Applying For Housing
How does a new student apply for fall or spring housing?
Newly entering students who want to live in on campus housing must submit a $500 housing deposit when they submit their $100 admissions deposit through the Accepted Student Portal. Once the Admissions Office receives the housing deposit, they will notify the housing office, and the Housing Operations Staff will reach out to the student with instructions for completing the online housing application. Please note that the $500 housing deposit is made up of a fully refundable $100 damage deposit, and a $400 room reservation deposit that is non-refundable after May 1 (for the fall term; for the spring term, the $400 room reservation deposit is non-refundable after December 1).
How/where do I pay my deposit?
New students must pay their deposit through the Accepted Student Portal. Once the Admissions Office receives the housing deposit, they will notify the Housing Operations Staff, and they will reach out to the student with instructions for completing the online housing application. Please note that returning students pay their housing deposits directly through their housing application, through a separate Room Reservation/Selection process.
Is housing guaranteed?
Housing is guaranteed to all newly entering first-year, transfer, and graduate students who submit their housing deposit by the priority deadline of May 1 (by midnight EST). Please note that new students will be required to submit a separate housing application after submitting their housing deposit through the admitted student portal. Students submitting their housing deposit after the priority deadline are not guaranteed housing, although we make every effort to house all applicants. Also, once a student submits a housing deposit by the guaranteed housing deadline, they are still required to meet all other administrative deadlines to retain their guaranteed status. Students will be required to meet a number of requirements (e.g. completion of the housing application, the housing agreement, the pre-assignment form and the "move-in ready" form, and having their student account in good standing) prior to their arrival. Each requirement must be completed by the deadline given to continue to be guaranteed housing.
If I apply after the priority deadline, will housing still be available for the fall semester?
Our housing profile and availability can change during the summer. We continue to accept housing deposits, and we recommend that students who need housing, even if applying late to the University, submit their housing deposit as soon as possible. We do everything possible to accommodate everyone who wants to live on campus, but at some point after the priority deadline (once the number of students guaranteed housing exceeds the number of spaces we have available) we begin wait listing students. Students who are not immediately guaranteed housing (or who lose their guaranteed status due to missing one or more deadlines) will be provided with information about how they can secure housing through a third-party off campus housing provide with which Pace has partnered. Students who do not secure alternate housing but remain non-guaranteed for campus housing may not be placed in housing until late August or even until after the start of fall classes.
Can my housing deposit be waived?
No. As demand for housing is tremendous, the deposit is the only mechanism we have for insuring that an applicant will continue to be committed to staying in our residence halls. Students who cancel their housing application before the priority deadline of May 1, or before they are initially guaranteed housing, will receive a full refund of their deposit.
If (because I applied after the priority deadline) housing is not guaranteed, why am I required to make a deposit when I apply?
We continue to pursue housing assignments for all students who apply. For this reason, we need students to make a commitment to accept housing should it become available. Students who cancel their housing application while still on the non-guaranteed housing wait-list (those who cancel before they are offered housing) will receive a full refund of their deposit.
I am not a fall resident; can I apply for housing for the spring semester?
Yes. We work very hard to place every student who applies for housing. Spring placements are made in early January, after the residence halls close for the winter break. The application for spring housing generally becomes available in late October. If you have difficulty accessing the application, please email the Housing Operations Staff.
What if I am not guaranteed on-campus housing and I don’t eventually get placed in housing?
Students who are not guaranteed housing remain in our applicant pool until they ask to be removed (which they must do by submitting a Housing Cancellation Form, which can be found under "applications and forms" in MyHousing). In the past, we have eventually offered housing to many students who are not initially guaranteed on campus housing (most by the first or second week of classes), but our ability to do so varies each year and is not guaranteed. We continue to offer space to those in our applicant pool as it becomes available throughout the fall semester. Students who wish to be removed from our applicant pool must complete and submit a Housing Cancellation Form to cancel their application. Students who cancel their housing before they are offered housing will receive a 100% refund of any housing deposit paid.
When will I know if I have received housing?
Starting in mid-March, we send emails to all new students who submit their housing deposits with admissions. Throughout the summer, we send emails to all of those who deposited for housing, apprising them of their status. When and if a student who is not initially guaranteed housing is moved to guaranteed housing status, we send them an email to that effect. If you applied by the priority deadline and do not receive confirmation within a few days of your submission, email the Housing Operations Staff. If you applied after the priority deadline and were not guaranteed on-campus housing, and you have not yet received a letter indicating that you have been moved to guaranteed housing, then you remain non-guaranteed for on-campus housing.
When will I know where I will be placed?
We will begin making assignments, and emailing them to students, in mid-June. This occurs only after students have submitted the Pre-Assignment Form, which does not become available until June 1. Through that form students notify us that they have completed any roommate matching in which they wish to engage, and that they are ready to be assigned a space (whether they have matched with other roommates/suitemates or not). Please note that once we begin making assignments, we will prioritize those who submitted their housing deposits by March 3, and those who (through roommate matching) have formed groups large enough to fill complete rooms or suites. Assignments will not be made immediately after a student submits a Pre-Assignment Form; the assignment process will be ongoing through the remainder of the summer.
How will housing communicate with me through the summer before I start classes?
Housing communicates to students through their email throughout the summer. We email students at BOTH the personal email address they provided to admissions (through the admissions process) and their Pace University email (which they receive once they are admitted to the university). When completing the housing application, students may (but are not required to) provide an email address for a Parent or Guardian (or other family member or close friend) if they would like them copied on the Housing related emails that we will send during the summer. The identified email will only be sent copies of the standard on-boarding emails sent by the housing office, and they will only receive these emails through September 1st. After that date, we will no longer copy this alternate address on emails we send the student.
Additionally, a range of important housing information will be available to students through their MyHousing Homepage. There, starting on May 1 for students entering in the fall term, students will find an Arrival Check List that will help them keep track of the things they need to do prior to move in. This check list will identify what items are completed, and which have yet to become available for completion.
How do I let you know I no longer need housing?
Students who no longer need on-campus housing for any reason must complete a Housing Cancellation Form to cancel their application. This form is available beginning April 15 to all housing students in the MyHousing portal (located under the "Applications and Forms"). New students who cancel their application after May 1 will only receive a refund of their $100 damage deposit (the $400 room reservation deposit is non-refundable after May 1). Returning students are eligible for a full refund of their $100 damage deposit, and a full or partial refund of their fall prepayment, depending on the date they cancel. See the Housing Cancellation Procedures and Fees page for more information.
How do returning students apply for housing?
Complete information about the process through which returning students apply for housing can be found on the Returning Student Housing Application Processes page.
How do returning students apply for summer housing?
Please visit these links for complete application information for New York City summer housing or Westchester summer housing application instructions for returning students.
Housing Preferences
Who will be my roommate?
Most students will have the opportunity to search for and match with roommates prior to room assignments being issued. Students who do not match with any roommates will be placed in a room or suite with one or more students who most closely match the personal information you provided on your application (smoking status, bed time, study atmosphere, organizational style). If you do indicate one or more roommate preferences, AND the request(s) are reciprocal (if they request you as well), AND all parties are guaranteed housing, then we are generally able to place you with your indicated roommate preference(s).
How do I indicate a building and roommate preference?
The housing application includes a place for students to indicate their first choice building preference.
Starting in May, students who have deposited by the May 1 guaranteed housing deadline, and who have completed a housing application and housing agreement, may visit MyHousing to search for and match with roommates. This process will allow them to be grouped together for assignment to the same room or suite. Students can only request to be matched with other students who are also guaranteed housing. Students may search for specific students by name, or they can search for roommates based on several relevant criteria. The Housing Operations Team will send out directions for the roommate search process in the May email to all students who have been guaranteed on-campus housing.
If I complete the application and then decide I want to change an answer, what do I do?
You will have access to your housing application, and be able to access it and change any responses, through July 1.
Am I guaranteed the building placement/room type/roommate I prefer?
No, we cannot guarantee these preferences. Still, we work hard to place students in the accommodation of their choice. As housing is a limited resource, we cannot always guarantee placement in a specific building or room type, or with a specific roommate. In most years, students who submit their housing deposit by the first week of April are assigned to their first choice building. Note: students who deposited for housing by March 3 are guaranteed placement in a double occupancy room (if that is their preference; students who deposit by this date but who match with 2 or more roommates will be placed in a room with a larger occupancy; this guarantee does not apply to students who deposit by this date but who match with roommates who did not deposit by that date).
How can I improve the chance that I will be placed in the building that I want?
Students are generally granted their preference in the order that we receive their housing application and deposit. The earlier we receive these, the greater the chance that we will be able to meet all of your preferences. Additionally, we prioritize placement of groups of students who have matched with one another as roommates and/or suitemates through the roommate matching process.
If I only list the name of one person with whom I want to live, will that guarantee that I am assigned to a double room?
No–if you and another person each list one another as preferred roommates, you will in most cases be placed together, but you may still be placed in room or suite that accommodates more than two people (e.g. a triple or quad with one or two additional students).
How can I be placed on the Honors Floor?
All incoming first year honors students are required to live in the honors community on their campus. The staff in both Housing Operations and the Honors Program will be in touch with newly entering Honors students with information about this process.
Am I guaranteed to be placed with the person or people I list as preferred roommate(s)?
No, but we will work very hard to place you together. We only grant reciprocal requests, meaning you can only be placed with another person if that person is also guaranteed housing and that person also selected you. For this reason it is important to communicate with the people with whom you wish to live and ensure that they list you too. We can only match you with other students who are also guaranteed housing. If you wish to live with someone who is wait-listed or who has not applied for housing, we cannot place you with them. Finally, there are sometimes other circumstances that prevent us from being able to place even reciprocal requests in the same room. While this is rare, we do reserve the right to not meet all roommate requests.
Is there any way I can reduce the cost of housing?
The semester rates for our buildings are listed on our website, and are included in a housing confirmation email we send early in the summer. Our rates are charged on a by-semester basis, and they cannot be adjusted on an individual basis. Students who have concerns about meeting the cost of staying on campus should contact Financial Aid to seek assistance.
What do I do if I am interested in a Gender Affirming Roommate Match?
In keeping with the mission of Pace University to promote and support inclusion, the Office of Residential Life and University Housing Operations allows participation in Gender Affirming Roommate Matching for students who desire housing placement that is based on a broader and more inclusive definition of gender and gender identity.
Gender Affirming Roommate Matching provides participating students with the opportunity to be placed in housing in an environment that is welcoming to gender affirming identities. Students who seek a gender affirming assignment should consider the following guidelines explained on our Gender Affirming Roommate Matching page before deciding whether or not to participate in the process. Students who do wish to participate in this process MUST:
- Indicate (in the Housing Application) that you wish to have access to the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation Form. This will be a question to which applicants must respond either Yes or No in the Housing Application. Upon indicating that you wish to have access to it and submitting your Housing Application, the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation Form will be available to you under the Applications and Forms menu in MyHousing.
- Complete the separate Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation Form. Again, this form will be available to all students who, in their completed housing application, indicated that they wish to have access to it. This form will help ensure that students fully understand the scope of what is (and is not) offered in the GA housing option. It will also collect the personal information necessary to facilitate GA roommate/suitemate matching.
Life In The Residence Halls
Does Pace have Permanent Triples and Quads?
Yes. In NYC, there are permanent triple rooms in 15 Beekman, 182 Broadway, 55 John and 33 Beekman, and there are permanent quad rooms in 15 Beekman, 182 Broadway and 33 Beekman. In Pleasantville, Alumni and Elm Halls have triple rooms as well. Please note that these are permanent triples, with a full set of furnishings for each of 3 residents.
Pace also reserves the right to place a limited number of students in Temporary Occupancy Rooms as needed at the start of the year to ensure that we have a room assignment for all students who have been guaranteed on-campus housing (more on that below).
Can I change my room assignment?
Our experience shows that even if a student is unhappy with their original housing assignment, after taking time to adjust to their environment and meet their roommate, floor mates and resident assistant (RA) the vast majority of students no longer wish to move. For this reason, once placement is completed in August, housing is in a “room freeze” period where changes can only be made for dire situations (as determined by the housing operations staff). For whatever reason you have, you may apply for a room change after you move in to the residence halls. If, after moving in, you are thinking about a room change, talk to your RA for assistance. In cases where consideration of a room change is critical, students should contact the Housing Operations Staff at (prior to move in), or their Residence Director (after move in). Students who require special accommodations due to medical need must complete the medical accommodations application process with Student Accessibility Services to have their accommodation need assessed.
I want a single–how do I get one?
There are very few single rooms in Pace housing. Most are selected by upper-level students during the room selection process (the process where our current residents choose their rooms for the following year). First year students, transfers and newly entering graduate students are generally not eligible for single rooms. Students who require a single room due to medical need must complete the medical accommodations application process with Student Accessibility Services to have their accommodation need assessed.
I have a medical issue or some other special need, and I require a certain type of housing. How can I secure special accommodations?
Students who require special accommodations due to medical need must complete the medical accommodations application process with Student Accessibility Services to have their accommodation need assessed.
What is an RA?
Your RA is your Resident Assistant. They are a student leader and a staff member of the Office of Residential Life, trained and empowered to facilitate your housing experience. Your RA is a mediator, listener, organizer, policy enforcer, and a role model in your community. The role of the RA is to help you learn how to solve problems, not to solve all of them for you. We hope that you will have a great experience with your RA as you become a member of the housing community.
How far are the residence halls from campus or academic buildings?
In New York City, all of our buildings are within a 5 block radius of campus, and the furthest residence hall from One Pace Plaza is about 8 minutes away by foot.
In Pleasantville, academic buildings and the library are generally about a 5 to 10 minute walk from the residence halls.
Is there a curfew in housing, or are there "bed checks"?
No. We do not check on residents each night to ensure that they are in their room, and there is no curfew. College is an adult environment, in which students are expected to manage their own coming and going. While the floor RA and the rest of the housing staff is available to provide assistance and guidance, we do not enforce any kind of curfew, nor do we conduct "bed checks." The RA is expected to maintain a general awareness of the presence of her/his residents (e.g. to be able to identify if they have unexpectedly not returned to the floor for a significant period of time.
The RA staff does conduct "health and safety" checks approximately 2 or 3 times a semester. These inspections are to ensure that students are maintaining a safe and sanitary environment in their rooms.
What should I do if I have a conflict with my roommate, neighbor, or other member of the residence hall community?
The first expectation in any form of conflict is to find a way to communicate and address the differences causing the conflict. This may be easier in some situations that in others. As needed (if the situation in question is very severe, or if initial efforts to address the situation directly are ineffective), resident students are encouraged to seek assistance from the residence life staff (your resident assistant or RA, and your Residence Director, or RD). The residence life is trained to mediate conflict, and to know how and when to get "next level" help (e.g. residence life professional staff, security, counseling, etc.) Please remember that the staff cannot assist with a conflict if they are not made aware of it. If you need help, tell your RA and/or your RD.
Can you smoke in the halls?
No. All residence halls are completely smoke free. This includes the use of electronic vape devices.
What size are the residence hall beds?
We have 78" mattresses. These will fit extra-long twin sheets, but also accommodate (in most cases) standard twin bed sheets.
Are there laundry and kitchen facilities?
Yes. Our buildings offer a range of amenities. Please check out our residence hall information page for details. Please note that students in 55 John Street must pay separately for their laundry, although it is included with the housing fee in all of our other buildings.
Please note that, we reserve the right to limit access and capacity to all common areas in all residence halls, in keeping with social distancing guidance and best practices from state and local government and health authorities.
Moving In and Moving Out
When do the residence halls open?
For fall semester arrival, all students will must select a move-in appointment before they may move in. Starting early August, resident students who are assigned to a room, have submitted all required forms, and whose accounts are in good standing, will be able to select a move in time through MyHousing. More information can be found in our Move In Plan.
What is the move in process like?
The initial check in process is very quick, and simply allows the staff to verify that each student has completed all steps necessary for moving in. Some students may also need to pick up keys and/or ID cards at this step in the process.
During the primary move in days, staff will be present on site to assist in direction of both vehicle traffic and foot traffic. Pace Security Staff will work to ensure that cars keep moving as they are unloaded. Student and Staff volunteers from the Pace Community will be present to also assist, but each student should be ready to move their own things into the building.
A limited number of moving bins will be available at each location, but depending on demand at any given time, we cannot guarantee that bins will be available to everyone. Students who have a cart, wagon, dolly, or hand truck are encouraged to bring it to help with their move in process.
Can parents, family, friends assist with move-in?
Students may have family and friends enter the residence hall to assist them in moving their things in. We suggest that 1 person always stays with the car (if arriving by car) to ensure that it can be moved if necessary. For this reason, we recommend that no more than 3 people accompany each student to move in (2 to help move things into the building, 1 to stay with the car). While our general guest policy at the start of the semester will allow students to have only other Pace students as guests in the residence halls, up to 2 helpers will be permitted to enter the residence hall during the daytime move-in process. We ask that helpers limit their stay to just the time needed to move things in and assist in setting up the room.
Is there parking for move in?
If arriving at your residence hall by car, you will want to unload quickly, but then have someone move the car to a parking lot. There is parking available in the Pleasantville campus, but there is no Pace Parking for the New York City campus. There are many private parking garages in the area, and they are easily identifiable (and security and other Pace staff can help direct you to them).
Can I arrive AFTER the move in process?
Yes. Students will be able to select move in appointments right through the start of classes. Please note that students who do not arrive by September 15 must email us at for an extension, or their housing application and assignment is subject to cancellation.
Am I able to ship my belongings before check-in day?
Absolutely. Our mail room will accept deliveries for students prior to their arrival. Information about shipping and storage options.
What day do the residence halls close? What day should I move out?
The closing dates for each term are communicated to students in multiple ways, including the housing application, the housing agreement, the Guide to Residential Living, and reminder emails sent to students during each semester. Residents must check out of their rooms within 24 hours of their last final exam, or by 12:00 p.m. on the day the term ends, whichever comes first. If you need to remain in your residence hall beyond that time for ANY reason, you will need to apply for a late check out.
Do I have to move all of my belongings when I leave for winter break and can I stay for winter break?
No, you may leave your belongings in your room, provided that you are coming back for spring semester! We do advise that you take home any items of particular value. The RA staff will conduct health and safety checks at the start of the break.
Limited space is available for students to stay in the residence halls during winter break, but the exact buildings and rooms available for winter break housing will not be determined until mid-October. Students remaining for winter break are subject to temporary reassignment for the break. There is a separate application process and fee for winter break housing.
What is an improper check-out?
Students leaving an assigned space for any reason (transfer, consolidation, contract termination, or end of year/session) must complete the Housing Cancellation Form (available to all housing students in MyHousing under "Applications and Forms"), and they must fully move out of the building following the checkout process provided by Residential Life. Cancellation penalties are based on the date that students BOTH complete the Housing Cancellation Form and finish moving out. Students who submit a Housing Cancellation Form but do not remove their things from their room will not be considered moved out until they do so, even if they themselves do not reside in the room.
Questions About Temporary Occupancy Rooms, E.G. Temp Triples, Temporary Quads or Extended Occupancy Triples
Does Pace use "temporary triples/quads" or "extended occupancy" rooms?
Yes, Pace does take these steps if needed to meet the housing needs of more students. Temporarily increasing the capacity of a limited number of rooms is a strategy many colleges and universities employ to allow them to house students who would otherwise remain on wait-lists. At Pace, we use different language on the NYC campus and on the Pleasantville Campus to describe similar processes. In NYC we use Temporary Quads. In Pleasantville we use Extended Occupancy Triples.
When housing demand is great, Pace may convert a small number of triple rooms in 182 Broadway, 15 Beekman or 33 Beekman to temporary quads (please do not confuse these with standard quad rooms in these and other buildings, which are all permanent quads), and a small number of double rooms in Alumni or Elm, to triple rooms (please do not confuse these with standard triple rooms other buildings, which are all permanent triples, including the triple room in an 5 Person Suite). When this is done, the Housing Operations Team and Residential Life Staffs work continuously through the semester to "de-triple" and "de-quad" these students into standard accommodations as spaces become available.
- Temporary Quads in NYC: Students who move in to a Temporary Quad room, where all assigned residents have moved in (all four in a temp quad), will receive an $1000 discount in the cost of their housing for the first semester if they are still assigned to a temporary quad (e.g. the room has not been "de-quadded") as of the start of the second week of classes. Students will receive a second $1000 discount on the cost of housing if they are still in the temporary quad at the start of November. In NYC, many temporarily increased occupancy rooms are "de-quadded" by mid-September, and nearly all are returned to their normal occupancy level before the end of October. All Temporary Quad rooms in NYC are guaranteed to be returned to their normal occupancy level by the start of the second semester.
- Extended Occupancy Triples in Pleasantville: Students who move in to an Extended Occupancy room, where all three residents have moved in, will receive a $700 discount in the cost of their housing for the first semester if they are still assigned to a temporary triple as of the start of the third week of classes. Students will receive a second $700 discount on the cost of housing if they are still in the Temporary Triple at the start of November. Returning Extended Occupancy rooms to their standard level of occupancy generally takes a bit longer in Pleasantville, but in most cases they are returned to their normal occupancy level by the start of the second semester.
Students who are assigned to Temporary Triples or Extended Occupancy Triples will receive detailed information about that assignment, and what it means for them, when they receive their room assignments.
What is in a temporary quad or extended occupancy triple?
An extended occupancy triple is a standard double room that has one additional bed (bunked over one of the other beds). A temporary quad is a standard triple room that has one additional bed (both sets of beds are bunked). Students in extended occupancy triples will each have their own bed, but will have to share the 2 desks, 2 dresser, 2 wardrobes/closets and 2 chairs that are standard to the room. Students in temp quads will each have their one bed, but will have to share the 3 desks, 3 dresser, 3 wardrobes and 3 chairs that are standard to the room.
Is there a possibility I will be assigned to a temporary quad or extended occupancy triples?
Yes, but the chances are very low. Fewer than 5% of our students are placed in these kinds of rooms, and they tend to be those who deposit for housing near or after the guaranteed housing deadline.
How many students will be assigned to temporary or extended occupancy triples?
It depends on the year and the demand for housing. We will not know how many temp occupancy spaces we will need to employ for a year until after August 1.
How long will I be assigned to a temporary or extended occupancy triple or quad?
We cannot say for certain how long students will remain in these kinds of rooms. Our past experience demonstrates that we are likely to have many vacancies occur in our first-year student housing within the first few weeks after move-in day. As soon as we confirm a student has cancelled, we begin the process of moving students out of these extended occupancy rooms.
What if I like the temporary or extended occupancy room? Do I have to move out?
No. We will offer all students in these rooms the opportunity to be moved to standard rooms as soon as possible, but students who all agree to remain in the these spaces will not be forced to move. Students choosing to remain in the temporary triple/quad will not, however, continue to receive the room discount after they have been offered a move to a regular occupancy room.
Who decides who will be required to move out when the time comes?
We prefer that the residents involved come to a consensus regarding who is to move first. If the students cannot agree, housing operations staff and residential life staff will work with the residents to determine who will move.
Instead of moving in to a temporary or extended occupancy triple or quad, can I just commute from home and see if anything else opens up?
This is possible, but we strongly advise students to move in and remain on campus while waiting to be de-tripled. If a temporary or extended occupancy room does not have all residents present (3 in a temp triple, 4 in a temp quad), then it will not be prioritized for de-tripling or de-quadding. If you do decide to wait it out at home, you must contact the Housing Operations Staff to make sure that the housing office is aware of your plans, and that your guaranteed space is not offered to another student.
Mailing Addresses
What is my mailing address?
Your on-campus mailing address in Pleasantville should follow the format below for all residence halls:
Pace University
99 Castleton Street
Residence Hall Name and Room #
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Your on-campus mailing addresses in NYC should follow the format below:
15 Beekman:
15 Beekman, Rm. XXXX
New York, NY 10038
182 Broadway:
182 Broadway, Rm. XXXX
New York, NY 10038
55 John Street:
55 John Street, Rm. XXXX
New York, NY 10038
33 Beekman:
33 Beekman, Rm. XXXX
New York, NY 10038
What is the meal plan all about?
All residential students are required to purchase one of the supplemental meal plans. Plans are assigned based upon your earned academic credit hours or housing location. The meal plan is designed with the student in mind offering dining convenience, ample hours of service, and a variety of food selections in a collegial social setting that is safe and clean. Students may dine, snack, answer email, enjoy wi-fi access, and never pay sales tax on food purchases.
How are my Devices Connected in the Residence Halls?
Is their internet access in the halls?
Yes. As an amenity, internet access is provided via an Ethernet cord as well as wireless in all residence halls. Internet service is provided at a level adequate to accommodate the academic needs, and limited recreational needs, of all students residing in a building. Service may occasionally be interrupted or made unavailable by causes beyond the University's reasonable control. The University is not responsible for refund of any tuition or fees in the event of any such occurrence. Please note that wireless connectivity is designed to allow access to the internet and is NOT meant for voice communication services. We cannot guarantee that students will be able to use the wireless signal to utilize voice communication on their cell phones. Pace is not responsible for data-charges incurred by students for any reason. You must supply your own Ethernet cable if you are not connecting through the wireless network (bringing an Ethernet cable is strongly recommended).
A Cable TV jack is included in the room rate. The channels include HBO, several sports channels and CNN. You must supply your own coaxial cable to link your cable ready TV to the cable jack. We do have HD channels. View a full listing of our Pleasantville Channel Lineup (PDF) and in NYC Channel Lineup (PDF). Any Smart TV must be able to be connected with an Ethernet connection. A Smart TV will not be able to be connected via a wireless connection.
Video Game Consoles
A video game console can be connected to the internet through an Ethernet connection. A video game console will not be able to be connected via a wireless connection.
What about safety within the residence halls?
All residents carry an ID card that will allow them entrance to the hall where they reside. In some buildings, the student ID card provides access to students' individual rooms. In others, students will receive a key to their living space. Students must keep their ID/Access cards and keys with them at all times, and are expected to lock their doors when they leave (even if only leaving their room briefly).
There are also Video Cameras located at all of the entrance/exit points to the residence halls and at elevators landings. These cameras are overseen by the Safety and Security Office. The security dispatch desk for the Pleasantville campus is located at the front desk of Alumni Hall. In NYC, each residence hall has a security desk that is staffed at all times.
Insurance and Property Damage
Is Pace responsible if my personal items are damaged?
No, Pace is not responsible for personal items damaged in the residence halls. While all cases of property loss and theft are dealt with in conjunction with our Office of Safety and Security, the University is not responsible for, and will not cover the replacement cost for items that are lost, damaged or stolen. A homeowner’s insurance policy, if available, may provide some coverage for a student’s personal property while away at university. Stand-alone renter’s or “dorm” insurance may provide more comprehensive coverage. This article by Consumer Reports provides an informative discussion regarding the various insurance options. There are many companies offering this type of insurance. While Pace does not endorse or recommend any particular insurer’s policy, Consumer Reports identifies “Two companies in this field and A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau are Arthur J. Gallagher and National Student Services.” We strongly encourage all residents to get an insurance policy that will cover the property they keep in their residence hall room.