March 20, 2024
"The Promise and Perils of International Criminal Law"

Blaine Sloan Lecture on International Law
The Blaine Sloan Lecture on International Law honors F. Blaine Sloan for developing the international law studies program at Pace. A member of the United Nations Legal Office for three decades and Director of the General Legal Division, Professor Sloan has contributed significantly to the development of private and public international law. He represented the Secretary General at the 1978 UN Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea; at the sessions from 1969–1978 of the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL); and at the 1966–1978 sessions of the Legal Sub-Committee on the Peaceful uses of Outer Space. His UN service involved him in the organization’s work on Vietnam, relief for Palestinian refugees, peacekeeping in the Middle East, the UN Commission on Korea, and as Legal Advisor to Security Council sessions in Africa and Latin America.
Past Lectures
Consul General of Mexico in New York
February 1, 2023
"The Consular Duty and the Protection of Human Rights in New York"

Professor Sarah Cleveland
Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights, Columbia Law School
April 5, 2019
"Human Rights Productivity"

Professor Richard Ashby Wilson
Gladstein Chair and Professor of Anthropology and Law, University of Connecticut School of Law
April 30, 2018
"Incitement on Trial: Prosecuting International Speech Crimes"

Dr. Boris Kozolchyk
President and Executive Director, National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade
April 1, 2016
"Cuba & Iran: A Look at Global Trade and Development"

Professor Jens David Ohlin
Cornell Law School
April 13, 2015
"The Assault on International Law"

Donald Francis Donovan
Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP
October 29, 2014
"The Advocate in the Transnational Justice System"

Professor Ibrahim Gambari
Joint Special Representative African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
October 13, 2012
"Making Peace in Darfur (Sudan): Stubborn Reality and the Audacity of Hope"

Justice Richard Goldstone
Constitutional Court of South Africa
September 15, 2011
"The Developing Global Rule of Law"

The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG
October 4, 2010
"The Use of Foreign Judicial Authority…Why Justice Scalia is Wrong."
Scott Horton
Contributing Editor, Harper's Magazine
"After Gitmo: Obama Grapples with Preventive Detention"2007
Mark D. Welton, PhD (Lt. Col., Ret.)
Professor of Law, United States Military Academy, West Point
"Islam, the West, and the Rule of Law"2006
José E. Alvarez
Hamilton Fish Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, Columbia University School of Law
"The Promise and Perils of International Organizations"2005
Philippe Kirsch
President, International Criminal Court (ICC); and Judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Division
"The International Criminal Court and the Enforcement of International Justice"2004
Barbara Stark
Professor of Law, Hofstra University School of Law
"Women and Globalization: A World of Change"2003
Michael Greenhalgh Bridge
Professor of Commercial Law and Dean of the Faculty of Laws, University College London (UCL)
"Uniformity and the Law of International Sale"2002
George J. Annas
Edward R. Utley Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Law, Bioethics, and Human Rights, Boston University School of Public Health
Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
Professor of Socio-Medical Sciences, Boston University School of Medicine
Founder and first Director, Boston University's Law, Medicine, and Ethics Program
"Human Rights and Health in a World of Inequality"2001
Harold G. Maier
David Daniels Allen Professor of Law Emeritus, Vanderbilt University Law School
"The Cuban Democracy Act: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?"2000
M. Cherif Bassiouni
President Emeritus, International Human Rights Law Institute; and Distinguished Research Professor of Law, DePaul University College of Law
President, International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences (ISISC), Siracusa, Italy
"International Humanitarian Law"1999
David J. Scheffer
Mayer Brown/Robert A. Helman Professor of Law; and Director of the Center for International Human Rights, Northwestern University
First U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues (1997–2001)
"War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity"1998
W. Ramsey Clark
Sixty-Sixth Attorney General of the United States
"The Legality and the Effects of the United Nations Sanctions against Iraq"1997
Benjamin B. Ferencz
Chief Prosecutor for the United States Army, Einsatzgruppen Trial of the 'Subsequent Nuremberg Trials' at Nuremberg, Germany
Adjunct Professor of International Law (1985-1996), Pace University School of Law
"International Criminal Courts: The Legacy of Nuremberg"1996
Ronald St. John Macdonald, CC, QC
Founding President, Canadian Council on International Law
Judge, European Court of Human Rights
Solidarity in International Public Law1995
Ian Brownlie, CBE, QC, FBA
Chichele Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford; and Distinguished Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford
"The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in Practice"1994
David O'Keeffe
Emeritus Professor of European Law, University of London (UCL)
"The Constitutionalization of Europe and Legal Issues of the Maastricht Treaty"1993
Stephen M. Schwebel
Judge, International Court of Justice (President from 1997–2000)
"The Performance and Prospects for the International Court of Justice"1993
Shoshana Netanyahu
Justice, Supreme Court of Israel
"The Supreme Court of Israel: A Safeguard of The Rule of Law"1992
W. Michael Reisman
Myres S. McDougal Professor of International Law, Yale Law School; Chairman, Hague Arbitration Tribunal, Bank for International Settlements
International Election Observation1991
Louis Henkin
University Professor Emeritus and Special Service Professor, Columbia Law School; and chairman, Columbia University Center for the Study of Human Rights; former president, American Society of International Law
"Congress, the President, and the United Nations"1990
John N. Hazard
Nash Professor Emeritus of Law, Columbia Law School;
President, International Academy of Comparative Law; President, American Foreign Law Association and of the American Branch of the International Law Association; Former president of the International Association of Legal Sciences
"New Thinking in Soviet Approaches to International Politics and Law"1989
Oscar Schachter
Hamilton Fish Professor Emeritus of International Law and Diplomacy, Columbia Law School; Advisor, UN Commission on Transnational Corporations
"Just War and Human Rights"1988
F. Blaine Sloan
Professor Emeritus of International Law and Organization, Pace Law School
"The United Nations Charter as a Constitution"