Choate House on the Pace Pleasantville campus

Employment & Income Verifications

Employment Verification / Income Verification

It is the policy of Pace University to secure the right to confidentiality and privacy of its current and former employees. Responsibility for maintaining information about current and former employees rests with Human Resources.

Employment verification requests for Pace University are completed by The Work Number for Everyone®. The Work Number is an independent service that provides a secure automated way for employees to authorize third party verifiers (like lenders, landlords, and social services agencies) to confirm their Pace University employment and salary information.

Only the employee may authorize the release of his or her salary information to the verifier.

This service is available to:

  • All current employees
  • Anyone who has separated from the University within the last six years

Requests for employment information initiated by federal, state, and local agencies will be provided by Human Resources, as required by law, without the use of a release form.

Need proof of employment?

The Work Number for Everyone® provides title, dates of employment, and status (active or inactive). The employee gives the verifier his/her social security number and the employer name or code (13914). A salary key is not required.

Need proof of employment plus income?

The Work Number for Everyone® provides all information included on Employment Verifications plus pay rate and total income for the current and past two years. The employee gives the verifier his/her social security number, the employer name or code (13914), plus a Salary Key (see paragraph below). A Salary Key is a six-digit code that an employee creates and gives a verifier to authorize that verifier with one-time access to his income information on The Work Number for Everyone®.

To obtain a Salary Key: Employee logs on to The Work Number for Employees website, follow the instructions, or call 1 (800) 367-2884 and follow the prompts. You will need your Pace U ID number (located on your Pay Advice on the Pace Portal) and Employer code is 13914. First time account set-up is required before Salary Key can be created. For initial set-up, PIN = Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY). If an employee is locked-out and PIN reset does not work he/she can contact The Work Number at 1 (800) 996-7566, enter the Pace code: 13914 and press 0 as PIN.

Need verification for public assistance?

The Work Number for Everyone® provides information needed by social service agencies for requests such as Medicaid, disability assistance, food stamps, subsidized child care, subsidized housing, and child support. The employee gives the social service agency his/her social security number and employer name or code (13914). A salary key is not necessary because the information is provided only to verified social service agencies that have a legal right to access the information.

For more information view the The Work Number Tutorial (PDF) or visit The Work Number website.

Need an Employment Verification Letter for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund?

In order to qualify for compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”), an individual must provide proof that he or she was present at one of the 9/11 crash sites at some point during the period beginning September 11, 2001 through May 30, 2002. The VCF requires specific information that is not available through the Work Number. To obtain an employment verification letter for submission to the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, please send your request to along with your VCF claim number, dates of employment, and job title. All law firm inquiries should be sent to University Legal Counsel at

No longer with Pace University?

If an individual has been separated from the University for more than six years, the information cannot be provided by The Work Number. Your request will need to be placed with the Payroll department as outlined below. The University only provides information for employees as far back as 10 years.

Requests and authorization via the Information Release and Waiver Agreement form (PDF) can be sent to Payroll by mail at:

Pace University (Payroll Office)
100 Summit Lake Drive
Valhalla, New York 10595

Phone: (914) 923-2898
Fax: (914) 989-8135

Requests can also be faxed to (914) 989-8135, or emailed to

Verifications will be completed within 5 days upon receipt of the request.