Pitching Business Ideas with Analytics Expertise

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Ligia, an international student who has earned two degrees, as well as worked as a business analyst in Brazil for nine years. She decided that she wanted to expand her horizons and start a new chapter in her life. Hence, she is now a Lubin graduate student and she has not taken the opportunity to attend Pace for granted. Ligia has been making it a priority to interact with professors and take advantage of their office hours. While participating in Lubin-sponsored initiatives such as the Analytics Bootcamp and the Pace Pitch Contest, she has been falling in love with New York City—constantly snapping pictures of streets and corridors, and sharing them on her Instagram.

Ligia Galvao
Ligia Galvao
Ligia Galvao

Ligia Galvao

Analytics Manager, Colgate-Palmolive

Class of 2020
MS in Customer Intelligence and Analytics

Member Of: Lubin Analytics Boot Camp, Alumni-Student Mentoring Program, Pace Pitch Contest

Meet Ligia, an international student who has earned two degrees, as well as worked as a business analyst in Brazil for nine years. She decided that she wanted to expand her horizons and start a new chapter in her life. Hence, she is now a Lubin graduate student and she has not taken the opportunity to attend Pace for granted. Ligia has been making it a priority to interact with professors and take advantage of their office hours. While participating in Lubin-sponsored initiatives such as the Analytics Bootcamp and the Pace Pitch Contest, she has been falling in love with New York City—constantly snapping pictures of streets and corridors, and sharing them on her Instagram.

You have a wonderful background in business. Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business to continue your education?

When I was searching for a university where I could pursue my master's degree, I looked at several schools around the globe. My goal was to choose a school that would give me great experiences studying away from home and a school that had a curriculum that would improve my knowledge in the field of business analytics. As a prospective student, I sent an email to Dean Neil Braun with a couple of questions about the analytics program. He responded promptly and introduced me to the Graduate Program Chair (Marketing), Professor Ipshita Ray. They both gave me all the support I needed to make my decision. At that moment, I realized that at Pace University I would get incredible support to up-level my career. The industry experience that Pace professors have, as well as the curriculum, which is filled with practical classes where I can learn about software commonly used in big companies, helped me realize that Lubin was the place for me.

At that moment, I realized that at Pace University I would get incredible support to up-level my career. The industry experience that Pace professors have, as well as the curriculum, which is filled with practical classes where I can learn about software commonly used in big companies, helped me realize that Lubin was the place for me.

Tell us about your experience at the Lubin Analytics Boot Camp and what it means for your career.

I have a lot of experience in business, but I had never written a line of code before. I’ve realized that programming language skills are required for most jobs in most industries, and because of this, I looked at Pace University for some classes where I could learn that skill. Everything pointed toward the Lubin Analytics Boot Camp. What stood out about the Boot Camp was the opportunity to learn different programming languages in a short period of time. In four days, we worked intensively on hands-on, state-of-the-art tools in analytics, such as R, Python, SQL, Google Analytics, Tableau, and Excel Solver, to learn about data visualization, predictive analytics, text mining, and optimization.

Earning my certification in analytics was not an easy task. The Lubin Analytics Boot Camp is very competitive, and the intensive agenda is an extra challenge during boot camp. However, my background in business analysis and working with Excel helped me a lot during the program. The Lubin Analytics Boot Camp definitely prepared me to be able to help companies become more assertive in data analysis and make better decisions.

You were awarded second place in this year’s Entrepreneurship Lab Pace Pitch Competition. How has that experience helped you develop as a professional?

My partner and I have worked intensively for several months to develop a product that collects and analyzes unstructured data in real-time and had few interested investors. We are looking to offer our product to different markets and companies, such as drugstores, coffee shops, manufacturers, and hospitals. The first prototype had been presented during the sixth edition of Excel Weekend (the larger Excel event of Latin America) in Brazil. In a short period of time, we received invitations to present the project at diverse industry events.

The project was growing and we felt the need to test the business plan. We chose to enroll in The Sixteenth Annual Pace Pitch Contest because it is managed by The Entrepreneurship Lab at Pace. We know the high-level commitment and earnest work put forth by the Entrepreneurship Lab and its Executive Director, Professor Bruce Bachenheimer. It was the first time we were able to show the product outside of Brazil. This experience was a great opportunity to improve my skills in communication, leadership, and negotiation, and will have a tremendous impact on my professional life.

On top of being an involved student and active professional, you have a blog about business analytics; what motivates you to work so hard?

The results! I feel happy when I see companies making better decisions through data after my consulting. I really believe in data democratization and in the power of data-driven culture. As long as I find people who need to be convinced of this, I will continue to be motivated to work hard.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking to develop their careers?

Listen to Pace professors and surround yourself with people who can add value to your career. Whenever possible, attend the workshops at Pace or the ones that your professors tell you about. I had great opportunities to meet professionals that I really admire during these workshops, such as Thomas Davenport and Jim Sterne.

Additionally, try to enroll in the Lubin Analytics Boot Camp. We live in a world flooded by data and analytical skills are required for all professionals, no matter what your major is.

My last piece of advice is to enroll in the Alumni-Student Mentoring Program. The program, managed by the Development and Alumni Relations Office, can help international students and domestic students get a leg-up on their careers; participating in an initiative like this can also be helpful for students in finding their first jobs.

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A Passion for Non-Profit

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Melissa Correa '20, a Global Marketing Management major on our New York City campus, came to New York from Florida in search of a global business education that would provide her with experience-based learning. With the goal of taking advantage of all opportunities that she encountered on her path, Melissa interned with Lubin's Office of Communications and External Relations. She has also had numerous leadership roles within the Student Government Association. This summer, she discovered her passion for the non-profit world through a Wilson Center internship. We talked to her about her internship and how she lives her #LubinLife.

Melissa Correa
Melissa Correa
Melissa Correa

Melissa Correa

Sustainability / ESG Analyst, Citi

Class of 2020
BBA in Marketing - Global Marketing Management with a Minor in Peace and Justice Studies

Member Of: Student Government Association, Pace Sustainability Initiative, L.O.V.E Mentors College Mentor, Celentano Grant Recipient

Melissa Correa '20, a Global Marketing Management major on our New York City campus, came to New York from Florida in search of a global business education that would provide her with experience-based learning. With the goal of taking advantage of all opportunities that she encountered on her path, Melissa interned with Lubin's Office of Communications and External Relations. She has also had numerous leadership roles within the Student Government Association. This summer, she discovered her passion for the non-profit world through a Wilson Center internship. We talked to her about her internship and how she lives her #LubinLife.

Why choose Lubin/Pace? What set Lubin/Pace apart from other universities?

I chose the Lubin School of Business because of their emphasis on experiential learning, which suits me best, as I am a hands-on learner. Additionally, Lubin has offered me many opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and advance as a professional.

What types of opportunities and resources have you been taking advantage of as an undergraduate at Lubin?

I have been very intentional about taking advantage of the many opportunities offered at Pace University, specifically multiple internships, leadership positions, global learning experiences, and scholarships. Currently, I am interning full time at a non-profit called MindLeaps. I have also had the opportunity to work for the Office of Communications and External Relations at Lubin as the Marketing Intern. I was lucky enough to be awarded the Celentano grant for studying abroad, so next January I will be traveling to Singapore and Malaysia for an International Marketing Field Study course. As a part of my global education, I studied abroad in Barcelona last summer. Furthermore, I volunteer for a non-profit called L.O.V.E Mentors where I help teach high school girls in urban communities about college readiness, self-empowerment, and mental and reproductive health. Since the start of my college career, I have been an active member of the Student Government Association, taking on the positions of Public Relations Chair, Lubin School of Business Vice President, and Junior Class President. My sophomore year, I was a Peer Leader, a Pace Path Finder, and I interned at a fashion and hospitality Public Relations firm called Think PR.

Having a full-time internship with a company that does such amazing work for children in Africa is remarkable. Finding new ways to bring awareness to the cause is my main point of focus this summer. It has been great to see the importance of marketing in a field I have never encountered before.

Tell us a bit about your internship experience and working with the Wilson Center.

I was able to obtain a Marketing and Development internship at MindLeaps through Pace University's Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship. It has been great to be able to work with others that have a huge passion for giving back. MindLeaps is a non-profit that uses dance to improve the cognitive and social emotional skills of vulnerable youth in Africa in order to better prepare them for school and the workplace. Having a full-time internship with a company that does such amazing work for children in Africa is remarkable. Finding new ways to bring awareness to the cause is my main point of focus this summer. It has been great to see the importance of marketing in a field I have never encountered before.

How will you apply what you learned there to the rest of your career? What comes next?

I’ve learned a lot about how small non-profits work (e.g., donor relations, marketing for fundraising, and event planning). I have also had the opportunity to conduct research on various countries and their current events. After this summer, I plan to continue to work in the non-profit sector because I found that I enjoy working hard for a cause that I believe in. I hope to expand my horizons and learn more about international markets and different cultures.

What motivates you to work hard?

My family and future motivate me to work hard. I always set goals and try my best to accomplish them. My motto is: "always hold yourself accountable and make your family proud." Doing what you genuinely enjoy also makes all the hard work worth it.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students looking for internships?

Start with Career Services and start early! Stop by their office at 41 Park Row. Everyone is extremely nice and helpful; they want to see you succeed and become the star they know you are meant to be. From hosting workshops to providing private appointments, they are a very good resource to take advantage of at Pace University.

In a few words, how do you define #LubinLife?

#LubinLife means community. Being an active student in the community and an intern at the Lubin School of Business, I see all the amazing things my fellow peers are doing. #LubinLife exemplifies the hard work and dedication we all put forth to further our careers and make the most of our time here at Pace University.

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Making the Case for Analytics

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Saul Pacheco Vidal '20 created his own path to success with the MS in Marketing Analytics degree, which helped launch his career in operations research.

Lubin alumnus Saul Pacheco Vidal '20
Lubin alumnus Saul Pacheco Vidal '20

Saul Pacheco Vidal

Marketing Science & Analytics Associate, YPulse

Class of 2020
MS in Marketing Analytics

Why did you choose Lubin for your masters in science?

I was looking for a master's program in New York City that would allow me to learn about marketing as well as teach me the analytical skills to work with data and make relevant decisions. Lubin's Master of Science in Marketing Analytics combines marketing classes with analytical courses that teach different software such as R, SPSS, and Tableau. I quickly realized that this program was the perfect choice for me. Presently, four months after graduation and six months after the COVID-19 pandemic started, I am happy to say that I am working full-time as a Market Analyst.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

I had many rewarding experiences at Lubin, but the most exciting one was participating in the Group M Competition in April 2019. I got to apply my analytical skills to real data to create a profitable integrated marketing communications strategy. It was challenging and stressful at times, but it allowed me to prove my abilities as a market researcher. I would recommend this experience to anyone at Lubin who wants to take one step ahead in their career.

I advise you always to be immersed in the different activities that the Lubin School of Business offers, such as the analytics bootcamps, networking events, competitions, and more. Be ready to create your own path for success.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

My main takeaway is that you need to always look at the big picture. As Dr. Vishal Lala would say in his Market Research and Predictive Analytics courses, you need to be ready to clearly understand the data and the whole situation before jumping to any conclusion. You will continuously need to update your point of view because this world is continually changing, but once you master how to look at an issue, you will be ready to resolve any problem that you encounter.

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

Throughout my time at Pace, I was able to have two digital marketing internships in which I was able to apply my digital marketing skills (Google Analytics, SEO, SEM, and Email Marketing). I was hired as a Market Analyst at Camposol, where I used the analytical skills learned through my analytical courses for Price Forecasting and data modeling. I am happy to see how the knowledge I learned during my time at Pace has allowed me to move forward.

How do you define #LubinLife?

When I think of #LubinLife, I think of perseverance, hard work, networking, and extra-curricular involvement. I advise you always to be immersed in the different activities that the Lubin School of Business offers, such as the analytics bootcamps, networking events, competitions, and more. Be ready to create your own path for success.

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A Lesson in Legislative Action

Dyson College of Arts and Science
Pace Path/Student Success

Working with New York State Lawmakers, Pace Environmental Clinic students have initiated new legislation to reduce pollution from road salt.

Working with New York State Lawmakers, Pace Environmental Clinic students have initiated new legislation to reduce pollution from road salt.

Truck salting roads covered in snow.

While sodium chloride, aka salt, helps ensure our safety by effectively keeping vital roadways clear of ice and snow, it also poses a significant environmental risk. All that road salt—millions of tons, according to US Geological Survey data—washes directly into streams and lakes. It’s harming plants and wildlife, and contaminating our drinking water.

Enter Pace University’s Environmental Policy Clinic, a course offered by the Dyson College Institute for Sustainability and the Environment (DCISE). Clinic students have come up with a strategy for tackling the dilemma of how to maintain wintertime public safety in an environmentally responsible way. Their proposal—to develop specialized training for anyone responsible for applying road salt—was introduced in both houses of the New York State Legislature earlier this year. If both bills pass and the governor signs the legislation, New York will become the first state to require the creation of such training, which would be offered voluntarily.

“The training program would teach the applicators about the environmental and health risks associated with road salt usage,” said Brennan Boudreaux ’21, Global Studies. “Furthermore, these training programs can enhance efficiency since the road salt often remains on the ground for weeks with no snow, and it is sometimes applied when weather is too cold for it to have any effect.”

Boudreaux was one of seven clinic students on the Pleasantville campus who together developed the language of the legislation and advocated for support.

“I took charge in narrowing down what exactly the bill should target and what was reasonable and effective,” said Boudreaux. This included identifying and contacting relevant agencies and organizations—including experts from Cornell University and the Cary Institute—and meeting with lawmakers. The legislation, Assembly Bill A8067 and Senate Bill S6519, was formally introduced by Representative Thomas J. Abinanti (D) and Senator Peter Harckham (D).

According to Director of Programming, DCISE and Clinical Associate Professor Michelle Land, it’s the hands-on experience and real-world outcomes that make the Clinic a unique learning experience. She has run the course since 2014, along with John Cronin, senior fellow for environmental affairs, DCISE.

“We teach students professional advocacy skills and then place them in the policymaking domain to apply those skills on timely issues, through lobbying, testifying at hearings, providing comments on proposed regulations, preparing briefing memos for government officials, and more,” said Land. “We know of no other program like it at the undergraduate level.”

Previous policy clinic projects have included New York State’s Elephant Protection Act, prohibiting the use of elephants in entertainment acts, including circuses, carnivals, parades or trade shows. Legislation that Pace students helped to draft and petition was ultimately signed into law by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo on October 19, 2017.

“Taking the action steps, speaking up, going to Albany, planning, diving deeper into research, and making revisions, allow the idea of making a significant impact to be within arm’s reach,” said Bodreaux.

For the road salt legislation to move forward, it will be up to the next class of policy clinic students to keep the pressure on during the upcoming legislative session. They will be working on continued lobbying and advocacy efforts, said Land.

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The Business of Entertainment

Lubin School of Business

Meet Cayley Plotkin '19, who put her business and leadership skills to good use in the field of arts and entertainment management.

Lubin alumnus cauley plotkin '19
Lubin alumnus cauley plotkin '19

Cayley Plotkin

Event Programming Manager, Digiday Media

Class of 2019
BBA in Management - Arts and Entertainment Management

Member Of: Industry Network for Arts and Entertainment Management

Where are you interning this summer?

I am the Domestic Touring Intern at Disney Theatrical Group right in Manhattan.

What made you decide to attend Pace University/Lubin School of Business?

Originally, I wanted to be a performer and I had a bunch of college auditions scheduled throughout the country. After submitting some of my audition tapes I realized that I did not want a career in performing and I had other business and leadership skills that I could definitely put to good use with a business degree. I knew I wanted to go to school in New York City and Pace felt like home after I first visited. It felt like a tight knit community of students, faculty, and staff who wanted to see each other succeed. Since being here my feelings have been solidified. Everyone motivates each other and wants to help you meet your full potential. My parents suggested the idea of going into the business of entertainment, a career path I had not even thought of. Once I got into my first Arts and Entertainment Management class I knew that this major and career path was for me.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career you hadn't already thought about?

As the Domestic Touring intern I work with all aspects of the touring productions of The Lion King, Aladdin, and coming soon: Frozen. That means I work on marketing aspects, creating scripts for television spots and organizing the media schedule. I also work on financial aspects. For example, I help project ticket sales and estimate the sales and potentials for different packages, such as VIP, at the different engagements. I also work on just general aspects of the tour. Additionally, all the interns from the different departments work on a project as a cohort to produce a hypothetical production of a Disney property that has not yet been brought to the stage. We put together the entire business plan and then present it to the entire company and the end of the summer. All I've done so far has just been in the first two weeks, so I am ecstatic about all the other stuff that is to come!

How does this internship fit into the puzzle that is your Lubin experience?

Since I started thinking about my career freshman year, I knew I wanted to work within the realm of children's and family entertainment. Of course, as part of that plan working at a company like Disney is a dream and fits right into the puzzle. Gaining experience with the front runner of live entertainment and Broadway is something that contributes to my Lubin experience. Not only will I be able to share this experience with other students, but I will be able to apply what I have learned in the classroom.

"I knew I wanted to go to school in New York City and Pace felt like home after I first visited. It felt like a tight knit community of students, faculty, and staff who wanted to see each other succeed."

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?

100%. I've had four internships now since being at Pace and each one of them has shaped me in some way. From some of the internships, I even realized going down certain career paths would not be for me! Each of them has been an immense learning experience. I've gained skills from each internship that have transferred over to another job, internship, or even class.

What motivates you?

I would say that other Pace students motivate me. Many of my friends are interns at great companies like Viacom, Nederlander, and NBCUniversal. Their success and motivation is what keeps me going and looking to the next big thing. We all support each other and help each other out to keep ourselves motivated. It's a really great environment to work and learn in.

Any advice for other Lubin students who are looking for internships?

I would tell them to never skip out on applying because they feel like they don't have experience. When I applied to work at Disney I totally felt like I lacked the experience I would need to work at such a prestigious company. I thought I did not have enough big companies on my resume to make a lasting impact with a Disney recruiter or my future supervisor. I applied anyway because I knew I had the basics like Excel and communication skills and I obviously could not know everything going in. I nailed the interview and I'm working here today. When I spoke to my supervisor she said that she actually did not like hiring students with a ton of internships and that knew everything. An internship is supposed to be a learning experience and hiring managers know that. Never pass on something because you think you're not ready.

In a few words, how do you define your #LubinLife?

I would say that #LubinLife is all about making connections that you can take with you after college whether that's from mutually supporting other students or spending extra time with a professor and definitely working hard and staying motivated!

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A Strategic Location for Finance

Career Services/Internships
Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Jason Chen '19, who talks about his internship and finance courses as key factors in launching his career.

Lubin alumnus Jason Chen '19

Jason Chen

Investment Banking Associate, Truist Securities

Lubin alumnus Jason Chen '19

Class of 2019
BBA in Finance

Member Of: Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Alpha Psi, Chinese Students and Scholars Association

Where are you interning this summer?

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

What made you decide to attend Pace University/Lubin School of Business?

In short, the location, the people and the ability to do anything. Being in the center of the Big Apple, Pace University is geographically located in a very strategic location for aspiring finance students. This is super corny, but the people of Pace University is what makes it such a unique school. Everyone, from the students to faculty members embrace and promote a diverse and inclusive culture that allow everyone to be heard. The "ability to do anything" doesn't mean that you can literally do everything, but it's the endless opportunity that comes with Pace University.

Being in the center of the Big Apple, Pace University is geographically located in a very strategic location for aspiring finance students. Everyone, from the students to faculty members embrace and promote a diverse and inclusive culture that allow everyone to be heard.

What have you been working on at your internship? Has it sparked an interest in a career you hadn't already thought about?

I'm on the asset based lending team, which is a very unique group within the scope of wholesale credit. I support credit portfolio managers and work mainly on financial sponsor deals. Therefore, I was able to gain exposure to major private equities such as TPG, Apollo Global Management and Bain Capital. This internship has definitely open doors and sparked my interest in capital markets, leveraged finance, restructuring and investment banking coverage. Given the design of my summer analyst program, I'm also given the opportunity to possibly rotate into a different team when I start as a full time analyst.

How does this internship fit into the puzzle that is your Lubin experience?

To me the Lubin experience is about "Opportunitas." The internship has definitely open more doors and provide me with more "Opportunitas." The analytical and technical work that I did over the summer is directly related to the finance class that I'm taking at Pace University. It allows me to look at numbers and financial modeling not just through the academic lens but put it into real life practice.

Do you believe your internship experience has helped to prepare you for your future?

Throughout the internship, I was able to gain exposure to many different parts of the bank. Banking in the end is a people business and the ability to interact with all sorts of people is a crucial skill that was enhanced through this internship. The soft skills that I acquired during the summer will definitely better prepare me for the future.

In a few words, how do you define your #LubinLife?

Optimistic, Outperforming, Opportunitas.

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Launching an Accounting Career With International Perspective

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Meet Ruben Irizarry '19, who talks about his internship and study abroad experiences as key factors in launching his career.

Lubin alumnus Ruben Irizarry '19
Lubin alumnus Ruben Irizarry '19

Ruben Irizarry

Trust Solutions Senior Associate, PwC

Class of 2019
BBA in Public Accounting

Member Of: Beta Gamma Sigma

Meet Ruben Irizarry, a senior majoring in Public Accounting, who before enrolling in the International Field Study course to Argentina and Chile had never traveled outside of the United States. Ruben has had amazing internships including Goldman Sachs and PwC, and he says that Career Services was instrumental in helping him to land these professional opportunities. We talked to Ruben about his study abroad experience in South America and what he learned there.

Why did you choose Pace University and the Lubin School of Business?

The location the New York City campus and the resiliency and determination of our professors to ensure their students are acquiring internships and placing themselves in a favorable position to obtain a full-time job right after college, is why I chose Pace and Lubin.

Tell us a bit about your study abroad experience in South America.

My study abroad experiences in Argentina and Chile were very rewarding experiences. In both countries, we were able to observe how different businesses function similarly or differently than those of the United States. Additionally, we were able to better understand each country's reasoning for making some of their business decisions and see the motives and personalities of each professional in big name companies. My absolute favorite part of the course was visiting the Banco Central de la Repéblica Argentina (BCRA).

The food in each country was some of the best I have ever had, from the steak in Argentina to the loaded hot dogs with guacamole, onions, tomatoes, and more. I was even tempted at one point to order two steaks while eating in a restaurant!

Lastly, seeing the different struggles of each country was an eye-opening experience. It helped us further appreciate the life that we live. From the city infrastructures that we take for granted, to actually seeing the discrepancies in wages from family to family, you will definitely open your eyes and come to appreciate more and more the life that you live.

"The determination of our professors to ensure their students are acquiring internships and placing themselves in a favorable position to obtain a full-time job right after college, is why I chose Pace and Lubin."

How will you apply what you learned in South America to the rest of your career? What comes next?

I will be sure to take this experience wherever I go and build connections with those who have also studied abroad. Having participated in these experiences gives me a strong leg up in any opportunity I puruse on because I will better understand that there are two parts to each and every story. I hope to continue traveling to many, many more countries.

What motivates you to work hard?

Understanding that there is so much more to life. There is so much that we don't know and we continuously strive to become more knowledgeable. This enables us to better understand the world that we live in. It helps make each and every person more dynamic. What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife means success in the simplest terms. It puts us in a better position to be able to travel the world and gain a leg up on our competition. I cannot picture another school that offers the opportunities that Pace offers.

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A Creative Human Resources Expert

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Jabari Chambers '18 from Wilmington, Delaware, who is pursuing his dual MBA in Human Resources Management and Financial Management on our New York City Campus. Jabari co-founded a menswear clothing line called Sylvian Hyde, and debuted his first collection at the 2018 New York Fashion Week.

Collage of fashion models
Jabaro Chambers
Jabari Chambers

Jabari Chambers

Senior Human Resources Generalist, West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing
Founder, Sylvian Hyde

Class of 2018
MBA in Human Resource Management and Financial Management (dual MBA)

Member Of: Graduate Human Resources and Talent Management Club

Meet Jabari Chambers '18 from Wilmington, Delaware, who is pursuing his dual MBA in Human Resources Management and Financial Management on our New York City Campus. Jabari co-founded a menswear clothing line called Sylvian Hyde, and debuted his first collection at the 2018 New York Fashion Week.

Where are you currently working?

I currently work as a graduate assistant for Lubin's of Office Communications and External Relations and I work part-time at Battery Park City Authority as a human resources assistant. Also, I co-founded a menswear clothing line called Sylvian Hyde. On February 8, 2018, we debuted our first collection at New York Fashion Week.

Have you had any other jobs or internships in the past?

While at Pace University, I have interned at Uncharted Power and at Battery Park City Authority as a Human Resources Intern. I had great experiences at both organizations. When I interned for Uncharted Power, the duration of my internship was for 10 weeks, but the company extended my internship for two more months because of my positive spirit and work ethic. Battery Park City Authority converted my internship into a part-time position after interning for 12 weeks.

My advice to Lubin students is to network with your classmates, professors, and professionals who visit the school. When you are networking with people do not focus on getting a job; focus on developing a relationship. You never know who could be of help to you in the future.

Tell us about what served as your inspiration to create a clothing line?

At Sylvian Hyde, I focus more on operations and implementing strategies for the business, while my partner, TJ Hyde focuses on the creative side. However, the inspiration for the collection came from both of us. For our first collection, we wanted to create pieces that were unique and exciting and that we could see ourselves wearing. The collection was inspired by us wanting to "design clothes that we want to wear." Our clothing line is a fusion of our style preferences. TJ likes to wear his clothes fitted and structured. I like for my clothes to be comfortable and flowy. If I had it my way, I would wear sweat pants and a sweater or a hoodie most days.

What do you intend to do with your degree after you graduate?

With my degree I will apply the knowledge I acquired at Pace University to grow my business, Sylvian Hyde. Outside of my business, I would like to have a career in the tech or consulting industry. I am interested in human resources management and analytics. Right now I have been focused on getting certified in different analytical programs like Bloomberg Terminal and Google Analytics.

Any advice for Lubin students looking for jobs/internships?

My advice to Lubin students is to network with your classmates, professors, and professionals who visit the school. When you are networking with people do not focus on getting a job; focus on developing a relationship. You never know who could be of help to you in the future. Career Services is great, but do not solely rely on them. You have to do your own job searches on Indeed and LinkedIn sometimes. My first internship I found on my own. The second internship was through Career Services.

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Taking the Pace Brand Marketing Team to New Levels

Lubin School of Business
Pace Path/Student Success

Meet Emily Tree '18, an advertising and integrated marketing major who after building up her resume with impressive internships, took on the opportunity of being a part of the Brand Marketing Team. Elected President of this year's competition team, Emily led her great team to success, as they came in third place in the district's tight race to the NSAC.

group photo with Emily Tree in the first row, third from the right
Emily Tree
Emily Tree

Emily Tree

Associate Director, Strategy & Design, Carat USA

Class of 2018
BBA in Marketing - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Member Of: President, Brand Marketing Team

Meet Emily Tree '18, an advertising and integrated marketing major who after building up her resume with impressive internships, took on the opportunity of being a part of the Brand Marketing Team. Elected President of this year's competition team, Emily led her great team to success, as they came in third place in the district's tight race to the NSAC.

First of all, tell us a little bit about you, about the Brand Marketing Team, and how you ended up becoming the president of this year's team.

I am a Lubin senior, graduating 2018 with a BBA in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications and a minor in Creative Writing. I have interned at Zac Posen, LaForce Marketing Communications Agency, and Rolling Stone Magazine. Brand Marketing Team is the ultimate learning experience a business student can have at Pace. It gives students the chance to apply everything they've learned in their first three years of college to a real business challenge. Among many other things, students will learn team collaboration skills, refine their public speaking abilities, learn to handle time-sensitive tasks and build their confidence as professionals entering the work force. I became President of this year's team by the votes of my team members. In the first semester, we are given the chance to work with every person on the team and get to know each other as professionals. Before leaving for winter break we vote on who we believe will serve the team best in executive positions. I was incredibly honored to receive the nomination for President and was thrilled to serve my team as both President and a presenter in the final pitch.

Tell us a little bit about the amazing team of students you were working with.

I had the pleasure of working with a truly incredible team this year. We came from a variety of Lubin and Dyson majors and minors, and from all over the world. Some of the hardest working people I have ever met were on this team and without the collective effort and support from each member, we would not have been as successful as we were. In the final competition, one of the judges remarked that he could tell we were a “tight” team. I am very proud of the work that we've done this year.

Now that you are graduating, how do you evaluate the competition as a part of your Lubin experience as a whole?

The competition has been the greatest way to end my experience at Lubin. Working on Brand Marketing Team gave me the chance to put everything I've learned in my first three years at Pace to work, and I feel incredibly confident going into the work force after graduation.

Any advice for other Lubin students looking for opportunities like this one?

I would advise students to reach out to their professors to find out about opportunities for Lubin students. There are great clubs, teams, and classes to be a part of in Lubin and reaching out to professors is a great way to learn about how to get involved. Your Lubin experience is what you make of it, so make the most of your time here!

How did you deal with time management, balancing team, classes, and an internship, etc.?

One of the greatest challenges I faced in Brand Marketing Team was balancing the team with an 18 credit course load, an internship, babysitting, and finding time for friends, family and myself. The key to staying on top of all of this is being honest with yourself about what you can take on in a day, and stay organized throughout the process. Throughout both semesters I had an ongoing list of what I needed to get done every day which allowed me to look forward and prioritize what needed to be done now, and what could be done tomorrow. Brand Marketing Team takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. You just have to stay organized and make sure that your to-do list has at least 30 minutes blocked off to do something for yourself.

The competition has been the greatest way to end my experience at Lubin. Working on Brand Marketing Team gave me the chance to put everything I’ve learned in my first three years at Pace to work, and I feel incredibly confident going into the work force after graduation.

How do you see the ad team experience affecting the future of your career?

I see Brand Marketing Team as the experience that I look back on for years to come as what prepared me best for a successful career.

Other than this competition, what has been your favorite memory or experience here at Pace?

Besides Brand Marketing Team, my favorite experience at Pace was studying abroad at Regent's University in London. The chance to work with students from all over the world and adjust to a foreign learning environment was incredibly valuable to my college experience.

Any advice for incoming freshmen on how to get the best out of their Lubin experience?

Go out there and try everything that Pace has to offer! Lubin brings its students a ton of great opportunities, and getting involved elevates your overall college experience. And if you find yourself interested in multiple areas of study, declare a minor!

In a few words, how do you define your #LubinLife?

Hard work, unparalleled opportunities, and freeconferencecall.com!

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Launching a New Career in Digital Marketing

Lubin School of Business
New York City

Virginia Dusi '18 used her MS in Social Media Marketing degree to beat out the competition for a desirable digital marketing job, and credits her experience at Lubin with helping launch her new career.

Lubin alumna Virginia Dusi '18
Lubin alumna Virginia Dusi '18,

Virginia Dusi

Ecommerce Manager, Freelance

Class of 2018
MS in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Why did you choose Lubin for your MS degree?

I chose Pace because it was the only University in the city offering an MS focused on digital marketing. In fact, I wanted to get a Master's Degree to support my choice of switching from sales to digital marketing. I was looking for both solid theoretical preparation and some hands-on experience, and Lubin seemed to be the best choice for my purpose.

What was your favorite Lubin experience?

If I have to pick just one, I would say having the chance to attend exclusive events such as the Fast Company Innovation Festival at the 92Y, for which Lubin students had excusive tickets.

The skills and competencies I acquired through the MS program allowed me to succeed - and beat the competition - in the job hunting process, even with no previous experience in digital marketing.

What is your main takeaway from our MS program?

My main takeaway is that in order to succeed in today's business environment, one needs to always be willing to learn and stay informed. This is true for many industries, but especially for the digital marketing one. The completion of the MS program is the first necessary milestone in a never-ending process of self-development and refinement that will culminate with a brilliant career.

How has what you learned in the MS program influenced your career?

As I mentioned, I was in sales before and wanted to switch to digital marketing. The skills and competencies I acquired through the MS program allowed me to succeed - and beat the competition - in the job hunting process, even with no previous experience in digital marketing. Looking at the big picture, I can safely say that this MS degree allowed me to make my dream career a reality.

How do you define #LubinLife?

#LubinLife is the recipe for owning your career. The ingredients: fun, hard work, exciting events, and inspiring people. Mix everything together and.... enjoy!

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