Course List A-Z
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Access to Justice Lab LAW 995A
- Access to Justice Seminar LAW 995
- Accounting for Lawyers LAW 673
- Administrative Law LAW 671
- Advanced Analytical Skills LAW 861A
- Advanced Appellate Advocacy LAW 849
- Advanced Civil Procedure Seminar: Anatomy of a Trial-The Burden of Proof LAW 612AA
- Advanced Corporate Seminar: Corporate Governance & ESG LAW 898A
- Advanced Corporate Seminar: Regulation of Crypto LAW 898B
- Advanced Family Law LAW 712A
- Advanced Family Law: Domestic Violence Law LAW 712B
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law LAW 606
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: Crimmigration LAW 606G
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity LAW 606B
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: Human Trafficking LAW 606F
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: Prosecutorial Best Practices LAW 606D
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: Sex Crimes LAW 606A
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: The Law of Policing LAW 606E
- Advanced Issues in Criminal Law: White Collar and Violent Crime Prosecutions LAW 606C
- Advanced Land Use & Sustainable Development Seminar LAW 686A
- Advanced Legal Research LAW 670
- Advanced Legal Writing LAW 670B
- Advanced Trial Advocacy LAW 684A
- Advising Startups LAW 731
- Agriculture Law and the Environment LAW 920
- Animal Law LAW 815
- Antitrust Law LAW 717
- Appellate and Trial Advocacy Competition Teams LAW 872
- Cannabis Law: Practice & Policy LAW 998
- Children and the Law LAW 748
- Civil Procedure LAW 610A
- Civil Rights Law LAW 814
- Civil Rights Litigation: The 1983 Suit LAW 828
- Class Actions, Mass Torts and Multiparty Litigation LAW 844A
- Climate Adaptation and the Law LAW 913D
- Climate Change LAW 645
- Clinic - Amelia A. Gould Representation in Mediation Law 999A/999B
- Clinic - Barbara C. Salken Criminal Justice Clinic LAW 831A/831B
- Clinic - Environmental Litigation LAW 767A/767B
- Clinic - Equal Justice America Disability Rights LAW 839A/839B
- Clinic - Fairbridge Investor Rights Clinic LAW 826A/826B
- Clinic - Food and Farm Business Law LAW 993A/993B
- Clinic - Immigration Justice LAW 833A/833B
- Collaborative Law LAW 763
- Commercial Arbitration Law and Practice LAW 690B
- Commercial Law - Sales of Goods (Sales) LAW 655
- Commercial Leasing LAW 908
- Commercial Real Estate Transactions: Skills 903A
- Comparative Environmental Law LAW 715B
- Comparative Environmental Law (Brazil) LAW 715A
- Computer Law LAW 774
- Conflict of Laws LAW 678
- Conservation Law LAW 775
- Constitutional Law Law 646
- Constitutional Law Seminar: Constitutional Rights LAW 648D
- Constitutional Law Seminar: End of Life Issues LAW 648J
- Constitutional Law Seminar: Judicial Ethics and Decision Making LAW 648I
- Constitutional Law Seminar: Reproductive Rights LAW 648K
- Construction Law LAW 643
- Contracts LAW 601
- Copyright Law LAW 660
- Corporate Finance LAW 750
- Corporations and Partnerships LAW 745
- Criminal Law Law 621
- Criminal Procedure-Adjudication LAW 676
- Criminal Procedure-Investigation LAW 675
- Critical Race Theory LAW 859
- Elder Law LAW 741
- Election Law Seminar LAW 648C
- Electronic Discovery LAW 612A
- Employment Discrimination LAW 663
- Employment Law Survey LAW 781
- Energy Law and Regulation LAW 689
- Entertainment Law LAW 736
- Environmental Dispute Resolution LAW 797N
- Environmental Justice Seminar LAW 728
- Environmental Law in Commercial Transactions LAW 772
- Environmental Law Seminar: Advanced International Environmental Law LAW 979T
- Environmental Law Seminar: Climate Migration LAW 797X
- Environmental Law Seminar: Current Challenges LAW 797R
- Environmental Law Seminar: Environmental Rights LAW 797W
- Environmental Law Seminar: Health and the Environment LAW 797Z
- Environmental Law Seminar: Human Rights and the Environment LAW 797M
- Environmental Law Seminar: Indigenous People’s Treaty Rights LAW 797AA
- Environmental Law Seminar: Law of Oceans and Coasts LAW 797F
- Environmental Law Seminar: Post Pandemic Land Use LAW 797V
- Environmental Law Seminar: Renewable Energy Law LAW 797Y
- Environmental Law Seminar: Rights Before the UN World Court LAW 797W
- Environmental Law Seminar: Strengthening Env Impact Assessment LAW 797U
- Environmental Law Survey LAW 856
- Environmental Litigation and Toxic Torts LAW 840
- Environmental Skills and Practice LAW 857
- Estate Administration LAW 727
- Estate Planning LAW 700
- Evidence LAW 649
- Externship: Corporate LAW 786
- Externship: Environmental LAW 821
- Externship: Environmental in Washington, D.C. LAW 895
- Externship: Family Court LAW 694
- Externship: Federal Judicial Honors LAW 764
- Externship: Guided LAW 993FP
- Externship: Honors Prosecution LAW 710
- Externship: Legal Services Law 829
- Externship: Prosecution LAW 799
- Externship: Real Estate LAW 901
- Externship: Social Justice Advocacy 609
- Externship: State Judicial LAW 798
- Family Law 712
- Federal Courts 706
- Federal Criminal Pretrial Simulation LAW 684B
- Federal Income Taxation I (Basic) LAW 651
- Federal Income Taxation II (Corporate Tax) LAW 713
- Feminist Legal Theory LAW 759
- Financial Services Compliance LAW 745A
- First Amendment Freedom of Speech (Distance) LAW 644D
- Food Systems & the Environment Law LAW 806
- Hazardous Waste LAW 841
- Healthcare Lawyering Skills 867A
- Health Law in America LAW 867
- Health Law & Policy Seminar: Healthcare Compliance LAW 819
- Health Law & Policy Seminar: Health Equity LAW 819A
- Historic Preservation Seminar LAW 743
- Housing Development and Discrimination LAW 907
- Immigration Law LAW 720
- Insurance Law LAW 794
- Intellectual Property Agreements and Licensing LAW 618
- International Business Transactions LAW 738
- International Commercial Arbitration Seminar LAW 697B
- International Criminal Law LAW 617
- International Environmental Law LAW 845
- International Human Rights Seminar LAW 669
- International Intellectual Property LAW 851
- International Law LAW 698
- International Law Seminar: Asylum & Comparative Refugee Law LAW 697A
- International Trade Law LAW 836
- Internet Law-Regulation of Social Media LAW 757A
- Introduction to Investment Advisors Law & Compliance LAW 918
- Introduction to the American Legal System LAW 765A
- Introduction to US Legal Writing, Research and Analysis LAW 765
- Labor Law LAW 665
- Land Use Law LAW 733
- Law and Education LAW 725
- Law Practice Management LAW 824
- Lawyering LAW 919
- Legal Methods LAW 622E
- Legal Skills I LAW 622C
- Legal Skills II LAW 622D
- Legislative and Regulatory Process LAW 914
- Master of Laws in Comparative Legal Studies Thesis LAW 801C
- Master of Laws in Environmental Law Thesis LAW 801
- Matrimonial Practice LAW 732
- MBE Strategies LAW 861C
- Mediation Practicum and Seminar LAW 690
- Mediation Training LAW 684DI
- Mental Disability Law LAW 848
- Mergers and Acquisitions LAW 724
- Municipal Law and Metropolitan Government LAW 696
- National Security Law Seminar and the Challenge of Terrorism LAW 822
- Natural Resources Law LAW 917
- Negotiation LAW 679
- New York Criminal Procedure Law 647
- New York Practice LAW 707
- Nonprofit Organizations LAW 735
- Patent Law LAW 639
- Patent Practice and Procedure LAW 615
- Poverty Law LAW 730
- Pretrial Civil Litigation Simulation LAW 817A
- Principles of Legal Analysis LAW 861
- Prisoners' Rights LAW 691
- Privacy and Information Law LAW 705
- Private Equity and Hedge Funds (Distance) LAW 997D
- Products Liability LAW 653
- Pro Bono Scholars Program LAW 805
- Professional Responsibility LAW 625
- Property LAW 634
- Prosecution of War Crimes Seminar LAW 605
- Psychology and Law LAW 709
- Public Health Law LAW 693
- Science for Environmental Lawyers LAW 802
- Secured Transactions LAW 680A
- Securities Litigation and Enforcement LAW 619
- Securities Regulation LAW 657
- Semester in Practice LAW 992 LAW 805B
- Sexuality, Gender and the Law LAW 758
- Short-Term Detention Center Representation: Practice & Policy LAW 997
- SJD Dissertation LAW 991
- SJD Tutorial LAW 893
- Skills Workshop: Bias and the Law 684PP
- Skills Workshop: Business Planning LAW 684MM
- Skills Workshop: Damages LAW 684EE
- Skills Workshop: Depositions LAW 684AA
- Skills Workshop: Forensics LAW 684BB
- Skills Workshop: Investigative Advocacy LAW 684HH
- Skills Workshop: Jury Selection LAW 684FF
- Skills Workshop: Law[yering] & Science LAW 684GG
- Skills Workshop: Motion Practice LAW 684KK
- Skills Workshop: Persuasion LAW 684NN
- Skills Workshop: Plea Bargaining LAW 684OO
- Skills Workshop: Real Estate Closings LAW 684LL
- Skills Workshop: Tax Practice LAW 684II
- Sports Law LAW 753
- State and Local Taxation LAW 747
- Survey of Dispute Resolution Processes LAW 690A
- Survey of Intellectual Property LAW 603
- Sustainable Business and the Environment LAW 993
- Sustainable Development Law Survey LAW 633
- Tax Policy Seminar LAW 778
- Teaching Assistant LAW 994A
- Topics in Legal Theory: The Black Lives Matter Movement LAW 627E
- Torts LAW 631
- Trademark Law LAW 853
- Trademark Practice and Procedure LAW 853A
- Trial Advocacy LAW 684