Chemical Biology, BS

STEM badge

This program has STEM designation which includes benefits such as an extension for international students and a competitive edge in today’s job market

Pace’s Chemical Biology Program: Your Path to Success

Chemical Biology is a novel, interdisciplinary, and “fast-track career” major that integrates the foundations and practice of chemistry, biology, and biochemistry. With the use of small molecular probes in our state-of-the art lab facilities, you will address challenges in biotechnology and genetic engineering, where there is demand for skilled professionals in these growing fields. This includes areas such as microfluidics and in vivo system engineering, genomics and proteomics, advanced bio-material engineering, the integration in live system of artificial intelligence, robotics, and mass data predictive analytics, and forensics.

Why Pursue Chemical Biology?

The Chemical Biology degree will better prepare you to succeed in postgraduate pursuits, such as in research and manufacturing employment, as well as enrollment in medical school and medically related doctoral and PhD degrees.

In Pace’s Chemical Biology program, the proper integration of laboratory experiments, chemical instrumentation and biological kits, and acquisition of mass data and analysis are the basis for enhanced learning outcomes and your success.

Take Courses Like

As a student, you learn the common language of pharmaceutical sciences through rigorous core coursework, with electives tailored to specific interests in cell and molecular biology, synthetic and macromolecular chemistry, physiology, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical sciences related research projects.

Sample courses include:

  • CHE 296E Physical Biochemistry of Membranes
  • CHB 232 Bioanalytical Chemistry and Instrumentation
  • CHB 300 Bioinformatics
  • CHB 480 Research in Chemical Biology

Opportunities and Experiences

You have the opportunity to work side-by-side with distinguished faculty conducting research that at other institutions is typically experienced at the post-graduate level, as well as co-publish and present your research at regional and national conferences.

The Student Honors Chemistry Club of the American Chemical Society, Tri-Beta Biological Society, and Sigma Xi provide you with academic, scholarly, and experiential learning peer support.

Other opportunities include internship placements in local and national corporate research and development, government institutions, and other summer training programs nationwide.

Choose Your Career

Federal and State employment opportunities for chemical biology are growing. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is rapid job growth in STEM majors especially for Chemical Biology in pharmaceutical, healthcare, cosmetics, forensics, teaching, research and development, and manufacturing.

Graduates from Chemical Biology are competitive in entering medical, dental, physical therapy, and chiropractic schools, as well as PhD programs.

What You Need to Know

We have rolling applications but prefer the December 30 deadline.

High school diploma with GPA 3; SAT recommended but not required; precalculus, high school Regent’s biology and chemistry.


According to ZipRecruiter, the annual salary for a BS in chemical biology graduate averages $60K nationwide and $65K in downstate New York.  


According to Regeneron and the US Bureau of National Employment Statistics, there are 3,000 pharma jobs available within the proximity of the Pace Westchester Campus.