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Apply For Housing
Application Dashboard
For students who are newly accepted to Pace, applying for housing starts with a visit to the Application Dashboard. Log-in using your Application Dashboard credentials to submit your housing deposit. This is most often done at the same time that students submit their Admissions deposit. After a newly admitted student submits a housing deposit, the housing operations staff will be in touch by email with directions for how to complete the online housing application. Please note that newly admitted students who submit their housing deposit by May 1 (by midnight this day, Eastern Standard Time) are always fully guaranteed for placement in on-campus housing. We work to extend that guaranteed deadline as long as possible, but if we reach capacity and are unable to guarantee on-campus housing, we still work to ensure that students in need of housing can be accommodated through one of our trusted third party housing providers.
If you have difficulty accessing the Application Dashboard, please contact the Admissions Office at (212) 346-1323 or by email at undergradadmission@pace.edu.
On or around March 17, the University Housing Operations Team will begin reaching out by email to all newly admitted students who have submitted a housing deposit. This initial email will include directions for completing the online housing application through MyHousing (a separate portal used by students in university housing). It will also include an overview and timeline of communications we will send, as well as all the steps students need to follow, throughout the summer. Beginning on March 17, newly admitted students who do not receive this email within 5 business days of submitting their deposit (or within 5 days of March 17, for students who submitted their housing deposit before March 17), or who have difficulty accessing the online housing application, must email University Housing Operations.
Housing Options
New York City
We primarily accommodate first year students in 2 buildings in New York City (182 Broadway and 15 Beekman). In most cases, transfer, graduate and returning students are assigned to our other two New York City Buildings (55 John and 33 Beekman). There are some exceptions, and we reserve the right to place first year students in primarily upper-class buildings, or vice versa, as required by demand for housing, or as required to meet approved accommodations for individual students.
Explore New York City residence halls
Building Preferences and Placement Priorities in New York City
Newly applying students in New York City will be able to indicate building preferences in their application. While we will do our best to make assignments based on those preferences, it is important to remember that space available in each building is finite, so not all preferences can be guaranteed. A number of factors can impact whether a student's preferences can be met, including:
- The date of their housing deposit
- The date that required housing forms have been submitted (before students are eligible for placement, newly applying students are required to complete three online forms, as explained below; the sooner these forms are submitted, the more likely we will be able to meet each student's stated building preferences).
- Whether they have matched with roommates and suitemates in order to form a group that will be placed together (we prioritize filling suites with groups of students who have chosen to be assigned together).
- The date that students submit their Pre-Assignment Form (the sooner a student or group of students notify us that the are ready to be assigned, the sooner we can place them, and the more likely we will be able to meet their stated building preference).
Incoming first-year students in Westchester are primarily housed in Alumni Hall. In most cases, transfer, graduate and returning students are assigned to our other buildings, which include Elm Hall, Martin Hall, North Hall and the Townhouses. There are some exceptions, and we reserve the right to place first year students in other buildings, or upper-class students in Alumni Hall, as required by demand for housing, or as required to meet approved accommodations for individual students.
Explore Westchester residence halls
Building Preferences and Placement Priorities in Westchester
Most suites in Alumni Hall consist of a double room adjoining a triple room, accommodating up to 5 students. A number of factors can impact which students will be placed in the double rooms of these suites, including:
- The date of their housing deposit
- The date that required housing forms have been submitted (before students are eligible for placement, newly applying students are required to complete three online forms, as explained below; the sooner these forms are submitted, the more likely we will be able to meet each student's stated building preferences).
- Whether they have matched with roommates and suitemates in order to form a group that will be placed together (we prioritize filling suites with groups of students who have chosen to be assigned together).
- The date that students submit their Pre-Assignment Form (the sooner a student or group of students notify us that the are ready to be assigned, the sooner we can place them, and the more open doubles we will have for placement).
Newly applying students in Westchester will able to indicate a preferred First Year Interest Group when completing their Housing Agreement. First Year Interest Groups are how we develop communities of first-year residents within the broader residential community on the Westchester Campus. These FIGS are not tied to specific floors or even rooms (the students in any given room may belong to different FIGS). They are built around a common interest and/or academic focus. The Resident Assistant staff in Alumni Hall program events and activities around these common interest areas. There is also a full-time faculty or staff member connected to each of the First Year Interest Groups.
Roommate Searching and Matching
Roommate Matching Overview
There will be a window of opportunity for students who are newly applying for Fall Housing to search for and link with one or more roommates or suitemates. The roommate searching and matching process will open on May 1 (to students who have submitted a Housing Application and the Housing Agreement) and will close on July 1. The May housing email will include full instructions for how to search for and match with one or more roommates.
Roommate selection is OPTIONAL and is not required for placement. Roommate requests must be made and confirmed in order to be guaranteed. To be a confirmed match, EACH member of a group must either send a request to, or accept a request from every other member of the group.
Within the roommate selection process, students may search for roommates on an number of criteria, may reach out to one another by email, and may request and/or agree to requests to be roommates. Students may also remove themselves from the Roommate Matching process making their profile invisible (this may be done through the MyHousing portal); students choosing to do this will not be seen by others conducting searches in the process.
Roommate Matching Pools
General Roommate Matching
Once students have completed BOTH the Housing Application and the Housing Agreement, they will be added to the Roommate Matching Pool. This pool will include all of the students from whom they are able to search and with whom they may make roommate matches. Students may only appear in one roommate matching pool at a time. Initially, students will be placed a General Roommate Matching Pool based on:
- whether they are entering as a first year student or a transfer/grad student
- whether they are applying for housing in New York City or Westchester
- whether or not they are part of the Honors Program
- their binary gender as identified in their admissions application
Gender Affirming Roommate Matching
In keeping with the mission of Pace University to promote and support inclusion, the Offices of Residential Life and University Housing Operations offer the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching option to students who desire roommate matching (or placement) that is based on a more inclusive definition of gender and gender identity. Participation in Gender Affirming Roommate Matching requires that students do both of the following:
- In their housing application, they must indicate that they wish to have access to the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation Form (this form will then become available to them immediately in their MyHousing portal)
- They must then complete and submit the separate Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation form via MyHousing
Students who complete the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation form will be removed from their General Roommate Matching Pool, and be placed in a Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Pool based on:
- whether they are entering as a first year student or a transfer/grad student
- whether they are applying for housing in New York City or Westchester
Within these pools, students who choose to search and match with potential roommates will be able to conduct searches based on a range of criteria, and seek to may match with anyone they wish within that roommate matching pool, regardless of binary gender. Please see more details on our Gender Affirming Roommate Matching webpage, and in the materials we will send to new students in the May email.
Additional notes about Roommate Matching
As noted, Roommate Matching is optional. Students who do not select and confirm one or more roommates will be assigned roommates by Housing Operations, although we will utilize the criteria provided by students in their housing application to seek to make strong matches. Also, for students who completed the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Participation form, we will utilize their responses there to match them with others according to the criteria they provided.
While students may select roommates to create groups of 2, 3 or more students, it is important to remember that the size of your group does not determine the size of your room (e.g. 2 students who chose to be roommates may still be placed with a third student in a triple).
We strongly encourage students to consider searching for and linking with roommates in this way. This search process will allow students to filter potential roommates by many more criteria than the Housing Operations staff can use when making assignments later. Roommate matches made by Housing are based on more limited criteria, and we can never guarantee placement based on 100% matches on these criteria.
What If I Need Specific Medical Housing Accommodations?
Student Accessibility Services must approve all medically required Housing Accommodations. Please visit Student Accessibility Services to learn about the process, deadlines, and other information.
When Are Housing Assignments Made?
Beginning in June, we will start assigning students to room and notifying them of their placement. We will only place students if they have completed:
- Their Housing Application (starting March 17, this form will be available to newly applying students once they submit their housing deposit)
- The Housing Agreement (starting May 1, this form will be available to newly applying students who have submitted a Housing Application)
- The Pre-Assignment Form (starting June 1, this form will be available to newly applying students who have submitted a Housing Agreement)
Availability of these forms will be staged and rolled out to students beginning in March and into May.
Students should only submit the Pre-Assignment form AFTER they have completed making all of the roommate matches they wish to make.
Once the assignment process starts, we will prioritize the assignment of large groups of roommates/suitemates who have matched with one another, but we will also place individuals as we identify strong placement matches (when we are able to assign them to their preferred building with one or more students with whom they have a high level of the same or similar responses to the questions asked in the housing application).
Special Details for First-Year Honors Students
All first-year Honors Students will be assigned to an Honors floor. In Pleasantville this will be in the Honors FIG in Alumni Hall. In NYC this will be one of 3 or 4 Honors floors in 15 Beekman (depending on the size of the Honors class).
Room assignments for Honors students will be made by the administrative staff of the Honors Program, using the roommate preferences and roommate matching criteria students provide through their application. The Honors Staff will facilitate both general roommate matches and Gender Affirming Roommate Matches.
What Happens Next?
Through the housing application and on-boarding process, students will be directed to log into MyHousing for all of their housing on-boarding needs. Here, students will complete not only their Application, but also the following additional required forms: the Housing Agreement, the Pre-Assignment Form, and the Move-In-Ready Form. Each of these steps must be taken before students will be permitted to select an appointment to move into the residence halls.
Starting on March 17, each newly applying student (who has made a housing deposit) will be able to check their MyHousing to see the Arrival Checklist. This checklist will help students keep track of all steps they must take in order to be ready for Fall move in. If after March 17 you have submitted a housing deposit but your MyHousing homepage does not show an Arrival Checklist, please contact Housing Operations at housing@pace.edu.
As we approach the start of the semester, the Arrival Checklist in you MyHousing portal will be updated to reflect account issues that may delay your ability to select a move in time. We advise that students regularly check (once every week or two) MyHousing between the date they submit their housing application and September 1 to monitor their Checklist and stay aware of any other updates posted there.
Fall admits
- Starting on March 17, newly applying students who submit a housing deposit will be sent directions for completing the online Housing Application, along with an outline of the housing communications we will send, along with an outline of the additional steps resident students must take, throughout the summer.
- In May, students will also receive information about completing the Housing Agreement, as well as how to search for and request to be roommates with other students using MyHousing. This communication will also include directions for completing the Gender Affirming Roommate Matching Process Participation Form for those interested in that process.
- In June, students who have submitted their Housing Agreement will have access to the Pre-Assignment Form. This form should only be submitted once students have finished making all roommate matches they wish to make, and who are ready to receive their housing assignment.
- In June and July we will continue to make room assignments on a rolling basis for all students who submit the Pre-Assignment Form.
- In the first full week of August, students who have been assigned to a room will have access to the Move-In Ready Form, through which students will affirm a few final details regarding move in and life on campus.
- Finally, after the Move-In Ready Form is submitted, students whose accounts are in good standing (according to the Student Accounts Office) will be able to log in to MyHousing to select a move-in appointment.
Spring Admits
For newly admitted Spring students (depositing for housing during the fall term), initial emails will be sent by housing beginning in late October. The emails sent by Housing Operations will outline the timeline for completing required forms, receiving a room assignment, and preparing to move in to the residence halls in January. If you are a newly admitted Spring students (depositing for housing during the fall term), please be sure to read those emails carefully. If during the fall term you submit a deposit for Spring housing and do not receive any information from Housing Operations by November 1, please contact Housing Operations at housing@pace.edu.
Depositing for Fall Housing after May 1 (and for Spring Housing after December 1) and the Housing Waitlist
The guaranteed housing deposit date is May 1 for students entering in the fall. The availability of housing for Spring applicants is limited and will depend on the amount of space that becomes available at the end of the fall semester, but we are generally able to guarantee housing to those who deposit for spring housing by December 1.
Students who deposit at a time at which we are no longer able to guarantee on-campus housing, or who otherwise lose their guaranteed status, will be provided with details about alternate housing options which may be secured, through the University, with a third-party housing provider.
Students who have not be guaranteed on campus housing should not make plans to arrive on campus until they are formally notified they have been moved to guaranteed housing, or they have made alternate arrangements for housing.
Other Questions?
If you have any other questions that we did not answer on this page, please email University Housing Operations at housing@pace.edu.