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Salary Review Board

As described in the NYFC Constitution, duties and membership of the Salary Review Board consist of:

  1. The Salary Review Board is composed of 3 elected voting members of the NYFC and one alternate member.
  2. The duties of the Salary Review Board are to make recommendations to the President pertaining to salary appeals in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Faculty Handbook.

Allocated: 3 members and 1 alternate

Currently has: 3 members and 1 alternate

Committee chair:

Committee members: (Three year terms)

  • Mingming Zhou, Finance (Lubin)
  • Juan Shan, Computer Science (Seidenberg)
  • Miguel Mosteiro, Computer Science (Seidenberg)

Alternate, Tenured only:

  • Kyomi Gregory-Martin, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CHP)