This is sample text for the Manual Card Grid component. The images for this component should be cropped to 900x506 at 72dpi.
Drupal Training
This is sample text for the Call To Action component. Below, you will find useful information for each available component that you can use on your Landing Pages, as well as your school Home Pages. If you click into the sub pages of this site using the buttons in the blue bar above, you will be able to see all the components that we have available for our Left Navigation pages. On each of these pages, you will find information for the proper image sizes and image naming conventions if the component requires an image.
Photo Based Components
Text Based Components
This is sample text for the 50-50 Split CTA component. The image to the right should be cropped to 1800x1800 at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-5050-[title-of-component].jpg. So in this case, the image is named drupal-training-5050-50-50-split-cta.jpg
Sample text for a Stat. In this case, the stat is the year the school was founded.
Sample text for a Stat. In this case, the stat represents our three campuses in Pleasantville, White Plains, and New York City.
Sample text for a Stat. In this case, the stat represents the 6 schools at Pace University.
This is sample text for an Images Mosaic Component. The images for this section should be cropped to 1200x1200 at 72dpi. The image above is titled drupal-training-mosaic-alphur-willock.jpg based on the naming convention specified in the middle text box.
Attribution 1
Images in this section should be titled [department-or-school]-mosaic-[name-of-mosaic-square].jpg. So for instance, the image below is titled drupal-training-mosaic-jackie-dellisanti.jpg.
Attribution 2
This is sample text for an Images Mosaic Component. The images for this section should be cropped to 1200x1200 at 72dpi. The image above is titled drupal-training-mosaic-jack-bonnelycke.jpg based on the naming convention specified in the middle text box.
Attribution 3
This is sample text for the Intro Text component. The background image should be cropped to 2000x1125 at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-intro-text-[title-of-component].jpg. So in this case, the image is named drupal-training-intro-text-intro-text-component.jpg
This is sample text for the Manual Cards Horizontal component. The images below should be cropped to 975x548 at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-manual-card-[title-of-section].jpg.
This is sample text for the Manual Card component. The images for this component should be cropped to 975x548 at 72dpi.
Images for this component should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-manual-card-[title-of-section].jpg.
So in this case, the image to the right is titled drupal-training-manual-card-manual-card-title-3.jpg
Images for this section should be cropped to 2000x1125 at 72dpi and named in this format: [department-or-school]-full-width-[title-of-component].jpg. So in this case, the image is named drupal-training-full-width-full-width-image-text.jpg
Sample 5050 Logo
This is sample text for the 50-50 Logo component. The image to the right should be cropped to 1800 pixels wide at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-5050-logo-[title-of-logo].jpg. So in this case, the image might named something like drupal-training-5050-logo-drupal.jpg
This is sample text for the Video With Text component. The image to the left should be cropped to 2000x1125 at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-video-with-text-[title-of-component].jpg. So in this case, the image is named drupal-training-video-with-text-sample-video-with-text.jpg
Irony chia hexagon locavore palo santo flexitarian pok pok slow-carb. Shaman chicharrones marfa selvage man bun taiyaki try-hard fam leggings.
Irony chia hexagon locavore palo santo flexitarian pok pok slow-carb. Shaman chicharrones marfa selvage man bun taiyaki try-hard fam leggings.
Roof party snackwave hashtag gochujang XOXO, YOLO post-ironic. Distillery 3 wolf moon green juice adaptogen, yuccie kale chips prism.
This is sample text for the Manual Cards Grid component. The images below should be cropped to 900x506 at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-manual-card-grid-[title-of-section].jpg.
Images for this component should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-manual-card-grid-[title-of-section].jpg.
So in this case, the image above is titled drupal-training-manual-card-grid-manual-card-title-3.jpg
In this case, the image above is titled drupal-training-manual-card-grid-manual-card-title-4.jpg
In this case, the image above is titled drupal-training-manual-card-grid-manual-card-title-5.jpg
In this case, the image above is titled drupal-training-manual-card-grid-manual-card-title-6.jpg
Press ReleaseNovember 7, 2023
Press ReleaseFebruary 7, 2023
Sample CTA Carousel
A CTA Carousel component is almost the same as an Image Gallery component. The differences are that this component allows us to add a blurb above the images gallery, and each image contains a CTA button that can point to a link. CTA Carousel images should be cropped to 1600x900 at 72dpi. Images of this type, should be named in this format: [department-or-school]-cta-carousel-[title-of-component]-[#].jpg. So in this case, the image is named drupal-training-cta-carousel-sample-cta-carousel-1.jpg