Below you will find helpful links to outside Land Use resources. If you would like to share related information to add to this page, please contact us.
General Resources
- General Code Publishers Website
A very helpful and extensive list of municipal codes on-line - The Center for Land Use Interpretation
"The Center for Land Use Interpretation is a research organization involved in exploring, examining, and understanding land and landscape issues. The Center employs a variety of methods to pursue its stated aim, engaging in research, classification, extrapolation, and exhibition. - Planning Commissioners Journal's "Planners Web"
"Resources on City Planning, Regional Planning, Land Use, Zoning and Environmental Issues" - LUFNET [Land Use Forum Network, Inc.] Collaborative Land Development Planning Process
"This web site will teach you a community building, collaborative process for planning each land development to be sustainable, enhance the environment, and vitalize the existing neighborhood." - Smart Growth Network Home Page
"The Network helps create national, regional, and local coalitions to encourage metropolitan development that is: Environmentally smart... Fiscally smart... Economically and socially smart..." - United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
- Farmland Information Center
The Farmland Information Center (FIC) is a clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship. The FIC is a public/private partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and American Farmland Trust (AFT,) which was authorized by the federal Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA). The FIC provides an online collection of laws, literature, statistics and sample documents on farmland protection and stewardship. - Land Trust Alliance
- Design Your Town
The Land Use Law Center is excited to launch Design Your Town - an interactive web-based resource for citizen planners, professionals and anyone concerned about the quality of the villages and landscapes where they live. This website has attractive and sustainable designs for different kinds of places as well as the details, policies and regulations needed for implementation. You can start by picking the kind of place you want to fix - from Downtowns to Rural Villages – or by searching through details and best practices for landscape design, connectivity and mixed-use development. Design Your Town is a collaboration of Regional Plan Association, the Orange County Department of Planning, the Pace University Land Use Law Center and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, with additional funding from the Hudson River Valley Greenway. - Nolon, John R., State and Local Jurisdiction: Local Land Use Solutions (PDF) (October 2019)
- Nolon, John R., Land Use Stabilization Wedge (PDF) (October 2019)
- Nolon, John R., Local Solutions: Standing on the Windward Sid (PDF) (October 2019)
Legal Resources
- Cornell's Legal Information Institute: Law about...Land Use
Includes an overview of land use law as well as extensive links to federal, state and local sources. - NYU School of Law Center for Environmental and Land Use Law Home Page
Numerous links for Land Use Law, links and cases on takings, and resources on environmental justice. - Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy
The leading academic research center in New York City devoted to the public policy aspects of real estate, land use and housing development.
Government Resources
- United States Bureau of Land Management - National Home Page
"It is the mission of the Bureau of Land Management to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations." - United States Environmental Protection Agency Homepage
- EPA Web Site - Resource for Smart Growth, Environmental Protection
- Department of State, Division of Local Government Services
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Dispute Resolution Resources
- Consensus Building Institute Inc
- U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution
- The Conflict Resolution Information Source
- Concur Inc.
- Resolve Inc.
- Association for Conflict Resolution
Housing Resources
- Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse
- MIT Center for Real Estate, Housing Affordability Initiative
- HOUSING TYPE - Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Adaptive Reuse (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Apartment Building (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Creative Housing (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Mixed-Use Housing (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Multi-Unit - Duplex Triplex and Fourples (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Single-Family Home Conversion (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Single-Unit - Condominium Townhouse and Rowhouse (PDF)
- HOUSING TYPE - Tiny House (PDF)
Community Planning Resources
- Center for Watershed Protection
- New York Planning Federation
The mission of the New York Planning Federation is "To promote sound planning, land use and zoning practice in New York State so that orderly growth and development may occur balanced with necessary resource conservation." - Protecting the Environment through Land Use Law: Standing Ground, Nolon, John R., Environmental Law Institute, Chapter 6: Climate Adaptation and Disaster Mitigation: Land Use Strategies (PDF), (2014).
- Stormwater Management: The Legal Role of State and Local Governments (PDF)
- Bacher, Jessica and Zezula, Tiffany, Increasing Coastal Community Resilience through Facilitated Land Use Training, Assessment, and Amendments (PDF), 41 Zoning & Planning L. Rep., November 2018, at 1 and 19 N.Y Zoning L. & Prac. Rep., November/December 2018, at 1.
- Bacher, Jessica and Byerly Williams, Meg, A Local Government’s Strategic Approach to Distressed Property Remediation (PDF), Urb. Law. (Spring 2014).
- Zoning’s Centennial: A Complete Count of the Evolution of Zoning into a Robust System of Land Use Law (PDF) - 1916–2016, (Parts I-IV)f, John R. Nolon (2016–2017), Thomson Reuters.