A Community That Values Entrepreneurship and Determination

Lubin School of Business

Meet Sharai Hornedo '22, a graduate of Lubin's BBA program who is now pursuing an MBA in Marketing Management. Sharai appreciates the community and resources that Pace offers, and already has a job lined up after she graduates!

Lubin student sharai hornedo '22
Lubin student sharai hornedo '22

Sharai Hornedo

Senior Associate, Digital Activation - Programmatic, Hearts & Science

Class of 2022
MBA in Marketing Management

Member Of: The Strategy and International Business Club

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

I chose Pace because of its rich community of people. As a Lubin student, I've had the opportunity to make new friends who value entrepreneurship and determination as much as I do. During my time in the Marketing Management program, I was able to build relationships with my professors and enhance my skills for a future career in marketing. I also recently joined the Strategy and International Business club (SIB). Since Fall '21 was my first semester on campus, I wanted to make the most of my student experience. In the club, I was able to meet individuals who wanted to improve their skills as leaders. As someone who wants to be CEO of a marketing agency, I was delighted to meet like-minded individuals. I not only met people like me, but also had a community of people supporting me and my dreams.

As a Lubin student, I've had the opportunity to make new friends who value entrepreneurship and determination as much as I do.

What is it like to complete an MBA program so soon after receiving a Bachelor's degree?

Graduating in 2020 was a weird time since the world completely turned on its head. I originally was going to join the workforce, but I wanted to develop my leadership skills. That's where Pace comes in. I immediately joined the MBA program in Fall '20 when I had the chance. At first, it was strange to be back in school after the supposed end of my school (academic) career. However, I fell in love with the community and resources that Pace had to offer. Pace's Career Center has been a huge help as it has allowed me to connect with prospective employers. I am happy to announce that I already have a job lined up! I am excited to begin my career as a sales associate with Techtronic Industries.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking to get involved on campus?

Of course! Anyone looking to be more involved should start by connecting with fellow classmates. My involvement with SIB started when one student connected me with the club's VP. Building relationships with others is something that will enhance every life experience. All it takes is one hello.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife is not just a student experience, but a state of a mind. Being a part of Lubin shows that I am now part of a group of leaders who may change the world. I take pride in being a Lubin student since I know I will always have Lubin's values of strength and integrity with me.

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Born in Ecuador and raised in Queens, Fabiola Robles is a first generation college graduate and will be the first in her family to obtain a law degree.

headshot of law student Fabiola Robles

Born in Ecuador and raised in Queens, Fabiola Robles is a first generation college graduate and will be the first in her family to obtain a law degree. Fabiola grew up with four older sisters who have had a significant impact on her outlook and drive. “To be a woman in the law, for me, signifies advancement and accomplishment. We have come so far, but we have a long battle ahead as we continue to fight for equality, not just for women, but for other marginalized groups. As I continue throughout my career, they are the women who I keep in mind, as they are some of the strongest, hardworking, dedicated, and focused individuals I have ever met in my life. They are my inspiration. I have witnessed them face several obstacles and overcome them. There are not enough words to do justice how great and inspiring they are to me, all I will say is if I can be half the woman they are, I would be happy.”

Studying at John Jay College, the more exposure Fabiola gained to the legal field the more fascinated she was with it. Fabiola notes that, “After graduating from John Jay, I worked at a law firm and met many attorneys who served as my mentors and helped me gain more exposure to different areas of law, which solidified my decision to pursue a law degree.”

Since starting her law studies at Haub Law, Fabiola has taken a variety of courses with different professors, but it is Professors Bridget Crawford, Bennett Gershman, and Noa Ben-Asher who have had the biggest impact on her. “I am taking the Feminist Legal Theory Seminar right now with Professor Crawford and the most interesting thing to me is the definition of feminism and what it means to be a feminist. Throughout the course, we have read about different perspectives of pioneers of feminism, and it is fascinating to see their different approaches and views on feminism. The course has opened my eyes to think differently about my approach to certain topics, it has made be more mindful and aware about my own feelings and beliefs, and how each feminist theorist may analyze my opinions. Overall, it has been a very rewarding class.”

With graduation impending in May, Fabiola’s immediate goal is to study and pass the bar exam. As far as advice for future law students, Fabiola states, “You have to want it. In my opinion, saying law school is hard is an understatement. While the work may be doable, there will be times you want to give up, those are the moments that will really test your dedication, and the only thing that will get you through is your desire to accomplish your goals, your drive to get that degree. So, my advice is you have to want it. If you want it, that drive, that motivation, that desire, your dreams and your goals, will get you through every single time.”

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Screenshot of a Kimberly Collica-Cox in a News12 Interview
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The Language and Culture of Finance

Lubin School of Business

We sat down for a Q&A with Aron Gottesman, PhD, Professor and Chairperson of the Finance and Economics Department, who joined Pace 20 years ago. We learned about his research interests, teaching methodology, and the "language and culture of finance."

financial and stock quotes and upward arrow on grid background

Faculty Spotlight: Aron Gottesman

Finance and Economics Department

We sat down for a Q&A with Aron Gottesman, PhD, Professor and Chairperson of the Finance and Economics Department, who joined Pace 20 years ago. We learned about his research interests, teaching methodology, and the "language and culture of finance."

Why finance?

Finance is a sophisticated area of investigation that involves the language and culture of finance, the ability to think abstractly and comprehend challenging concepts, and the application of quantitative analytics.

Why Lubin/Pace?

Geography: If you can make it here (New York), you can make it anywhere! Also, proximity to the most important financial institutions provides tremendous opportunities to learn and teach the application of theory to practice.

Finance is a sophisticated area of investigation that involves the language and culture of finance, the ability to think abstractly and comprehend challenging concepts, and the application of quantitative analytics.

What are your research interests/areas?

Performance measurement; the role of personality in decision making; investment products and investing strategies; and financial institutions.

Why is it important to advance research in these areas?

Research can provide important insights that help direct better decision making. For example, my coauthor and colleague Matt Morey and I recently published a paper showing that certain performance measures, known as capture ratios, are not particularly informative or useful.

What do students learn in your classroom?

They learn the language and culture of finance and learn that they can obtain knowledge of the topics we learn with total comprehension.

Tell us about your professional path and its impact on how you teach and what you teach.

My academic education including both finance and psychology. This exposure to multiple disciplines allows me to understand the mindset of students from a variety of backgrounds and helps me make sure their learning experience is meaningful.

Of which triumph are you most proud?

I'm happily married with a wonderful family!

What is the single most important lesson you'd like to impart to your students?

Don't be afraid to ask questions and take risks!

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

Lubin is a school that equally weighs teaching and research and the application of each to the other. As a business school located in such an important location (the heart of the Financial District), the excitement of the city inspires us every day.

Courses Dr. Gottesman teaches:


  • FIN 356 Options, Futures, and Swaps
  • FIN 359 Principles of Fixed Instruments and Markets


  • FIN 679 Fixed Income Markets and Analytics
  • FIN 672 Strategies in Investments, Options, and Futures
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