduate, and Chad Weiss, a part-time JD graduate.

Watch Senator Warren’s commencement address

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Apply to the Luce Scholars Program

Pace Path/Student Success
Return on Investment
Upcoming Opportunities

The application for the 2024–2025 class of Luce Scholars is now open. Learn more about this unique opportunity, a nationally competitive fellowship that offers early career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia.

An open book with a globe in the background
Open book with a globe in the background

As we mark Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we’d like to highlight an opportunity to celebrate the connections between the people of the United States and Asia. The application for the 2024–2025 class of Luce Scholars is now open.

The Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive fellowship that offers early career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia. The program aims to forge stronger, more informed, more compassionate relationships across geographic borders by creating opportunities for young Americans across diverse sectors and interests to deepen their ties and understanding of the countries, cultures, and people of Asia.

Established in 1974, the Luce Scholars program is experiential in nature, rather than academic. It provides stipends, language training, and individualized professional placement in Asia for 15–18 Luce Scholars each year, and welcomes applications from college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals in a variety of fields who have had limited exposure to Asia. Applicants are asked to reflect on their leadership qualities and other professional attributes.

If you have questions or are interested in applying, please email the Office of Prestigious Awards. The Office will be hosting an information session with a representative of the Luce Scholarship in September, so please check your Pace email and social media for updates; specific details will be circulated as they are finalized.

For more information about the Henry Luce Foundation and the Luce Scholars program, visit their webpage. For more information about research and award opportunities at Pace, visit the Office of Research webpage.

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More from Pace

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency General Counsel Jeffrey Prieto Delivers Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture on Environmental Law at Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Jeffrey Prieto delivered the annual Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture on Environmental Law on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, entitled “Addressing the Triple Environmental Challenges of Climate Change, Environmental Injustice, and Pollution: An EPA Perspective.”

Jeffrey Prieto delivering a lecture at Haub Law
Jeffrey Prieto delivering a lecture at Haub Law

Jeffrey Prieto delivered the annual Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture on Environmental Law on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, entitled “Addressing the Triple Environmental Challenges of Climate Change, Environmental Injustice, and Pollution: An EPA Perspective.” Mr. Prieto currently serves as the Senate-confirmed General Counsel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Elisabeth Haub School of Law established the Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture on Environmental Law to expand its programs of research, education, professional and scholarly activity and publications in environmental law, a field for which the Haub School has received national and international recognition.

Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law and Associate Dean for Environmental Law Programs and Strategic Initiatives at Haub Law, Jason J. Czarnezki, welcomed the audience to the lecture, observing the significance of holding the lecture during Earth Week. Haub Law School’s Dean, Horace Anderson, followed by overviewing the history of the Kerlin Lecture, noting that the Kerlin endowment funds a named professorship on Environmental Law at Haub Law. Professor Nicholas A. Robinson, founder of the Law School’s environmental programs, was named the first Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor in 1999 and Professor Jason J. Czarnezki was designated as the second Kerlin Distinguished Professor in 2013.

Haub Distinguished Professor of International Law, Smita Narula, had the pleasure of introducing Mr. Prieto. During her introduction, Professor Narula noted that “environmental challenges like environmental injustice, climate change and pollution are at the forefront of our minds. Whether we are talking about students, staff, faculty or the wider community, these concerns are ever present and ever growing, and we look to the government for leadership. So, who better to speak on the government’s role in addressing these environmental challenges than the top lawyer in the nation’s leading environmental agency.” She also spoke of the incredible opportunity that Haub Law students have in hearing Mr. Prieto’s lecture as a sitting EPA General Counsel, and thanked Achinthi Vithanage, Associate Director of Environmental Law Programs, for the significant role she played in bringing Mr Prieto to the Haub Law campus.

Prior to the start of his lecture, Professor Czarnezki presented Mr. Prieto with the 2023 Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Lecture Award medal. The medal displays a topographical depiction of Storm King Mountain, paying homage to the landmark second circuit case of Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference v. Federal Power Commission. Professor Czarnezki noted that this ruling inaugurated what we today call environmental law. As soon as he took the podium, Mr. Prieto engaged the audience with a fascinating lecture, elaborating on the work and mission of the EPA. “We have been very busy at EPA these past few years working toward furthering EPA’s crucial mission—to ensure that every American has clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, that we’re all protected from exposure to harmful chemicals and contaminated lands,” said Prieto. “We’ve been hard at work tackling climate change and working on adaptation and resilience.”

The lecture discussed the importance of a healthy environmental future and what else must be balanced and considered to achieve that goal. Significantly, Prieto noted that, “It’s imperative that we take action on climate change now and that we do so while also prioritizing environmental justice and equity to make sure no one gets left behind, so that each and every one of us can enjoy a safe and sustainable future.” He further explained that, “As a public health agency, EPA’s number one priority is to protect people’s health, especially those who are on the front lines of environmental pollution.”

Prieto’s prior federal government service includes nearly 20 years across various agencies, including as an Attorney-Advisor in EPA’s Office of Water. Under the Obama-Biden administration, he served as the Senate confirmed General Counsel of the United States Department of Agriculture. He also served at the U.S. Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division where he served as a Trial Attorney, Counsel to the Assistant Administrator, and General Counsel. Prior to his most recent confirmation, Mr. Prieto served as the General Counsel of the Los Angeles Community College District, the largest community college district in the nation.

After the lecture, audience members had an opportunity to comment and ask questions in a session moderated by Professor Czarnezki. Following the Q&A session a reception followed.

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Alum Telfar Clemens Addresses Grads at 2023 Pace University Commencement

Elisabeth Haub School of Law
New York City

Standing before thousands of graduates and their supporters at Pace University’s Commencement, alumnus Telfar Clemens ’08 yesterday spoke of his path from a student finding his way in lower Manhattan to a celebrated fashion designer and founder of the global label Telfar.

Telfar Clemens at Pace University's 2023 Commencement ceremony.
Telfar Clemens.

Senator Elizabeth Warren:
‘Have Courage. Trust Yourself. Give it a Try.’

Pace celebrates more than 3,700 graduates at
USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center

Standing before thousands of graduates and their supporters at Pace University’s Commencement, alumnus Telfar Clemens ’08 yesterday spoke of his path from a student finding his way in lower Manhattan to a celebrated fashion designer and founder of the global label Telfar.

But he didn’t want to focus on the obvious.

“They worked hard,” Clemens said of his parents and members of his family who attended Pace. “I worked hard. What has been so hard is not the work, but everything in between … I didn’t make it into the fashion industry. I made it out.”

Speaking to roughly 15,000 people including 3,700 graduates at USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, the Pace grad shared his reasons for attending Pace and memories of pursuing a business degree while following his passion for fashion and the subsequent path to building a global brand that is at the forefront of a revolution and has set a new standard.

Clemens, who received an honorary doctorate, was among many highlights throughout the day that included five ceremonies, student speakers, a food village, music, and lots of Commencement festivities. The day was highlighted by the conferral of over 4,000 degrees including 1,735 masters’, which is the largest number in over five years, and roughly 300 students receiving dual degrees.

In addition, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law, which recently earned the No. 1 ranking for Environmental Law by U.S. News & World Report, graduated 241 students, its largest class in the past five years.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Harvard Law Professor and legal historian Bruce H. Mann both received honorary degrees during that ceremony. Senator Warren shared stories of her early years out of law school and threaded her speech with a simple yet powerful message.

“Be courageous,” Warren said. “That means trust yourself. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t settle for work that you don’t believe in. Don’t assume that you can’t make a difference …

“Have courage,” she continued. “Take a risk because our nation–our world–needs you. Have courage for another reason: Because–and here is the amazing part–for all that you give, for all your risk, for all the scary stuff you take on and even for all the failures, you will receive far more than you give.”

Trustee and alumnus Ivan G. Seidenberg ’81, retired chairman and CEO of Verizon Communications, addressed graduates of Pace’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems to mark the school’s 40th anniversary. Pace also awarded Aldrin Enis, president of One Hundred Black Men of New York, with its Opportunitas in Action Award.

During the main ceremony, Pace President Marvin Krislov called this year’s class a “remarkable” group and noted some of the challenges they faced during their time in school such as the pandemic, climate challenges, mental health pressures, and other challenges around the world.

“The problems of tomorrow will not be solved by the thinking of the past,” President Krislov said. “They will be solved by new people, with new ideas, and new ways of doing things. They will be solved by a new generation that is creative and resourceful and adaptive. Your generation was knocked down, and then you stood right back up. You know how to think on your feet, how to adjust on the fly, how to make the best of any situation. You know how to get to a goal like graduation, even through a once-in-a-century disruption.”

Students celebrating this exciting achievement were a mix of undergraduate, graduate, law, and doctoral students, spanning a variety of disciplines and future careers, such as nurses and physician assistants, cybersecurity experts, lawyers, accountants, teachers, performers, and much more.

Number of graduates by school

College of Health Professions

  • Undergraduate: 275
  • Graduate: 360

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

  • Undergraduate: 747
  • Graduate: 346

Lubin School of Business

  • Undergraduate: 498
  • Graduate: 449

Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems

  • Undergraduate: 108
  • Graduate: 323

School of Education

  • Undergraduate: 11
  • Graduate: 360

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

  • 253 JD degrees
  • 8 Master of Laws in Comparative Legal Studies
  • 12 Master of Laws in Environmental Studies
  • 1 Doctor of Juridical Science

About Pace University

Since 1906, Pace University has been transforming the lives of its diverse students—academically, professionally, and socioeconomically. With campuses in New York City and Westchester County, New York, Pace offers bachelor, master, and doctoral degree programs to 13,600 students in its College of Health Professions, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Lubin School of Business, School of Education, and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems.

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Pace Baseball Clinches First-Ever NE10 Title


The Pace University baseball team won the NE10 Championship for the first time in program history Saturday, May 13, earning a trip to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2013.

Pace baseball clinches first-ever title
Pace baseball team posing for a photo

Photo Credit: Le Moyne Athletics

The Pace University baseball team won the NE10 Championship for the first time in program history Saturday, May 13, earning a trip to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2013. The Setters fell 12-2 in game one against Franklin Pierce University, then defeated the Ravens in game two by a final of 9-4.

Game One: Franklin Pierce 12, Pace 2

After a scoreless first inning, Franklin Pierce (34-17, 17-7) broke it open with a seven-run second. A pair of wild pitches brought in the first two runs, then a two-run double by Jose Savinon made it a 4-0 game. Four batters later, Joseph Pesce blew it open with a three-run homer to left center for the final three runs of the inning.

Pace (33-19, 9-11) had a chance to get on the board in the fourth, putting runners on first and second with one out. But a pair of groundouts left both men stranded as the Ravens held on to their 7-0 lead. Franklin Pierce added another run in the bottom of the fourth, as Jake Miller connected on an RBI single to extend the lead to eight.

A fielder's choice scored another run for the Ravens in the fifth, and an error with the bases loaded scored two more in the sixth. With the score 12-0 in the top of the eighth, the Setters got on the board with an RBI groundout by grad student outfielder Luke Jacobi (Edison, NJ/JP Stevens) and RBI single by freshman outfielder Justin Crispino (Commack, NY/Commack).

However, the was all the offense Pace could gather in game one as Franklin Pierce took a 12-2 victory in the opener.

Game Two: Pace 9, Franklin Pierce 4

The pitching was the story early in game two, as freshman Brendan McCann (Plainview, NY/Kellenberg Memorial) and FPU's Tyler McDonald both got off to strong starts. Neither team was able to get on the board in the first two innings, but Pace finally broke through in the third.

Grad student first baseman Nate Carminucci (Somers, NY/North Salem High School) got the inning started with a double down the right field line and moved to third on a fielder's choice. After a walk, junior third baseman Anthony Labita (North Massapequa, NY/Plainedge) drove in the game's first run with an RBI single to left to put the Setters ahead. A hit batter loaded the bases with one out as Pace looked to add to its lead, but the next two batters were retired to keep it at a one-run game.

The Ravens threatened to tie the game in the last of the third, as a pair of singles put two runners on with one out. But McCann was able to get a ground ball double play to end the inning and keep Franklin Pierce off the board.

The Setters extended their lead in the fourth, putting up two more runs in the inning. Senior outfielder Matthew Rinaldi (Scarsdale, NY/Eastchester) led off with a single and moved to second on a wild pitch, then came around to score on an RBI double by sophomore catcher Hunter Goldstein (Jericho, NY/Jericho). After a sacrifice bunt moved Goldstein over to third, a sac fly by sophomore outfielder Josh Miller (Clifton, NJ/Clifton) brought in another run to make it a 3-0 game.

Franklin Pierce got a run across in the fourth as well, as with two out and a runner on second, Pesce doubled to right-center to narrow the Pace lead to 3-1.

After both teams went down in order in the fifth, Pace added one more in the top of the sixth. With two out and nobody on, a walk and single put two runners on. Miller then delivered his second RBI of the day, driving an RBI single through the left side. A walk loaded the bases, but the Setters couldn't capitalize and took a 4-1 lead to the bottom of the inning.

The Ravens got back in the game in the last of the sixth, scoring twice to make it a one-run game. After a single and double put two runners on to start the inning, Jake Miller singled to right to score a pair and trim the Setters' lead to 4-3.

After Pace went down 1-2-3 in the seventh, the Ravens had a chance to tie the game. A single and walk had Franklin Pierce in position to draw even, but freshman pitcher Robert Gilchrist (New Milford, CT/North Salem) picked up two key outs to leave them stranded and hold the lead.

The Ravens got the tying run to third base in the bottom of the eighth following a double and fielder's choice, and this time were able to tie the game. With two out, Hunter Pauquette doubled to tie the game at 4-4, but a groundout with the bases loaded sent the game to the ninth still tied.

Miller led off the ninth with a walk for Pace, then moved to second on a wild pitch. Another walk and wild pitch loaded the bases with nobody out, putting Pace in position to take the lead back. Jacobi then came up a delivered an RBI single to right, giving the Setters a 5-4 lead. Sophomore shortstop Mason Baronian (River Vale, NJ/Pascack Valley) was next up to bat and singled in two more, putting Pace ahead by three runs. Three batters later, Goldstein came up with the bases loaded and plated two more runs, singling up the middle to make it a 9-4 game.

Gilchrist came back on in the ninth and finished things off, recording the final three outs as the Setters punched their ticket to the NCAA Tournament and captured their first-ever NE10 Championship.

Up Next

The Setters will travel to Manchester, New Hampshire for the East Regional where they will face off against Franklin Pierce yet again, on Thursday, May 18 at 11:00 a.m.

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More from Pace

Pace Magazine

Carlton Aiken’s final year as Pace’s QB was a memorable one, earning him a number of well-deserved accolades and a permanent place in Pace Football history.


Both in the classroom and on the court, Naya Rivera ’22 has shown that the desire to change things for the better—and simply putting yourself out there—can truly go a long way.

Ticket Punched! Women's Lacrosse Heads to NCAA Semifinals


After defeating Adelphi in the 2023 Division II regional playoff, the Pace women's lacrosse team is heading to the final four in Indianapolis!

Pace women's lacrosse team celebrating their win over Adelphi
Pace women's lacrosse team celebrating their win over Adelphi

Photo Credit: Stockton Photography

The Pace University women's lacrosse team advanced to the semifinal round of the 2023 Division II Women's Lacrosse Tournament, defeating Adelphi University 14-5 to win the East Regional Championship Sunday, May 14 at Pace Stadium.

Pace (19-2, 12-0 NE10) was in control from the opening draw, shutting out the Panthers (11-8, 8-4 NE10) in the first quarter while scoring six times. The Setters got a goal in the first minute from grad student midfielder Aleya Corretjer (Thiells, N.Y./North Rockland), then just over two minute later got another from senior attack Jolie Urraro (Sayville, NY/Connetquot) to take a 2-0 lead. After grad student midfielder Kayla Conway (Wantagh, NY/Wantagh) put one in just past the five-minute mark to extend the lead to three, junior midfielder Angelina Porcello (Eastchester, NY/Eastchester) scored the first of her two first-quarter goals. With just under six minutes left, Urraro picked up her second, followed by another from Porcello as Pace took a 6-0 lead into the second quarter.

Porcello picked up where she left off to start the second, scoring her third of the day to make it 7-0. Senior attack Sydney Juvelier (Centereach, NY/Centereach) found the back of the net with 10:52 remaining in the period as the Setters went ahead by eight goals. The Panthers got a pair of goals by Kerrin Heuser and Alexandra Leggio to narrow Pace's lead to six, but Porcello came back with another to make it a 9-2 game heading into halftime.

Juvelier scored her second of the day at the 1:01 mark of the third, pushing the Pace lead back up to eight. Minutes later, Heuser tallied her second of the day for Adelphi, and a goal by Danielle Marino with 2:33 remaining gave the visitors another goal as they held the Setters off the board for the rest of the third following Juvelier's early goal.

With Pace leading 10-4 to start the fourth quarter, grad student midfielder Emma Rafferty (Bay Shore, NY/Islip) got on the board with her first of the day just over a minute in. Right before the midway point of the quarter, Corretjer scored her second, and Conway scored back-to-back goals for the Setters to extend the lead to 14-4 with 3:01 to go. Adelphi added a late goal by Izzy Grant, but Pace took a 14-5 victory to advance to the NCAA Tournament Semifinal.

Corretjer, Porcello and Conway tied for the team lead with five points, while freshman goalkeeper Samantha Tanguay (Baldwinsville, NY/C.W. Baker) got the win in net, making five saves.

Up Next

Pace moves on to Indianapolis, Ind. for the National Semifinal. The game will take place Friday, May 19, against Florida Southern at 7:30 p.m.

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More from Pace

Pace Magazine

Carlton Aiken’s final year as Pace’s QB was a memorable one, earning him a number of well-deserved accolades and a permanent place in Pace Football history.


Jerry McKinstry is the Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs at the Westchester Campus. He's also about to receive an MA in Communications and Digital Media from Dyson, and is truly embodying what lifelong learning is all about.


Both in the classroom and on the court, Naya Rivera ’22 has shown that the desire to change things for the better—and simply putting yourself out there—can truly go a long way.

Commencement 2023: Your Questions Answered

College of Health Professions
Dyson College of Arts and Science
Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Lubin School of Business
School of Education
Seidenberg School of CSIS

Accessing your tickets, when to arrive, where to park, what to eat, and so much more. You've got questions and we've got answers. Get ready to walk, grads.

Students at Pace University Commencement in USTA Tennis Center
group of pace university graduates at commencement
Alyssa Cressotti

Accessing your tickets, when to arrive, where to park, what to eat, and so much more. You've got questions and we've got answers. Get ready to walk, grads.

Accessing Your Tickets

We know there are a lot of questions about receiving, accessing, and transferring your tickets to your guests. We’ve created a special FAQ section with detailed instructions and information to help you get the info you need. We are still distributing tickets—if you registered late or are on the waitlist, keep checking the Pace email you used to register.

When To Arrive

Graduating students should plan to arrive one hour before their scheduled ceremony start time. Graduates and guests with ADA needs should plan to arrive 1.5–2 hours prior to their ceremony start time.

  • 9:45 a.m.–11:15 a.m. | Elisabeth Haub School of Law | Louis Armstrong Stadium
  • 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.| Lubin School of Business | Arthur Ashe Stadium
  • 12:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. | Main Ceremony | Arthur Ashe Stadium
  • 2:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m. | College of Health Professions and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems | Louis Armstrong Stadium
  • 2:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.| Dyson College of Arts and Sciences and School of Education | Arthur Ashe Stadium

How To Get In

All graduates and guests must present a ticket for entry into the USTA complex at the East Gate. If you have ADA parking or drop-off/pick-up passes, please enter through the West Gate.

Be sure to access your tickets via NTC Ticketmaster Account Manager in advance and save them on your mobile device. If you are transferring tickets to your guests, they also need to access and save them in advance.

If you or your guest(s) do not have a mobile device or are otherwise unable to access your tickets digitally, you will still be able to enter. Speak to staff upon arrival.

What To Wear

Dress to the nines and make sure to bring your cap and gown! If you're feeling extra flashy, wear it to the venue. No idea how to put it on? We got you. Pace staff will be onsite to help grads robe up.

Real talk: The venue is BIG. You’ll be doing a lot of walking, so consider comfy shoes or at least a pair to change into.


Subway: The 7 train provides service from Grand Central Terminal to Mets-Willets Point Station, including connections for all Metro-North Trains from Westchester and Connecticut. Service is also available from the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

Long Island Railroad: LIRR provides easy service to Mets-Willets Point Station from Woodside, and convenient connections from Penn Station for New Jersey Transit customers. For guests with disabilities, get off the LIRR train at 61st Street-Woodside Station and transfer to the 7 train. Take the 7 train to Mets-Willets Point Station.


Event parking is at Citi Field, located next to the USTA complex. USTA recommends using Grand Central Parkway exit 9E or Whitestone Expressway Exit 13D for the shortest route to available parking lots.

Upon arrival, lot attendants will direct you to the appropriate area.

There is a $40.00 charge for parking and cash is not accepted.


Some of our grads and their guests may have questions regarding ADA and accessibility. We’ve created a special FAQ section with detailed instructions and information to help you get the info you need.

Food and Drink

The USTA's Grounds and Food Village will be open from 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; cash is not accepted.

Bottle re-filling stations are available throughout the USTA complex. Bring your refillable bottles to stay hydrated!

Rain Plan

Commencement takes place rain or shine. Both Arthur Ashe and Louis Armstrong stadiums will be covered in the event of inclement weather, so grads and their guests can stay dry. Check the weather closer to the event date and bring an umbrella in case of rain.

Still don't have the info you need? Visit the Commencement website.

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Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University’s Pace International Law Review Holds Symposium on the War in Ukraine and Annual Dyson Lecture Given by Professor Monica Hakimi

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

On Friday, April 14, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University presented its triennial Pace International Law Review Symposium and its annual Dyson Lecture. The theme of the symposium was 21st Century Conflict: International Law and the War in Ukraine. The Dyson Lecture, entitled The United States and Ukraine: One Year On, was delivered by Professor Monica Hakimi, the William S. Beinecke Professor of Law at Columbia Law School.

Panelists, Professors, and Students standing in front of podium in lecture hall
Panelists, Professors, and Students standing in front of podium in lecture hall

On Friday, April 14, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University presented its triennial Pace International Law Review Symposium and its annual Dyson Lecture. The theme of the symposium was 21st Century Conflict: International Law and the War in Ukraine. The Dyson Lecture, entitled The United States and Ukraine: One Year On, was delivered by Professor Monica Hakimi, the William S. Beinecke Professor of Law at Columbia Law School.

The Pace International Law Review (PILR) Symposium (PDF) was a full-day event organized by the PILR board with the support of PILR faculty advisors Professor Alexander Greenawalt and Professor Smita Narula. Opening remarks were delivered by PILR Editor-in-Chief, Alexandra Tamburrino, and Managing Editor Bailey Andree. The symposium’s themes were explored through three panels featuring experts in international law and related fields. The panels focused respectively on regulating war, on prosecuting international crimes, and on human rights and the environment Each panel was moderated by an expert on the topic at hand and featured renowned scholars. A full list of panelists can be accessed on the agenda for the day.

In between the lively panel discussions, a highlight of the conference was the presentation of the Dyson Lecture by Professor Monica Hakimi. Haub Law Dean Horace Anderson introduced Professor Hakimi noting her expertise in international law, both as an academic and a practitioner. Professor Hakimi’s scholarship is widely published in prestigious journals and law reviews including the American Journal of International Law, Michigan Law Review, Yale Journal of International Law, and more. Recently, she was elected co-editor-in-chief of the American Journal of International Law.

During her lecture, Professor Hakimi asked important and significant questions about the future of the United States’ involvement in international conflict in relation to Russia, the Ukraine, China, and beyond. Speaking on the United States, she asked, “What international agenda should we prioritize? How should we go about achieving them? What steps should we take to make sure that we don’t suddenly pull the rug out from those who have for decades depended on or organized themselves around our massive weight?” She added that these same questions should frame the research agenda for international lawyers for years to come and should include questions about how legal institutions and arrangements should be preserved, adapted, or discarded for a world with potentially very different geopolitical dynamics.

Following the symposium was a reception where students, faculty, panelists, and attendees had the opportunity to continue their conversations and network with one another.

Edited and published by students, the Pace International Law Review is a periodical journal devoted to the publication of scholarly materials concerning both public and private international law. Content from the Pace International Law Review may be found on the law review web site. The law review also maintains the Pace International Law Review Blog with continually-updated content on international topics. This year, several panelists plan to publish papers with PILR based on their remarks during this symposium.

The Dyson Distinguished Lecture was endowed in 1982 by a gift from the Dyson Foundation made possible through the generosity of the late Charles H. Dyson, a 1930 graduate, trustee, and long-time benefactor of Pace University. The principal aim and object of the Dyson Distinguished Lecture is to encourage and make possible scholarly legal contributions of very high quality in furtherance of Haub Law's educational mission.

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