You can apply online or contact the Undergraduate Admission Department by phone at (914) 773-3746.
Accelerated Bachelor of Science, Nursing (ABS) students must apply through graduate admission by calling.
- Pleasantville Phone: (914) 422-4283
- New York City Phone: (212) 346-1531
The undergraduate RN4 program takes a minimum of three (3) years to complete, provided the student meets the required prerequisites to start the clinical sequence.
Current Pace Students
To apply to change your major to nursing, please make an appointment to discuss program requirements and evaluate your credits with:
Shannon Gribben
Assistant Director of Recruitment and Student Success
Email: sgribben@pace.eduProspective Students
Students looking to apply to Pace University for the first time should call:
Office of Undergraduate Admission
- Phone: (914) 773-3746
Accelerated Bachelor of Science, Nursing (ABS)
Students interested in the ABS program should call:
Office of Graduate Admission
- Westchester Phone: (914) 422-4283
- New York City Phone: (212) 346-1531
We appreciate your interest in applying to change your major to nursing. Consistent with best practices in nursing schools across the country, there is a predetermined number of nursing spots in each clinical course to ensure patient safety and to enable our faculty to deliver the highest quality nursing education.
The program director or senior academic advisor reviews the transcripts of all Pace students who apply to change their major to nursing. The decision is then made to accept the strongest students to fill the limited number of spots available.
The selection process is highly competitive and we admit a very limited number of change of major students to the nursing major. The reason for the limited number of spots available to change of major students is two-fold: The first is that we have many freshmen nursing students who will be advancing to the sophomore-level clinical nursing courses, and the second is that there is a large number of Pace students asking to change their major to nursing.
The clinical computation exam is a dosage and calculation math test that is a prerequisite for the clinical courses. Students can prepare for this exam by reading the first two chapters of the most current edition of the book Clinical nursing calculations by Sienkiewicz & Palmunen. The clinical calculations test will be taken after the student has been accepted into the nursing program. The passing score for the clinical computation exam at level II—sophomore standing and entry level to the ABS program is 90% or better. The passing grade for the exam at level III and IV—junior- and senior-level and second and third semester clinically-prepared ABS students is a 95% or better.